Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Thanks, everyone! Where did everyone go? How are all the TTCers? Where are you all in your cycles?

I guess now I will fill you all in on my birth story!!

I woke up with my first contraction at 6:45 am on Thurs, Aug. 7th. For the first hour I was really skeptical and was sure they'd fizzle out (because the day before I'd had a few contractions that just went away)...but by 8:30 am they were already 5 minutes apart and pretty intense. I was trying to get ready because I had some last things to put in my diaper bag and wanted to clean up some of the mess in our living room, but quickly discovered I could not go anywhere because as soon as I grabbed something I'd have another contraction and would have to drop everything and breathe through it. My DH came home from work around 9:30 am and at that point contractions were 4-5 min apart and 1-1/2 minutes long and I was puking during them. I ordered him around to get the diaper bag packed, etc. and finally at 11 am we were ready to go to the hospital.

When we got to the hospital I was already 4 cm, so it was a pretty short early labour and I was so relieved that I was in active labour already. From there contractions were terrible and I was biting DH's arm and also holding up the garbage can in case I threw up during contractions (although I never did again - just felt like it). I was always planning on getting an epidural, but originally I had told the resident I'd like to wait a bit longer. Well, the assessment nurses were busy and were taking a while to get me into the labour & delivery ward, and within an hour of such intense contractions I was asking to get an epidural since I knew it would be a while before I could actually get it. My mom came to the hospital shortly after they checked me, so she was there for support as well.

Once in L&D, I was having horrific contractions lasting 2 minutes long, 45-60 seconds apart and was shaking uncontrollably, nauseous, etc. They actually thought I might be progressing quickly and in transition already. They finally administered the epidural around 2:30 pm which I found incredibly uncomfortable because of the position they had me in, and then I was shocked to find that the epidural didn't just work right away but that you're supposed to lie on your back for half an hour and wait for it to kick in. So it ended up that the epidural didn't work for me at ALL and I was still having these BEASTLY contractions lasting 2 minutes long with very little break in between, and I kind of got all panicky and upset at this point because I had been expecting the epidural to work (and btw I feel so much sympathy now for Linny's epidural not working)! Anyway, a very looooong hour passed and they tried administering a top-up dose (which also did absolutely nothing), so then another anesthesiologist came up and completely re-did my epidural. Had to lie and wait for it to kick in again for 30 minutes...but finally started feeling some relief and calmed down so much. Once it fully kicked in I was sooo calm and serene and couldn't believe that I didn't feel anything. Anyway, when they had checked me after the first epidural, I was still only 4 cm, but an hour after the second one I was 5 cm. However, several hours passed and I was still stuck at 5 cm so they gave me some syntocinon to augment labour. A few hours later I was at 8 cm, but my water still hadn't broken and baby was not engaged yet so they did not want to break my water.

An hour later I was already 9 cm but again they wanted to wait til baby was more engaged before they broke my water. Then when I was between 9 and 10 cm, they were about to break my water when it suddenly just burst on its own and startled us all! :haha: After that, my epidural had pretty much stopped working and I was having some very intense contractions again so they administered a top-up dose again and this gave me some relief for about an hour.

Once my water broke, I progressed to 10 cm quite quickly and they just had to wait for my baby to make it to +2 engagement. My doctor came around 11:30 pm and checked in which me and said they'd check me in another hour. When they checked me again I was pretty much ready to go and was having a lot of pressure very low down and I was feeling the contractions very intensely again. At that point they were 2 minutes long and only 30 seconds apart so they lowered my syntocinon dose. At 1:15 am I started pushing, but because they lowered my synotcinon, my contractions slowed right down and there was quite a bit of wasted time in between pushes. So then they raised the dose again but I quickly became very exhausted. Everyone says they just feel 'pressure' with an epidural when pushing, but mine was almost completely worn off and I was in a lot of pain and feeling everything at that point. Pushing wasn't that painful in itself, but I was very quickly tiring out and starting to panic when my contractions became very very long and the pain was going on forever after I finished pushing, and I'd only get to catch my breath for a few seconds before another one came and I had to push again. I kept asking if I was getting anywhere or if it was almost over but they couldn't tell me how long it'd be (obviously) so I just started panicking more and more...Everyone kept telling me I was doing great but I HATED it and honestly wished I could just get a c-section at that point because every moment was so awful. Finally I gave in and they used to vacuum to help me out. It took 4 (excruciating) pushes and she was OUT at 3:00 am (btw - I definitely still felt the 'ring of fire'...ugh!) and on my chest! I couldn't believe how quick it was with the vacuum! I felt kind of bad for using the vacuum, but they discovered after when they did a catheter (I could not pee on my own the entire time I was in labour) that I had 1 liter of urine in my bladder while I was pushing...so that was likely why she was having such difficulty coming down all the way. Also, she was totally fine...just had a bit of a bruise on her head for a couple days.

I was in shock for the first little bit but got her to breastfeed almost immediately after birth and spent an hour of skin on skin. It took an hour or two to bond with her, but once I did I became so overcome with love and adoration for her! My heart just swells and swells when I hold her or look at her, and I frequently cry about how much I love her!

Things are going well except for the fact that I have mastitis :( and she had a day of intense cluster feeding yesterday where she would feed for 2 1/2 hours straight, then take a 10 minute break, then feed another 45 minutes, 5 minute break, and then another hour...etc etc for an entire 18 hours! Yikes. She seems to be less hungry today so that is a relief!

Hope you're all doing well!
Hey Lit

Thanks for the birth story!! sounds like you were amazing!!!

Sorry that you have mastitis.. been there.. I had it too..it was terrible... I had 1 side prone to it.. I needed antibiotics, and 2 weeks after I finished them I could feel the duct blocking again, I had physio done where they did an ultrasound on the duct and were able to blast it up, then I had no more problems!!


Thanks, Kim! That sounds awful about getting a blocked duct twice!!! I never knew there was physio for such things!

Where are you in your cycle?
Lit, I'm so sorry to have missed everything! I was on vacation with really spotty internet access!

Nevada is the most beautiful baby! What a story! My heart swells with joy for you and your family!!!! Congratulations!!!!!
Lit -what a birth story! So glad shes here healthy and happy. Mastitis doesnt sound fun at all. Hope it clears soon!

How are all you ttcers? Where are you in your cycle ? Anyone nearly at testing time ?

How are the rest of you mamas and babies doing ?

How are all you preggo ladies ?

Afm- 30+1 for me. Pretty much doing fine. Had a terrible night the other night. Was going to bed and was having intense crampy feelings at the top of my uterus that would come and go... went on for about two -three hours. OH was sleeping and was mixed about waking him or not. Thought I was going into prem labour... I eventually drifted off too sleep... woke a few times still uncomfortable but when I finally woke in the morning it was as though nothing happened. So im pretty sure I experienced my first batch of BH!! Not happened since thankfully. But baby still moving great and im still in love with this little beauty cant wait to see baby at my scan a week on wed! Xxx
Lit I know!! I never knew there was physio for that either!! A lactation specialist told me. It was a lifesaver since I got really sick with mastitis. The physio had said if it happens again just to call and she'd squeeze me in no matter what!!

I'm 1/2 dpo I think.. didn't do opks this month so not exactly sure :)
nothing planned hahahaha

I ovulate normally CD 7 - 10, we bd on CD 7 and on CD 10... who knows hahaha
It was the month we never really planned was our lucky month lol xxx
Kim - that's really nice! I should probably call the lactation consultant for advice but I am so lazy and tired. I'm also supposed to go to the dr for a follow-up appointment but I don't want to leave the house. Sigh!

Exciting that you are in the TWW already! And sounds like you had good timing!

Blue - I started getting some painful practice contractions around 32 weeks. I think they're fairly normal. It is annoying to get a scare though!
Lit! OMGGGGG thank you for sharingyour birth story, it was very honest and candid. im glad you adressed the whole feeling panicky. its so important to share how we feel and know what its ok to feel thatway when you are birthing a child and you have no clue what the EFF is going on. She looks lovely, I hope your infection goes away soon....

Kim: no plan is a great plan! my month of BFP was tequila month. Herewe are 6 months later waiting for our little pumpkin!

AFM: Im 24 week+2 and doing pretty well. I woke up nauseous today, which is extremely weird... oh and last week one of my fillings came off... YAY... so I have a dentist appointment this week to fix it because im pretty sure my nerve is exposed. I just hope he can do something and that I dont need a root canal becasue I wont be able to do it... :(

Things with hubby are good. I am going back to archery today, FINALLY! i got new limbs for my bow and Im pretty excited. I will blow off some steam thats for sure.

has anyone had falling out with friends since becoming pregnant, mom or just because you are trying? I have a bit of a situation with my`'close' friend who practically doesnt even acknowledge that I am pregnant and always makes stupid remarks on fb.... I just feel that she hasnt been present at all since I became pregnant and instead of being inclusive, she is 'exclusive' and doesnt really invite me to things.. we have the same groups of friends but we see them on separate occasions... I just think the whole thing is weird and im kind of in a `i dont give a f*** mood'' but I just dont get it... for example, when I shared the news that I am pregnant she said she'S like the characted from ''bridesmaids' ( kristeen wigg) whos best friend is getting married and the girl has a breakdown.... My response is more along the lines of its not aboutyou, its actually about ME. and rightly so...

anyways, anyone have some stories? is this normal? whats happeningggg
Sab - I'm not sure if that happened to me while pregnant but I think it's fairly common. I have definitely heard of people having their friends ditch them after they got pregnant. That isn't cool at all though and I hope your friend smartens up!

I'm glad you liked my birth story! I do wish people were more honest about their emotions during labour as I sort of felt 'weak' during labour like most women cope much better but I am sure many women get upset and panicky!

Sorry you felt nauseous today! I hope that goes away.
Sab - oh, also... I'm quite sure local freezing is safe during pregnancy! Generally they say it's safer to take care of dental health than to not because having dental issues can be dangerous to pregnancy as well. Does a root canal use anything more than local freezing? I would check with your dr if you're concerned. I had to get local freezing to get a mole removed around 20 weeks and the dr told me the risk was not zero, but less than walking across the street! Getting a root canal would be miserable though so I hope you don't need one! :hugs:
Sab I have had a fall out with a so called close friend. When I fell pregnant this time and last time she wasnt there for me never messaged to even ask how me or how baby where. This pregnancy she was getting married but I was in hospital for her hen weekend that I really couldnt afford to go to anyway. And then when the wedding came around I couldnt afford to go to that because ive been signed off work since I went to hospital and we where loving off of OH wages and our fridge freezer broke and his boss hadn't paid him for the month so we had to put the money I saved for the wedding to our house.... plus the fact I still hadnt even been asked how I was or anything since falling pregnant and OH wasnt even invited to her wedding... just shows how close we where. But when I never went to her wedding I was deleted from all social networking and havent spoke to her since. Its actually really refreshing as shes a fake person and has done so much over the last couple of years that have disgusted me. So to be free of it I can focus on my real friends who are there for me my partner and my baby.

Good luck with the tooth xxx
Hey ladies,

just quickly dropping in to say 'hi'! Lit, thanks for your birth story - I agree with the other ladies, it's good to read honest account of the raw emotions during childbirth. I can honestly say it was the most shocking experience for me - I did not anticipate how I would feel at all.

Sorry I can't read/reply today - I have my old flatmate coming round to see Elka and we've had our first extremely rough night! Argh! She was a great wee sleeper till last night - yesterday she was also only doing 40 min naps and waking up cranky. Think it's the ol' growth spurt happening...sure hope so anyway!

Hope all you preggies are doing well and ladies ttc - I check in every few days and always hope for good news from you

Hey Ladies

Linny sorry that you had a rough night!! hopefully it passes quickly :)

Sab I had the same thing, I had been on my own with my first DS for 4 years, had a friend who I did everything with... when I met my OH she was not happy, she liked me being single... anyways once I got pregnant she never acknowledged it at all... my younger DS is 2 and we haven't spoken in almost a year now.. it's not worth my energy to be quite honest. I think the reality is we grow and it's normal that our friends change over time, as our priorities and interests change. I wouldn't worry about it and just look forward to new mommy friends you'll have :) they'll "get it" . HOpe that nauseau goes away!!

Lit - Thanks for sharing your birthing story Lit! I was gripped all the way through. I'm glad Nevada arrived safely in the end, sounds like you had it quite tough with the epidural not working - hadn't heard of that before! Sorry to hear you have mastitus, I hope it clears up soon. :hugs: I loved reading the bit about your heart swelling with love for her - I can't wait to have that feeling holding my baby in my arms. :cloud9: xx

Emma - I have had BH quite a bit in the last few weeks, it doesn't hurt for me though, my tummy just goes tight and looks sort of square for a minute or two. I often get it when I have just turned over in bed, or if I have just started walking having been sat down. I noticed if I turn back over in bed it goes away, I'm pretty sure my uterus is much more on the right than the left, so when I turn onto my right I think I squash it slightly and it gets irritated. I've given up turning over now and just stay on my left. :dohh: xx

Kim - Good luck with the TWW! I hope it doesn't drag on too much for you! xx

Linny - Sorry Elka isn't sleeping well anymore, like you say she's probably having a growth spurt! I'm sure she'll be back to her sleeping patterns soon. xx

Sab - I haven't fallen out with any friends, but a couple of my family have annoyed me. My Mum said the other day 'You've been very tense since you have been pregnant, I just hope it doesn't continue after the baby is born'. UGH I haven't been tense! I spoke to OH and he said I've not been tense at all. I asked Mum what examples she has of me being tense and she said 'Oh nothing I can pin point, but because I know you well I have noticed'. I was feeling quite chirpy and cheerful before she said that! xx

AFM - I had a routine midwife appointment last week and they asked if there were any problems, so I just mentioned I'd been getting a wet spot (about the size of 50p) in my knickers lately, and I wasn't sure what was causing it. They said they would like to send me to the hospital just to check in case it's a slow amniotic fluid leak - but said it was unlikely to be one. They said that the doctor would look up with a speculum and would know straight away. So I walked up to the hospital and waited to be seen. I got there at 3.15pm, and they did all the same checks I'd already had at my routine midwife appointment (blood pressure, pulse, listening to baby etc) and then hooked me up to a machine to monitor the uterus, baby and my heartrate! I had to sit there for ages and she asked me if I had been feeling contractions! I said 'no, why is something wrong?' and she said there wasn't and walked off. I was really worried and hated the machine monitering me, and the baby was squirming underneath the silly straps on my stomach. The midwife asked if I wanted anyone to come and keep me company, so I text my Mum and she came up to hospital to sit with me. Anyway, eventually they did finally look up me with a speculum and all was okay (I even heard the doctor mutter to the midwife saying that there was no need to use the machine) so it all took much longer and was more stressful than I thought! Didn't leave until after 5pm, so was in there for 2 hours! Even more irritating, is that my Mum felt the need to tell both my sisters on the phone about the incident (and god knows who else). I had my sister phone me and saying I shouldn't worry about that sort of thing - but I wasn't worried until I got sent to hospital! UGH! That's the last time I'll confide in my Mum or ask for support. The weird thing is that when we were in hospital, my Mum said she had just text my sister about meeting up next week, and then said 'Don't worry I didn't mention we were here' and I said 'Good, no one really needs to know do they.' But then she went and told them all anyway later on. :dohh:

ANYWAY, everything seems fine at the moment, I'm 29 weeks tomorrow! We had our pushchair delivered yesterday - got the Mamas and Papas Sola2! :) Really pleased with it.

I hope everyone else is doing okay? :flower: xxx
Teacup what a time you have had. Your mum sounds like my gran haha she says the same. Oh I wont tell anyone (which mean everyone she sees). My dads the same at 26 weeks baby wasn't moving much and I went to see the midwife and by the time I came out of the doctors room he had phoned my whole family!!! Lol.

So glad that its all good and there nothing to worry about.

Hope I dont have too many BH's ! Xx
Hello ladies,

How is everyone?

AFM - I am trying to catch up with you all posts. I have been MIA due to interterviewing Fertility Centers with the DH. We have finally found one Shady Grove Fertilty Center. However getting records from my current FS has been like pulling teeth.

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