Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Blue - Thanks! I wonder if you are right about having a girl! I can't wait to find out.

Kim - Yes, the bathroom plumbing was the source of the mould! So it's definitely good he fixed that as there wouldn't have been much of a point to clean everything up only to leave the source! CD 1 is always a fresh start and I'm glad you're feeling pretty positive! Hopefully your DH doesn't catch on to your cycle too much! hehe. Good luck!! :happydance:

Bright - Sounds like you have a good plan in order! I hope all works out!

AFM - I came to see the progress on the house yesterday and nearly had a fit when I saw the state of it! The bathroom may be (almost) done now, and all the flooring is done, but it is the MESSIEST, MOST DISASTROUS HOUSE I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE! Entire living room covered in clothes, bags, and miscellaneous items so you can't even see the carpet - junk everywhere in the kitchen and counters dirty and full of crumbs, then downstairs where the renos were, furniture, boxes and random crap is piled everywhere and there are tools, bags, random plumbing parts, etc strewn ALL over the floor...not to mention dirt and rocks everywhere from people tromping through the house in their shoes! It is probably going to take 2 straight weeks of solid work just to get this place cleaned up! This SO does not make me a happy mama! My back hurts just thinking about it. :p Hopefully DH will be very helpful on starting the clean-up tonight, as I am officially sleeping at home tonight! Woohooo!

I am also on my LAST week of work before maternity leave! I can't wait!!! It has dragged on so slowly but now that it's here it's quite exciting and even a bit hard to believe! :)

Hope you all are doing well!
Wow lit, happy last week at work! I love reading your updates because it reminds me very much of my pregnancy, how excited I was about everything and it was such a happy time for me too. I'm sorry the house is a tip, I'm sure you and hubby will get it tip top soon, you'll be in nesting mode once you are done with work! Plus it will be all shiney new and lovely when babies comes now!

Bright - I hope oving from both ovaries works and you won't need ivf, but at least you have a plan of attack now and that's always good.

Kim, sorry af got you this cycle but glad you are ready and excited for this cycle. I honestly think you'll get your bfp this month! Fingers crossed.

I had my pos opk and peak reading yesterday so ovulating today or tomorrow. I was feeling so positive but I feel a bit down today as though deep down I know it would be too good to be true and af will arrive again as usual. Work is stressful and im about to add a 4th day which fills me with dread, my surviving cat is ill and the vet basically told me today she will die soon and I generally feel shit. It's my angels due date next week. Feeling sad :cry:
Sara I forgot your reply - I'm glad you've got the appointments, it must feel good to know you have help and support ready. I really hope your bfp is on the way very soon. X
Hi ladies!
Just a quick one, sorry I dont have time to do individual replies, im on my phone and DS is sick.
C section is less than a week away now! I think we are more or less ready. My bags are packed and ive been given all the instructions from the hospital. Had a bit of a scare yesterday as I started having some pains, but luckily had a midwife appointment just an hour after. Baby is fine and probably just strong braxton hicks. Im really hoping he stays where he is until Monday! Its so hot here, finding it hard to get any sleep at all, legs and ankles are very swollen and have constant 'LC'. Everything I seem to pick up falls on the floor and then I can't reach it to pick it up again! Feeling frustrated!
Hope everyone is doing great, will do proper replies soon as I am able, just wanted to check in and let you all know im ok.
Lots of love to you all x x x x
Lj - Eek about your scan! I've been having some pains like that too and I think it's just our bodies 'practicing' for the real thing but hopefully you do not go into labour before your c-section! I am having the same problem with feet, legs and ankles very swollen (actually, you never said feet - but I can't even fit into slippers at this point! :wacko:). I also am getting tons of LC and have a lot of pressure down there when I try to walk. My hips get SO sore when I sleep and also they hurt when I walk, along with a lot of shooting pains from my SI joint. :( Blech. I dread going to sleep because of the hip pain and 6 trips to the bathroom in the night. I only can get about 1 hour of sleep at a time. And I hear you about dropping things on the floor! I can still manage to pick things up but it is VERY inconvenient and not really worth the trouble! haha.

Not long to go for you so hang in there! Can't wait to see your announcement next week!! Hope your DS feels better soon as well.

Mrs W - Thanks, Mrs W! I'm glad my updates remind you of your excitement in your pregnancy. I can't wait until you get to experience that again! You deserve it so much and I know it's going to happen soon for you! It will definitely be nice to have the house all 'shiny and new' when the baby arrives. Unfortunately, I'm really still not having nesting instincts and I'm way too tired to get anything done, so it's tough. But hopefully my nesting urge will arrive in full force when I'm on mat leave and then I won't mind devoting my entire life to cleaning. :wacko:

That really sucks you're adding a 4th day of work! Are you just doing that for financial reasons as you wait for baby #2? Do you think you'll go back to 3 days/wk after you've had baby #2? I hope it isn't too tough on you. It definitely would be difficult to spend less time with your DD suddenly. :( So sorry about your cat as well, and about it being your angel's due date coming up. Those are all such hard things, and it's no wonder you're feeling down. :hugs: Good about your +OPK, though...hopefully you'll have some good news to cheer you up soon!
Yesterday, emily had a plastic stick get pushed back to her throat. It left a gouge in the roof of her mouth and a huge scratch all the way across her pallet, down her uvula, and into the top of her throat. Scared me to death! Was bleeding from mouth and nose! Weirdly she isn't complaining about pain and she's eating and talking. Whew!

I can sympathize with hip pain. Mine were terrible the last month or so. They only didn't hurt when I was in water.
Sara - that is so scary about Emily! Poor thing! I'm glad she doesn't appear to be in too much pain now.

That really sucks about your hip pain, Sara! Hopefully it goes away!
Oh my hips are fine now. They just hurt when I was pregnant :). I have back pain in general but it's kept in check by my awesome massage therapist and chiropractor.
Oh, sorry! I got confused by "the last month or so." You meant in pregnancy! hehe! Well I'm glad you can sympathize, although hopefully yours won't get as bad when you get pregnant again!

I'm glad your back pain is kept at bay with the therapy you keep up with!
On my phone so difficult to comment on everything.

LL - Sounds like you have SPD. I got it for the first time in my 2nd pregnancy and had it in each subsequent one. It makes rolling over so miserable. It goes away rather quickly after delivery.

Sara - I hope Emily is still not bothered by her injury. I bet that was terribly scary. How did she do that?
Crys - Good to know it goes away quickly after delivery! How are you feeling these days? Any MS?

AFM - Had a dr's appointment today. Got my GBS swab and found out baby is dropped but not engaged yet...and I'm 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced! I know that doesn't mean too much but I feel slightly justified that all the cramping and weird cervix pains were doing something. It's coming up fast! :happydance:
I'm doing well. I feel nauseated when I don't eat soon enough and my gag reflex is ridiculous. Gagging while brushing my teeth was actually one of my first symptoms before my BFP.

50% effaced is a good start. My first came 2 weeks before his due date so not all first time pregnancies go over. :)
That sounds like the first trimester, all right! I hope the nausea is just enough to be reassuring and not enough to make life miserable.

Good to know your first still came a bit early! I would love if mine were one week early, although I hope not sooner because I really want an August baby. ;)

AFM - I am having some bloody mucousy discharge but I am guessing it is just from my dr rifling around down there today and not anything more.
Emily's due date was August 16 and she made her grand entrance on July 31. I was so glad she was early!
Hi ladies!!

I'm sorry to have been gone so long - it was a rough, emotional week and I took a break to work through some stuff.

Sara, I'm so sorry to hear about Emily hurting herself! That must have been terrifying! Glad she is feeling okay now. Also glad you're seeing a therapist - you're a darn strong woman, and it's nice to have someone to bounce ideas off.

Kim, my toes and fingers are crossed for you! Roll on, September!

Lit, argh! I'm glad the work is done, but why must men disasterize (totally made up word) the entire house to fix things. argh. I hope the house is a little better, and may cleaning fairies visit while you're sleeping! Good news that all the cramping means something!

Blue and Tea, how are you feeling? Blue, MILs are just the pits sometimes, aren't they?

Crystal, glad all is going well and yay for nausea!

Bright, darn it on the tube issues! I hope it's an easy fix!

Everyone I forgot, apologies I'm only my phone!

AFM - we got some info on Gummy. He was a little boy which I knew so strongly in my heart. He has Trisomy 22, a chromosome disorder completely incompatible with life. There was mercy in his miscarriage, because we would have found out and had to make a most heart wrenching decision. Understanding what caused the mc brought such peace - I would rather say goodbye now then give birth and Gummy suffer and die within a day or two. He didn't deserve that.

Today we went to see a fertility specialist who is recommending ivf. We has two back to back losses, and she's chalking the first one to a chromosome defect as well, so she said either I have deteriorating egg quality or really awful luck.

Fortunately my insurance covers it 100% except for genetic screening on the embryos before implanting, which runs a cool $4500 for each cycle.

We're considering it, if only to have a few viable embryos since we want multiple children. The doctor made a good point in saying that my eggs will be better quality now then if we try IVF in a few years (and it might take that long before we try for number 2, since I plan on BFing for 2 years when we finally get our take home baby).

DH and I are wiling to play the odds again naturally too - but we did like the idea of going thrown 2-3 cycles of ivf to have a backup plan, although calling my babies (in embryo form or not) a backup plan breaks my heart each time.
Hi Ladies,

Diana, I'm very happy to hear that you have gotten some peace about your mc. Sometimes nature really does know what's best. I agree that gummy deserved to have no suffering and you deserved to have the least amount of heartache possible. I'm glad that you have a plan to go forward. How wonderful that your insurance will cover infertility treatments!! I have a good feeling that you will be pregnant with a healthy baby in little time.

Emily is doing just fine. I was much more traumatized by the injury than she was. I have NO idea why she had so little pain as the cut looked terrible and went right down her throat.

I'm feeling very confused about ttc right now but think it's just that I had a lot of information coming at me this week. I met with a therapist who I liked a lot. She was very helpful and seemed to understand much of my situation. My big take home from that is that I still have a lot of work to do to "get over" my feelings about having cancer. I was very surprised at how upset I got when talking about it. I also realized that I'm probably very capable of having another baby (if I can get pregnant) but that I should not have to do as much work as I currently do with parenting. Well maybe not less work per say, but I need to make more time for myself and make sure that I am still my own person instead of only a mom.

I met with a new fertility doctor today and I thought he was amazing. He answered all of my questions and I had lots of them. He was honest about what he thought would or would not work but was willing to listen to my suggestions and try whatever I felt was needed. We decided to take two more months off treatments so all my supplements have time to work. Then he wants to do another injectable cycle with slightly different medications than last time and with an insemination.

Still wrapping my head around everything. Hubby is taking DD out of town this weekend so I should have some nice, quiet time to think things through.

I'm so happy to have you ladies to talk to! It really does help to tell you guys what's going on and get your feedback. Makes me feel less lonely in all this ttc mess <3
Hi ladies,
So yesterday I had a bit of brownspotting late in the evening. For now I'm assuming it's from irritation due to intercourse two days prior as it was more sensitive that time around.
If it's AF on her way, it would be earlier than I expected and only just be after the "correct" amount of recovery time (20 days after MC bleeding stops) to be considered a period... but did that happen for any of you ladies? A very quick AF reboot?
alt I am glad to hear that they were able to give you reasons for this loss and that you have a plan moving forward. How lucky that they will cover the fertility treatments!! SOunds like you are on the way to your healthy rainbow! big hugs :hugs: Were the docs able to give you the odds of this happening again? Are they suggesting anything that you can do to help prevent another chromosonal issue? SOrry if these questions are silly, I don't know much about this and was just curious.

Sara sounds like you are on the right track to figuring what is best for you! How do you "get over" having cancer? I can't imagine. You seem like you are a very strong woman, strong for everyone :) and it's a good point by your therapist to make time as Sara not just as mommy ... I think most of us that are moms can learn from that. Hopefully we can help here to support you in what ever way that we can to help you make the decision that is right for your family! Sounds like both appointments were fab!!

Sorry Katie, my situation was so rare and unsual that I can't provide any insight, other than it seems everyone's body is different, and it's quite possible that your body is getting back to normal quickly, which is fantastic!!

Lit, sounds like you could go any day at all now!!

Cryss sorry that you're feeling sick, but I guess that's a good thing hey? ;)

Becky how many dpo are you now? are you going to test early or just wait until you've missed AF?

AFM I'm CD5 today, due to ovulate between CD 7 - 10 :) nothing too exciting other than that!!!

Hope all you wonderful ladies have a great weekend!!!
Hey ladies!

I've been keeping up on the thread on and off but only just managing to write something now. LO is in bed and DF is out at a work do.

Alt - I'm so glad you've found some peace with the mc....I'm not sure if this will help any but I know another woman on a different thread who had 2 back to back MC's and her second also tested with a genetic issue...she's now pregnant with her rainbow...I think rotten luck is more common than any of us realise. But it's great that IVF is a viable option for you guys too, whether as a back-up or simply a way to avoid further heartaches. X

Lit - Oh lawks love, you are having rotten luck with the house! :hugs: I do hope your DH is able to get things cleared up for you...you must be anxious to get it sorted getting close to your dd. That mucusy blood sounds like the start of a 'show'? Do you reckon you'll go early? It all sounds very promising!! Also, congrats on your last week of work...I would say let's break out the martini's! X

LJs - Wow! You are so close now...I can't wait to see the pics. Hope the CS goes well and easy and your recovery is swift. I was pretty surprised by how fast i'm now on my feet. x

Mrs W - Sorry things are a bit rubbish atm. I adore my cat so I can understand how sad you must feel hearing that news. I hope you're wrong about this cycle as well - My feelings about whether I was pregnant or not were always totally wrong - 100% thought I wasn't when I was X

Bright - Sorryv to hear about the right tube...can it be unblocked? And if not, as others have said....you can still get pregnant with one tube, I guess perhaps it just may take a little longer?.....Also, some women seem to get pregnant right after HSG's from what i've read. Here's to hoping you're the same! x

Blue - :hugs: Sorry to hear what your MIL said, that can't have been easy to put up with. How are you feeling atm apart from that? How's yer bump coming along? x

Nina - Yay! :) It is so bloody nice to see you on here. How are you getting on in the second tri? Are you finding out the gender? x

K - Every other day sounds like a good plan - is that broadly speaking the SMEP method? My DF didn't like being told when I ovulated either...hehe, I guess you can't blame them...it's a bit like they're stud horses otherwise. 'Time to inseminate me!' x

Cryss - Hooray! So glad things are going well with you and your little babe. How are you feeling? Hope your nausea doesn't progress too much, it's nice to have the symptom for reassurance but not really to be chucking up all the time :haha:

Sara - :hugs: That sounds like a lot to think about...so good that you're getting some time to yourself to figure it all out. X

Aleeah - You have to have named Gremlin by now! I think legally? :) :haha:

Lindsay - How are you doing love? p.s. I am officially a swaddle convert :haha:

Afm - I'm gradually adjusting to this new life, call me crazy but I didn't expect the tidal wave of emotions that come with it. The first week I was pretty wobbly emotionally but that has cleared up as I got back on my feet physically, and I can now be trusted not to start sobbing at sad music and boob-leaking in public :haha: Breastfeeding is going well...I really lucked out there. Elka is out of her initial sleep-all-the-time phase but she still doesn't like to be awake for long. Already i've caved and given her a dummy when she gets overtired...Like I said I never would. I have a feeling i'll be doing a lot of that in future :haha:

Sorry for anyone I missed X
So glad you are doing well, Linny!

Katie, the only other person on here with a mc story as uncommon as Kim's is me :haha: I'm no help either for you really. My cycle was 111 days after my mc!

Kim, I have NO idea how to get over having cancer. But now I realize that I do need to process it further and get some help with that. I'm told I need to grieve the loss of what cancer took from me. The third trimester of pregnancy, getting to care for a newborn, the idea that "of course I will grow old", my fertility, my good health. Geez cancer, that was mean!!! It does make sense that I need to deal with all this. The last thing I really want to do is revisit the issue but I've learned the hard way that for me stress left alone will manifest in a physical way and I'll end up sick and in pain.

I'm off for a night of visiting and drinking with my girlfriends. We do it once a month and today I'm really excited that I get to sleep in tomorrow. Pour me a drink then!! :)

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