Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Just a quick hello. I've been struggling a bit lately. Feeling very down, in fact feeling depressed. Can't tell if it's leftover injection hormones, plain old pain in my butt hormones, or that Jeff has been working a lot and I'm just lonely/overwhelmed. Emily has stopped sleeping well unless I'm right next to her which means she needs me all day and now all night too. Geez lady, give a mom a break! In any case I'm working on digging out of it. I got a massage this morning which was SO needed. It helped ease my headache some and it was 2 hours of kid-free time.

Body seems to be gearing up to O. I'm CD9 now and probably have a couple days before O. Early this cycle!

I'm trying to plan a beach getaway for this week. Hoping it comes together and we can take a mini vacation.
Sara - So sorry you're feeling down and depressed. It is very understandable under the circumstances! TTC is hard and all-consuming, especially after a loss and when so much time has passed already. I'm sure it doesn't help with your DH being away and Emily being extra clingy! I am so glad you got to pamper yourself by getting a massage today! You deserve that! A little beach getaway sounds just right! Would your DH be able to come, or would it just be you and Emily?

That's exciting that your body is gearing up to O, even if it is a little early. Good luck!
Hi everyone!
Just a quick check in to say hello and hope everyone is doing ok.

Aleeeeeah - I hope everything went great, I cant hold on much longer for news!

Cryss - great you had your bloodwork done and have scan booked already. I hope it comes around quickly for you, not too long to wait!

Slg - sorry youre feeling low love. Its such a hard thing to go through, and get to even the strongest people. Great that you had some pampering and are taking a little holiday, I really found my little weekend break helped no end, in fact I got pregnant that cycle! Im sure the hormones from the injection arent helping your state of mind either, and dh being away.poor you...hugs x x

Kim- woohoooo for NTNP!! Hope to see more of you with updates..will you temp or anything just so we can stalk??

Lit/linny - anyone feeling immense pelvic pressure/pain when getting upright?? Ooh it hurts! I sometimes have to hold on to something while it wears off! How are you ladies? Ive finished my day job now, just a few shifts left at my evening job to go, and im ready for a break. Although since ive been at home in the daytime I find myself constantly snacking, im never full!

Afm - seeing my consultant on Thursday and she has promised to schedule the c section date at that appointment, as long as my iron levels are raised from where they were. Im excited but terrified!think I'd prefer not to know!

Hope everyone is good, sorry I know ive missed people,was just meant to be a quick catch up and ds is now awake and pestering me for toast lol x x x
Blue - Yeah, life is easier with the sun - though I must say the bit of rain this morning is a relief after how muggy and oppressive it was yesterday....I know...it's crazy to say things like that in Scotland! :)

Kay - Hurray! Doctors are understandably cautious but sounds like you're ready whenever! That's brilliant news. I'm sure there's some theories about timing of OV and DTD to do with girls and boys...Something like boy sprem are faster but die young and girl sperm are slower but hang about for ages...um, or vice versa :haha: I don't think it's a science though ;) In any case, you're right...a baby's a miracle whatever their gender. X

Lit - Spotting seems to be fairly common in third tri. Was it accompanied by mucousy stuff? As in, could it be a bit of your plug do you think? It's a funny old thing being preggo. Once upon a time the site of bloody discharge sent me to my bed in tears - now I check the paper excitedly to see whether I might have had a bloody show. No such luck haha.

I've got 2 mini-electric medela breast pumps (both given to me, i've just replaced the parts which the milk passed through with new bits). They are frighteningly effective lol

RE: 7 weeks left...well, maybe or maybe not! 50% give birth between 37 and 40 weeks I found out - it's a lot isn't it?! I'm clinging to that statistic...however i've had no signs so I should probably just give up and enjoy my time off. :) x

Chryss - Oh great! Not too long to wait then - when will you get your blood results? Are they doing a second set in a couple of days? x

Sara - Really sorry you're feeling hacked off with it all atm. A holiday sounds like just the ticket. Other helpful things are trying 10 minutes of meditation in the mornings to de-stress (might be difficult with your LO though so might be easier at night). And I always found a quick run would help me shake off some bad feelings. Anyway, I hope you're feeling better soon X

LJ - Glad to hear you're finishing up work! The daytime snacking is my worst enemy atm, haha. Ooft yes to the pain upon standing! Some days it's fine and I get up no problems and other days it's incredibly sore to stand or move from lying to sitting. Assuming it's a position thing?
thanks for all the support ladies <3 I know things will get better and I just need to hang on till things improve.

Kim, it's soooo good to have you back!! :friends: If you are wanting to sway your chances on gender check out the Shettles Method book. It's the one that talks about the male sperm being faster but shorter lived. So, if you want a girl you would have sex a few days before O and then not again. That way the male sperm die off and by the time your egg is released most of the sperm that are hanging around are female. I might still have my copy if you want me to mail it to you.
Sara - I'm sorry to hear you're feeling down. I hope your getaway does the trick. Things will get better!

Lj - Sounds like your little one might be moving down - or spd. Hope it's not too hard on you.

LL - Hope your cycle rights itself.

Linny - This was just my routine blood work for the beginning of pregnancy. My doctor used to do these at your scan - first appt at 8 weeks. Since I had my last, she has changed to having you come in and see the nurse to have your blood work and get all the pregnancy info early so she has the results when you go in to see her at 8 weeks. I could probably call and get the results if I want to. No plan for a 2nd set at this point.
Aleeah - Eee, hope to hear from you soon!

LJ - I've been having some pelvic pressure when I stand up as well, although I am like Linny in that it isn't all the time for me. It definitely is uncomfortable and makes it difficult to walk or stand for even a few seconds at times!

How wonderful that you're off of one job already and just have a few shifts left to go! That will be lovely when you're finally finished. When's your last day? I'm SO ready for a break as well. I hope you can enjoy yours as much as possible! That's interesting that staying home makes you snack constantly. I find being forced to follow regular working hours makes me starving all the time and I have to eat constantly to get through all the day. If I stay home, I eat WAYY less in a day and feel a lot healthier. When I get to sleep more it really makes a difference.

That's exciting about your c-section being scheduled on Thursday! I understand your nervousness but I hope the excitement overrules that! Can't wait to hear when it will be .:)

Linny - it was not accompanied by anything mucousy, but my discharge was a bit yellowier than usual so I did wonder if it could be the beginnings of my mucous plug. Regardless, I haven't had any spotting since so I'm not too concerned. How funny that now you're constantly checking for a bloody show when earlier that was our most dreaded thing to discover!

Cool! I am planning on buying a medela swing pump upon a couple people's recommendation. I'm glad you found yours effective. ;)

That definitely is a significant number who have their babies between 37-40 weeks! However, it's probably better to assume later rather than earlier so I'm not going crazy by my due date! hehe. I hope you can relax and just enjoy your time off as you wait.

AFM - Well, I won't be posting pics of our nursery any time soon. Last night we had the very unhappy discovery of finding mould in our nursery. :( DH talked to a mould specialist (his cousin's boyfriend happens to be in the business) and he said we needed to seal the entire room off for our safety. He is coming into town on Sunday to help my DH clean it all up with the proper tools/chemicals...but he said after that we're going to need new carpets and drywall (and *gulp* paint) in that room after they're done! Eek. Then we'll have to wash absolutely everything that was in there. I feel so awful that every single baby item we own is contaminated. :(

So, instead of having a basically-finished nursery done in lots of time before baby is born, we will now have a completely gutted room and have to undergo renovations in my final month of pregnancy! I feel like screaming! Thankfully my landlord sounded cooperative and understood the importance of getting it all done before the baby arrives. Then again, it's always impossible to get in touch with her and she lives out of town so I'm worried she is going to put too much of a delay on the reno portion. I am anxious to get this all done ASAP! I'll have to spend a few nights at my parents' when they do the renos and also when they're cleaning up the mould, but at least they live in the city. *sigh*
Lit, honey that's awful! I'm so sorry about the mold, but thank goodness you found out with a little time before baby gets here! That totally stinks though! I'm glad the spotting let up - hopefully little one hangs tight while the nursery gets squared away!

Sara, my love, I'm saying a prayer for you! It's probably just a whole combination of everything at once - a vacation sounds like the perfect thing to reset. And ice cream. And chocolate. I hope you're feeling a bit better soon!

Crystal, how exciting to have your blood work done! Yippy! And your first us will be here before you know it!

Kim, so happy that you're back in the game! Good luck! Fingers crossed that you and Sara can be bump buddies!

Sab, how are you doing? You're officially second tri aren't you?

Aleeah, cannot wait to hear all about the baby!

LJ, how exciting! You are so close! I snack all the time, home, work, car lol. Live it while we still have a damn good excuse! :D I hope the pain let's up soon.

Blue, are you back to being an island-life-loving gal? Also, are you continuing to feel good? Sure hope so!

Tea, I think you mentioned you had begun feeling movements - when did that start? What did it feel like at first?

Apologies for anyone I missed - I have a job interview tomorrow, as well as an us afterward. The spotting kicked up this weekend and has now disappeared again -- Please keep your fingers crossed that gummy is growing nicely with a nice strong heartbeat! I'll update tomorrow after my appt.

Have a fabulous night ladies!
Chryss - ah I see. That's great - an early bit of bloodwork is great for confidence. it did me a power of good before I was able to see a hb. Just a couple more weeks till you get to see your little babe too x

Lit - you're bloody joking! Oh how annoying pet. Really really sorry to hear that. Will the baby be in with you the first wee while So there'll be time for paint and whatever else they use to treat the mold to die down? I hope your landlady gets it together quickly....I dunno if it's the same there but here if the place you're renting isn't habitable (mold/water issues/sewerage) you can speak to the local authorities about forcing the rent down. Or so I've heard. Anyway, hope she turns it around quickly... Re: the baby's stuff - is that contaminated now? Can you just wash everything etc or do you need to chuck it out??

Alt - fingers crossed for you and your little un! X

Afm - after somehow not getting a single cold or sniffle through the entire pregnancy I've woken up feeling dreadful and run down. Noooooo! Df is currently juicing every single juiceable item in the fridge for me and I'm piling in the vit C and honey. Hoping I can nip it in the bud in a few days. Other than that I did some retail therapy yesterday which was great. I had a gift card from my shower which I spent on make up and perfume, felt very indulgent :) x
Lit that sounds awful! Thats the lst thing you need right now!!! There is mold growing in OHs mothers house and I keep telling him to get it dealt with otherwise its going to make his parents ill! He wont listen. I hope its all sorted quickly and you wont need to worry any more !

Alt- good luck with your interview and fingers crossed little gummys sticking in there.

Sab- I think your pregnancy is flying in! How are you?

crys- when will you hear back with the blood results.

Lj- I forget did you find out babies sex ? How long have you got left ?

Tea- movements are absolutely amazing I think. Wierd sometimes but amazing. I love feeling button move and squirm. She gets extra excited when daddy comes home and night and they have "daddy daughter" time haha. My little flutters went too kicks overnight it seemed and now they are more like boots and morphing baby movements hehe. I love love love love it ! Just keep falling in love that little bit more every time.

Linny- I hope you feel better soon honey! Thats rubbish you have caught that so late on ! Nearly lasted the whole pregnancy!! Big hugs from bump and I !! Xxx

Afm- maybe starting to settle. Im not sure. Really miss my family more these days and friends from the mainland. I kind of picked up and came over here leaving everyone behind. Although they understood and arent really that far away. But I have friends here too so its good to see them
I have my 22 week check up today with mw. Should be event free. However the doctor here (who I now do NOT like) is trying to take me off my anti sickness tablets without even being involved in any of my care or evwn having a consultation with me. Im raging and have been awake since 4am arguing in my head with him. Grr... blood pressure might be up at my appointment haha! It terrifies me the thought of coming off them because they where the only thing keeping me out of hospital before. We shall see im going to stand my ground. Xxx
Hi blue!
Sorry I forgot you :hugs:
Yes we found out we are having a boy :happydance: I see my consultant tomorrow and she will set a date for the csection, around 38/39 weeks, so I guess I have 3 or 4 weeks to go!
Forgot to mention. ..at my last midwife appointment babys head was engaged..so that probably explains the pelvic pain . didn't even link the two.. duh!

Why on earth does your doctor want to take you off the sickness meds?? After all youve been through! I dont understand! I hope he listens to your argument! Sorry you miss the mainland, it must be hard to go back after such a long time there. At least you still get internet and can talk to us :thumbup:
Lots of love x x
Blue - oh i'd be having the same argument as well! There's obviously no issue for the baby with taking them, and the hell you went through trying to bring your sickness into line long enough to get by on the meds is no laughing matter. When are you going to see this doctor? You haven't even been stable on the meds for *that* long anyway have you? x
Eeek a little blue soo exciting! And only a couple of weeks too! Cant wait to hear all about baby and you! Hope the pelvic pain isnt too sore !

Linny- he's been no part of my care. I have no idea why he wants to do it. Im leaving in 10 minutes to see the doctor and the midwife. Im soo raging. I havent been stable on them too long and my consultant who actually seen how bad I was wanted me to stay on them. Its just made me worry so much. Im actually ready for crying right now! Hopefully gets sorted today! Xxx
Hope you get it sorted out pet :hugs: And i'm sure you'll let him know the consultant stated that and that maybe he should speak to them first before deciding to stop treatment (he's not afterall an expert himself!)
good luck today alt!!

Emma, I can't believe that he is wanting you off... I was on anti-sickness meds for my entire first pregnancy. I kept trying to stop them, and finally at about 24 weeks...my doc said forget it, just stay on them! there's no harm to baby!! and you're waaaay worse than I ever was. Stick to your guns!!!

Lit so sorry about the mould, but it's better that they're doing it now... Will you be able to get all of the stuff out to wash now? it will give you more nesting things to do :) I am very allergic to mould so I understand... not all kinds of mould are dangerous, but it's best to take precautions.

Aleeha can't wait to hear about your snuggles :)

Sara I've heard of the shettles, thanks for the offer, but I'm good, as much as I'd loove to have a little girl... we just want a baby :) I know that you understand. So I should be ovulating soon, next couple of days, so we should be cycle buddies then bump buddies.. .okay? :) lets do this!!! My OH has quit smoking, so I'm hoping that helps his spermies :) hahaha

I gotta get to work, will update other ladies later!!! have a great day!

Lit - Argh! Sorry to hear about your mould problem. How bad was it? Do you even have to wash stuff that doesn't have mould on it? I hope you can get it all sorted okay before baby arrives. xx

Emma - Does your doc have a reason to take you off the sickness meds? Maybe change docs if you don't like him. Aww yes I love feeling the movements! It's the best thing ever! :cloud9: xx

Alt - Good luck for today! I hope your gummy has grown big and strong - will be thinking of you. :hugs:

I started feeling baby movements at week 17, that's when I was 100% it was baby and not wind! :haha: They feel like vibrations inside your tummy (like when music is too loud with a lot of base in it!) and like flutters. xx

Linny - Oh no! I hope your cold shifts soon! Try to get lots of rest and gargle salt water if your throat hurts. xx

Sara - Sorry you're feeling down. :hugs: I found anything to do with artificial hormones turned me depressed - I changed bcp several times trying to fix the issue but it just made me worse! I hope you feel better soon and have a lucky natural cycle. It's a great sign your body is gearing up for ovulation! I hope you get on your mini break! xx

LJ - Yayy! How exciting you'll be meeting baby soon! Can't wait to hear the c-section date! xx

Kim - Yay! So pleased you're back to ttc now! Good luck this cycle! :happydance: xx

Crys - How are you feeling? Good luck with the blood results! I'm very confident this is your sticky bean. xx

Aleeah - Can't wait to hear your news! xx

AFM - I had to go to hospital yesterday morning because in the night I had awful stomach pain (which I think was caused my trapped wind!), and I got up to go to the bathroom and suddenly got unbelievably hot and dizzy and felt like I was going to vomit. :-( I sat on the floor and OH opened the window and I cooled down, but it was very scary! OH said he could feel the heat radiating off of me! I phoned the midwife the next day and she said it wasn't normal, so I went to the hospital and they checked the baby's heartbeat and it was fine. :thumbup: They tested my wee and it had blood and white blood cells in it, so it's been sent off for testing. The doctor said that I had a vagal episode, and it was to do with pressure on my nerves. I hope it doesn't happen again, poor baby must have felt like it was in an oven! It's wriggling about lots today though so that's lovely. :cloud9:

I also had to babysit my two nephews after my visit to the hospital which was exhausting! It was hard work pushing the pushchair up hill in the baking hot sun after my lack of sleep from the previous night! Today I have awful hip pain, I'm like an old woman! I have ordered a memory foam mattress topper which should arrive by next week - can't wait!

I hope everyone else is doing okay! :flower: xxx
So I went for my midwife appointment today and went to speak to the doctor and he wasnt even there. However I spoke to my midwife and she was definately not willing to let me come off them and was angry that the doctor even suggested it. However there has been a confusion on the dose apparently the pharmacy who gave me the drugs and have been overdosing me... so midwife phoned my consultant to clarify the right dose and she got it all fixed. So I'm now on a lower dose than before but its actually the top dose I should be on. 22 week appointment (apart from that blip) went really well. Baby is doing great im growing as I should (although I feel huge) and I got to hear buttons heartbeat again. A-MAZING!!! Haahaa. My blood pressure was my usual too which was good considering I was up all night stressing about tablets. However I have nitrates in my urine soo that will be sent away and tested in case of a urine infection. Also got referred to the physio for my hip! Hope they can do something for it.

Teacup- that sounds horrible !!! I really hope that doesn't happen again! Glad baby is ok though! Glad shes moving about loads too!!! Hehe. Take it easy woth the pushing prams up big hills. Maybe thats what set it all off!
Hi ladies,

Just catching up and reading all the posts, Im glad everyone is doing relatively well.

Sara, I hope you feel better, TTC can be a real pain in the neck and it can be very discouraing and isolating. HUGS!
Lit, Sorry to hear aboutthe baby room dramaz... but do not despair, a solution is near. At least you didnt realise once the babywas there, you would have felt awful :(

AFM: Im doingwell, we got the test resulsts and we are in the clear! YAY!!! so super super extatic (again). My belly is growing day by day andits harder to sleep at night.... We told my gramma and my side of the family, we told our niece and nephew yesterday, andwe will most likely let my Dh's grandparents know this week for sure.

i tried posting apicture on Fb of the cat sleeping on my tummy, but nobody got it cuz I guess my belly is really tiny... ( apparently im not showing at all...) so I will wait till my belly is full blown out and make some ridiculous comment like ''oops, ate some watermelon seeds''

So 2nd trimester is really sweet. all is good, sex drive is back, sex dreams in full gear and I have full blown CRAFT ( can't remember a F*cking thing) syndrome. its awesome. I left a door open, burner a plastic containeron the stove, lost my buspass, went to a job interview on the wrong day... very funny stuff.

Lynnipops, hope to get some news soon from you

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