LJ - Lovely bump pic! Looking great! I must get round to taking one myself! I hope everything is going well! Not long to go now!

Kim - Great to hear you'll be ttc in September!

Only a month and a half to go!

opks are great, as the other ladies said - you can use them anytime of day. I found the evening best, about 8pm. Have you thought about taking vitamin B6 to lengthen your LP? xx
Wantabby - Glad you got a +opk! Any symptoms? You must be nearing testing day? xx
Alt - Yay!! I'm so pleased your gummy bear has grown lots!

I hope it continues to do so and there is lots to see at your next scan. Must be less than a week until you see baby again? I hope your UTI has gone now. How are you feeling? xx
Emma - Aww what a lovely scan pic! I'm so glad you're feeling better and are back home now. I also have awful hip pain - mostly when I'm in bed trying to sleep! I seem to be forever swapping sides! My sister told me that a memory foam mattress topper worked for her, so I'm keeping my eye out for a reasonably priced one! I've tried pillows, and pregnancy pillows but still no luck yet! How are things going? xx
Sara - Sorry to hear AF came.

Don't lost heart, I hope your next cycle brings you a BFP and your new doctor offers you a better ttc plan. xx
Linny - Eww at ticks and cockcroaches! Glad you had a lovely holiday otherwise, sounds like you had a great birthday! Happy belated birthday! Good to hear the tick dangers were very low, what did your doctor say? I remember seeing a tick on my leg while I was on a school camping trip, I automatically pulled it out by hand almost as soon as I saw it! Had a weird reaction and my leg swelled up and ached. I hate ticks!

You're so close to due day now!

I hope your BP hasn't gone up and things are going well. xx
Crys - I'm so excited for you!

Those lines are lovely! Maybe it is twins? xx
Aleeah - I hope you have had baby now! Can't wait to hear all about it when you have a moment. Baby was obviously super snug in there and didn't want to leave its palace! xx
Lit - I'm excited for labour too! This whole time I just can't wait to meet baby! Glad to hear your fundal height is measuring a week ahead!

Sabster - Good luck with the test results tomorrow! I'm sure all will be fine. Can't believe you haven't told everyone about your pregnancy yet! xx
Bright - Good luck this cycle! I didn't use soft cups. But I did find putting a pillow under my bum for 20 mins afterwards helped.

Lindsay - Glad you're both doing well! Awww sorry to hear it's jab time already! It must be so hard to see the jabs. My sister said that her baby was just looking at her with his lower lip out and watery eyes as if saying 'why are you letting this happen?'. I hope Rowan is feeling better now and has forgotten his ordeal. xx
AFM - We had our 20 week scan today! It went really well. We got some great pics. Here is one:
I've been feeling baby move loads! OH feels it too through my tummy. It's so lovely.

Baby was moving lots during the scan too, and stretched out its arm above its head and then held its face! The sonogropher briefly had a potty shot on the screen at one point and I didn't see a willy so I'm guessing girl! But maybe she just successfully avoided it! Either way it will be a suprise at birth to find out! xx
I hope everyone else is doing well and that you all have a good weekend! xx