Hey Ladies,
I'm so sorry I've taken so long to get back to you all. It's all been a blur the last few weeks, a happy blur though!
Firstly, congratulations Linny on your gorgeous baby girl!!! Good weight too and what a lovely name!!!
So as for me... I had a little girl too!!

She's so lovely I feel so blessed and lucky, she's really content, only wakes at night time when I wake her for a feed, I'm exclusively breast feeding and I've had bad days but she's mostly been a dream with it. We've nicknamed her Gremlin for now as she makes strange sounds all the time but she still doesn't have a name as we're still debating over a few.
The birth wasn't as planned or expected. I was due to be induced on Thursday 19th June (2 weeks over due date!) but when I went in for the appointment at 3pm I was told I was already in the early stages of labour and induction wasn't needed. So I came home and went to bed. I awoke at 2.30am with stronger contractions and decided not to wake hubby and try and get through them by having a bath etc. Had to wake him at 8am when I couldn't bare them on my own and we set up the TENS machine I'd got to help with the pain, arrived at the hospital at 10am Friday morning to be told I was only 3cm dilated, had waters broken and then had the drip to get things going. It was then confirmed the baby had done a bowel movement inside me, so doctors were hoping for a quicker delivery to ensure she was ok. It was a long day and when I was checked again at 5pm I was 6cm dilated and the baby's heart rate was sporadic by this time but was just closely monitored.
I was checked again at 7pm and told I was still 6cm's and had made no progress. It was disheartening to hear as the contractions had continued with full force. I had to plead with the doctors to lay off a caesarean section for a little longer and lo and behold when I was checked again at 9pm I was 10cm dilated! However, somehow during labour my baby had turned and was now back to back, I was allowed to start pushing and did so for an hour but when checked again I was told my cervix was swelling and was now at 9.5cm and so was closing. I was left to wait and see if it would open again but by 1am the baby's heartrate suddenly dropped and we had no other choice but to go for an emergency c section. My beautiful baby arrived on Saturday 21st June at 2.02am weighing 7lb 13oz.
I thought I'd be upset about having a c section but honestly, the doctors gave my body every chance to have a natural labour but sometimes things are just not meant to be. I'm surprised at my recovery following the c section, it'll be 2 weeks this Saturday and I feel normal already. I'm obviously still being wary not lifting heavy things or driving but I feel fit enough to. The scar is healing well, though is longer than I expected, apparently they had to make a longer incision to get the baby out as she was so low down and needed to come out quickly. But I consider it a war wound and something that will no doubt fade with bio oil etc. All in all if I could do things again I don't think I'd change a thing apart from her coming a bit earlier maybe!!
I'm sorry I didn't update you all sooner, I was in hospital initially and then after we got home it's been a sea of family and friends coming over as well as lots of time spent with hubby whilst he was off work. He's back at work now though and so it's very quiet at home but I'm glad to have the company of my little Gremlin!
I hope you're all doing well? I promise to catch up with everyone and see how you're all doing properly soon xxx