Hi ladies!!
Good to be back, I had a quick read-through of all your posts last night but i'm not sure i'll remember everything!
Lit - Sorry you can't string out your massages...you could get your DH a massage for pregnancy book and some oil as a 'gift'...hehe

So, after mw appt it turns out the baby is not engaged - despite LC boo! I've had a lot of low down pains recently as well but i'm not going to hope for much from those either. I thought they must have meant something...I hope yours do!
Yes, they changed my dates at my 12 week scan and it was still that date at my 20 week...I personally know for a fact that it's wrong - but the mw insists that scan is more accurate for predicting the due date. I'm not sure myself - i'm prepared for her to be at a week late tbh!
Sorry to hear you've been feeling down about the mc...yep I always imagined that date to be harder than the due date because everything is a reminder.

Blue - Hurray for feeling better

you totally deserve to be having a lovely time on your pregnancy. And what a lovely scan pic! You must be over the mooon....do you have any gut instinct on gender?? I am on annual leave before mat leave starts - loving every second. X
LJ - How beautiful you look, and your bump is just lovely! I totally get your point about a holiday needing a holiday at this stage. So much washing up to do! x
Bright - An at home kit can't hurt surely, but I liked Teacup's suggestion of different positions too!

Sexy times! x
Kim - What absolutely wonderful news!

I'm so glad to hear they'll be keeping a close eye on you and you'll get lots of reassurance as well. Have you been taking supplements or anything to help during the last few months? RE: opk's - as far as I can recall the hormone is generated in the early hours of the morning so later in the day would more accurately show a surge. I did it twice a day just in case and actually it was an evening one which caught my surge. Good luck! X
Lindsay - so glad to hear Rowan's sleeping well...I was eyeing up a swaddle blanket last week after you'd said it helped him sleep. I'm going to wait and see what the sleeing's like and give that a shot if there's any problems...Yeah this baby is always on her side and always 'free' so i'm hoping she gets the general idea in the next fortnight. I've heard of the term 'versioning' which i think means manual turning of the baby but jeezo - it can't be easy at their full term size...I can see why it might be considered dangerous in some situations....As a sidenote - I can't believe Rowan is over 2 months old now!! x
Sabs - Maternity jeans are amazing aren't they? Why have we never worn them before now!? So glad to hear you're feeling better about things. I just know you will be fine. I found my belly really popped between the 15-20 weeks stage - apparently the little babes double in size in those few short weeks so it makes sense! Do post a bump shot won't you? RE: hard as a rock tummy - Sounds like braxton hicks, I used to get those a lot in bed...not necessarily morning but certainly when lying down. I think babes do kick more in the night X
Sara -

Sorry it's been a rough cycle, I can completely understand the need to change doctors and try new things..it must be incredibly frustrating. I've heard great things about DHEA...have you been taking COQ10?? or heard of it? Apparently it can improve the quality of eggs as well. It is expensive actually - there are 2 versions and apparently one is better absorbed by the body so that'd be the one to take. X
Wantabby - Yes that looks positive to me!

Alt - i'm so glad to hear your little babe is growing on track now....That is great news. The bleeding must be distressing but i'm glad to see you're keeping positive - it's the best thing you can do. If I had any advice for my past self when i worried about bleeds and spotting it would be - forget the bleeding, the scan is the important thing and if that says everything's ok...that's what you have to trust in. X
Cryss- how are you feeling? I can't stop analysing your chart - i'm obviously hoping that's an implantation dip I see.

Ladybird - I think you count the first full day of flow?? I could be wrong though. Try not to stress too much...cycle after MC is oftentimes a bit messy. Using OPK's this month will give you a better idea of what's going on

Aleeah - How are you getting on missus? Any sign of baby Aleeah? XX
Carlandjane - Sorry to hear that love...if AF has to arrive it should really do it in a polite and timely fashion. Here's to a glass of wine and fresh cycle though X
Afm - Well the holiday was great, the first night in the tipi was tough though....you have to bend right down to get into them and there were just thin matteresses on a wooden floor...also, cockroaches!?. There was however a wood burning stove and DF stoked that like mad and got me installed on some mattresses he stole from elsewhere on the site.
The next few nights were better as we were in the yurt which had it's own little kitchen, table, sofa beds, warm and dry and elevated from the ground so no cockroaches!. It was actually very sunny and warm too so staying in the forest and getting up to breakfast outside was lovely. It was my birthday too so DF organised a picnic and cake with presents. We had DSS with us for a night and he was loving it as well..
However, I did cut it a day short because I found a deer tick had embedded itself on my belly!! It wasn't engorged so hadn't been on long, but it was very upsetting. I have a freind who contracted lymes disease from one which is very unpleasant and of course my first thought was of my little babe being exposed to it. I had no internet connection so of course I couldn't get any idea of whether it was a problem or not. Once we got back I checked the actual risks and it seems very low risk, only about 5% of them have the bacteria in the area and the risk of transmisson is about 3% - and fortunately I have no symptoms, so very low odds...I didn't know this at the time though so spent a sleepless night in the yurt panicking. Even so to be on the safe side i've made an appt with my doctors on weds to ask if they would recommend any preventative treatment at this stage. So...it was a nice holiday but i'm happy to be back in the land of internet connections and showers!
