Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

I suppose your right Linny haha suppose I just need to see how little madam gets on! Did any of you girls do anything to help prepare your body for labour... Been drinking lots of raspberry leaf tea lol not sure if this is effective or not but its worth a go in my book!

Also Linny I am scared to stay in hospital... After the stints of hosp stays at the beginning it's scaring me. I got night terrors the last time! But maybe it will be a different experience and I won't mind so much with my little munchkin.

Blue - I tried RLT and acupuncture, but I was trying to bring it on after reduced movements, I never went overdue before I was induced so i'm not sure you can take much from my story!

As for staying overnight - I actually loved staying in hospital to begin with (2 nights) because I felt like I was well supported. It *really* depends on the hospital and the ward itself. But for me it was good to be there, have my meals (such as they were!) made for me, have visitors and basically just hang around in bed a lot with the baby. You might find it surprisingly nice to have nothing to do but feed the baby and sleep. x
Just had an A/N ... midwife thinks baby is breech!! Csection looks like its more likely on the cards! Xxx
Blue - that's too bad about baby being breech! Maybe she'll turn yet? I feel like the rate of c-sections on this thread is astoundingly high. But remember at the end of the day it's not how your baby arrives but the fact that she gets here safely!!
I did nothing to prepare for labour besides squats and kegels. To bring on labour I had a membrane sweep and went into labour the next day...delivered on my due date! So that was nice!

Also I completely agree with Linny about the hospital stay being amazing. At the time I was a bit annoyed by all the staff coming in and interrupting my two hours of sleep in a 48 hour period, but after I left I missed it so much! I loved having meals brought to me and being able to focus solely on getting to know our baby and allowing my body to recover. So I hope you find your hospital experience is enjoyable and not traumatizing like earlier in the pregnancy.

Linny - Nevada is a bit the same way about getting over stimulated with people. What I have discovered with her is she needs to nap very frequently and if she crosses her tiredness threshold to 'overtired' territory (which is easy to do), then watch out!!! Meltdowns and screaming galore...and she'll fight for hours before finally going to sleep. But basically whenever we are out with people or even have visitors over, she gets too excited and alert and loves to look around and interact. Everyone comments on how delightful she is, but she misses her nap, gets overstimulated and the moment people are gone we have to deal with a screaming baby. :( I'm glad Elka will take a soother and that it helps. I researched soothers before introducing one and discovered that they are actually recommended for reducing SIDs if taken at bedtime. Nevada isn't huge on taking them most of the time, but when she gets overtired a great way to put her to sleep is to swaddle her, rock her, make "shhh" sounds and let her have her soother. Of course, she spits it out before she falls asleep, defeating the SIDs prevention purpose, but I don't feel bad at all for giving it to her! And I am pretty sure every parent I know uses one to varying degrees. So all the power to you if it works for Elka! We just have to do what works for our LOs and throw out our preconceived notions from before we were parents!
So sorry to hear you are ill! What are you sick with?? I hope Elka doesn't catch it!
Linny - I hope you feel better soon. Binkies can be lifesavers at times.

Blue - Both of my girls didn't turn till late. With the first one, my doctor told me to sleep with my bum propped up on pillows so it was higher than my head. I did that till I went back, and she had turned.
I cant lie on my back crys does it work the same on my sides? Xxx
I was told Freya was breech at 35-36 weeks as well but when I had a scan she was head down after all. They can definitely still turn yet though, even at the last minute. They will do a scan just before a c section to double check.

I'm ok thanks lit. Still waiting to ov this cycle, probably another week which is good as we've not been well this week so not dtd!

Blue - Ah love, there's still a chance she'll turn. My friend had the same issue but he did turn in the end. When do you go back in for a check up?

Lit - Really funny you say that - napping always has been part of Elk's issue. In the early days I didn't understand babies and used to try and keep her up in the day (to see if she'd sleep longer at night) hahaha - I can laugh about it now. Once I realised my mistake and got her napping well in the day I noticed a huge improvement. We went to a babies group yesterday and this would typically lead to total meltdown but I managed with the dummy and keeping her face to me to get her to nap in my arms while we were there and she was absolutely fine during and after. Hurray! I can go out without fear now! Elk could never hold a dummy for long till very recently so it wasn't an option till now. Sorry that you have the same overtiredness issues but I am glad that someone understands! I've met so many babies who seem totally fine with overtiredness - it took ages to figure it out! I would definitely recommend getting a white noise app - it's a srt of replacement for the 'shh' - she sleeps like a dream with it on and totally calms her.

It's just a cold i've got, really hoping she doesn't get it!

Cryss - Yep they certainly are! :) x

Mrs W - hope you catch the egg love! x

Afm - I'm planning a few nights out with friends soon while DF stays home - really feel like I need to start socialising more - and since she was so good for the sitters I figure we don't need both of us here to handle her any more. x
Hello everyone! Sorry to have been missing recently! My laptop is really big and heavy and got too much to pick up in the last few months. But I have a fancy ipad now so hope to pop in more often! I'm doing okay thank you, still get crazy waves of anxiousness but am mostly fine - I think it's tiredness and hormones to blame for my anxious spells.

How are you Emma? Can't believe you're pretty much full term! How exciting! :happydance: I had a midwife appointment a couple of weeks ago and was told that baby was half engaged! So maybe mine will be slightly early. I have heard babies can pop in and out of engagement right up until birth though so it may mean nothing! Sorry to hear baby is breech! I heard that if you sleep solely on your left side then baby can turn. I have only slept on my left the whole second half of my pregnancy. That pic of you is gorgeous, what a lovely bump and scenery. I need to get OH to take a decent one of me this weekend for our baby book. xx

Lit - how is Nevada doing? That's so sweet about her secret smile for you! :cloud9: xx

Linny - how is Elka? Sorry to hear you have a cold, I hope it shifts soon! Glad to hear you're planning a night out! xx

Crys - Glad your 20 week scan went well! I hope you find out the gender next time. How are you? xx

I hope everyone else is doing good. I will dip in more regularly and catch up. :thumbup:
Hi ladies!
How is everyone?
Just dropping by with a little update. We are doing great, Oscar is a little dream. He weighed 15 pounds at his 8 week checkup and is wearing 3-6 month clothes already, hes sooo chunky. We are still breastfeeding, and I know the exact secret smile that you talk about Lit and Linny! Its sooo precious, and completely different to the smile he does for everyone else. He also has a dummy which has been a lifesaver (im a dental nurse and am against them long term) but it really helps to calm him and I like that it reduces SIDS as he likes to sleep on his front a lot. He slept from 8.30pm last night until 6am this morning, and believe me I know how lucky I am and am so so grateful! DS1 had a milk allergy which wasn't diagnosed until he was 3 months old, I dont think he slept for more than 30 mins at a time during that period. And after being rocked to sleep for so long as it was the only way he would settle, he didn't actually sleep through until 18 months! So anyway, Oscar has been a pleasant surprise for everyone in the sleep department!
DS1 is still adjusting to his new brother. He started pre school nursery in September so there has been a lot of big changes for him and we've had lots of tears and tantrums. But the other day Oscar was crying in his swing and DS ran to him, placed his dummy in and patted his tummy, really melted my heart. I hope they will be friends growing up.
Im finally healed from the c section, took a lot longer than my previous one. I dont think its helped having to push the pram on the school run every day, my scar didn't seem fully closed for ages. But fingers crossed its getting there now.
All for now, will try to upload a recent picture but always seem to struggle to get it the right way up!

Lit and Linny your girls are just beautiful, towel pictures are the best!

Blue you look gorgeous, your bump is really beautiful! Eeek not long to go now love! I enjoyed my hospital stay, being waited on so I could enjoy precious bonding time. You will be in the mummy and baby bubble, you won't even realise you are in hospital, it will all seem irrelevant as soon as you hold your tiny bundle.

Have to go, Oscar is waking, sorry not had time to ask after everyone! Always here lurking....lots of love x x x
Baby Oscar


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Good morning ladies,

How is everyone doing this morning?

Blue - how is baby doing? I wish I had some advice to give you but I don't know anything about breech babies. I have heard that babies do turn at the very last minute and everythings works out, hopefully that will be the case for you.
Blue - Yes you can. It's best to sleep on your sides the last half of pregnancy. Just need your bum higher.

Ljs - Oscar is adorable.

Tea - Glad to hear you're doing well.
hope baby turns for you i didnt have a breach baby but did have a c section due to other problems

According to fertility friend i am 5 dpo :shrug: i have the usual hair on the chin that i get either around ov or when af is due so who knows:haha:
Hey ladies,

Thank you for all your advice!

Ljs- little oscar is adorable !! What a great little sleeper and so nice to here DS1 is getting on well being a big brother. So glad your healed up too! Your photos are amazing. Hes gorgeous!

Tea - im good ! So lovely to here from you! Hehe your quickly catching up on me and your practically full term too!

Well ladies I has to go into the d
surgery yesterday to see another midwife for her opinion... she said baby is head down and head is pretty much engaged ! Lol... so that worry was short lived! However im leaving here a week earlier. Im just ready to be on the mainland closer to a hospital. I slept like a log last night knowing that too. (Or the fact i was exhausted from no sleep the night before). So i leave here on Monday! Off to the mainland to catch up with friends, family and shopping. Unfortunately OH has to stay and work and come out at his original time, but thats ok gives me the girlie time i want. Still have a scan booked for the 15th so will get to see my baby girl in there one last time before i get to meet the real deal. Fingers crossed everything goes smoothly!

Blue - Thank God! I know you feel relieved. Happy that baby is in position now. ��
Linny - Reading that reminded me of my experience as well! I was completely ignorant about how often babies were supposed to sleep during the day and once I realized it was such a breakthrough. It's great to find common ground with a mom, isn't it? So I'm glad we are sharing the "overtiredness" issue together. :winkwink: We actually have a nice little night light/white noise machine. It is a turtle and casts blue lights on the ceiling that look like waves and makes ocean sounds. Nevada absolutely loves it! :) I hope you can start to socialize more. I do think that is so important. You are still a person too! And it is great to know that Elka can do well with babysitters/ your DF so you don't have to feel like you need to be home with her ALL the time.

Teacup - Sorry you're so tired and feeling anxious. I definitely understand. Pregnancy is hard! I hope your anxiety subsides and you get a bit more energy. Oddly enough, I had more energy in the last few weeks of pregnancy than I did the whole rest of pregnancy...although energy is a relative term because it was an effort just getting off the couch with a bump that big! hehe.

Nevada is doing so well! For the most party such a happy baby except when she gets overtired...and yes her 'secret smile' is to die for. Can't wait until your baby gives you one!

Lj - Wow, so great to hear from you! Oscar really is a chubster! hehehe. I thought Nevada was big. ;) I think it's so nice when babies are chubby and healthy. And how adorable is he! :happydance: Nevada is starting to wear 3-6 month clothes too, although 0-3 month clothes still fit but the pants are getting a little short.

How great that you know about the secret smile! Kind of nice that it's a sort of universal baby thing. ;) I wonder if babies who are formula fed give it to whoever feeds them? That is AMAZING about Oscar's sleep! I can't say I'm not jealous but I know I don't have it that bad compared to some moms whose babies wake up every 1-2 hours all night long until they're 9 months old. :p It's good you're getting a break in the sleep department after your ds1 not sleeping well. Sounds like your DS1 is learning to be a very good big brother even though it's been an adjustment for him.
Sorry your c-section was so difficult to recover from! This is TMI but I took a good 7.5 weeks to properly heal from my stitches down there...so I can relate about long recoveries...but I know a c-section recovery would be a LOT more difficult and make things a lot harder to get around. So I'm glad you're finally mostly healed up and doing well!

Whisper- Good luck with the TWW.

Blue - I'm SO glad your baby has turned for you! What a relief!! And yay for one final scan! I'm sure everything will go well. Praying for the best for you!

AFM - I've been having fertile discharge (watery...ALMOST ewcm-like) the last few days. For those of you who are EBF or have in the past, can ANYONE share hope that you may have gotten this CM and NOT gotten AF for a long time still? I will be so ticked off if I get my AF right on time after my postpartum bleeding lasted a whole 6 weeks! I breastfeed 14-16 times a day so I wouldn't have thought I would start ovulating so early. :(
Hi ladies :) Catching up again - I apologize in advance if I miss anyone!!

Ahh, I know exactly what you all mean about the "secret smile" when breastfeeding - Rowan does it too and it just melts my heart every time :)

Blue, love your bump pic!! Glad to hear they think baby is head down :) It's probably a good thing that you're headed to the mainland sooner than initially planned, that way if baby decides to come early there's no stress. Try not to stress too much about breastfeeding - I was worried before Rowan was born too, but it went much more smoothly than I though (we have been quite lucky that way). Just be prepared to spend a LOT of time the first few weeks with your boobs hanging out, lol. It does get better though, Rowan now eats in 5 or 10 mins.

Linny, I'm glad to hear that Elka managed well with the babysitters :) Hubby and I haven't been out in the evening since before Rowan was born - I'm really hoping that if we get the sleep stuff sorted out soon we can go out for dinner or a movie some evening. I think you need a new ticker so we can keep track of how old Elka is :) I hope you feel better soon and Elka does not catch whatever you've got!

Bright, good luck with IVF!!

LL, glad that your DH is helping out so you can get some rest - it really is rough when you're trying to function on so little sleep. Rowan is similar when he doesn't get enough sleep - people will often comment, "oh, he's fine, he doesn't look tired" but as soon as they leave, he falls apart if he hasn't had his proper naps.

As for return of AF, you probably don't want to hear it, but I did have some fertile looking CM for a week or so (a couple weeks ago) and my first PP AF arrived on the weekend - I was very disappointed, lol. I was hoping it would be longer as Rowan is still nursing a lot, but oh well.

Teacup, not much longer for you!! I hope the anxiety subsides for you soon.

Ljs, wow, Oscar is little cutie :) So glad he's treating you well in the sleep department too! I have to say, I'm jealous ;) He's growing fast too! Rowan was 15 lbs 10 oz at his 6 month check up last week.

AFM, we have finally made some progress in the sleep department - I've taught Rowan to fall asleep in his crib and he is sleeping longer stretches now (last night was 5.5 hours, and then 4 hours, then 2) so I'm feeling much better. Even some of the naps are getting a bit longer which is really nice. We introduced solids about a week and a half ago but he didn't like any of the purees I tried from a spoon - it got to the point where he would close his mouth when he saw the spoon, lol. So, after speaking to our public health nurse, we are going the baby led weaning way. He is much more receptive to finger foods, but still makes faces when anything with a taste touches his tongue. It's funny because ANY non food item goes directly into his mouth, but he's hesitant with foods, even things that he does not know are food.

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