Mrs W - Thanks.

Have you gotten that positive OPK yet?
rose- Welcome here and I'm very sorry for your recent loss.

It is really hard with friends and family in RL just NOT getting it. It is a very isolating feeling to not be able to reach out to anyone in your close circle because no one understands or says the right thing. That is why it's so good we have this forum! I don't know how I would have gotten through my loss without the support of the kind ladies on here!
Nina - Of course we remember you! So nice to have you check in. I'm so glad things with your pregnancy are going well. You deserve it soo much! I can't wait until you can hold your bundle of joy in your arms! How have you been feeling this pregnancy? Do you think you will find out the gender?
Camelia - I agree people are often just frightened/don't know how to deal with their friend's grief and say the wrong things... but regardless of the reason, it can be very hurtful. I really didn't like hearing "It's very common." Whether it's common or not, it's devastating! And 20-25% isn't exactly the majority. So many women have NO idea what we go through! And in a way I actually did find, "you will be able to have another baby" somewhat comforting simply because I had a big fear of never being able to conceive a healthy child...but I know some people find that hurtful, and I was still offended depending who said it because it doesn't acknowledge the baby you LOST. People don't want a different baby - they want the one they had! So many little things that well-meaning family and friends said really stung and some even hurt me to this day thinking back.
Blue - That is very hurtful of your MIL to say!!! Sometimes people astonish me with their rudeness. I hope your baby is less modest at your next ultrasound!! Thanks for the update on Nat as well. 10 weeks is very early! I'm very glad that Izabella is doing well.
Crys - Congratulations on your healthy baby! What encouraging and exciting news!!! Can't wait to hear about your next scan.
Alt - I'm also glad you let some of your grief out. It really isn't beneficial to hold those emotions in (although I know at times it is necessary). I find the healing can take place a lot more if you allow yourself to fully feel the hurt that you feel deep down - even if it is difficult. I'm glad you want to honour your baby's short little life, and I think you should! S/he was a precious gift from above for the short time s/he graced us with his/her presence here on earth.
Kim - Having a 21-day cycle must be such a hassle! Although, having a shorter cycle is also quite nice for TTC as you can get through more cycles in a shorter amount of time.

Sorry about your BFNs! I hope you either get your BFP ASAP or AF shows her ugly head soon so you can try again! Every other day is also what got me preg this time! It definitely covers all the bases.
Bright - Sorry to hear about the bad news about your right tube. Did your doctors say anything about where to go from here? Will you be able to just keep TTC in hopes of ovulating on your left instead?
Linny & Aleeah - How are the new mamas doing? I hope your babies are letting you sleep a decent amount and aren't having any trouble breastfeeding! Please give us the inside scoop on what it feels like to be a mom to a rainbow baby very soon! What is your favourite part so far?
Aleeah - Have you named Gremlin yet? How have you been feeling?
Linny - Did your DF get any time off work to be with you and Elka? Has your DSS met her yet? How are you healing from your c-section?
Lindsay - How are you and Rowan doing? Any fun summer plans as a family?
LJ - You are getting SO close!!! I don't have my calendar here but I believe you said your c-section was on the 24th - or somewhere around there? Not long to wait at all! What are your symptoms these days? Do you have your hospital bag packed? Are you doing anything to pamper yourself in your last few days before giving birth? Has baby dropped yet?
Sab - How are you doing? Anything new to report?
AFM - Well, I've had a tough couple weeks. As of tomorrow, I will officially have been staying with my parents' for two weeks! DH has been renovating our house like mad and has been sooo stressed (and as a result, unfortunately, very irritable

). I feel very bad for all the hard work he's had to put in. After the mould got cleaned up, he had to put up new drywall; rip out the bathroom vanity; fix the bathroom plumbing; mud & sand the new drywall; paint the nursery, hallway, and bathroom (all affected by the mould); and now this week he has been busy installing new flooring in the entire basement of our house (all our bedrooms/main bathroom are in the basement). It has been a mad rush as he is trying to get it all done before he starts a new job on Monday where he will have to be studying and giving all of his attention. I barely saw my DH over the past two weeks, and unfortunately yesterday was my birthday and he didn't even have time to see me.

It made for kind of a crappy birthday, but at least he brought me flowers (12 red roses as an apology, and a nice gerbera daisy/lily bouquet for my birthday) today and took me for a nice lunch and dessert to make up for it. The good news is the flooring is finally all done, and tonight he and some friends are working hard moving all the furniture back and I should be able to move home tomorrow night! Woohoo! Then again, I can't really complain about staying at my parents'
air conditioned house for the past two weeks and not having to cook any meals.

There are definitely things I'll miss! hehe
As for baby, she is doing well and I haven't had any scares since I needed the non-stress test. Today she was doing the cutest thing and sticking her little foot out for me to touch and then she would move it around as i moved my hand around and then hide it for a second, then stick it back out for more! It was sooo cute and endearing and I can't wait to tickle her little feet once she's born! I went to the doctor this past Thursday and despite having a lot of pelvic pressure, LC, hip pain, low back pain, and excessive trips to the bathroom, baby has NOT dropped yet. I am having a hard time imagining what it will feel like when she does!
Sorry this was soo long! I feel bad for not updating but it's been hard without my computer. I have been reading and staying caught up, so sorry if I didn't reply!