Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

I called my Dr and he was fine with me trying the progesterone :dance: I was sure he would say no. I'm not sure it will do anything but I want to make sure we have tried everything before we stop ttc.
Dreaming - welcome and so sorry for your loss. My pregnancy symptoms were different the second time! I have also had tricky PMSes where I seemed pregnant so that definitely could be but of course could also be sign of pregnancy. Good luck!
LL - I have been right each time. :)

Dreaming - I'm sorry for your loss. I had a few cycles where PMS felt like I did before my losses.

Sara - that's great your doctor approved. I hope it makes a difference for you.
Crys- im going girl to then. Think mamas always know best hehe! So exciting! :dance: when's your scan again?

Sara- that's brilliant that doctors on board too! I'm excited to hear of the pos result!

Lit- glad that hour revitalised you! ! Looking forward to seeing those photos. Whats block feeding? Lol

Dreaming- sorry you find yourself here. This isa very supportive thread. Hoe you catch your sticky egg soon love. Xxx

Well I'm still not sleeping right! Keep waking up every 2 hours then wake at 3am and I'm awake until about 8 then i crash again! No naps during the day but totally exhausted so end up not getting much done. It's the middle of Sept and is usually much cooler than this so I'm also way to hot! I love the weather during the day. .. hate bedtime. Also hate when folk say " get used to it you will get no sleep when baby arrives"... I'm pretty sure id get a little bit more sleep than i do now. If not at least it would be for a reason. .. Also wouldn't be this blooming sore! Anyhoo... Big day for Scotland (sick of reading about it and hearing about it already) roll on tomorrow.

Mrs grumpy pants today. .. Sorry ladies. ..

Hope your all a lot more refreshed and cheerier than me this morning lol. Xxx
My scan is the 29th.

Sounds like your body has decided 3 am is the time to wake up for the day. Are you going to bed earlier? I wonder if you could stay up a little later to inch the time forward a little at a time or something...
Cryss- Glad your test was all clear! It's so nerve wracking. Glad that's over for you x

Lit - Thanks love! Yep i'm hoping it'll go ok too...the main thing is making sure she naps and sleeps ok as she is very upset if she doesn't get good naps in the day. So good to hear you're going to an excercise class - not only getting the ol endorphins pumping but also a bit of you time...I would stress that to any mother. The baby will always be fine as it has its mother, but the mother also needs to be looked after..it's imperative! Each morning i go for a 30 min stroll on my own...It is great because i get back reinvigorated! Good to hear the block feeding is working out - or whatever it is is working out.

I know what you mean about not wanting to jinx it by saying it's getting better! I have eaten my words a few times but overall I see improvement each week with some setbacks (always coincidng with a wonder week - have you read about those?). In fact this last 3 days have been awful for us and so I think she's heading into her 12 week wonder week just now. She just doesn't want to be put down for a nap any more which can make her grumpy. I do shh pat techniue by the baby whisperer and she's always loved it. Until now when she either screams her head off or finds the shhing too amusing to fall asleep - lies there smiling her head off each time i do it and totally NOT ASLEEP!. hehe. i prefer her smiling to screaming but still - go to sleep baby Elka!

RE: sleeping at night - is she definitely waking up in that last stretch of the night? I ask because we had to move Elk next door due to her grunting and whimpering the second half of the night. It was impossible for me to know if she wanted to get up or not - i'd turn on the night light, she'd have her eyes closed or weirdly flickering about and then the light would wake her. Once i moved her next door I realised she is actually sleeping through that chunk of night (as in, she never cried out till early morning) just much lighter sleep. Apparently it's normal as they have their deepest sleep in the earlier part of the night. Also, what time do you put her down for good at night? I found elka started sleeping better when i started putting her down at 6:30 - sometimes even 5:30! yikes. all depending on how naps went that day. Anyway, I think i only got those longer stretches around 8 or 9 weeks...so not long ago...I hope i don't eat all my words here. Come on Elk! Don't prove me wrong! Oh, and do you cluster feed or dream feed at all? That can really help get them through the night. x

Sara - I used progesterone cream - just bought it online here as docs won't prescribe....Apparently although each dose is low it is closer to natural progesterone than the stuff prescribed and also it has a loading effect - as in it loads up in your system the more you use it. So, straight after O you start using and keep going till about 14 weeks! Good luck

dreaming - sorry you find yourself here but hopefully you'll find some good support here!....Well, my symptoms were similar but much stronger the second time around although i never had vomiting or anything like that to go by. I also had a stronger O symptoms after my loss...i concieved my rainbow the cycle after that one.

Blue - Ugh, sorry you're still not sleeping well. I didn't during pregnancy either...sucks! I actually did sleep better once elka arrived. I slept the sleep of the dead in hospital, as did she...little did i know that breastfeeding hormones literally knock you out. It was like some kind of drug!
Hello ladies,

Just popping in to check on everyone.

Crys - I am so happy things a coming along wonderfully. :happydance:

Blue - Sorry about the sleep :hugs:

SLG - Glad doctor approved progesterone. :happydance:

LL - I glad baby is doing great!! You must have mommy time just like Linny says, it is very important.

Dreaming - Sorry for you loss. I am praying for your strenght I know this can be very hard. :cry::hugs:

Linny - How are you doing dear?:hi:

Hello to everyone else how are things
Blue - sorry you're so miserable! Sleep in the third trimester sucks! I was up every 30-90 minutes to pee all night long and I also woke up a lot with sore hips. I hope you can get some rest. I know I sleep "better" since Nevada was born, but getting up to feed, burp and change a few times in the night is much more tiring than frequent wakenings during pregnancy. I am much more tired than in the third trimester. However, I am much LESS tired than my first trimester fatigue so you may well find you are less tired when baby comes... Who knows!
Block feeding is when you only offer one breast for a certain amount of time and then you exclusively offer the other one. They suggest starting with two hour increments...but I just do two feeds on the left then two on the right regardless of time during the day. At night when she goes a longer stretch I switch every time because I get too engorged otherwise! It is only for people who overproduce milk. Definitely don't try it unless you have that problem

Linny - thanks. I'm not comfortable having Nevada sleep in another room yet. I check to see if she is breathing/choking a lot in the night and if she were in another room I would be getting up and never sleeping! Haha. She definitely cluster feeds every evening like crazy. She chooses her own bed time which is quite late...but if I put her to bed sooner she will just wake anyway to continue her cluster feeds. I am slowly pushing her bedtime forward lately, but the earlier she goes to bed, the more times in the night I have to get up for her. Sigh. I hope she will naturally just start sleeping longer in a few weeks! I'm glad you have Elka's routine so down pat. Great job, mama! And yes, I'm aware of the wonder weeks but I'm going to read more about them now. :)

Bright - thanks. Your chart is looking good!
Aww I did know what block feeding was haha... Thanks for the reminder. Ended up taking paracetamol for the pain in my pelvis/hips last night which allowed me to sleep for an extra couple of hours last night. I don't usually give in and take anything but I was so sore and uncomfortable and it really did help. Less grumpy today lol.

I think I'd be the same with putting baby in her own room so early but I've heard from so many people that this makes all the difference. Xxx
Blue - sorry you're so miserable! Sleep in the third trimester sucks! I was up every 30-90 minutes to pee all night long and I also woke up a lot with sore hips. I hope you can get some rest. I know I sleep "better" since Nevada was born, but getting up to feed, burp and change a few times in the night is much more tiring than frequent wakenings during pregnancy. I am much more tired than in the third trimester. However, I am much LESS tired than my first trimester fatigue so you may well find you are less tired when baby comes... Who knows!
Block feeding is when you only offer one breast for a certain amount of time and then you exclusively offer the other one. They suggest starting with two hour increments...but I just do two feeds on the left then two on the right regardless of time during the day. At night when she goes a longer stretch I switch every time because I get too engorged otherwise! It is only for people who overproduce milk. Definitely don't try it unless you have that problem

Linny - thanks. I'm not comfortable having Nevada sleep in another room yet. I check to see if she is breathing/choking a lot in the night and if she were in another room I would be getting up and never sleeping! Haha. She definitely cluster feeds every evening like crazy. She chooses her own bed time which is quite late...but if I put her to bed sooner she will just wake anyway to continue her cluster feeds. I am slowly pushing her bedtime forward lately, but the earlier she goes to bed, the more times in the night I have to get up for her. Sigh. I hope she will naturally just start sleeping longer in a few weeks! I'm glad you have Elka's routine so down pat. Great job, mama! And yes, I'm aware of the wonder weeks but I'm going to read more about them now. :)

Bright - thanks. Your chart is looking good!

Thank you, I just don't dont know what to think of it. But I am not going to get my hopes up high because I hoping for a BFP or AF to show so I can start my cycle, either way I am excited I guess.:happydance:
Hi ladies :)

I'm playing catch up again - it's hard to reply on my phone and I don't get much time on the computer these days. I'm sure I'm going to miss some things, I apologise in advance!

Welcome to the new people - sorry to see you here, but it is a lovely supportive group. I hope you all get your rainbow babies soon!

Sara, trying the progesterone sounds like a good idea - certainly can't hurt and may help :) Fingers crossed!

Blue, beautiful bump photo!! Not long now until baby arrives :) I'm so excited for you. Sorry to hear you're having so much trouble sleeping. I hope you get a good sleeper so you can catch up after baby arrives! I have to admit, I am much more tired now than I was in third tri, but Rowan does not sleep well so hopefully you'll have a different experience :)

Crys, so glad to hear your quad screen went well. I can't believe you're almost 18 weeks now!!

Kim, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss :hugs: I'm glad your OH has reconsidered and will try again. Thinking of you and I hope you get a sticky bfp soon!

Sab, glad to hear you're doing well too :) Baby movement is an amazing feeling isn't it? I miss it :)

Alt, glad to hear all went well with your HSG - fingers crossed for a sticky bfp for you too!!

Linny, glad to hear you and Elka are doing well. I hope your holiday next week goes well! You'll have to update us when you get back :) I found traveling with a baby was easier than I had anticipated, hopefully it's the same for you. I love the photo you posted! Elka is a cutie!

LL, glad to hear the block feeding is helping - I had oversupply at the beginning as well, seems to have regulated now though. Good for you getting out to an exercise class. I've been going to a few classes with Rowan, but none by myself yet - the logistics of it haven't worked with his bed time and my DH's work hours. You're right, I was in Hawaii last week. It was a lot of fun, but I was more exhausted when I came home than when I left, lol. Rowan has not been sleeping well and I usually bring him into bed with me at home about half way through the night - unfortunately the bed in the hotel was too soft for that so I was up and down with him all night. He did amazingly well on the airplane though - no trouble with his ears and pretty much slept the entire time.

AFM, Rowan is a lot of fun these days - he smiles and laughs all the time now and really enjoys being out and about. We're still struggling a lot with sleep - ever since he hit the 4 month sleep regression (around 15 - 16 weeks - I thought it was a myth... it is not a myth, lol). We're getting one 3 - 4 hour chunk at the beginning of the night and then he's up every 1 - 2 hours. He's also still only catnapping (30 - 40 mins at a time) for the most part so I don't get much down time during the day. I have had some good success teaching him how to fall asleep IN his crib though, so that's progress. He cut his first tooth last weekend and is working on the second one (I'm sure that's not helping the sleep) and we're going to introduce solids soon which I'm looking forward to. I think he's ready - he's soooo interested in everything we eat, and loves drinking water from a cup (he tries to grab every cup I pick up). I attached a photo of my beach baby from last week in Maui.


  • beach.jpg
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LL. When emily was a baby I was in chemotherapy so couldn't breast feed. I met a wonderful woman who made way too much milk for her own baby. She was freezing extra and donating it to the hospital. They screen it for viruses and such and then give it to premies and babies who can't tolerate formula. When I met her she started giving me her frozen milk. She completely fed my little emily for 5 months (in addition to feeding her little one). What a huge gift for me and emily!

Just a thought for you if you really start storing up extra that you won't use.
Lindsay - your sleep situation sounds exactly like mine! Nevada does 3-4 hours at first and then wakes every 1-2 (but I know yours is a lot more frustrating because Rowan's 5 months old already and Nevada's bad sleep is to be expected at this point)! I hope his sleep habits improve soon. I also bring Nevada into the bed with me near the end of the night because I'm too exhausted to actually get up with her. This is something that surprised me because I never wanted to co-sleep. I just so it for the early morning, though. :) so I can see how if you weren't able to so that during your holiday that it would be completely exhausting!!! Eek! I'm glad your holiday went well but too bad it couldn't have been more restful for you!!! Rowan is adorable as always! He sounds like such a sweetie! How exciting but unbelievable that it's almost time to start solids already!

Sara - that is amazing that that lady was able to provide milk for Emily for 5 whole months! That's great! I personally HATE pumping...especially because I only have about 15-20 minutes at a time where Nevada isn't feeding for the majority of the day. But I will keep that in mind!
14 DPO and still no AF. I have been having a few early pregnancy symptoms though. I lost the pregnancy last month at 21 DPO, so I am trying to hold out until then to test this month. That way if it is positive I can at least tell myself I already passed that milestone. I am hoping to be pregnant again but am terrified since it happened right away that whatever was wrong last time will go wrong again. I was able to focus on the positive aspect of just being able to get pregnant after a year of TTC last time but if something goes wrong again I'm not sure if I can handle it.

I had to rush my kitty to the emergency room last night, and he won't be home till tomorrow. So I am extremely stressed about his well being and the financial burden this hospital stay is going to cause us. On top of that I am stressed that the stress is making my AF late or will hurt the pregnancy if I am pregnant. I really wish this could all just be a lot easier.
Linds! How amazing is your little beach baby! Hes soo adorable ! Sorry your still not sleeping great! Hope this means he will be a super duper sleeper in a couple of months time. Cant believe hes going on to solids already! Its so lovely of you to update us all.

Sara- what a wonderful woman to help you out with the milk. And what a brave amazing mama you are too! How are you doing ?

Dreaming-how are you doing ? Hope kitty is doing ok? Have you taken test or has there been any progression? I cant help with periods after mc. After i gave birth to the twins i bled for 3 weeks... it stopped for a week and then i got a period and was pretty much regular from then on in!

Dreaming-how are you doing ? Hope kitty is doing ok? Have you taken test or has there been any progression? I cant help with periods after mc. After i gave birth to the twins i bled for 3 weeks... it stopped for a week and then i got a period and was pretty much regular from then on in!


Bluestars- Thanks I am a hanging in there. Kitty is still at hospital we were suppose to pick him up earlier today but there were some complications and they want him to stay a few more hours.

I have not taken a test yet, I am waiting till Friday. I will be 1 week late at that point. I thought I was out this morning because there was some spotting but it never developed into anything just brown spots on toilet paper. So I am not counting myself out yet. My boobs are getting more sore, and smells are really starting to bother me. I could barely sit in the lunch room at work today and I can't even open my fridge at home without holding my breathe even though DH says it does not smell.
Dreaming - I really hope this is your rainbow BFP! Not a bad idea to wait a bit to test!

Blue - you are getting so close! Wow! Do you have the nursery ready?
Dream - i really hope you get your positive on friday. The symptoms all sound positive i still cant open my fridge without holding my breath... actually made OH buy a new one because our old one was so bad...it was done anyway lol.

Lit- nope!!! Haha we have got the cot finally... and ordering the furniture today... because i actually have to go away to have my baby and will be away for about two weeks after baby is born nothing is here really yet its all at my mums. OH is slow on the pickup as well. Keeps saying hes going to do this ans that and never gets it done! But i suppose it will all come together soon enough... i hope xxxx

Think im still in a bit of denial. If baby doesnt move for a couple of hours i always get worried that its all over... its horrible. I cant wait until she is in my arms !

How are you doing ? How is baby Nevada ? Any photo updates for us yet? Xxxx
Spotting is a bit heavier today but still brown, with only light cramping so I know that it not a bad sign yet. I know spotting can be normal but I would still feel much better if it would just stop already. Spotting and a temp drop was the first sign that I was losing my last pregnancy. Temp is still up this month though so I am trying not to make myself crazy worrying.

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