Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

I suppose actually that you can go to your doctor armed with this research next time and demand some answers/rationale as to why they think you should not stay on it during pregnancy.
Whisper - I hope your dr will listen to you about the metformin!

Alt - I am glad all was clear with your tests but I know you don't feel encouraged. I really hope you can start to feel a bit positive about trying again and I sincerely hope you get your rainbow BFP ASAP! Maybe teacup can chime in with some encouragement as she has two mc before this rainbow BFP. Also, sadly Aleeah suffered several miscarriages in a row and was scheduled at the fertility clinic the day she found out she was pregnant with the baby she is holding in her arms today! I also know a couple in RL who suffered two mc before their first child and were very devastated. Now they have a healthy 14 month old and are half way through pregnancy expecting their second! The point is sadly a lot of people suffer the horrible tragedy of multiple losses, but the good news is that most go on to have healthy babies! :hugs:
Hey ladies,

How are you all today?

Kim - how are you doing ? Been thinking of you loads. :hugs:

How are the ttcers? Anyone at testing time ?

How are you preggo ladies doing ?

New mummies - how are you all?

Afm- mixed emotions. Getting impatient now. Feels so far away and because I cant work the days are dragging in. My wee nana has been taken into hospital and I feel so far away and guilty that I cant be with her. Still loving being pregnant of course just wish I could hold my little madam already. Still so anxious that things will go wrong. The slightest of changes in her movements make me terrified. Still cant believe how blessed we are to be given this little miracle. Hope we get to keep her and nothing goes wrong!

34+2 (excuse the mess in the backround... i was in the middle of cleaning when i took this picture.)


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Emma you look awesome :) cute bump!! sorry to hear about your grandmother. Big hugs.

AFM well my beta was 111 last wednesday and 123 last Friday... sigh... so on the up side I started bleeding today, I was soooo relieved since I wasn't sure how they would deal with me, not sure they would do a d&c due to my uterus issues, so I was figuring I was doomed for another shot of methotrexate... so very happy to be bleeding today.

My OH sent me an email and said... "we can try 1 more time and that's it " :) now I'm not sure hahaha I was surprised about how scared I was when I found out I was pregnant, scared that my uterus would rupture and that I would lose my life... who would raise my kids I already have... sigh.. I think I'm going to make an appointment with my ob and talk about the risks and such 1 more time. I think I would like to wait until Jan/Feb, give my uterus those few extra months... let us have the winter vacation down south that we've been wanting to do... since I apparently get pregnant easily then should have one more baby before I'm 40... although this loss is now my 3rd in a row... all 3 times I've gotten pregnant in august... so moral of the story is I should not get pregnant in august!!!

Becky/Sara how are you guys? you've been so sweet with your pm to me :)
Alt hope you're doing well too, it's meant so much for you to be thinking of me when you're struggling. I hope you're starting to see the clearing. Good news on the SIS and HSG being clear!

Lit and chrissi thank you too!

Alright chat soon.

I'm sorry your bleeding and having to go through this again. I really wanted this for you! I can't even imagine what's going through your head. But I'm glad Hubbie said yes to one more try. And I'm glad your going to enjoy your winter first.

Is there any tests they can do to see why you lost this one?

I hope your not in too much discomfort. :hugs:
Blue - beautiful bump pic! Thanks for posting. You look fabulous! It really does get hard to meet your LO at the end! I hope the last several weeks fly by for you!

Kim - I am glad your DH agreed to try one more time! Good idea to take your little holiday and allow your uterus a little extra time to heal first. :hugs: sorry about the bleeding but glad to hear you likely won't need medication. Hang in there!
Blue, you look so adorable! Your fears are completely understandable! Everything will be fine and you'll be holding your little lady in no time!

Kim - I'm just so sorry that you're experiencing this again. I'm glad that your body is at least moving along - I'm praying things go as smoothly as possible. Letting your body grow stronger for a few months seems like a great idea - we look forward to cheering on that sticky BFP when you're ready! I love that your hubby agreed to give it another go. He sounds like an awesome partner!

Lit, thank you for your kind words! I remember how Aleeah struggled so much before her happily ever after, and same for Tea and Sab. My original due date was yesterday - oh my heart ached, thinking that I should be snuggling my baby. Then I realized that had I not lost that baby, I would have never been blessed with Gummy - his short life reminded me that there is a bigger plan than I can see now - my first loss broke my heart, but losing G and then finding why gave me closure and rebuilt my confidence in my body.

Before we lost Gummy, we made a contribution in his honor to families struggling to survive as a result of the current Middle East crisis. I love that his life, however brief, made an impact on people across the globe. The joy of loving him almost made the pain of losing him worth it. I will repeat that until my heart accepts it.
Oh, and we are ttc again. I'm set to O this weekend, so fingers crossed for triplets lol!
Hey ladies

Lit - how is nevada getting on? Any more pics to share?! x

Blue - Looking wonderful missus!! I so hear you on the fear as you get closer to due date - I thought i'd be a lot more chilled as the chances of loss go down but wasn't like that for me. (oddly my friend who is as far along as you is exactly the same but has never experienced a loss, so it seems like late pregnancy anxiety is not just with those who've had losses) Don't worry honey, you'll get there x

Kim - So glad your hubby is open to trying again, even if you decide against it yourself now you have options instead of a closed door....Might it help to talk to a professional therapist about your fears? It's not for everyone but I went once (to a therapist i saw when i lost my brother) and just that one time helped me to clarify my feelings and get some non-emotional/non-involved feedback on my fears. Vacation sounds good!

Diana - So glad that you're feeling like gummy's loss is not just about loss. All lives have greater meaning.... did you mention you went to a buddhist retreat or was that Sab? Good luck this weekend! x

Afm, doing good. We're off on holiday visiting family and going to the kate bush concert next week...I am half looking forward to it, half worrying about the logistics of a wee baby being carted about the country and how she'll do with it, especially as we're leaving her with freinds on the night we go and see KB....fortunately we're baby sitting for their kids the following night so i don't feel like i'm imposing too much...In other news tomorrow is the referendum in scotland and mine and DF's second year anniversary. hehe. I doubt there'll be much romantic action i'm shattered!
Alt- that's a wonderful thing to do! Gummy definitely left some wonderful footprints behind. I'm glad you have decided to try again. I'm so sure that your angels will send you a little brother or sister (or two) soon. :hugs:

Linny- have a fantastic holiday! Hope you manage to enjoy your anniversary in spite of being tired and in spite of the referendum... It's doing my head in now can't wait till the decision is made and I can stop getting harassed to vote "no" "yes" lol. My opinion I'll choose myself thank you lol. Any more pictures of madam ?

Crys, Sab, Ljs, Sara, Lindsay- how are you guys getting on ?

Blue - Beautiful bump! Your fears are completely normal. I was the same way before I'd had a loss. Any time it seemed like the baby wasn't moving enough I would get a cold sweet drink and have a seat to count movements. It usually turned out I had been up and moving and was rocking little one to sleep or too busy moving around to notice when they were moving. I hope your nana is doing okay.

Alt - What a lovely and positive way to look at everything. Fingers crossed for you!

Linny - Enjoy your holidays and your night out!

Kim - I'm glad to hear your DH has come around. I hope you enjoy your winter vacation and are able to be at peace with whatever decision you make.

I'm 17+3 today. I feel little one moving around quite a bit these days. Looking forward to big kicks. My quad screen was negative, and my scan is the 29th.
tonight is my last clomid unless i can pay private when we go to germany this is our last chance with help:shrug: im praying i do not ov late or it will be smack bang in the middle of traveling , we go to my sister on the 29th, then to a hotel in folkstone on the 30th then get the ferry to france and drive over to germany for at least 3 months so if ov is a pain in the behind like normal i may miss it!#

I Hope all mummys, baby bumps, and those ttc are doing ok and big hugs to those who are suffering again , i will never understand how those who desperatly want children cant yet people who abuse the right of being a parent can breed like dogs
Crys whats your quad screen? D
so glad you can feel baby moving about loads! I loved it when i felt button move about felt myself connect and bond so much more. Gave me that bit extra hope it think. Im glad im not crazy and everyone feels this way! The next 5 weeks cant come quick enough!

Whisper -you might need to have a wee quicky on the road hehe. Is chlomid expensive ? I really hope it works for you this cycle. Howcome your going to germany for 3 months ? Xxx
Aww we get that too... Think it's called something different! Soo glad it was neg ! Xxx
Alt - so glad you are (trying to) find a way to accept your losses and see them as "worth it" somehow. I know I have had a few cries since Nevada was born realizing I lost my other baby so I could have her. It is so unfair and cruel, yet I know it was meant to be. I am happy to hear you are trying again! Best of luck! Can't wait for you to get your rainbow!

Linny- have a wonderful holiday! I understand feeling stressed/worried about logistics traveling with Elka! I hope all goes smoothly. I hope you really enjoy your night out. That is very nice that you are returning the favour with babysitting the next night! I recently joined an exercise class...and Monday was my first class. It is only an hour and I by no means wanted to be away from Nevada, but just that hour of "me" time completely refreshed me and made me feel like more of a person again! So I hope your night out is refreshing too.
Nevada is doing well! I have been block feeding for...a couple weeks now? It didn't seem to be making any difference but now suddenly the last few days she's been pooping less, and YELLOW finally, and she's also spitting up less and less fussy! I'm not sure if it is the block feeding since it took so long to work, or a combination of that and her digestive system maturing, but I really hope this keeps up and she doesn't to back to how she was now that I have said this. Is Elka still doing better? Btw when did she start doing longer sleep chunks? Nevada is still only doing one 4-hour chunk (sometimes only 3) and then is up every 1-2 hours after that. I am getting pretty used to it but wouldn't mind her sleeping a bit longer. ;)

Crys - wow! You are almost half way there!!! How exciting! Glad your results came back clear. Will you be finding out the gender?

Blue - I also constantly worried about having a stillborn. I don't think the worry ever stops.

Whisper - good luck with this last clomid cycle!

Would also love to hear from Lindsay, Aleeah, Lj, bright, sab, teacup, sara, etc!!

Lindsay - aren't you heading to Hawaii this month? Have fun!!

I will really try to post some pics soon! I find it difficult on my phone so it's just a matter of getting on the computer finally.
We will find out the gender. I think it's a girl. :)

I'm glad the block feeding is working for you and Nevada.
Hi ladies
I'm thinking about trying progesterone cream for a few months. Not sure if I want to go through my dr or just buy some over the counter. My LP length is fine but my progesterone levels after ovulation are low. Thoughts?

Blue, you look great! The worrying is normal. Just try to enjoy the fun things about pregnancy at the same time.
Sara - it's worth a try! I don't think there's any evidence any harm can be done by using it.

Crys - cool! Do you usually guess correctly with your kids?
Hi everyone,

I am new to this feed. DH and I have been TTC since July of 2013. We found out DH had a fertility issue. In May of this year he had surgery to correct the problem. I found out I was pregnant on 18DPO last month, but unfortunately lost it on 21 DPO, blighted ovum. DH and I decided to continue trying right away since the doctor okayed it. I was not sure if I would ovulate this month but I finally did on CD 20,( CD 18 is normal for me). Not only did I ovulate this month but all of my Ovulation symptoms seemed twice as strong as normal. I am now 10 DPO and starting to have some of the same symptoms I experienced last month. My breasts have been sore for the last 3-4 days, some food aversion, and today I had a few dizzy spells and have extreme fatigue.

I am hoping these are good signs but I am also cautiously optimistic,Is it possible that my PMS symptoms are mimicking my pregnancy symptoms since my loss was just less than a month ago? For those of you lucky enough to have or conceived your rainbow baby already, were your pregnancy symptoms similar the second time or did you have different symptoms each time?

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