Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Slg - echoing what Kim said, you are so strong. I really believe that experiences we go through make us stronger, more understanding. Cancer threw all that at you and you fought with everything you had and you won! I really hope some counselling will help you to process it all and with time you can deal with some of the feelings more easily. Hope you had a fantastic night out with your friends!!

Linny - I think I cried for the first few weeks of my dds life! Well done on the bf going so well, it can be so tough so it's fab that you and your gorgeous little one are getting on so well. Enjoy those blissful newborn days <3

Kim - happy oving Hun! I'm feeling so hopeful for you and will be sooo excited when I hear of your bfp!

I'm 4 dpo at the moment. I only seem to have a lp of 10 days at the moment so I never have the chance to test as af turns up bang on time on 10 dpo. If I got to 12 dpo or something I'd probably test.

Katie my first few afs after mmc were pretty confusing. I had mid cycle spotting and bleeding and never really knew what was going on. I think it was my body and hormones trying to sort themselves out and it got better by cycle 3. Good luck and I hope you have some good news soon.

Lit - how are you doing after your mucasy bloody discharge? Anything happening? Sounds like a good sign that your body is getting ready!! Exciting!

Alt - I'm glad you got some answers and perhaps some closure on the loss of gummy, even though its heartbreaking and devastating its reassuring to at least know there was a reason why this has happened :hugs: good luck with whatever route you choose and I really hope you'll be on your way to your rainbow baby very soon.

Ah, cycles and all that, it's all so personal and individual. In most places I read that it takes between 4-6 weeks to get AF after MC, but to have it this quickly (exactly 20 days after the bleeding stopped) is not unheard of.
I'm having a pretty decent amount of bleeding and it does resemble AF so far :) I'm not having any clotting and am not cramping, just some very sore and heavy boobs.
So I'm beginning to feel comfortable to call it the :witch: but I'll keep an eye on it the next few days anyway :)
Mrs W - Thanks love! Yeah, the BF thing I expected to go badly, so glad it hasn't! Good luck with things this month...A shorter LP is probably a blessing as otherwise you can drive yourself mental testing from 10 - 16dpo :) x

Katie - My AF turned up 21 days after my MC and I was - like you - a bit surprised...normally it's a longer cycle after MC but not with me - and I was always 28 days regular too - so yep, it can happen like that x
SLg- im happy to hear you are making progress in dealing with all the emotional aspect of cancer and TTC, I have no doubts that all the efforts you are putting forth will help you get pregnant! i totally believe in the mind and body connection, so healing your mind and sould can't do any harm!

I hope you had a great time with your girlfriends! have a drink for us ladies who cant drink! LOL

Alt- Im so happy to hear you got some information about the MC. it must be a relief, although still hard. I never found out why mine occured but I think that the fact you got a doctor who seems willing to work with you is great news. You gotta do whats best for you, if IVF is the way to go, then why not?

Lit- I hope you are doing well!! i was reading your opdates, are you off work now? im sorry my sense of time is all effed up.

AFM: OH MAN.... INDIGESTION. `That's all I have to say. I know that in the spectrum of things that could go wrong in pregnancy, this is like a blessing, but holy macaroni...its rough. I cant eat pasta or fries or anything startchy and when i do i pay DEARLY. cant eat after 6-7pm because I will not sleep... and well... heartburn. Other than that, I feel FANTASTIC! i went hiking, my mood is ok, although I had a angry pregnant lady moment last week and almost told a co worker to F*ck OFF and Ive gained a totaly of 8 lbs since day 1 of pregnancy which is fregging awesome.

I still cant feel the baby, so Im patientienly trying to distinguish between gas and baby movements... which is a very odd thing to do LOL

We wil lfind out gender of baby on wednesday so we are SUPER SUPER EXCITED. I dont realyl feel afraid and I just have to have faith that all is well with our dear son/daughter.

i hope everyone else is doing well, I read everything but I cant reply one my one. Happy monday!
Hi ladies!

A little announcement for you..

Baby Oscar was born today at 9.45am and weighed 8lb10. Absolutely in love!
C-section was surprisingly calm and im already mobile and feeling good.
Will update more soon and post pics.
Lots of love to everyone x x
Aww huge congratulations lg!!! Welcome to the world baby Oscar!!! Cant wait to see photos. Glad your doing well too honey! ! Xxxxx
Sab I cannot believe you are 20 weeks already! !! How did that happen? Xxx
Huge Congratulations!! Happy to hear that delivery went smoothly! :dance:
Lj - WOW!! :happydance: Congratulations! Love the name Oscar! :) I'm glad the c-section went so well and that you're feeling so good so quickly. Can't wait to see a pic! Hard to believe I will be next...barring an extreme preemie from someone else here!

Sab - Yes, you are correct! My last day of work was Friday, so today was really my first "official" day of maternity leave. It was great - although not very relaxing because I was busy trying to clean up our house and applying for ei. But that's ok, because I have more fun planned for later in the week. I also slept until noon, so can't complain about that. ;)

That is suuuuper exciting that you find out that gender on Wednesday!!! I can't wait to hear the news! I'm glad you're feeling positive and not afraid. That is really too bad about the indigestion/heartburn! If it gives you hope, I suffered from much more indigestion and heartburn in the second trimester than I have in the 3rd! I still get it the odd time but for some reason it decided to disappear...so maybe you'll get lucky too?

Mrs W - Well, have not gone into labour yet! :haha: I appear to be losing my mucus plug gradually over time rather than all at once like some ladies. So, for several days since that 'bloody show' I've been losing lots and lots of mucus...even so much that one day it was dripping down my leg (ew, I know). Anyway, I think I must be one of those people who slowly loses it and still has a week or two (or more :S) to go until labour afterwards. Either way, I agree that it's a good sign that my body is preparing...and I'm hoping it means I'm even more effaced now. When did you lose your mucus plug?

I hope you can get past your 10 day LP this time...but I hope it's because you get a BFP! I had a weirdly short LP the cycle before I got pregnant this time...so you never know!

Sara - I'm glad your counseling session went well and that you're realizing some areas from your past that you still need to deal with. I hope you had a fun night out with friends!

Linny - Yes, I agree it did sound like my "bloody show." However...since it must have been partly from the pelvic exam, I'm wondering if that will mean I'll have another bloody show right before I got into labour? Or if it can be normal to have a bloody show and then not go into labour for a while.

Thanks! I'd love a martini. ;) Our house is slowly coming back together. It's still driving me crazy but at least there is a place to put baby now...and I spent today sorting out the upstairs. Now I really need DH to help me get the bedrooms and such in order, but he's said he's committed to doing most if not all of it (whether this actually happens is another story - but I'm glad he has good intentions)! I also really need him to install the car seat ASAP because I'm getting worried! I even had a dream the other night that I had the baby at home and couldn't take the baby to the hospital to get checked after because we didn't have the car seat installed!

I have heard a lot of women talk about the emotional rollercoaster the first few days after delivery are. I'm sure I have quite the meltdown to look forward to then because I'm pretty emotional and hormonal at the best of times! I'm glad your emotions are sort of starting to settle out now. It's so great that Elka is breastfeeding so well! I think there are a lot of things we'll lose our resolve on right away (dummies/pacifiers, etc) once we realize how parenting ACTUALLY is. It's so easy to make up your mind about something before you know what it's really like. How are you coping with the sleep deprivation so far? Did you find you bonded with Elka right away, or has it been developing over time?

Kim - Hehe, thanks! It's sort of bad because all along I was expecting to go all the way to my due date if not overdue, but now that I've had these few "signs" I'm getting my hopes up she'll be early even though that probably won't work out.

Alt - haha, loved your use of "disasterize." It really is true about men! Thanks - I really hope the cleaning fairies come soon. ;)

I'm glad that finding out about Gummy having Trisomy 22 has helped you come to terms with the mc to some extent. I totally understand that and agree that a mc was probably the 'best possible' situation for that scenario, as heartbreaking and awful as it was. :(

Good that your insurance would cover the majority of your IVF costs, although that genetic screening does not sound cheap at all! Whatever you choose to do, I'm sure it will result in a healthy, happy rainbow baby for you. You have a journey ahead of you, but I just know there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Katie - Yep, sometimes AFs after mcs can surprise you and be right on time. I hope the worst of that is over with now!
LJ congrats on baby Oscar!!! I'm soo happy that your planned c-section went so well, mine was amazing!!

Linny glad to hear that you haven't had trouble bf!! makes things so much easier, in my opinion anyways ;)

Lit, I remember being sure that I would be early... nope never had a sign.. she's too comfy in there right now ;) waiting anxiously everyday to see if there's an update!! I LOL about the car seat :) Glad the house is getting back to normal!!

Aleeha hope you and baby are doing well, have you decided on a name yet?

Sara glad that you got out for some me time. How are you these days? You going to go ahead with the new RE's plans?

Becky I think that you're around 7 dpo, will you be testing at 10 dpo if AF doesn't show?

Alt how are you doing these days?

Emma I laughed when you said how did Sabsters get to 20 weeks... I looked at your ticker and thought.. wow when did Emma get to 26 weeks!! hahahaha You're a real inspiration for us ladies that are not getting pregnant right away... :)

Crys how are you feeling? when's your next apt? or u/s?

katie how are you doing? are you guys going to wait or are you jumping right back in the TTC game?

AFM well I'm CD 9 today, lots of EWCM, I ovulate normally CD 7 - 10 so right on schedule :) we got to BD last night so that was good timing... hopefully we'll get one more in ;) the only bothersome thing is that there is brown blood again mixed in with my EWCM, second month in a row for me... I'm not sure if that's normal or not since I've never paid attention before.. and since I ov so early I may have just thought it was spotting at the end of my AF...I guess it could be ovulation spotting... hmmm.. I hope it doesn't mean that my hormone levels are totally out of whack..

Oh and on a fun note, my younger DS went to daycare yesterday in big boy underwear :) he turned 2 at the end of June... I was in no rush to toilet train him, but he's been saying funny things like last weekend we were driving and he had a diaper on and he's saying "mommy stop the car" and I ask why.. he said "peee" ahh so he held it until we got to a toilet... he also hasn't pooped in his diaper in over 3 months.. so he's clearly ready.. maybe just not me :haha:

have a great day ladies!!
LJ - congrats!!! Love the name you've chosen. Beautiful :)

Literati - I think from today on out it I should really start to feel better. I'm having an early but nasty AF. Flow's heavy but already I feel better than yesterday: shortly after my last post I started cramping loads, more than I've ever had during any AF, and it felt like that was supposed to be the pain I didn't feel when I actually MC'ed. So while it does feel like it's happening all over again, I also feel that it's just happening to me 'again' physically, as emotionally I'm doing really well. So I will be fine :) The pain's almost gone.

KLS - we are very excited to TTC again! I'm not really all that afraid at this point. I thought I would be but once you've been through it, it feels different in ways... like I made it through this and I'm ok. We are going to be taking it somewhat easy though, take a more relaxed approach and try to enjoy each other more, and we're not going to be too secretive anymore either. I found that I really appreciate the support of people close to me.
Lj congratulations!! Love the name Oscar and can't wait to see a sneaky pic of your little prince! Enjoy the newborn snuggles.

Lit - your oh sounds so lovely. I hope you finish getting the house all sorted out and baby arrives promptly after that! I was induced so didn't loose my mucas plug until I was in labour and when I did I was totally gob smacked by how much there was, tmi!

Eeek Kim, hoping you've caught that egg!!! I'd say if no bfp in the next few cycles then go and see the dr as mid cycle spotting can be a sign of other things but then again as you say maybe it's af tailing off. Also ovulation spotting is a sign of a strong ovulation I think?

Yep am 7dpo today! I guess if no sign of af by Friday - 10 dpo then I will test but I'm sure it won't happen :-( I've just lost my confidence and belief at the moment that ill ever get my longed for bfp. If I did get it this cycle it would be so perfect as we are away all weekend in the place dh proposed and so I could take him for a walk on the beach to our engage,eat spot and tell him there. I can dream!!!

Mrs w - I so hope you can tell your DH about your BFP that way! That would be so perfect! Sorry you are feeling pessimistic about getting your BFP. :( I really hope it's this cycle!

Kim - yay for your DS wearing big boy underwear! Hehe so funny that now people are anxiously awaiting my news when so recently I've been awaiting Aleeah's , lj's, linny's!

Katie - sorry AF is so physically painful this time! That is so rough!
hey ladies

Becky yeah I will wait a minimum of one more cycle before I go see the doc, my body was so crazy on bcp I figure it needs a few months to sort itself out. It's possible that I've always had this, I don't know I've never paid attention LOL for me I only bleed 2/3 days, then day 4/5 nothing then the brown CM starts when EWCM starts CD 6/7 then when the EWCM it's gone. I ovulate CD 7 - 10... so it definately seems to be related to ovulation and from what I've read totally normal and nothing to be concerned about... I really hope that AF stays away and that this is your month.. or at the very least a longer lp!! fingers crossed for you!

It's funny how when you're TTC you're soo in tune with your body hahaha I never paid attention to any of this stuff before, and since I was pregnant fairly quickly with my first 2 I never got into this stuff... lol oooh to be naive again...

Katie I love your attitude :) very positive, you sound a lot like me... my motto in life is to worry about things that I can control. If i can't change it or make it better, then it's not worth my time to worry about.. it's got me through a lot of tough times. I sometimes get accused of not caring and that's not it at all, "It is what it is" I say that a lot hahahaha drives a few people in my life crazy hahaha

Lit I know what you mean it's crazy that you're at the end... that Emma is 26 weeks!! yikes that Sab is over 20... Cryss is not far behind... time flies!!!

Sara thinking of you, hope you caught that egg when DH was home ;)

AFM nothing new here, think I ovulated yesterday, but forgot my opks... sigh.. so I'm just guessing based on my EWCM... will test this pm and tomorrow and see, but today is Cd10 and I normally have ovulated by now.. will try and get a bd in tonight just in case.. but OH has not been feeling well so it's been hard...

Take care!!

Kim - yes, I am astonished that Emma is 26 weeks already! Third trimester next week!? How did that happen? So exciting. Soon it will be you we will be marvelling about how far along you are!

That's too bad your DH isn't feeling well. I hope you can fit in one last BD session! It reall is weird how insanely in tune with our bodies we get when we're TTC.
I say "it is what it is" all the time. It drives my husband bananas. :haha: I realize that phrase doesnt make much sense but I like it anyhow. 't took me many years to learn that I can't control everything in my life. I'm so much better off now that I figured it out.
Linny - Thank you!! I am not sure they will do anything because i have one good tube. So hopefully it happens if not than, I will just keep it moving.
I cant believe im 3rd tri on sunday! Boobs started leaking last night. So now have engorged boobies today ! Not comfortable haha. I havent had a chance to catch up properly or read any comments properly. Been so busy with visitors and housework I just dont get a spare minute.

Hope you are all well. Will catch up soon!!! Xxx
Quick little update... its confirmed... Its A BOY!!!! we are super super happpppyyyyy!! I totally knew it from the get go!

and now for names.... we are pretty set in the name but we are supposed to keep it a secret... so I will try to keep it a secret to honor my DH. BUT ITS SO HARD!

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