Bright - I think I misunderstood what you meant by insemination kits but I'm sure trying wouldn't hurt. I agree with what everyone else said.
Lindsay - Oh, perfect! I hope you can find the swaddling blanket I have there! It makes sense that it helps to have his arms tucked in securely so he doesn't wake himself up.
LJ - Lovely to hear from you! That is good your baby's measurements are looking good. Sorry to hear about your iron levels. I hope you are able to get them up nice and high before your c-section. Are you a vegetarian by any chance? I definitely hope you don't lose too much blood from your c-section and that your iron levels don't dip too low afterwards. How exciting that they will be scheduling your c-section so very soon! Woohoo!

Let us know when you know!
That sounds like a busy/tiring weekend and I hope you get the opportunity to rest up a bit. Everything during pregnancy is harder work than it should be!
Glad to hear you can commiserate on the LC situation!

Hopefully your hubby can switch nicknames to a more appropriate one.
That does sound really difficult to try to use a public washroom with an energetic toddler along! Wow, the things you don't ever think about until it's about to happen!
I hope you're able to figure out how to post a bump shot! You may have an easier time using your phone if you switch to web version just for the picture and then go to advanced reply.
Sara - I am hoping for the best!!!! When does AF usually arrive?
Kim - What wonderful news! The fact that it has doubled in thickness is a very good sign! How great that you have the go-ahead to start trying in September! In a way it will be nice that you'll be able to have lots of ultrasounds next pregnancy so that maybe you can worry less. I agree it sounds very unlikely the same thing would happen again! Congratulations. I am soo happy for you and you really deserve this good news!
Crys - That 7 DPO dip does look promising!
Sab - I know what you mean. I got to a point where it would probably be safe to share my pregnancy, and I just didn't even want to! It felt nice to have my own little secret. However, once I got the telling over with, it was nice to have it out in the open (but also nerve-wracking). Yay for maternity jeans - aren't they great?