Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

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Yeah, I am a little concerned, however he is SOO active, meeting all his milestones, and eats well when he's hungry so I suspect it's just gained more weight early and is stretching out now, and will gain again soon. I've done a bit of googling and see quite a few threads about babies who's weight gain stalls around this age.

We started with purees but he didn't like them and it was not fun trying to feed him so we've moved to finger foods and he is much happier. He LOVES banana, avocado, roasted veggies, toast crusts, and cheese and we've recently discovered baby rice cakes which are great because I can put other things on top of it and he will eat it :) It's funny, the only things he will take from a spoon are whatever is on my plate (he's had chilli, thai curry, various soups, etc but as soon as it's on a baby spoon it's game over, lol).

How is Nevada sleeping these days? I hope a little better at least (for your sake!). Yes, I agree, I would love it if they would get the hang of this STTN thing sooner!
Whisper - great progression!!! Hope you're feeling more relaxed now. Isn't it just right - you start thinking now might not be the right time and boom! :haha:

Lit - ugh I have a cold again too. Hoping elka doesn't get this one. She got the last one- so annoying! Hope you abs Nevada don't catch it! X

Lindsay- aw if he's eating well sounds like hopefully it's just a wee plateau. Glad to hear he's getting about and having lots of fun. Yeah re: sleep, elka sometimes wakes 45 mins after bedtime and Obvs I know she's not hungry then so I stopped nursing her at that wake up and that seems to have stopped a lot of wakings. Touch wood she's back to waking once at the mo. which is fine. It's napping which is difficult. :/
Congrats Whisper!! Those tests look like they're progressing wonderfully!!

Alt, congrats on your new pregnancy too!! That's great news that your HCG is doubling properly and you haven't had any spotting!

Linny, sorry to hear you've encountered the 4 month sleep regression - I hope it passes quickly for Elka (and you too!). Sounds like she's transitioning well out of the swaddle and you're making progress with the feed to sleep pattern. That was our biggest issue - Rowan thought that every time he woke up I should nurse him - he finally started sleeping longer when I didn't nurse him on his first wake up... I think it broke the pattern.

LL, your weekend away sounds very nice :) I totally know what you mean though, it's very different with a baby. Rowan really disliked the car as well until he was about 4 months old. He tolerates it much better now, and will even sleep in the car if I time the trips for his usual nap time. I hope Nevada's cold goes away quickly! Rowan is also wise to the ways of saline spray (and the nasal aspirator, lol) - he gets upset when he even sees them now.

Bright, any updates?

Blue, sorry to hear that Asiah is having difficulty with painful gas. Rowan also went through a phase like that early on. We tried gripe water and oval, but nothing seemed to make much of a difference for him, it just seemed to pass on it's own. When he was having a really hard time I would take him in the bath with me and that calmed him right down. I think sometimes it takes them a while to figure out night and day - I did the same as Linny, kept him in the room in the dark at night, and tried to keep things bright and noisier during the day and he eventually figured it out.

Crys, I love your bump photo! Time is flying :) I hope you're doing well!

AFM, things are going well. We were out of town for a week visiting my extended family - Rowan was a pro on the airplane and slept quite well while we were away. The sleep situation in general has improved dramatically recently, he's now only up twice a night (and sometimes only once) and we're moving towards 2 longer naps every day instead of a whole bunch of short ones. We had his 6 month shots last week (a bit late) and found out that he has not gained much weight at all in the last 5 - 6 weeks (only about 150grams) so I'm working hard on getting him to nurse more (which is hard because if he's not hungry he doesn't want to eat) and increase his intake of solids (also hard because he doesn't like things from a spoon, lol). Going to weigh him again next week and if he hasn't gained then we will have an appointment with a dietician for some more ideas. He's growing in length and head circumference, but he's still only 15 bs 14 oz (a lot of his similarly aged buddies are up around 20 lbs). Apart from that, he is soooo much fun these days. He's moving all over the place, interested in everything, and doing lots of "talking". Anyway, I'm sorry if I've missed anyone - lots to catch up on in here!

No updates. :nope: Beta tomorrow at 6:30am. I am so scared to hear the BFN but hey...:cry:
Lindsay - well it had seemed to improve somewhat for a while ( 5-hr chunk then every 1-2 hours after that) but this entire week she's been up every couple hours all night so that's been frustrating. When you don't nurse Rowan back to sleep what do you do? Nevada has also been sometimes waking up 45 minutes after going to sleep and I do try to just pat her back to sleep but when that doesn't work I just give in and nurse her as it works quickly. I don't really think it's a "habit" for her yet as she seems to do something different every night.

I agree that Rowan is probably just thinning out especially since he's so active now! It sort of annoys me that they're so fixated on staying the same percentiles. Surely lots of babies are big at birth but are meant to be thinner later in life? I'd say if you're not too worried it's probably just fine because a mom's instinct isn't usually wrong!
I'm glad Rowan is enjoying his finger foods so much! I dread starting solid foods because it will be extra work and I'm sooo lazy about food prep but it will also be fun to see what she enjoys. I am going to be trying her with finger foods as well as my Dr said it helps with their dexterity and my sister (a speech therapist) says it's good for their swallowing! So I guess it's a good thing! I might try a few purees as well though. Funny that Rowan won't take anything with a baby spoon! :haha: Is he crawling or does he just sort of roll and scooch around everywhere?

Linny - ugh! Sorry you have a cold again! I hope
Elka doesn't catch it this time. Nevada's is a lot worse this time around but I still haven't gotten it yet (despite her coughing and sneezing in my face all the time) so I guess we'll see. I can't wait until she's over this one because it's really keeping her up at night and she sounds quite rough. Poor girl!

Bright - I sure hope it's a bfp
LL - I hope so too! But I really doubt it, my I dont feel confident at all. I really appreciate you ladies for your prayers and encouragment. It has been a long year of ups and downs.
Bright, I've got my fingers crossed you get good news tomorrow!

Linny, hopefully Elka doesn't catch your cold! Glad to hear your nights have improved again, hopefully she will get back onto a better napping schedule for you too. It makes life so much easier when they nap consistently. I'm just now finally starting to get some things done around the house when Rowan naps.

LL, aww, poor Nevada, I bet the cold is interfering with her sleep. I hope she feels better soon! Have you tried a cool mist humidifier? That helped Rowan at night when he had his cold. When Rowan was waking up after 45 mins I would go in and rub/pat his back (he has become a tummy sleeper) - he did cry, but would usually settle in about 5 - 10 mins if I persisted. If he got really upset (more than fussing), I would pick him up until he calmed down and then put him back to bed. I totally know what you mean though, nursing works so much faster! I did that for a long time and only stopped because I got to my breaking point (my back was sooo sore, and my fingers were getting numb from nursing and rocking him to sleep so many times every day/night). After the 45 min waking stopped, he would wake up after about 3 hours - when I stopped feeding him at that waking things really improved and he will now sleep 5 - 7 hours, and then another 4 - 5 hour chunk, then usually another hour or 2. I'm not going to try and reduce his night feedings anymore now until he starts gaining weight again though. Yeah, I agree about not being fixated on percentiles - he has dropped from 50th to below the 10th though, so if I can get him back into even the low average range I will be happy.

If you're doing finger foods, it's much easier to prepare :) No blending, ice cubes, etc. I find I'm a bit lazy and do give him the same things quite often because they're easy to keep around and prepare quickly (e.g. avocado, banana, scrambled eggs, etc). Apart from that we've been doing some roasted veggies with a chicken once a week, and I save some leftovers in the fridge and freezer to give him over the week. I agree with your sister (I"m an occupational therapist and work with kids and do a lot of feeding) - finger foods do help with development of oral motor skills, and an early introduction to lots of different textures can help prevent sensitivities/pickiness later on.

He is very very close to crawling - he gets up on his hands and knees and rocks, and can go backwards that way, but hasn't quite worked out how to go forwards. He mostly rolls around, and pivots on his tummy to get where he wants to go (it's amazingly effective, lol).
Hey ladies :)

Lindsay I wouldn't worry too much about the weight, my 2 yr old was 9 lbs at birth, and is now 2 yrs 5 months old and only 23 lbs... he hasn't gained 1 lb in almost a yr now.. he eats awesome and is just petite. He was in the 50th percentile for a while and now is in the 20th. My doc isn't worried, he's just little... he even eats more than my 7 yr old sometimes... we do try and give him some high fat foods etc when possible (good fats) but we don't want to feed him bad food just to get him chunky. He also didn't eat purrees... never did, went straight to finger foods at 8 months... baked beans were his fav! He also never took a bottle so when I stopped bf at 14 months, he was drinking very little milk... he got most of his fluid from fruits and used a sippy cup with a straw from about 9 months. Good luck :)

Everyone else I follow along and love reading your updates :)

AFM we are done TTC.. .I am content with my little family.

Take care ladies.

Bright - sorry you're not feeling too positive. I Can imagine it's been a rough year. The ladies on this thread have helped me through a lot! I'm glad you have been encouraged as well!

Lindsay - I can definitely see myself doing the 'easy' foods over and over! :haha: Great idea on preparing veggies/chicken once a week and then freezing/refrigerating to last the week! Must take notes on ideas of how to make things easier!
I totally could see how you are only just getting things done during naps! Nevada only sleeps on me during the day so I never accomplish anything. Yesterday I managed to get her to nap in her swing once (she has to be in just the right mood for this to work) and I was practically giddy about the free time I had! :)
Sounds like Rowan is well on his way to crawling soon! That must be so fun with him being so active now. On the weekend I saw a friend's baby around Rowan's age doing the same things you described and it looked so fun and she was so much more content playing by herself that way!
Good to know about how you managed to drop some of those night feeds! It sounds like he's sleeping amazing now! You give me hope since I know Rowan wasn't the best sleeper for quite a long time! Hehe. I don't expect Nevada to improve that much too quickly but if we can just get over this cold I'll feel a lot better. I have been coping ok but I feel way less enthusiastic this week with the more interrupted sleep. It is hard finding a new fun thing for Nevada to play with or do every 10 minutes when I'm just wishing I could have a nap! I do not have a cold mist humidifier but my MIL was over yesterday and said she'd order me one. I doubt it'll get here before Nevada's cold is better but at least I'll have it for next time?

Kim - great to hear from you again! I understand your decision not to TTC anymore. I'm glad you feel content with your family as is. I know it must have taken a bit of work to get to this point. Hugs! Thanks for still following along with us! You have been through quite the journey and we'd love to keep hearing how you're doing! :)
Kim - hey love! Glad to hear you're well and have come to a decision which works for your family. Hope you'll pop in and let us know how you're doing every now and then! x

Bright - :hugs: Aw, i'm really sorry to hear this love. Will you try again? X
Hi Ladies. Thanks for all the words of encouragement.

Bright, I am so very sorry. I had everything crossed for you. What are your next plans?

AFM, I had my ultrasound this am. I saw my beautiful little bean, with his heart beating strongly at 129 bpm! G2 (Gummy 2) is perfect and I am soo damn happy about it!
Alt - that is amazing news! You must be so relieved! Lots of hugs! Will you have any more ultrasounds in the first trimester?
Alt! Amazing stuff! Congratulations love. Hope you can relax and enjoy your pregnancy now! x
hey ladies im a little bit worried we traveld by train yesterday with the buggy and two suitcases so i was pulling a small one while pushing the buggy and decided this morning to do a test to make sure things were still ok and the test looks lighter hubby thinks its just the amount of dye but im worrying incase the same is happening:shrug:
Hey Whisper.

I know its hard to do, but I highly highly recommend not testing any more. The amount of dye can vary, the concentration of your urine can vary. Being 5 weeks, the chances of this being a chemical and super low now. It's so scary but I've done the same with my last 2 pregnancies and made myself sick with worry and neither one of them was a chemical. its easier said than done, I know, but try to step away from the tests. I actually started running into the bathroom so I didn't have time to grab a test on the way in lol.

Linny and Lit, thanks so much! I feel so much relief and my hubby is finally letting himself be excited! We told my parents last night, and they were excited as well.

I have an ultrasound scheduled for 13w, but I'm going to ask for another in mid December. We're traveling to California at Christmastime and want to tell my extended family, but I want to be certain that everything is a-okay first.
Alt- that will be really nice if you can get a reassurance can in December as well! I'm glad your parents were happy and that your hubby is even getting excited now! I hope this pregnancy is a very smooth ride. :)

Whisper - yay for the 3+!! Now back away from those tests! :)
Hi again!

So I started spotting again last night (brown yesterday and pink today) - argh!

Luckily I had an appointment with my midwife this morning and as soon as she heard I was spotting, she led me toward the ultrasound room. Baby was there, measuring ahead with a strong heartbeat. I just wish this spotting would go away and that the universe would cut me a break!

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