Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

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Alt - sorry about he spotting! What a relief you were able to get an ultrasound right away and see that baby is doing great! As you know, the majority of us had some spotting with our rainbow pregnancies so it doesn't always mean anything sinister. I'm so glad baby looks good! Hope everything continues to go well and the spotting disappears.

How is everyone else?
Hi all i have madr it to 5 +5 thank goodness i have a scan at the epau on monday morning x
Whisper - hurray for 3+--it makes a big difference seeing it in 'writing'! x

Alt -ah, as lit said i think practically all of us experienced spotting at some time or another. For myself it was at 6-7 weeks and then at 9 weeks. It sucks, it really does...but once you've seen the hb - especially if you see it after spotting your odds are no different to anyone else without spotting x
Hey Alt! I has spotting from 9 weeks until like 12-13 weeks. Doesnt half make you worry. I was in hospital with hyperemesis and thought that was it. Glad you managed to get an ultrasound quickly! Just take it a week at a time. Each week is an achievement! !!!!

Whisper- glad you are more relaxed now. Like i said yo alt. 1 week at a time. Xxx
Kim, thanks so much for that, it makes me feel better :) Yes, I suspect he's just going to be small - he was tiny at birth (5 lbs 13 oz) and at his 6 month appointment I was concerned about slowing of weight gain and the doctor said that since he had more than doubled his birth weight, and was meeting milestones, she wasn't worried. Sounds like your DS is very similar to Rowan - also not into purees and won't take a bottle, although we're going to try again as it would be nice to send him with some EBM when I go back to work in March. He does drink from an open cup (in fact this is one of his favourite activities, lol) but it's quite slow, maybe we'll try a straw when he gets a bit older. I'm glad you're content with your decision. I can imagine it was a bit of a struggle getting to that point :hugs:

LL, how is Nevada doing? Has she recovered from her cold? I totally know what you mean about not getting anything done - Rowan would really only sleep on me until about 3.5 months and even then it was a struggle to get him to sleep anywhere else. He very rarely fell asleep in his swing. Her sleep will improve - Rowan was a terrible sleeper for quite some time and we've been gradually working on it for a couple months now and there is big improvement (who knows if it was what I was doing, or just him growing up). We started to see real progress around 6.5 - 7 months. Hang in there!

Bright, so sorry about the BFN :hugs: Do you think you'll try another round of IVF?

Alt, so glad to hear your little bean is doing well!! As LL said, many of us here had spotting and bleeding with our rainbow pregnancies - apparently spotting is more common in people who have had m/c in the past. I hope it stops soon and you can get back to enjoying your pregnancy :)

Whisper, yay for the 3+ and passing your milestone!! I hope you can start to relax and enjoy your pregnancy now :)

Blue, how is Aisiah doing?

Linny, how is Elka doing?

AFM, we are doing well. Lots of progress in the last couple weeks. I now officially have a crawler with 4 teeth :) Baby gates are up and everything small and/or interesting to Rowan has been cleared away from floor level, lol. He's babbling all day now too (and says 'dada" although I don't think he knows what it means... I'm trying hard to teach him to say mama, but so far, we haven't got the mmm sound haha). I weighed him again yesterday and he's up to 16 lbs 4 oz (from 15 lbs 14 oz 2 weeks ago) so that's progress in the right direction :) His sleep has also improved again the last few nights... he's been doing 8 - 9 hours for his first stretch (I hope it lasts!!)
Aww thank you Lit!! She is getting very big very quickly feels like time if flying in! Put a pair of 0-3 legging on her.today and they are too short!!! How is your little button doing! She will be getting big too!!

Lindsay- so glad to hear Rowan is doing well! Crawling aww my!! Haha you will be on your toes!!! Woow for the sleeping!

Afm- asiah is on and off with her sleeping. Some nights she can be really good and others will only sleep on me. I think she has reflux though... she really struggles with her wind still and it keeps us all up at night. She cries amd screams after a feed for ages. So trying infacol again and gripe water... not expecting much. We expressed the other day and she took a bottle brilliantly !! Daddy was so pleased to give her her first bottle ( his first feed with her too). Shes great apart from the wind so beautiful ! Waiting for her spontanious smiles on demand .. she has done a could but i need more smiles haha makes mummy happy on little sleep!

Hows all you other mummies ? Xxx
Lindsay - wow! Good for Rowan already crawling! I hope he stays out of trouble for you. :) I am not looking forward to having baby gates up, but the crawling will be fun! Hehe. Sounds like his weight gain is definitely improving...and yay about his sleep as well! Everything is coming together now! You mentioned giving him EBM when you go back to work. How long do you plan on breastfeeding? I'm going to have to play it by ear. I'll for sure go the 12 months but I would like to go a couple months beyond that even it just for a night and morning feed. :)

Nevada's cold is...almost better. Her nose is clear again and she seems much better but still has a slightly lingering cough with some sneezing still. I think in a day or two she should be perfect. Her sleep is sporadic and sometimes very frustrating but it has definitely improved from last week, so that is refreshing! She seems a bit frustrated lately... Like she wants to stand, sit and crawl but isn't able to yet! Hopefully she'll hit a new milestone soon and that will cheer her up.

Blue - yay for Asiah getting so big! Those baby clothes don't fit long. Nevada is starting to fit her 6-9 month clothes already although many of her 3-6 month things still fit.
I'm glad your DH enjoyed giving Asiah a bottle! Keep up with that if you want to continue taking it! Nevada took one great at 4 weeks but sometimes completely refuses it now (other times she takes it but is NOT happy about it)!
I wonder if Asiah has reflux if she can get a prescription to help? I doubt the over-the-counter things help a whole lot, although I do hope they do for you!!
Don't worry - she'll smile more soon! Nevada was a VERY early smiler, but even so she only smiled sparingly at first and it wasn't enough for me either! As she has aged she has smiled more and more. Now she smiles almost constantly! Asiah will be smiling more for you in no time. :)
Hi ladies. This is a really long thread so I wasn't able to read nearly all of it. :) But I was hoping someone could help me! I lost my baby October 15, bled heavy for the first week, had some gushes, but then it tapered off into light bleeding/spotting. It got down to almost nothing, then picked up again this past Tuesday (six weeks post miscarriage). What I'm wondering if it's this could be AF or is still from the miscarriage? It FEELS like periods used to feel for the most part, with some light cramping and very slight nausea. But I don't know.

Do you have to completely stop bleeding before af comes? Anyone experience what I did? Oh and my hcg was at 7 on Tuesday when the heavier bleeding kicked in. I will talk to my doctor next week about it, but just wanted stone thoughts. Thanks!
If you still have hcg in your system I think you are still bleeding from the mc. I might mention to your Dr if it's so heavy still.

I'm very sorry for your loss! :hugs:
Update! Just yesterday I wrote that Nevada seemed frustrated and wanted to sit up already but couldn't. So today she started whining for no apparent reason and was actually smiling in between so I knew she wasn't actually distressed but she wantedsomething. I put her in a sitting position on the couch with a toy and she calmed right down. So I decided to try to get her to sit with her boppy pillow on the floor and she did it! Then I decided to take away the pillow and let her sit on her own, and she did that too! Of course, she only lasted about 15 seconds but still amazing!!! Hopefully now she'll be less frustrated! :) Sorry - I was just so excited I had to share!
Hi, ladies. It's been 8 weeks since my D&C and still no AF. I got a blood test to check my hormones a week a go and they are normal. For about two weeks before that, my breasts hurt and I was having pg symptoms but bfn. It was so weird. And then my test results came back normal. Weird. Maybe my hormones went crazy and then leveled out. Who knows.

My doctor said I will get my period. He said I'm in the "making egg stage" (this is a summary my Japanese DH told me. He went to get the report because I had to work). Or at least I was a week ago. He said my body is normal and I can ovulate and get my period on my own. He said there is no way of knowing when I'll get my period based on the test though. The test was taken more than a week ago so hopefully things have progressed. He said that its normal to not get your period for two to three months. But compared to most of the women here who get AF within six weeks I do not feel normal. How can I have only been at the follicular phase after six weeks post D&C?

I never tempted or did opk during this post mc cycle. But my cervix was open with increased cm for a few days or so. Then it closed back up again yesterday. I hope it was o. But I know there's no way of knowing if I didn't temp or use opk.

I can tell my hormones are back to normal because I'm finally getting cervical
mucus again! I hope I can get EWCM next cycle.

I know that normal test results should make me feel better but just being in the follicular phase means it's still a mystery when I'll get AF. I really wanted to conceive ASAP. I was dreaming of a Christmas bfp. I guess I learned my lesson to never have expectations when you will get pregnant.

I hope I'm in the Luteal phase now! My breasts are starting to get sore again so hopeful that actually means I ovulated this time and it's not my body playing tricks on me again.
I went for scan this morning and measurung at 5 +2 with no hb have to go back monday i should be at least 6 weeks now
Seaoftwilight - I think it can really vary how long it takes for AF to come and it can also depend how far along you were. I wouldn't worry too much about not having AF yet and since your levels are back to normal, I would expect that you would already be in your luteal phase as you hoped! Hang in there! I am sorry for your loss. You never know...a Christmas BFP could still be in the cards for you!!

Whisper - I am so sorry! You must be very worried. :hugs: Keep us posted.
Lit - hurray for Nevada sitting! Amazing! Elk is still not even close. Not sure if it's her size which is stopping her - she's nearly 18lb already!?!? anyway, that is so cool ... That might get sleep back on track. I hear they wake more before developing a new skill.

Whisper - ah love :hugs: I hope it's just ovulation timing is slightly out ... They say early on that size is inaccurate. Your next scan is in a week? Ugh, horrible waiting game ... I hope it works out .. Meantime try and keep positive .. I know it's hard x
Linny - hehe thanks! Elka may surprise you one of these days! I thought Nevada was still quite far from sitting but she almost seemed to have acquired the skills overnight! So you never know. ;)

Her sleep hasn't improved yet. In fact, Nevada's become quite a boob monster lately and only wants me at all times. For the past couple weeks she has decided it's mommy or no one! When I have gone to my exercise class once a week and when my parents watched her for us to go to a movie last Sunday, she looked around for me and cried (almost) the whole time. Sometimes I'll just go to use the washroom and even though she's being held by DH and was happy a moment before, she'll start looking all around the room for me and screaming. DH can't even take her somewhere else while I start supper or shower as she starts screaming. The only thing that will comfort her is me holding her! It's awfully sweet and I do feel quite flattered...but I also wonder when I'll ever get to go anywhere again. ;) Of course...I'll keep trying because I think it's important we can still go on the odd date. Yesterday my mom watched her while I went to the eye doctor and she did pretty well so maybe she is even improving already. :)

How is Elka doing otherwise? Has she kept her good sleeping habits up?

Everyone - Is anyone starting to prepare for Christmas (if you celebrate)? I did a bunch of online shopping last week and am hoping to keep mall trips to the minimum. It's extremely cold, snowy and icy here so I have no desire to leave the house. We put our tree up on Saturday and I'm starting to get excited for Nevada's first Christmas!

Crys - how are you doing?

Sara - where are you in your cycle? Thinking of you.

Teacup - how's new mommy life? :)
Blue, poor Asiah, I hope you can find something to help her with the wind/reflux! Perhaps a trip to the doctor to see if they can prescribe anything to make her more comfortable if the gripe water is not helping. It's so hard to watch them in pain. That's great that she's taking a bottle though!! I second what LL said, keep giving her one regularly if you want her to keep taking it! Rowan took one wonderfully at first, then we stopped giving him bottles regularly and he stopped taking them. Those smiles will come - they're sparing at first but pretty soon they'll be coming fast and furious! Then you'll start getting giggles :) Certainly helps make the sleep deprivation tolerable!

LL, Rowan also seemed quite frustrated around that age and wanted to do things that he just wasn't able to do yet. It improved once he started sitting confidently. He was an early sitter as well and we worked hard on it from about the time he was Nevada's age because he was just so much happier being in a sitting position than lying down. Now that he's crawling, he doesn't want much do to with sitting anymore. Whenever I sit him down, he just gets right on to all 4's and off he goes, lol. I'm planning on breastfeeding for 1 - 2 years. I'm going to go back to work part time in March (3 half days and 1 full day) so I'm hoping he'll be able to take milk in a bottle (or maybe a cup?) by then. Yes, we're getting excited about Rowan's first Christmas too :) We're planning on putting up a tree on the weekend, but we'll have to figure out some way to block it from him as he is so mobile right now.

tclinks, so sorry to hear about your loss :hugs: If you still have HCG in your system it could still be bleeding from the m/c. I had a D&C after a missed miscarriage and bled for a few days following the procedure, and then when my hcg levels finally dropped, had another billed before my period arrived a couple weeks later. Definitely discuss it with your doctor. Hopefully things will get back on track quickly and you'll get a sticky BFP soon!

Sea, sorry to hear of your loss as well :hugs: It's so hard not knowing what your body is doing. Hopefully your body will get back on track and you'll have your stick bfp soon!

Whisper, sending some big hugs your way, you must be so worried :hugs: Remember, it's can be hard for them to get an accurate measurement that early so hopefully that's all it is. I hope you get great news on monday!

AFM, I shouldn't have bragged about Rowan's sleep last time as we seem to be going through another rough phase. He's having a lot more trouble falling asleep - I think it's some kind of separation anxiety because if I put him in the crib and he can still see me, then he's okay, but if I leave the room the tears start. He's also been very shy and clingy when we're out so I suspect it's all related. Hopefully it won't last too long!
Lindsay - don't worry, I understand! I've learned to never talk about any of Nevada's good nights because inevitably her sleep immediately gets so much worse as soon as I've said it! Hopefully Rowan will go back to sleeping great soon. The separation anxiety sounds like a good explanation and Hopefully it's just a short phase.
I'm glad you'll be able to go back part time! That will be a lot more manageable. I would love to be a SAHM forever but financially we can't do it so I am going to ask my work if I can go back 4 full days per week. That seems like a lot still for me, but it will be better than nothing and then if we work hard paying down debt before the next baby it may be possible for me to stay home eventually or at least reduce my hours even further. It's so hard to imagine sticking Nevada in daycare but I know so many moms do it and we will find a way to survive.:(
I am guessing Rowan will be able to take milk in a cup by the time you go back so that will help! If I could work a lot fewer hours or didn't want to have a second fairly close together, I would love to BF for closer to two years but I don't want to BF while TTC or pregnant so that is probably what will decide when I stop. :) Rowan sounds extremely active and on the go! I'm glad he's enjoying crawling so much! I hope you can keep him away from the tree! No problems with keeping Nevada away as she isn't mobile and she also seems to be scared of the tree! She likes the lights but when she gets too close to the branches she starts crying. Silly girl.

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