Crys - OMG! Congrats!!!!!

So happy for you!!! Feb 22nd is a lovely due date.
Sara - Sorry to hear you're feeling down and like it's not meant to be. You have certainly been trying for a long time now, but I feel confident that you will be able to conceive someday soon! That is a good idea to go see your new RE and I hope she can help you more than your current one has.
Ladybird - Yes, as someone else said, count the first day of full bleeding as cd1.
Blue - I'm so glad you're feeling a bit better and are even able to go home! That must be such a huge relief! Yay!
Carlandjane - Sorry AF got you...and so late, too!
Linny - That's good you're prepared for baby to be a bit late since they changed your dates. That does seem odd if you knew exactly when you Oved that baby would be measuring ahead. I feel like some babies just have their growth spurts earlier on and then even out by the end. Who knows!
I'm so glad you enjoyed your holiday! Your lively posts were definitely missed while you were gone! hehe. That night in the tipi sounds a bit rough. I could NOT have handled being there if there were cockroaches! Ew!!! I'm glad the yurt was so much better and more relaxing. That sounds soo cozy and quaint and nice!
That is SO freaky about finding that tick on you. I am SO paranoid about ticks/lyme disease. I'm glad you found the tick before too long and removed it. The thing is I actually don't know how to properly remove a tick or even what they look like! I just try to get my DH to check me as I'm sure I would panic if I found one on myself. I'm sure you'll be quite fine but it's good you're going to the dr just to make sure there's nothing you should be doing.
It does always feel so good to get back to civilization, as nice as vacations out in the woods are nice.

Good luck as you finish up these last few weeks of pregnancy! How are you sleeping?
Aleeah - Lovely to hear from you! My friend 'L' who was due 2 days after you is also still pregnant and has the same issue as you with not wanting to be induced at all. I know she is going to refuse one this week but not sure what she'll do if she hits 42 weeks. I think it's wise that you have one booked for Friday, right before you hit 42 weeks, since 42 weeks is when the risk of stillbirth increases significantly (although the risk is still of course very small). I was reading up on it recently and it doesn't sound like you're really any higher risk just going a week or so's at 42 weeks that it becomes a problem so you're just as well to wait it out patiently (or not so patiently!) like you are now.
I do think there's probably very little you can do if your baby/body just isn't ready for labour yet. It does sound like your body is progressing nicely, especially with you being 3 cm already! If you're lucky maybe you'll have a shorter early labour that way...which might be nice? Try not to beat yourself up about not going into labour yet. For one, there is still a very good chance you will go into labour on your own before your induction (which I very much hope you do for your sake)! For another, your body has not 'failed' you if you do have to be induced. I'm sure with a few more days it would probably give in eventually, but it's always better to be safer and it's good you're doing what's best for you, your dh and your baby! What an exciting thought it is that, no matter what, you WILL be in labour by Friday and have your baby by this weekend sometime!! It will be SOO wonderful to have your rainbow baby in your arms!

So chin up, and good luck as you wait out this last week! Let's hope you go into labour tomorrow!