Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Oh Kim!!! Congratulations!!! I am thrilled for you, you absolutely deserve your rainbow after all you've been through! Don't analyse the tests hun, I'm sure it won't mean anything, hcg rises differently for everyone. Lots of love and masses of good luck for Wednesday!!!

Also congrats Lit!! I haven't been posting recently but I'm stalking and so happy for you! Sending big hugs to you and your baby girl!! Enjoy xxx
Ahh Becky... Thank you soo much, I waited before posting for about 1 week since I didn't want to upset you.. You deserve to be right here with me... wish you were... fingers crossed you're next!!!

Alt and Sara you guys too!!! sigh...

Alt I'm sorry you're feeling so down :( big hugs.
Alt - so sorry you're feeling so down lately. It's so understandable, especially on the month of your original due date. :( you deserve your rainbow baby more than anyone! I hope you can just take this day to pamper yourself and wallow and hopefully come out of it feeling more positive. :hugs:
Mrs w- thanks! And good luck!!!
Kim <3 you are so thoughtful and kind! That means a lot to me even though you didnt need to, im thrilled for you. You genuinely deserve this!

We are going to have fun and focus on our relationship for the rest of this year (it has suffered with us both being so down) and if no bfp by the new year we will seek treatment privately.
Kim, you are so wonderful!! Reading your news brought tears of happiness to my eyes! I always think of you, Sara and Bright and I'm so happy that you got your BFP!!

Thank you for the kind words, ladies. You'll be happy to know I've no longer hiding under the covers, lol. Oh what a week!
Hey ladies

Elka woke crazy early this morning (while DF is away, wat a surprise eh! ;)) so i'm writing this as she naps.

Alt - :hugs: If I could come and bring you a cuppa and a biscuit and a hug under those covers i'd be there in a flash. The due dates and dates of losses are sh*te, I really feel for you right now. I remember my first AF after the mc and seeing my freind at the shops, she said 'You look awful', and I burst into tears. Just know it will happen for you - I have seen too many women in your position end up with their rainbows not to know this for a fact - but it doesn't really help the raw emotions right now I know. Just know we're all here rooting for you and one day you are going to be one awesome mum Xxx

Lit - Hello lovely lady! How are things with you and Nevada? Are you getting more of a routine going on these days or is it still a bit up in the air? The first night that Elka slept a good 6 hours and so did I I was also knackered the next day - I think sometimes additional sleep after sleep deprivation can leave you sort of dazed and cofnused!

Tea - Glad to hear there was nothing untoward about the tightenings! BH can be really unnerving! But it's good as it means your uterus is working out and getting itself ready for the big day! :) Also, the anxiousness is totally normal and i'm sure most of the preggos can relate to this X

Sara - Happy birthday to emily! Sorry to hear the supplements are messing with you - but i'm really glad to hear you're feeling positive/ok with things. Whatever else happens a positive attitude never hurts anything x

Kim - Hope everything's ok and the frer's start ramping up but obviously the US is the main thing. Have you told DH yet or are you waiting till after us?

Cryss - Hey love, so glad to hear everything's going great and right on track! I can only have dreamed of losing a few pounds when preggo, I was like a blimp! haha.

Blue - Hey love! Wow, you're powering through your pregnancy! The last time I checked you were in the second tri and now it's nearing your due date. I cannot wait to see your lovely little lady! How are you feeling?

Ljs - Glad to hear things are going good with you and the colicky night time stuff is settling down. Ugh, the night-crying is rough eh? x

Sabs - how are you doing love? Good luck with your exams! x

Bright - And yourself? How are you? x

Linday - How are you and rowan getting on? x

Aleeah - Come on and update us missus! Would love to see some more pics x

Hello to the new ladies and very sorry you're finding yourself here, but as the others said - this thread is brilliant and a total life saver...you won't be steered wrong.

Sorry if i've missed anyone, i'm literally typing like a demon before the Elk wakes.

Afm - Things are slowly improving with the colic. There's no longer long screaming sessions where we spend hours bouncing her on the yoga ball, she's now just what i'd call 'fussy'...You know me girls, all i've done is research colic and look up studies, so my feeling on it is that while some of it may be stomach related a large portion of it (certainly with Elka) seems to be over stimulation and tiredness. If I take her anywhere bright, loud, etc she will get upset rather quickly. If she is awake longer than an hour and half it's a bit of a 'mare. So, our changes have been to introduce routine and to keep things calm and my god what a difference. The great thing is there's loads of smiles and cooing these days, and she loves nothing more than being chatted to ... in fact it's the main thing I do all day as she never likes to be left alone in a chair for long (at all really). So me and her do a lot of chatting...I have to admit it's taken a while to bond with her after the inital falling in love because it is so hard to bond with a baby who is quite literally screaming her head off. I felt terribly guilty about that for several weeks and part of the reason i didn't really update you all - afterall I was so desperate to have her....I can say now though that we are starting to re-bond and i'm feeling more like my old self. I have to say, it has really helped that DF is amazing! I am so grateful for his help, he worked from home for 6 weeks and also did nights with her to give me a break. I read all these threads where the hubbies do next to nothing and i've no idea how these ladies cope at all!
Linny -Its so nice to hear from you. You sound like you have been put through some challenges but come out stronger! We can only understand the way you feel. It cant be easy for the bonding when theres crying and screaming. But im so glad to read your getting back on tract thank you for being so honest with us about it. I know it must be hard to say. This is one of my main worries.

I am fine! I have been daignosed with SPD... which ecplains a lot but given nothing to help... so bought myself a ball to sit on for the time being... been told that helps. Its so wierd with everything i've had this pregnancy id do it all again! I love this part of pregnancy. I love feeling my sweet little girl wriggling about in there. I think i really will miss it when she comes. That being said... i CANNOT wait until shes in my arms safe and sound !! I am at the extremely tired and uncomfortable part that i know will just get worse... but im not complaining (much). Haha :haha: Im so eager to be full term! But still have 4 weeks till then.... and then obviously the wait until my body decides to bring bundle into the world.

Aleeah -how are you?

Linny - so great to get a full update from you! I feel I can really sympathize with Elka's colic. I don't know if Nevada technically has "colic" or not but lately she has started screaming and crying uncontrollably all evening long. She is also very fussy and gassy during the day but it is 100 x worse in the evening. By her screams you would think she was being murdered. :s often no one believes us that she is so fussy because she is often happy during the day with visitors but we see the other side of her at night. Finally last night my mom saw a small bit of her screaming and felt really bad for us (and her) finally I think. Basically she screams and cries until she spits up...settles for a minute or two and then does it all over again...and then starts screaming because she's hungry again but of course after she feeds it starts the whole cycle of screaming and spitting up again. :( I feel terrible for her and it is so hard being unable to console her. I talked to a nurse about it and she thinks it is because I have an over active letdown. I do think this is true as I have all the symptoms of that. However, the suggestions she made of pulling her off frequently to catch her breath when she's feeding have not made a difference so far. I will keep trying and hopefully it gets better soon. :/
Thankfully she is otherwise a cheerful baby. Extremely alert and loves to smile at everyone and look around in see of everything around her. She rolled from tummy to back at three days old and she has rolled from her back to her side since she was born so it's only a matter of time before she rolls from back to front! She vocalizes more and more now with lots of cute coos and sounds. She has a billion different facial expressions and she is constantly moving! She loves snuggles a lot but thankfully for the most part doesn't have a problem sleeping in her bassinet at night.

Her sleep hasn't improved much and she usually only does a four hour chunk and then either doesn't sleep at all for the rest of the night or gets up every hour or two. But I am thankful for that four hour stint and she does seem to be slowly improving. That is weird and funny that we both experienced extra fatigue after getting more sleep! I think our bodies might realize just HOW sleep deprived they really are and end up wanting more.

I am glad Elka is doing better now and no longer screams for long periods of time. That gives me hope! How old is he now? How wonderful that your DF has been so helpful! My DH is fairly helpful compared to many husbands I have heard of, but he doesn't do as much as I'd like and does need extra sleep because he is doing some intense training at work. The first week he went back to work I struggled with a lot of resentment toward him for not helping at night. Ended up spending some nights at my parents' to get more help. Thankfully we have settled into a routine and while I try to avoid waking him if I don't need to, he will willingly get up and burp and change her after her middle of the night feed if I need him. :)

Sorry that was so long! I never have time to type during the day because Nevada Always wants to be held (which I don't mind!!!) but since DH is home today I have a few spare moments!

Blue - sorry you have SPD! I am glad you are enjoying pregnancy. I still enjoyed it until the last week or so...and I really thought I would miss it when it was over. Turns out I don't miss it at ALL and it seems way worse to me now that I am not pregnant anymore! And it feels way better to lose all that water retention! I lost 35.5 lbs in less than three weeks! I finally have normal looking feet and they don't ache anymore at all. Yay! But anyway...I am glad you are cherishing it all! Any more bump pics to share??

Yes I really want to hear from Aleeah too! We never even found out gremlin's name!!
Lit sorry to hear your little monkey is suffering from colic too! Hopefully they grow out of it soon! I'm hoping that OH will be some sort of helpful at nighttime. He's been really helpful so far...

Linny are you breast feeding too ? I was told that breast fed babies are less likely to suffer from colic but lately that's all I've been hearing is babies having tummy troubles with both bottle and breast fed.

Quick question for all you mummies... Did you all get swollen ankles etc? If so when did it start? I haven't yet but just wondering if it's something else that's coming... Also (random and embarrassing question) when did nipples and area around nipples get darker and bigger... Mines hasn't at all!!!

Alt- hope your doing ok. Have you guys decided if you are taking a break or trying again? Xx
Blue- I got swollen feet and ankles around 34 weeks. By the end I couldn't even fit shoes two sizes larger and could only wear flip flops. Thank goodness it was summer! However, you might get lucky! My friend who was pregnant at the same time as me never got swollen at all. Lucky her.

Also - my Areolas never got darker! I think it usually happens fairly early on so you're probably in the clear. Mine did get bigger but I don't know when. It just happened gradually over time.
Was your blood pressure high when you had swollen ankles ?

Maybe mine have got bigger and it's just been that gradual that I've not noticed.

Mines is lower now in pregnancy sits about 100/60. Used to sit 120/60before pregnancy. Lol xx
Blue - Agh, sorry to hear about the spd! - as for swollen ankles etc = oh my yes! Well, my feet did but then it was also a very hot summer so I think that was probably part of it. I bought myself a nice cooling mist spray from boots which helped and like lit I also wore sandals mostly. My BP only ever went to the higher range of normal but never 'high'....Hopefulyl you'll skip it as it's coming towards the autumn months!

RE: the colic - nope, alas it is as prevalent in breastfed as formula fed babies. Colic as it turns out isn't an illness, it's a symptom - so it's defined by 3 or more hours of crying per day - but the various reasons behind it are unknown - it is different for different babies and for most only time is the real cure :( But fortunately it's not the majority of babies that suffer from this!

Lit - So glad to hear she's cooing and smiling - it's so lovely isn't it! I can't believe she's rolling around too! That's amazing! Ah, it's all horribly familiar except Elka was like this constantly. I also had overactive let down - cue spraying milk yards across the room every time she pulled off in terror. Couple of things about that - you can express some milk before you feed her (and then chuck it) before feeding her...I recommend chucking it because one theory i read about colicky behaviour is that with overactive let down there's sometimes an issue with too much foremilk, which in turn leads to lactose intolerance (there's an article on it here https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2005/mar/30/familyandrelationships.healthandwellbeing). You can also try block feeding so rather than switch breasts at each feed you feed her from the same breast for 2 feeds and then switch. Also it's recommended to not switch breasts until the baby has come off the first breast herself and it's completely drained. As for the screaming - white noise is our best freind- when she was really really bad one night I worried the neighbours would call round to see if I was killing her! So I decided to try and drown out the noise with the vacuum cleaner turned on - she stopped crying instantly! So, I stayed there with it on rocking her for 10 minutes, then turned it off and switched on my white noise app at full volume on the ipad, I was then able to gradually turn it down bit by bit as she calmed down and then fell asleep. Since then I have relied on white noise to get her to sleep. It's a miracle! She doesn't need it as much now and I haven't turned on the vacuum for weeks but it was a life saver back then.

RE: sleep, what I noticed with Elk was that she'd doa good block at the start of the night and then it would be pretty restless fitful sleeping after that - I kept thinking she was waking but she never was - however it did stop me from sleeping so i moved her into her own room - I can now hear her genuine wake-up cries but not her 'I'm asleep but thrashing about' cries. Do you have nevada on a routine during the day? I found it really helpful for Elka, but doesn't suit everyone. x
Hearts a lot of God things about both hoover and white noise lol glad she's managing to fall asleep without it mostly now!

Do you girls have any baby photo updates?

hey blue, heres a pic from bath time when i quiffed her hair!


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Hello ladies,

How is everyone doing?

Kim - Congrats hun!!!:happydance:

Sorry I have been MIA. We have been busy with the IVF prep things:wacko:. We found out that the insurance company covers everything except the chromosomes testing, which is fine. Our first appointment was 9/2/14 and it was just a session to discuss the next steps and what we need to do to get the ball rolling. on 9/5/14 I had a a AFC, Sonohysterogram and Mock transfer done. It was a little overwhelming but we got through it. The FS said my uterus was textbook perfect and he hadn't seen on like it in years:thumbup:. That made me feel good I think. I have 6 resting eggs in my left ovary and 7 in my right, he seemed very please with that:thumbup:. We are now waiting for the insurance company to approve the IVF which he said should be back in two weeks. Until then we have to complete an IVF talk class and and injection class which are all schedule within the next two weeks. I have feeling a little nervous and scared just because it seems like soo much but we will get through this. I think he said he will start me on my BC next week....I will have to double check that. I started vlogging:happydance: which seems really cool and therapeutic. We decided to vlog the whole IVF journey for ourselves and others. A few ladies on Youtube that vlog their experience inspired us to do this. I found their vlogs very encouraging and informational so I hope mines can be the same for someone else. So after every appointment we will vlog if not while we are there. Well that's it for me, I am super excited and can't wait to see what's next. Also, this morning my temp was super high too early but not too worried about it.
Linny she is just perfect !!! Absolutely perfect !!! Thank you for sharing with us! Give her a little hug from me and bump!

Bright- waw the balls certainly on the go! Hopefully the ivf gets approved and you get your rainbow real soon! If you feel comfortable let us know you youtube and we can follow your journey on that! Xxx
Latreace Parris is my Youtube name. I don't know how to share it. Please help me LOL. I don't mind sharing.
Not sure how to share from youtube... have you uploaded any videos yet ? Searched the latreace parris part into youtube didnt find anything. Im not great woth youtube though i could be doinh something wrong xx

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