Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Oh...and my last FRER was darker today...control line even lighter. :thumbup:
Linny - glad your back on normal mw check.

Crys- aww I really dont miss the first few weeks! Hope they go quick. I really think its twins. Lol hurry up scan day!!! Xxx
Linny - That's exciting that you're working on an illustrated book. Do you at least enjoy doing that sort of thing so it doesn't feel too much like "work"? It sounds fun to me! :) Good you're getting lots of cleaning done but don't tire yourself out too much! I will be mostly out and about with my best friend every day once I'm off - and if it ever gets nice out here that will include time in the outdoor pools! I also want to work on some photo books and of course organizing/cleaning the house. I'm sure I'll keep plenty busy as well! I also have a list of books to read when I'm on mat. leave since I haven't had time to read for pleasure in years!

Good that your consultant wasn't too concerned about the state of your feet or the protein in your urine. Will they continue doing more urine tests to make sure it doesn't increase? Sorry baby isn't engaged yet but there's definitely still time! And as you said, they changed your due date so it's unlikely baby would come early anyway.

Sara - Glad you're feeling more stable now. Exciting about the o signs! Just go with it! :)

Blue - Sorry about the new couch smell bothering you! I hope you can settle back to being home soon.

Crys - Yay for a darker FRER and of course the symptom obsessing is totally normal. I am excited for you!
Lol Emma!

Get that reading in now Lit. Lol. It usually takes about a year and a half after having a baby before I can read a whole book again.
Aww don't say that crys. I love reading! I don't have the concentration for it at all just now. Plus no good book to read lol.

Linny - that's amazing your working on illustrating books! What a great job! I love writing and reading. Wish I had the patience to write one. P.s. I gave my best friend a foot massage when her feet where swollen and she went into labour an hour later. I pushed all the fluid up her leg and then her waters broke. Lol.

Aleeah! Thinking of you xxx
Yes, Aleeah - can't wait to hear the news! And praying all goes well. :hugs:

Crys - Eek! I was really hoping I'd be able to read MORE when I'm at home with the baby! I'll definitely have to fit some in before she arrives just in case.

Blue - I love writing and reading too (but also don't have the concentration to read lately). That's interesting about your friend. I'll have to get my hubby to massage my puffy feet when I want to go into labour! hehe.
Well, I just typed a long post and lost it because the computer logged me out. I hate it when that happens!

Tea - beautiful ultrasound photo!! Enjoy the kicks and wiggles, such an amazing feeling eh?

Linny - glad to hear they're not concerned about your swollen feet! I hope baby engages soon and doesn't keep you waiting too much longer :)

Crys, they told me just to give him tylenol if he has a fever. He did end up with a fever last night so I gave him some and he went to sleep for most of the night (and I was awake most of the night worrying about him, and checking on him, and debating with myself whether or not I should wake him up to give him more tylenol, lol). Fortunately he seems a bit better today and the fever is gone, he's just still quite sleepy. Hopefully he's back to normal tomorrow. So glad to hear your lines are progressing well!!

Blue - I hope your couch airs out soon :)

LL - I agree with Crys, read now!! I too, thought I would read after baby arrived and that has not happened at all - I just recently tried to start reading again but I get half way through a page and can't remember what I read because I'm so tired, lol.

Sara - glad you got to spend some time with hubby :) I hope you catch O this month!!
I'm sure I'm missing something - but Rowan's going to wake up soon so I'll leave it to next time :)

Aleeah - thinking of you and looking forward to your baby news!!
Lindsay - Good to know! haha, maybe once Rowan is sleeping all the way through the night you'll be able to read again?

Poor little guy having a fever!!! That must have been scary. I'm glad just giving Tylenol is good enough though. :)
Anxiously awaiting news from Aleeah! My friend 'L' had her baby on Wednesday night (a baby boy named Zachary) and I STILL haven't seen a picture so I'm starting to go bonkers waiting for that! Any other interesting news might distract me nicely. ;)

It always bums me out when it is slow here on Saturdays since that is mostly when I just sit here all afternoon refreshing my subscription feed! :haha:

How is everyone doing? Any weekend plans?
I'm anxiously awaiting baby news too :)

Not much going on here, just enjoying some beautiful weather - went for a walk to the park and Rowan had a good time lying on a blanket staring at the trees :). Hubby's aunt and uncle are coming over tomorrow to meet Rowan, other than that, no plans here. How about you, any weekend plans?
Nothing big here. Just trying to keep busy for two more days until hubby comes home. Sundays are hard because everybody else's husbands are home so no play dates.
Hi ladies!!

I'm running in to say hi! Been thinking of Aleeah all weekend and can't wait to hear the news!!

Tea, your baby is adorable!! Linny and Lit, you ladies are getting so close! I'm so excited for you!

Crys, how are you feeling? When is your first appointment?

Blue, have you adjusted to home? So glad your finally well enough to head back!

Sara, I've been thinking of you as well - how are you feeling? I hope the next few days fly by and hubby is back before you know it!

Kim, how are you feeling hon? Won't be long before you get to start trying!

Bright, Mrs W and everyone else - how are you! Bright, your holiday pics were so nice - you and your hub are a lovely couple!

Lindsay, is Rowan back to normal from his shots? Poor little guy - it sounds like such an ordeal!

AFM, still spotting and waiting for my next us on Wednesday. I've spotted every day with the exception of a few days last week. Still exhausted and my breasts are tender - today DH fried an egg and I went running out the back door and threw up on the lawn - yuck! I'm hoping for the best but whatever happens, I'm thankful my pregnancy has gone this long!
Lindsay - That's great you're enjoying some good weather! It has just rained non-stop here for the past month. I'm glad Rowan enjoyed a little visit to the park! I hope you enjoyed your relatives' visit!

I had a busy weekend. We were out at DH's family's farm for a family reunion last night and came back to the city this afternoon and were able to meet baby Zachary before our usual sunday night dinner at my parents'!

Sara - That would definitely be tough not having any friends to hang out with on weekends because they're all busy with their own husbands. sI hope you managed to stay busy enough to make the time fly by!

Alt - I'm sure you must be nervous about Wednesday's u/s. I hope it goes quickly for you and that you're able to get the happy news you've been waiting for. That's definitely a good sign about the tender boobs and nausea! It's good you're looking at it positively. I know I was thrilled to have even made it 8 weeks this time since I never made it to that milestone last time. It's amazing you're already 10 weeks! Wow!
Cryss - hehe, oh google...it is the best and the worst thing for pregnancy. I still do it - you'd think i'd have learned by now :haha: The FRER darkening is great though....my DF never understood why I kept doing it but a good darkening FRER is a pretty good guarantee to my mind! So happy for you X

LL - I do enjoy it yes, it's actually my own book so I doubly enjoy it. I've done a few book covers and one recently was really happy with ... a bit of self-publicity now, this is the book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Vixen-Rosie-Garland/dp/0007492790 .

Oh it's great you've got someone to knock about with while you're off. And book reading sounds like a great idea - I always recommend a good audio book these days, if you need to get tasks done etc it's great because you can still occupy yourself listening to it. I signed up to Audible and get a book a month through it. Totally worth it.

Yes, they test the urine each appt so am sure they'll keep on top of things - and yeah i'm hoping this is genuinely the week she moves down since i'd be 38 weeks then in my mind! Can't believe you're 33 weeks too! It's obvious really but it really seems to be flying by now! How are you feeling these days? x

Blue - I've been getting DF to do foot massages each night but still no sign of anything....Maybe I need to fly you down here! It's a win-win. You can be close to urban society etc and I can go into labour. :haha:

Lindsay - Aw poor Rowan, is he fully recovered now? x

Alt - Ugh, i'm sorry you're still spotting, it's the bloody pits. :hugs: Hopefully the scan on Weds will reassure you that all is well. And being at 10 weeks + good hormone signs I think means it will do just that X

Have been checking in over w/e to see if Aleeah posted.... My clucky desire to see baby shots is reaching fever pitch! Hope all went well X

Sara - Hope you get to see your hubby very soon x

Afm - my weekend was good-ish. We got loads done. Set up the bednest crib, cleaned house from top to bottom and went for a picnic. Oh, and also tried out electric breast pump and screamed because some colostrum came out! I never really epxected it tbh. Anyway, I stopped playing with it immediately :haha:

Was also racked with agony for most of Fri, Sat and Sun - could barely stand up or walk without being in a lot of pain around bottom of the bump. I phoned MW's and they suggested pelvic girdle pain. Anyway....last night I experienced what can only be described as a never-ending fart and today i'm fine again. :haha: I'll never underestimate trapped wind again. X
Haha linny your post was amazing ! Never ending fart! Wjnd is one of the most uncomfortable things ever ! Glad your relieved now! Haha! Yes fly me over !! Lol. Your book cover is amazing your a very talented lady !

Alt- im so sorry your still bleeding. When is your u/s?

Afm- I am still trying to settle in. Haha taking me a while
I find it easier when the sun is out. But im finding it hard to keep busy. In just need to fall into the way of life again lol xxx
Hey Ladies!!!

Emma I'm sure you'll readjust to island life soon :) soo glad to hear that you're feeling better, it won't be long now!! I can't believe you're over half way!!

Cryss congrats on your bfp!!! so happy.

Aleeha can't wait for an update, have been thinking of you, dying to know if you've had a little boy or a little girl!

LInny I was rolling on the ground laughing... TMI but I've always had a lot of wind.. and when pregnant.. look out!! and you're right the pain is unbelievable for just a bit of wind !! hahaha

Lit you're getting sooo close!!

alt thinking of you... your symptoms sound amazing, come on wednesday!! it's hard to believe that you're almost out of the first trimester!! although I'm sure for you it's felt like forever!!

Sara lets get that bfp going! Hope your weekend was good :) where are you right now in your cycle? I'm wondering if we are going to cycle buddies this month!!

Becky you too!! where are you in your cycle? when are you expecting AF?

Bright you too!! hahaha where are you in your cycle...

any other TTC'ers I missed? sorry!!

AFM well I am soo excited to feel like I actually belong again :) although the doc said wait until about september, he said it would be no biggie any time... so we figure that I'm old enough and there's no time to waste! we're not going to formally TTC but we're going to NTNP... I am cd 3 just had my first AF off of bcp, and it came on time at 23 days!! so that's perfect. I typically ov around CD 7/8. I ordered some opks... but they still aren't here... looks like I may miss this cycle for that.. but that's okay. We had my DS 2nd bday party yesterday, it was sooo much fun, he was awesome, every present he opened was aaahh open now .. I would say "later" he'd say "okay, later" then he would walk up to who ever gave it and say thank you and give them a hug.. really nice since it's nice that everyone felt like their gifts were appreciated. With my 7 yr old I prep him to pretend he loves everything hahaha but 2 is too young for that! Anyways I'm hoping for a girl this time... any theories on how I do that LOL although to be quite honest with what I've been through, this next baby will be a miracle baby regardless and I will be very very happy with another boy :) We've said that we'll try once more... if I lose another one then that's it... no pressure hahaha but as my doc has said "he doesn't expect lighting to hit me twice"...

Anways enough babbling for me :) LOL
Thanks Kim. I'm glad to hear you sounding so positive. Fingers crossed for you!

Linny - :rofl: Oh my gosh! I hate that feeling.

Emma - Hope you get used to your normal life again soon.

Alt - Great symptoms. Hope your ultrasound is very reassuring Wednesday.

Sara - Hope you get to spend some quality time with DH.

Lindsay - Glad Rowan is feeling better.

Hope everyone is doing well.

AFM - Getting bloodwork today.
Hello Ladies,

How is everyone?

Alt - Thank you very much!!!

KLS - I am 2DPO I think.
Darn, still no news from Aleeah! I think we're all going to go batty from this!

Linny - What a lovely book cover! Good for you! And that's amazing that you're working on your own book as well. What sort of book is it? How nice that you are talented in both writing and art!

Ah, yes, my mom just LOVES her Audible subscription and listens to audio books all the time. I find I am not an auditory learner at ALL and I cannot listen to something without daydreaming about something else the entire time so it's very difficult to ever get through an audio book for me (or at least to get anything out of it). It's a shame because it would be so nice for getting tasks done around the house, like you said, and for road trips as well!

That's good they're checking lots. I asked my dr and apparently she only checks my urine once in the last month! Obviously, I assume she'd check more if anything of concern showed up, though! I can't believe YOU are over 38 weeks already! This is soo exciting with all these rainbow babies about to arrive! In a way I feel so far along at 33 weeks, but I also can't believe there are 7+ weeks to go! I am getting very eager to meet my little girl. I have been feeling pretty good - same old really with being uncomfortable, having a back ache and trouble sleeping. I've also been kind of irritable lately! :wacko: However, I'm quite enjoying the 3rd trimester and love that it means my baby is coming so very soon! I actually had a tiny bit of random spotting yesterday so hopefully that isn't a bad sign.

Which breast pump did you get? So funny that it startled you so much when colostrum came out. Very sorry about your PGP! That sounds so unpleasant! And awful about the trapped wind! ;) ahah

Blue - Everything's always easier when the sun is out! Our weather has been super depressing here and it puts me in a bad mood. I hope you can find a way to keep busy.

Kim - How exciting that you are NTNP now! Good luck!!! I'm very excited for you! The only thing I've heard gender wise is that girl sperm is slower but lasts longer inside so if you want to "try for a girl" you should BD 3 or 4 days before ovulation (maybe 2?) and then not at all after that since boy sperm are faster and stronger. I don't think it really guarantees much but if you're really eager for a girl it's worth a try. ;)

Crys - Hope your blood work goes well.

AFM - I am getting so ready to be done work! Since the 3rd trimester hit I find my internal clock is all over the place and I am becoming an extreme night owl (that was always my tendency, but all pregnancy I was tired enough I always went to bed super early). I keep going to bed later and later because I get SOO hyper and overstimulated at night but then I keep having to get up early for work and it's brutal. :wacko: I feel terrible all day but then just perk up at night again. I can't seem to fix the cycle so I can't wait to be done work and just sleep whatever crazy hours of the day I want. :p

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