Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Blue, congrats on the new job! What is it? Some type of nursing I assume? That's too bad about your physio appointment, I sure hope you don't have to wait another 6 weeks! Hopefully they can confirm baby's gender for you at your next ultrasound - I had a bunch of ultrasounds and more often than not asked them to check just to make sure, lol.

LL, that's good that you've got your hospital bag packed :) As for helpful tips, I didn't use half of what I took and we were there for a week - hospital provided diapers, wipes and maternity pads so I didn't need any of those. I took a book which was silly, I had absolutely no time for that, lol. Also did not use any of the snacks or juice boxes I packed. What was helpful was a couple pairs of comfy pj's, flip flops (didn't want to walk around bare foot in the hospital), my pillow from home, toiletries, and a few onsies/sleepers/blankets for baby. You really don't need much :) Oh, and the camera, that is important!

Yes, we're very excited for our trip!! I might even get to sleep in a little bit :)

Crys, what a great way to tell the younger kids, but funny that none of them got it, lol. It must be nice to have it out in the open now :) Do you have any guesses as to whether you're having a boy or a girl?

Sab, how are you feeling these days? After not being on here much for a while it seems like everyone is so far along now!

As per Blue's request, here's a photo of my little guy this morning on our way out for a walk. Arm and leg a little blurry because he doesn't stop moving these days, lol (even when he's asleep, haha, last night he managed to completely turn himself around in his crib and wiggle down to the bottom, all while sleeping)


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Awww! He's so cute!

The kids didn't figure it out but they made sure everyone else read the shirt. Lol!

I think it's a girl. :)
Lindsay - thanks for the hospital bag tips. Another friend of mine also told me no need to bother bringing books or magazines! Haha. Am still bringing snacks/juice boxes in case DH needs them though because he gets very cranky when low blood sugar and I will not be tolerating that while I am in labour! Haha.

Adorable picture of Rowan, as always!!! :)

Crys - have you normally been right with your gender predictions with your kids?

AFM - had major nesting urge today. Got a ton done and even did things I NEVER do like getting on hands and knees and scrubbing the insides of some of the kitchen cupboards and reorganizing the entire pantry. Also, DH finally finished tidying up the basement so everything's almost perfect now! I really hope I go into labour tomorrow! Eep.
Ah well 15 weeks isnt too far to wait then. Will you have any more after that? Here you always get a 12 and a 20. Anything in between is extra.

It was a nursing position closer to home and hours I chose to work. So a little bit flexi for baby coming.

Linds- you little man is soo adorable and I cant believe how big he is getting !! They sure dont stay small for very long.

Lit- im 26th of Oct. Think it could be me. ... thats a scary thought! ! Teacup is the week after me I think.

Teacup- how are you? ? You will be in the 3rd tri too now !!!

sab- still can't believe how far you are! Lol feels like your pregnancy is going wicket than mine! !

Just seen your post lit. Maybe after going on the hands and knees you will go into labour! Have you got names picked or yet? Xxx
Lit - It's been my experience that usually after a major nesting urge when you feel great doing it you will go into labor soon.

Emma - She's always done a first check at 8 weeks and an anatomy scan at 20 weeks. I've never had one at 15 weeks, so that's pretty cool. Last time she did a 3D/4D scan and recorded it for me too. It was later in the pregnancy. It's nice that she has her own machine. :thumbup:

That's great your new job is closer and will be more flexible.
Blue - Then, yes, I think you're definitely next! I just checked my calendar and I have teacup's due date as Nov. 7 and Sab as Dec. 4!? Not sure if those have changed at all.

When will you hear if you got the job or not? I'm glad it's more flexible?

I was hoping the hands and knees thing *might* help push me into labour, but no such luck so far. However, my sweep is at 11 am and I really hope that works! We do have our name all picked out! Do you have names picked as well?

Crys - I really hope you're right! I haven't really had a nesting urge that I actually had the energy to follow through on all pregnancy, so it seemed like a promising sign!

Sab - I see you replied back there, but no update on how you're doing! Anything new and interesting? Any fun summer plans?

AFM - As I promised a long time ago, here are some pics of our nursery. The decorations won't stay on the ledge - we still need to hang them - but I think that will be a finishing touch that probably won't get done before baby arrives.


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Hi ladies! I've taken a bit of a break trying to recover from my loss, but I've missed you all!

I owe a proper catchup! Just wanted to wish you all well and wish Lit an easy labor!

Will catch up properly soon!
Alt - I hope the break is doing you some good. :hugs: What is the next step for you?

AFM - Had my membrane sweep just now! It was EXTREMELY uncomfortable but the fact that it was brief made it bearable. If it had lasted a few more seconds I probably would have begged her to stop haha. I am 80% effaced and 'soft' and 1-2 cm dilated. My mom (a nurse) says this means my cervix is quite favourable to respond to the sweep! So that's good! I started cramping immediately, which the dr said was normal, and I've had another 'bloody show' which she told me I would get from the exam. I slept terribly last night and want to nap, but I don't want to get off my feet since I want to make as much progress as I can! I'm still cramping quite heavily and have back pain. Fingers crossed!
LL, fingers crossed the sweep works!! I would say go for that nap, if you go into labour you'll be glad you did!!
Lindsay - Thanks. I did go for a nap, although it took a long time to fall asleep because I was cramping pretty bad and even had a couple painful contractions.

Unfortunately, however, things seem to have fizzled out and now it's just the same old braxton hicks I always get and the odd crampy feeling. I am still spotting but I know that's from the exam. I've pretty much given hope on the sweep 'working' now. Baby is obviously too content in there and I am destined to go overdue. :cry:

I suppose I should be thankful I didn't go into labour today because poor DH has some sort of stomach virus and I wouldn't want him dealing with that while trying to support me in labour (not to mention I wouldn't want him to be contagious when he first holds our LO)!

How is everyone else? Kim? Sara? Haven't heard from you in a little while!
Hi everyone! Sorry for not coming here much lately, I seem to have been very busy and then we went on holiday. I hope you're all doing okay?

I'm 27 weeks + 1 today (due 5th November). I don't seem to sleep hardly at all anymore, I can't get comfy and feel like I'm squashing the baby! Baby was doing some crazy dancing last night which also didn't help me nod off! I love feeling the movements though and watching my tummy jumping about. The heat here in the last few weeks has been unbearable, and we had a mini break in Bristol and the train didn't have aircon! I thought I was going to pass out! My hips aren't quite as bad as they used to be, but if I ever sleep on my right side then my right hip aches the next day. I thought I would get less anxious as my pregnancy progressed but I still worry lots! I'm counting down the days to when I'm full term - 10 weeks to go!

Lit - I hope your labour progresses soon! Baby must be way too comfy in there. :haha: Can't wait for your finale! :happydance: Don't worry about feeling embarrassed going into hospital about lack of movements, the nurses must see it a lot and they wouldn't blame you for being worried. I'm glad baby was okay and gave you some nice reassuring kicks so you could leave hospital. Really love your nursery! I'm waiting for our cot to be delivered today! We bought a nice lampshade and rug as well, I love choosing cute things for baby's room! xx

Emma - How are you? Love the bump pic - you look great! Congratulations on reaching third trimester and getting the new job! :happydance: Sorry to hear you're still suffering with the hip pain. I found that if you do less in the day, and put one puffy pillow between your knees in bed at night (that reaches to your feet) then it seems to help. Also I have to stay on my left side because as soon as I go on my right side I get hip pain again. I've noticed my baby is mostly on the right side so maybe it's something to do with that? I tuck my knees up quite high in bed too - feet almost up to my bum - which I noticed has made a big difference to my hip pain. xx

Crys - Aww what a lovely scan pic! How are you? Exciting you're almost 12 weeks! :happydance: You'll be in second tri in no time! xx

Lindsay - Lovely pics of Rowan! He has such a gorgeous smile. :cloud9: Wow Maui looks amazing! I'm super jealous, what a lovely place to go on holiday. Hope you are all well! xx

Linny - Sorrry to hear Elka has colick - how is she now? I hope she is getting better. Love the pic of her in the jaunty hat! She's beautiful! :cloud9: xx

Sara - Happy belated Birthday to Emily! How are you doing? xx

Bright - Any news? How are things going? xx

Sab - Woah you're almost 23 weeks! :happydance: How are you? :flower: xx

Alternatedi - I hope you are healing well after your loss, :hugs: I also had two losses in a row and found it very hard. If you ever want to pm me then please do. I worried there was something wrong with me, but it's really just very bad luck and you're sure to have your rainbow baby next time. It's so cruel that some of us don't get that carefree happiness with a first pregnancy that some of the lucky ones experience. I hope you are having a good summer despite your loss and spending some quality time with your OH. :hugs: xxx
Teacup - No BFP AF came and is on her way out!! So on to the next cycle. We go the the FS today and Urologist to discuss IVF.
Hey Ladies

Sorry to be MIA the last little while :)

Lit good luck!!! I think you're right, good thing you didn't go into labour with your DH having a stomach bug!! hopefully he's feeling better ASAP!!!

alt good to hear from you, glad that you are taking care of yourself. big hugs :hugs:

AFM well nothing too exciting, I'm on CD 25.. .which is a bit long for me, I'm a 21 - 23 day girl... tested yesterday and BFN.. so figure I'll wait another day or so. The last time this happened, I had a chemical... Other than that, my older DS is away with his dad... he went for 12 days, which seems like an eternity for me... he's back Sunday and I can't wait!!!

For all of you UK ladies, thought you'd enjoy that my 2 yr old is obsessed with the changing of the guard, you know like what happens at Buckingham Palace.. well they do it here in Canada too in Ottawa (the capital) in the summer, we've been 4 times so far.. he looooves the "music" and the "mans with the red coats and black hats" hahaha we've even been showing them to him on you tube...

Well off to work, hope you all have a great evening/night!

Lit-fingers crossed the sweep really gets things going. Things sound promising !! It sounds horrible the sweep but if it works its worth it. The nursery looks amazing ! I'm so jealous!!! We have a girls name picked out and we are really keen on it so baby will likely be a boy now haha! Good luck honey your in my thoughts ! (P.s I got the job. Got told same day as interview. Very pleased).

Teacup- im the same not sleeping much and peeing every 2 hours during the night!! Luckily enough the weathers not been too bad here and ive managed to stay cool enough. Hip pains been on and off at my end. Seems to be the less I do the better it is. Dont want to slow down though! Welcome to the 3rd tri too! Lol not long to go for us!!

Kim -I have my fingers crossed for you! Soo cute that ds loves the changing of the guard!

Blue - I found that will al the pregnancy aches and pains that doing basically nothing really helped. Stay off your feet and relax as much as you can!
I'm glad you liked the nursery pics. :) I totally understand feeling like you'll probably get the opposite gender since you have such a great girl name picked out! But you really never know!

Kim - weird about your longer cycle! I hope it is just a delayed BFP!

Bright - sorry no BFP :( :hugs:

Teacup - congrats on being in the third tri! I am excited for you!!!!

AFM - sorry for the brief responses but...I'm in labour!!!!!!!! Had my first contraction at 6:45 am and went to the hospital at 11:20ish and I was 4 cm. I will share my whole birth story after baby arrives but things aren't progressing very quickly so I won't have any news for a little while. I am so excited!
Yay! Can't wait to hear your news. When I saw your name I thought I hope she's posting this late because she's in labor. That's wonderful! Praying for a safe delivery and birth.
Ooooh, baby is on her way, so exciting!!!! I'll be checking in for you update :). Best wishes for a smooth and safe delivery!!
Just popped in - lit!!! Can't believe it! Yay you! Hope it all goes well my love.x
Good luck lit!!! Right on your due date!
Thinking of you and hope everything goes smoothly.
Cant wait for an update! X x x

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