Diana, I'm so sorry to hear your news.

I also end up being the strong one in my family even when it's not really appropriate. I comforted my mom through much of my cancer treatment. I see how not telling your mom about gummy is easier. I hope that you start to feel less sad soon
Congrats on progressing betas crys!
Bright, that is big news about your son. Maybe give yourself a few weeks to let the dust settle before making a decision.
Emma, good for you for sticking up for yourself and staying on your medication. So happy you are feeling better. Sorry you are feeling homesick. Will your family come visit when baby is born?
Any news, Linny? Hoping that all goes smoothly.
Hi kim and W!
I got back today from vacation. We took a last minute trip to Hawaii!!!! I didn't have any time alone with hubby but it was so fun to share so many new things with emily. We played in the ocean, saw waterfalls, went on a boat, ate shaved ice. It was very nice and all in all the traveling went well. Emily was a trooper even flying all night long last night.
My cycle was a bit weird this month. I started taking DHEA and coq10 which may have played a role. I suspect I o'd right before we left which would put me at 6 DPO. We Dtd once the night I think I o'd but that was all hubby was home for this month. I'm feeling pretty relaxed about it right now. My mom actually said something helpful. She said there will be joys and sorrows no matter if I get pregnant or not. I was feeling like I had to be 100% excited and happy about getting pregnant but I'm not. I know I will be giving up more years that could be spent more with hubby and instead going back to less sleep and more stress. Of course I would love another baby but there are pros to not having one too. Time will tell.