Kim, thanks so much for that, it makes me feel better

Yes, I suspect he's just going to be small - he was tiny at birth (5 lbs 13 oz) and at his 6 month appointment I was concerned about slowing of weight gain and the doctor said that since he had more than doubled his birth weight, and was meeting milestones, she wasn't worried. Sounds like your DS is very similar to Rowan - also not into purees and won't take a bottle, although we're going to try again as it would be nice to send him with some EBM when I go back to work in March. He does drink from an open cup (in fact this is one of his favourite activities, lol) but it's quite slow, maybe we'll try a straw when he gets a bit older. I'm glad you're content with your decision. I can imagine it was a bit of a struggle getting to that point
LL, how is Nevada doing? Has she recovered from her cold? I totally know what you mean about not getting anything done - Rowan would really only sleep on me until about 3.5 months and even then it was a struggle to get him to sleep anywhere else. He very rarely fell asleep in his swing. Her sleep will improve - Rowan was a terrible sleeper for quite some time and we've been gradually working on it for a couple months now and there is big improvement (who knows if it was what I was doing, or just him growing up). We started to see real progress around 6.5 - 7 months. Hang in there!
Bright, so sorry about the BFN

Do you think you'll try another round of IVF?
Alt, so glad to hear your little bean is doing well!! As LL said, many of us here had spotting and bleeding with our rainbow pregnancies - apparently spotting is more common in people who have had m/c in the past. I hope it stops soon and you can get back to enjoying your pregnancy
Whisper, yay for the 3+ and passing your milestone!! I hope you can start to relax and enjoy your pregnancy now
Blue, how is Aisiah doing?
Linny, how is Elka doing?
AFM, we are doing well. Lots of progress in the last couple weeks. I now officially have a crawler with 4 teeth

Baby gates are up and everything small and/or interesting to Rowan has been cleared away from floor level, lol. He's babbling all day now too (and says 'dada" although I don't think he knows what it means... I'm trying hard to teach him to say mama, but so far, we haven't got the mmm sound haha). I weighed him again yesterday and he's up to 16 lbs 4 oz (from 15 lbs 14 oz 2 weeks ago) so that's progress in the right direction

His sleep has also improved again the last few nights... he's been doing 8 - 9 hours for his first stretch (I hope it lasts!!)