Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Just waiting to be discharged and had a read through the posts. Just wanted to say Lit that I'm really sorry you're worrying love. I hope you got your appt yesterday? Let us know. I am sure it'll be fine but the worry is just ridiculous with these things xxx
Linny - congratulations on your beautiful baby girl! I can't wait to hear the full birth story. Glad she's feeding well! I hope you enjoy getting to go home finally! :hugs:

AFM - thanks for all the support. My dr didn't follow the right protocols to get me in for the non stress test yesterday and by the time they got back to her she was already gone so I ended up going into the hospital anyway to get one done. I called and they said to just come on in since I was concerned. Anyway, everything was fine and they either caught her in a more active time (which she was quite active that morning) or it had something to do with me coming down with a cold this morning (interesting about this happening and then getting a double ear infection, Kim)! Anyway, it was a relief to see all was well. The staff was so nice and I wasn't at the hospital long at all.

In other regards, our life has been turned a bit upside down since the whole mould incident. The mould is gone now but we are in the midst of a major Reno zone with a huge ticking clock and a landlady who is not exactly hurrying up! I'll update more about it later. Have a good day!
Congrats Linny!

Hi ladies,

Can I join in? :) I'm Katie, 31 years old, and last week I had a natural miscarriage at 5w+5. I stopped bleeding about 5 days ago after tapering off for a few days. My hormones are still all over the place so I don't really trust anything I'm feeling physically. (Stupid remaining pregnancy symptoms!) Emotionally I'm okay. I've felt a ton of sadness - still do at times - but I feel ready to try again.

My midwife hasn't really followed up anymore ever since I called her telling I was bleeding (and I did pass tissue, so I know it really happened), so I'm kind of trying to figure out where to go from here, physically. I think what I'll do is just trust my instincts and emotions.

I'm currently NTNP (we haven't actually dtd yet though) just because I embrace whatever happens in the next few weeks assuming I really have stopped bleeding, but would like to actively TTC again after AF so I'm waiting on that before resuming charting etc. So here I am.

Thanks for reading!
Katie - I'm sorry to see you here. This group is full of very supportive ladies who know exactly where you're coming from. I hope you get your rainbow very soon.
Hey Ladies,

I'm so sorry I've taken so long to get back to you all. It's all been a blur the last few weeks, a happy blur though!:cloud9:

Firstly, congratulations Linny on your gorgeous baby girl!!! Good weight too and what a lovely name!!!:flower:

So as for me... I had a little girl too!!:baby: She's so lovely I feel so blessed and lucky, she's really content, only wakes at night time when I wake her for a feed, I'm exclusively breast feeding and I've had bad days but she's mostly been a dream with it. We've nicknamed her Gremlin for now as she makes strange sounds all the time but she still doesn't have a name as we're still debating over a few.

The birth wasn't as planned or expected. I was due to be induced on Thursday 19th June (2 weeks over due date!) but when I went in for the appointment at 3pm I was told I was already in the early stages of labour and induction wasn't needed. So I came home and went to bed. I awoke at 2.30am with stronger contractions and decided not to wake hubby and try and get through them by having a bath etc. Had to wake him at 8am when I couldn't bare them on my own and we set up the TENS machine I'd got to help with the pain, arrived at the hospital at 10am Friday morning to be told I was only 3cm dilated, had waters broken and then had the drip to get things going. It was then confirmed the baby had done a bowel movement inside me, so doctors were hoping for a quicker delivery to ensure she was ok. It was a long day and when I was checked again at 5pm I was 6cm dilated and the baby's heart rate was sporadic by this time but was just closely monitored.

I was checked again at 7pm and told I was still 6cm's and had made no progress. It was disheartening to hear as the contractions had continued with full force. I had to plead with the doctors to lay off a caesarean section for a little longer and lo and behold when I was checked again at 9pm I was 10cm dilated! However, somehow during labour my baby had turned and was now back to back, I was allowed to start pushing and did so for an hour but when checked again I was told my cervix was swelling and was now at 9.5cm and so was closing. I was left to wait and see if it would open again but by 1am the baby's heartrate suddenly dropped and we had no other choice but to go for an emergency c section. My beautiful baby arrived on Saturday 21st June at 2.02am weighing 7lb 13oz.

I thought I'd be upset about having a c section but honestly, the doctors gave my body every chance to have a natural labour but sometimes things are just not meant to be. I'm surprised at my recovery following the c section, it'll be 2 weeks this Saturday and I feel normal already. I'm obviously still being wary not lifting heavy things or driving but I feel fit enough to. The scar is healing well, though is longer than I expected, apparently they had to make a longer incision to get the baby out as she was so low down and needed to come out quickly. But I consider it a war wound and something that will no doubt fade with bio oil etc. All in all if I could do things again I don't think I'd change a thing apart from her coming a bit earlier maybe!!

I'm sorry I didn't update you all sooner, I was in hospital initially and then after we got home it's been a sea of family and friends coming over as well as lots of time spent with hubby whilst he was off work. He's back at work now though and so it's very quiet at home but I'm glad to have the company of my little Gremlin!

I hope you're all doing well? I promise to catch up with everyone and see how you're all doing properly soon xxx


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She is lovely, Aleeah! Congratulations! I'm so glad you're feeling healed already and are happy with how the delivery and birth progressed.
Welcome KatieSweet. I just had a miscarriage at 5.5 weeks with our first. :cry: I totally understand what you are going through. I stopped bleeding a couple days ago. I'm feeling pretty normal. I lost all my pregnancy symptoms really fast. It was sad really. :nope: My husband and I are ready to try again as well, but my doctor said to wait until my AF starts and then we can try again. He said that way your body can recover as well as your hormones. So trying my best to be patient. :growlmad: I'm not a patient person. Hahaha!! I'm here for you Katie. We're pretty much in the exact same spot with our mc, so lets keep eachother updated. I'm so sorry for your loss and if you have any questions, please ask. :hugs:
Hey Ladies,

I'm so sorry I've taken so long to get back to you all. It's all been a blur the last few weeks, a happy blur though!:cloud9:

Firstly, congratulations Linny on your gorgeous baby girl!!! Good weight too and what a lovely name!!!:flower:

So as for me... I had a little girl too!!:baby: She's so lovely I feel so blessed and lucky, she's really content, only wakes at night time when I wake her for a feed, I'm exclusively breast feeding and I've had bad days but she's mostly been a dream with it. We've nicknamed her Gremlin for now as she makes strange sounds all the time but she still doesn't have a name as we're still debating over a few.

The birth wasn't as planned or expected. I was due to be induced on Thursday 19th June (2 weeks over due date!) but when I went in for the appointment at 3pm I was told I was already in the early stages of labour and induction wasn't needed. So I came home and went to bed. I awoke at 2.30am with stronger contractions and decided not to wake hubby and try and get through them by having a bath etc. Had to wake him at 8am when I couldn't bare them on my own and we set up the TENS machine I'd got to help with the pain, arrived at the hospital at 10am Friday morning to be told I was only 3cm dilated, had waters broken and then had the drip to get things going. It was then confirmed the baby had done a bowel movement inside me, so doctors were hoping for a quicker delivery to ensure she was ok. It was a long day and when I was checked again at 5pm I was 6cm dilated and the baby's heart rate was sporadic by this time but was just closely monitored.

I was checked again at 7pm and told I was still 6cm's and had made no progress. It was disheartening to hear as the contractions had continued with full force. I had to plead with the doctors to lay off a caesarean section for a little longer and lo and behold when I was checked again at 9pm I was 10cm dilated! However, somehow during labour my baby had turned and was now back to back, I was allowed to start pushing and did so for an hour but when checked again I was told my cervix was swelling and was now at 9.5cm and so was closing. I was left to wait and see if it would open again but by 1am the baby's heartrate suddenly dropped and we had no other choice but to go for an emergency c section. My beautiful baby arrived on Saturday 21st June at 2.02am weighing 7lb 13oz.

I thought I'd be upset about having a c section but honestly, the doctors gave my body every chance to have a natural labour but sometimes things are just not meant to be. I'm surprised at my recovery following the c section, it'll be 2 weeks this Saturday and I feel normal already. I'm obviously still being wary not lifting heavy things or driving but I feel fit enough to. The scar is healing well, though is longer than I expected, apparently they had to make a longer incision to get the baby out as she was so low down and needed to come out quickly. But I consider it a war wound and something that will no doubt fade with bio oil etc. All in all if I could do things again I don't think I'd change a thing apart from her coming a bit earlier maybe!!

I'm sorry I didn't update you all sooner, I was in hospital initially and then after we got home it's been a sea of family and friends coming over as well as lots of time spent with hubby whilst he was off work. He's back at work now though and so it's very quiet at home but I'm glad to have the company of my little Gremlin!

I hope you're all doing well? I promise to catch up with everyone and see how you're all doing properly soon xxx

Congrats!!! She's adorable!! :thumbup:
Aleeah, congrats! Beautiful baby girl <3

Mrs R - aw thanks! Looks like we are in the same situation.. I like the idea of following one and other on our journey onward.
I've read on a lot of sites that it is best to wait until after AF, others say it's OK to start when you feel ready. So I'm going to do what I feel is right, take it slowly and one day at a time.
In any case DH and I haven't DtD yet, that will have to wait a while I think :) It all feels a bit too sensitive still. I mean, I can't even ride a bike without feeling discomfort, let alone - and I'll let you finish that sentence.
Congratulations Aleeah!!!!
Shes absolutely beautiful and I knew you would have a girl!
So thrilled for you, and glad that you have made peace with the csection. As long as you and little gremlin are both safe and happy then it doesnt matter how she got here. What an exciting week for news!
Lots of love to you both x x x
Yeah KatieSweet my DH and I haven't dtd yet either. Honestly a bit nervous about it considering everything that has been happening with my lady parts the past week and a half. :nope: I feel pretty good really, but that doesn't mean dtd will feel great. So we'll see. Just going to be careful the first time we decide to.
Congratulations Aleeah!! Your daughter is beautiful and I'm so happy for you. I'm sorry the birth was so difficult but in the end you have the perfect outcome; a healthy baby :)

:wave: Hi Mrs R and Katie,
I'm sorry about your losses. My miscarriage was a bit odd but I have other health problems that contribute. I think I remember reading that Mrs R is waiting on AF? I eventually used acupuncture to get my cycle back. If you haven't bled by 8 weeks I would really recommend looking into it. I was told that once you stop bleeding your cervix closes and it's ok to DTD. From everything I have read, you can wait until after AF to try again but it's really for the purpose of dating your new pregnancy. But, if you track your ovulation you will know how far along you are anyhow. And, even if you don't know exactly how far along you are, so what? I hope you are both feeling better both physically and emotionally. This is a fantastic group of women and we are all here to help and support you as much as we can :flower:
Katie - Welcome here and so sorry about your recent loss. :hugs: Sounds like a good idea to NTNP until after first AF. Takes the pressure off and leaves things to fate! Was this your first pregnancy?

Aleeah - YAYYY! :happydance: So glad you finally came back and updated! :happydance: CONGRATULATIONS on baby Gremlin! ehhehe. I am so astonished you haven't chosen a name yet! Here, we are not allowed to leave the hospital until we've chosen a name! At any rate, I hope you can think of a perfect one soon...because I always update my calendar with babies' birth announcements and for now I have to leave her name as Gremlin. :winkwink:

That is quite an interesting birth experience you had and I'm sorry it ended up a bit more complicated than you'd hoped, and with an emcs no less! However, I'm soo glad that you're not feeling bad about getting the c-section and you are SOO right that you were at least given every possible chance to have a natural birth and it just wasn't meant to be. The very important thing is that Gremlin was born safe and sound! I'm glad your body is recovering nicely, and I am sure your c-section scar will fade nicely as well.

Gremlin is SOOOOO cute and I can imagine the family resemblance, although I've never actually seen your face! :haha: And so cool that you were right about it being a GIRL! :) Hehe. Sounds like you've definitely been busy with visitors these days! I hope you can get a bit more rest now. How cooperative she is that you have to wake HER up for night feedings! :)

Also - because I hate missing details of birth announcements: how long was she?

Linny - I was on my phone earlier so just wanted to add a little enthusiasm for you! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: YAYAYAYAYY!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS on Elka Rose!!!!! I'm so happy that you finally have your rainbow baby in your arms! I hope all goes well and I can't wait to hear more of your story and of COURSE to see pics! I'll ask you the same question as Aleeah - how long was baby Elka? Once you've posted your birth story I'll pepper you with more questions. :winkwink:
It has been quite a while to be nameless?? It's a big choice though and she will never know the difference. Can't wait to hear what you decide. I don't think we are allowed to leave hospital without a name either? I named Emily at 14 weeks so I never had that issue!!

I forgot to say hi to you, Lit! I'm so glad that your baby is moving around more and everything looks good. Whew!!! Interesting about reduced movement with illness coming on. I'll have to remember that.
Hey ladies!!

Aleeah congrats!!! she's beautiful!!!! glad your recovery has been so good! I can't wait to hear about her name :)

Linny congrats on Elka Rose!! beautiful name!!! can't wait to see pics :)

Sara how's your cycle these days?

Becky you starting to BD yet? Must be getting to that point of your cycle.

Bright how about you where are you on the cycle?

AFM nothing exciting 2/3 dpo I think... had a good chat with my OH last night he's always said that he doesn't want to "try" it'll happen. But I told him that with my age we don't have that luxury. He agreed :) so starting next cycle we're going to dtd every other day from cd 5 - cd 15, that's what I told him :) cd 15 may be a little long, since I ov on CD 7- 9 usually.. but that I would prep him for longer just in case ;)

Well must run and get DS, hope all is good with everyone.
Thank you slg76. :hugs: I'm hoping my AF starts sooner rather than later. I'm actually doing pretty good considering. I'm ready to try again, but want to make sure we do it right and follow my doctor's orders to wait until my AF starts to try again. I hate having to wait considering I waited 4 months to get pregnant, just to lose it and now I have to wait again. But I want a healthy baby and if he wants us to wait, we'll do that.
Hi Kim! It's so good to have you back in our thread! :hugs: I'm doing fine. I usually use CM to determine ovulation and this month I think I Od pretty early. We snuck one BD in on O day and I think I'm 8 dpo now. This cycle is a bit weird but that's not surprising given I used injectables last month and started a few new supplements this month.

Mrs R, I'm a terribly impatient person so I get where you are coming from. I tried for almost 2 years to get pregnant and then miscarried at 9.5 weeks. It took me a very long 111 days to get a period after my mc. Now it's coming up on a year since I was pregnant. You can only imagine what kind of lesson in patience this has been for me!!!!!! That said, when you are ready for a baby it is consuming and every month feels like forever. You have every right to be wanting things to hurry up already :) I hope your body gets back on track quickly. If you don't have any other health issues I would be surprised if it took longer than about 6 weeks to get a period.
Hi ladies - I owe you all a catchup but I jumped to posting when I saw Aleeah posted! Aleeah, Baby G is adorable!!!! I'm sorry birth was such a rollercoaster, but it was all worth it for that sweet little lady!!! So happy for you!!

We now have three babies on this thread: Rowan, Elka and Baby G! YAY!!!! <3

Kim and Sig, I can't wait to hear about you BFPs...they're surely on the way!
slg76 I'm so sorry to hear that getting pregnant has been so rough for you. :nope: It makes me feel horrible to complain with trying for 4 months and then having a mc. I can't even imagine how hard this has been for you. I hope and pray you get your BFP real soon. You deserve it. :hugs:
Hi ladies! I'm also waiting for AF to show after a D&C almost two weeks ago. I was 13 weeks when I found out the baby had no heartbeat. It was two long years of ttc to get the bfp and now I'm just dreading trying again for fear it will take that long again.

We were told to wait until after I see a perinatologist and also have genetic testing but I feel like when my body is ready it will happen. We have been trying but not stressing it. I have no idea if I will ovulate this month and I've never gotten a positive opk and I've tested with them almost every cycle. At least now I know I have the ability to ovulate still!

I have high risk pregnancies, one still birth, three early miscarriages and three healthy children. We waited 14 years before like crazy people deciding we wanted to try again. I'm 35 and that clock is ticking lol

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