Cryss - hehe, oh is the best and the worst thing for pregnancy. I still do it - you'd think i'd have learned by now

The FRER darkening is great DF never understood why I kept doing it but a good darkening FRER is a pretty good guarantee to my mind! So happy for you X
LL - I do enjoy it yes, it's actually my own book so I doubly enjoy it. I've done a few book covers and one recently was really happy with ... a bit of self-publicity now, this is the book: .
Oh it's great you've got someone to knock about with while you're off. And book reading sounds like a great idea - I always recommend a good audio book these days, if you need to get tasks done etc it's great because you can still occupy yourself listening to it. I signed up to Audible and get a book a month through it. Totally worth it.
Yes, they test the urine each appt so am sure they'll keep on top of things - and yeah i'm hoping this is genuinely the week she moves down since i'd be 38 weeks then in my mind! Can't believe you're 33 weeks too! It's obvious really but it really seems to be flying by now! How are you feeling these days? x
Blue - I've been getting DF to do foot massages each night but still no sign of anything....Maybe I need to fly you down here! It's a win-win. You can be close to urban society etc and I can go into labour.
Lindsay - Aw poor Rowan, is he fully recovered now? x
Alt - Ugh, i'm sorry you're still spotting, it's the bloody pits.

Hopefully the scan on Weds will reassure you that all is well. And being at 10 weeks + good hormone signs I think means it will do just that X
Have been checking in over w/e to see if Aleeah posted.... My clucky desire to see baby shots is reaching fever pitch! Hope all went well X
Sara - Hope you get to see your hubby very soon x
Afm - my weekend was good-ish. We got loads done. Set up the bednest crib, cleaned house from top to bottom and went for a picnic. Oh, and also tried out electric breast pump and screamed because some colostrum came out! I never really epxected it tbh. Anyway, I stopped playing with it immediately
Was also racked with agony for most of Fri, Sat and Sun - could barely stand up or walk without being in a lot of pain around bottom of the bump. I phoned MW's and they suggested pelvic girdle pain. Anyway....last night I experienced what can only be described as a never-ending fart and today i'm fine again.

I'll never underestimate trapped wind again. X