Hey ladies
Elka woke crazy early this morning (while DF is away, wat a surprise eh!
) so i'm writing this as she naps.
Alt -
If I could come and bring you a cuppa and a biscuit and a hug under those covers i'd be there in a flash. The due dates and dates of losses are sh*te, I really feel for you right now. I remember my first AF after the mc and seeing my freind at the shops, she said 'You look awful', and I burst into tears. Just know it will happen for you - I have seen too many women in your position end up with their rainbows not to know this for a fact - but it doesn't really help the raw emotions right now I know. Just know we're all here rooting for you and one day you are going to be one awesome mum Xxx
Lit - Hello lovely lady! How are things with you and Nevada? Are you getting more of a routine going on these days or is it still a bit up in the air? The first night that Elka slept a good 6 hours and so did I I was also knackered the next day - I think sometimes additional sleep after sleep deprivation can leave you sort of dazed and cofnused!
Tea - Glad to hear there was nothing untoward about the tightenings! BH can be really unnerving! But it's good as it means your uterus is working out and getting itself ready for the big day!
Also, the anxiousness is totally normal and i'm sure most of the preggos can relate to this X
Sara - Happy birthday to emily! Sorry to hear the supplements are messing with you - but i'm really glad to hear you're feeling positive/ok with things. Whatever else happens a positive attitude never hurts anything x
Kim - Hope everything's ok and the frer's start ramping up but obviously the US is the main thing. Have you told DH yet or are you waiting till after us?
Cryss - Hey love, so glad to hear everything's going great and right on track! I can only have dreamed of losing a few pounds when preggo, I was like a blimp! haha.
Blue - Hey love! Wow, you're powering through your pregnancy! The last time I checked you were in the second tri and now it's nearing your due date. I cannot wait to see your lovely little lady! How are you feeling?
Ljs - Glad to hear things are going good with you and the colicky night time stuff is settling down. Ugh, the night-crying is rough eh? x
Sabs - how are you doing love? Good luck with your exams! x
Bright - And yourself? How are you? x
Linday - How are you and rowan getting on? x
Aleeah - Come on and update us missus! Would love to see some more pics x
Hello to the new ladies and very sorry you're finding yourself here, but as the others said - this thread is brilliant and a total life saver...you won't be steered wrong.
Sorry if i've missed anyone, i'm literally typing like a demon before the Elk wakes.
Afm - Things are slowly improving with the colic. There's no longer long screaming sessions where we spend hours bouncing her on the yoga ball, she's now just what i'd call 'fussy'...You know me girls, all i've done is research colic and look up studies, so my feeling on it is that while some of it may be stomach related a large portion of it (certainly with Elka) seems to be over stimulation and tiredness. If I take her anywhere bright, loud, etc she will get upset rather quickly. If she is awake longer than an hour and half it's a bit of a 'mare. So, our changes have been to introduce routine and to keep things calm and my god what a difference. The great thing is there's loads of smiles and cooing these days, and she loves nothing more than being chatted to ... in fact it's the main thing I do all day as she never likes to be left alone in a chair for long (at all really). So me and her do a lot of chatting...I have to admit it's taken a while to bond with her after the inital falling in love because it is so hard to bond with a baby who is quite literally screaming her head off. I felt terribly guilty about that for several weeks and part of the reason i didn't really update you all - afterall I was so desperate to have her....I can say now though that we are starting to re-bond and i'm feeling more like my old self. I have to say, it has really helped that DF is amazing! I am so grateful for his help, he worked from home for 6 weeks and also did nights with her to give me a break. I read all these threads where the hubbies do next to nothing and i've no idea how these ladies cope at all!