Lit - Argh! Sorry to hear about your mould problem. How bad was it? Do you even have to wash stuff that doesn't have mould on it? I hope you can get it all sorted okay before baby arrives. xx
Emma - Does your doc have a reason to take you off the sickness meds? Maybe change docs if you don't like him. Aww yes I love feeling the movements! It's the best thing ever!

Alt - Good luck for today! I hope your gummy has grown big and strong - will be thinking of you.
I started feeling baby movements at week 17, that's when I was 100% it was baby and not wind!

They feel like vibrations inside your tummy (like when music is too loud with a lot of base in it!) and like flutters. xx
Linny - Oh no! I hope your cold shifts soon! Try to get lots of rest and gargle salt water if your throat hurts. xx
Sara - Sorry you're feeling down.

I found anything to do with artificial hormones turned me depressed - I changed bcp several times trying to fix the issue but it just made me worse! I hope you feel better soon and have a lucky natural cycle. It's a great sign your body is gearing up for ovulation! I hope you get on your mini break! xx
LJ - Yayy! How exciting you'll be meeting baby soon! Can't wait to hear the c-section date! xx
Kim - Yay! So pleased you're back to ttc now! Good luck this cycle!

Crys - How are you feeling? Good luck with the blood results! I'm very confident this is your sticky bean. xx
Aleeah - Can't wait to hear your news! xx
AFM - I had to go to hospital yesterday morning because in the night I had awful stomach pain (which I think was caused my trapped wind!), and I got up to go to the bathroom and suddenly got unbelievably hot and dizzy and felt like I was going to vomit.

I sat on the floor and OH opened the window and I cooled down, but it was very scary! OH said he could feel the heat radiating off of me! I phoned the midwife the next day and she said it wasn't normal, so I went to the hospital and they checked the baby's heartbeat and it was fine.

They tested my wee and it had blood and white blood cells in it, so it's been sent off for testing. The doctor said that I had a vagal episode, and it was to do with pressure on my nerves. I hope it doesn't happen again, poor baby must have felt like it was in an oven! It's wriggling about lots today though so that's lovely.
I also had to babysit my two nephews after my visit to the hospital which was exhausting! It was hard work pushing the pushchair up hill in the baking hot sun after my lack of sleep from the previous night! Today I have awful hip pain, I'm like an old woman! I have ordered a memory foam mattress topper which should arrive by next week - can't wait!
I hope everyone else is doing okay!
