Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

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Lindsay- ah yes! Never talk about good sleep. Last week I bragged to my pal that elka slept through the night twice.... Did she do it ever again? Nope! Sounds like its related... You know once I read an anecdote by one of those professional sleep training people about a similar scenario and it was food related - as in the baby didn't want mum to go because the food went and by upping the last feed of the night the problem was solved... It's one avenue you could try but obviously if it's related to separation that won't be much use!

Lit - funny that - elka is more 'into' me now. I never thought she was particularly fussy who held her - but now it's pretty clear she prefers me. Though fortunately I can leave the room or leave her with dh without too much issue. I did however leave her with my friends mum in the cafe as I went to the counter and she started saying her 'mamamama' babble and then crying! I don't for a second think she knows what mama means but it's the first time she's cried simply because I left her with someone! Her sleeps so-so. She is actually waking more but not crying, she's just babbling to herself in the night, I've stopped going in because she thinks it's party-time if she sees me. So it's probably about 10 mins of babbling about 3 times a night so me and dh just lie there listening. It's fine because at least I'm not having to feed for 20 mins or get up. I'm sure it's a phase that will pass!
Linny - the babbling in the night doesn't sound too bad! I mean, not fun to have your sleep disrupted for sure, but as you said at least you don't have to get up and feed her. She probably will get over this stage soon - just like all the other stages. They never seem to stay the same for more than a few days! Hopefully she will learn that nighttime is for sleeping and not 'party time' soon. ;)

And yep, definitely sounds like Elka has figured out that strangers just won't do! It's good she at least lets your DF have her. At least it is flattering when they prefer you above anyone else!!
LL, I would also love to be a SAHM but it's not financially viable for us either. I'm going to start back part time and if necessary I might add a Saturday (and DH can look after Rowan). We are thinking about putting him into daycare when he's a bit older (2 maybe?), initially my mother in law will be looking after him but she can't give us full time as she still works. I know what you mean about it being hard to put them in daycare, I'm sad about even leaving him with my mother in law when I go back to work (even though I know they will have so much fun!). That would be great if you could just go back 4 days a week though, that extra day with Nevada will make a big difference I'm sure :) As for breastfeeding while TTC, we're not planning to try for #2 until Rowan is about 18 months old (that is if I can convince DH, lol) - so far since my cycle came back it has been quite regular (and I'm fairly sure I'm ovulating) so I don't imagine it would be a problem to ttc while still breastfeeding. Silly Nevada being scared of the tree, lol. I can imagine the lights are very interesting for her though! Rowan is in a phase where he LOVES trees, every time we go for a walk he stares and babbles away at the trees.

Linny, that's very cute that Elka babbles to herself at night, but I'm sure you'll be glad when that phase passes :) Rowan used to always cry when he woke up, but now he makes this loud "maaa?" or "oooo?" sound, it's quite cute and makes me laugh every time. Yep, no more talk about good sleep! That's interesting about the food and sleep. I'm not sure that's the case for Rowan though as he does have a fairly big feed before bed. Last night he even had solids about an hour before bed too and he took about 1 hour to finally fall asleep!
Little one hasn't turned yet, so the placenta made it hard to get good pics, causing artifact on his skull but you can see his profile and hands in front of his face.

The doctor wants me to continue logging my sugars and changing things around to see if I can get my fasting sugar lower before she gives me meds as it's the only one that's high. After meals my sugars are usually fine.


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im really anxiouse i dont want to go monday just to be told theres still no hb and its not grown i should be 6 weeks and 5 days now not 5 weeks 5 days:cry: i cant relax my boobs arent as painful but maybe thats cos i havent had my bra on as much today ive monged in my pjs i just want to know whats going on last night i was sick today ive felt sick but not been sick :shrug: my notes from the hospital Say bot ovarys are enlarged and cystic and i have a retroverted and bicornuate uterus with a pregnancy in the right side sack yolk sac and baby seen but no hb and a fetal pole of 2.8 mm measuring 5 +2 :cry:
So sorry, Whisper. :( You must be so distressed. It isn't fair, is it? I really hope it was just a weird scan and on Monday everything will be ok. It's so confusing when you're in limbo and still having some symptoms, etc. :hugs:
I went for scan this morning and measurung at 5 +2 with no hb have to go back monday i should be at least 6 weeks now

Whisper - I went for a scan when I was 6 weeks pregnant with Ida and there was no heartbeat, in fact just a yolk sac measuring a week behind. Then when I went back at 7 weeks there was a heartbeat and everything was as it should be! I hope that's the case for you - good luck with your next scan. I'll be thinking of you. :hugs: xxx

Bright - So sorry to hear you got a bfn. :hugs: I hope you're okay. xx

Lit - Yay for Nevada sitting up on her own! Aww that's sweet that she's wanting her mummy all the time! I hope she isn't a 'boob monster' :haha: too much longer so you can get some rest. xx

Lindsay - Aww I hope Rowan sleeps better again soon! Sounds like you need a cardboard cutout of yourself next to his crib! :haha: great to hear he's crawling now! Though I guess that must be more work for you! I might have to get some sort of play pen when Ida gets to that stage otherwise I doubt I'd get anything done! Our lounge isn't very baby safe, though I guess we should start making it that way. xx

Emma - Ida struggles with her wind a little too. Lying her on her tummy on one of us before bed helps her a bit. She loves 'tummy time' and holds her head up for ages looking at whoever is holding her. We tried infacol and found it made her slightly constipated - though it might have just been a coincidence. I hope Asiah's wind probs clear up soon! xx

Linny - Good to hear Elka is doing well! How sweet that she babbles away to herself! xx

Alt - Congratulations! I'm so pleased for you! :happydance: Wishing you a healthy happy pregnancy! I hope the spotting has cleared up now. xx

Crys - Glad to hear everything is going well, cute you can see his hands in front of his face on the scan! xx

AFM - Ida is doing well, she has been giving us little smiles recently - they're still quite rare but lovely when they do happen! She sleeps really well, only wakes up for food at 5am and then back to sleep until 8.30am. My Brother and his wife have just had their baby, another little girl! But they named her a very similar name to Ida (Ivy) and my mum has already got mixed up. :growlmad: I don't know why out of all the thousands of names they had to also choose a 3 letter one beginning with I! I'm still pumping milk but only getting about 15ml per pumping session. I keep trying to get Ida to breast feed again but she's just not interested. She seems to be doing well on the formula anyway so that's good.

I hope everyone else is doing okay! xxx
Lindsay - that will be wonderful if your MIL could take him for the first year of care anyway - at least part of the time! I would way rather that than a random daycare. My cousin's wife has a home daycare nearby that I can probably bring Nevada to. It would be nice to keep it to family but I don't know her all that well so I'm not sure yet. Every daycare seems like a death trap to me. I wish I could control Nevada's environment perfectly to keep her safe. :) I hope it works out for you to be quite part-time and maybe you won't even need to add a Saturday! :) if you convince your DH to start trying when Rowan is 18 months old, you'll be TTC a couple months before I start so we may go through out pregnancies together again. :) That would be fun!!

Teacup - oh, it's so lovely to hear from you! Thanks - I don't know if I'll be able to be able to break her bad sleep habits as they just seem to be getting worse and worse. I have to say I am rather jealous of Ida's sleep! Nevada is up every 2 hours like clockwork after her one and only "long" stretch of 3ish hours at the beginning of the night. Gag. But I am happy for you and hope you enjoy the rest! You deserve it! How are you handling the mornings? I know you mentioned you're not a morning person at all. :)
If you are really determined to get Ida to latch again I would probably see a lactation consultant. :) But if she's doing great with formula then that is perfect!
I'm so glad Ida is smiling for you! Smiles make everything worth it :) hopefully she gives them more freely soon! That is a little annoying of yor brother and his wife naming their daughter Ivy! It *is* a cute name though. But seriously...of all the names out there! Too bad. I can definitely see why you are annoyed! That is neat that Ida will have a cousin so close in age though! I haven't mentioned on here but my sister is now pregnant. Not sure how things will go as she is physically disabled and has a lot of serious health problems. She is 15 weeks pregnant and already her placenta is separating and she's on (almost) bed rest. but hopefully if all goes well Nevada will have a cousin sometime in the spring! She already has 5 other cousins on my dh's side but it'll be special to have one on my side as well.

Linny - would you say your transition to no swaddle with Elka went smoothly? I suddenly have to stop swaddling Nevada because she's rolling back to front so I'm a little worried this will make her sleep even worse. Then again...that may not even be possible at this point so maybe this is a great time to stop swaddling. ;) Of course this would happen right when I ordered a larger swaddle sack for her to fit!
Hey ladies looks like im back to square one scan today shows babu has grown slightly measuring 5 mm but still no hb and lining has gone from 21 to 19 mm so im back again monday to confirm
So sorry whisper. How are you holding up? Xxx

Tea are you about?

Linny i haven't forgot about your doppler it's just been hectic here lol.

Crys- how are you? When I'd your due date again?

How's all you ttcers and mama's ? Xxx
Tea i totally missed a page haha. So glad Ida is doing well. Im jealous of the sleeping through the night. I really struggle to get Asiah to sleep in her own bed now. The only plave she will sleep is on my chest and i dont know how to break the cycle. She wont take a dummy but think she really wants one. So we are knackered... any tips are accepted lol.

Asiah is also giving smiles ! And little coos and babbles. Lol 7 weeks old today. Shes super cute!!

Crys - you still have plenty of time for baby to turn. Thought of any names?
Hi ladies just a quick update as very confused at the mo went for final scan yesterday only to finf heartbeat... after started feeling crampy and then started bleeding still am but its gone a browny tinge waiting for epau to open so can see what to do
Whisper - oh wow, that's great...I know you must be very worried...I hope it all turns out ok! Keep us updated x

Blue - Yeah we're doing good, don't worry about doppler, it's not like I need it :haha:. Not sure how to break the chest sleeping cycle, Elka never really did that but my firends baby does/did and she's found using a sleepy pod is helping. e.g. baby doesn't like going into crib but seems ok in that thing, it's more like a cosy little nest so she's quite snug and closed in....might be worth a shot?

As for us, Elka has started sleeping through the night too...wow. Crazy, she was actually going through a really bad patch of sleep so I started waiting 5 mins before going in to her, and she would just fall back to sleep on her own and then suddenly (it coincided to siwtching to formula due to her going to nursery soon) she started sleeping through. She does sometimes wake once a night but not often. I feel like a new woman :haha: She's so much fun at the moment, always wanting to do things, go places, grab things etc. Still not rolling or sitting but a girl who worked at a baby shoe place told me she's likely to go straight to walking because she wants to stand all the time and stands flat-footed....I didn't realise this flat-footed thing was a sign of that.
Whisper - well that is exciting but confusing! I hope you can get some more answers soon and that baby is doing ok! :hugs:

Blue - if you don't want her on your chest is there a way to at least get her to co-sleep with her on her back beside you in safe co-sleeping conditions so both of you can get some rest at once? Also at that age I found it was always relatively 'easy' to put Nevada down once she was in deep sleep. I usually waited 20-25 minutes and put her down and she'd be fine. At this point they don't understand object permanence so it won't confuse them to fall asleep somewhere and wake up somewhere else. You could try putting a heating pad on her crib as you try to get her to sleep then once she's sleeping soundly enough get your DH to remove the hot pack and put her down on the warm spot. I usually would get Nevada so she'd still be sleeping while her head/neck was supported by one hand and her bottom half in the other. I'd set her down very slowly and keep my hands there. Then if she stayed asleep I'd very slowly remove one hand but keep the other. Then I would very gradually reduce parts of my other hand until I was hands free and she was still asleep! Nowadays I have to put Nevada down almost asleep/very drowsy and once I put her down she immediately wakes up/cries but I just start patting her hip and shoulder gently and she'll fall right back to sleep. That's only for naps, mind you. At night she still insists on being nursed to sleep and if we do any other technique she wakes up twenty minutes later and keeps doing that repeatedly until I nurse her to sleep. She is a stubborn one! Those things may not work for you but just thought I'd mention!

Linny - how wonderful that Elka is STTN now! That is quite amazing and just in time since you'll need that when you go back to work. :) I'm glad she is so cheerful and happy lately. You must be so relieved!

Elka may well be more interested in learning to walk than rolling or sitting! All babies have their preferences and some babies never even crawl- just skip to walking. :)

AFM - Nevada is sleeping terribly still but we went through a very rough 3-4 weeks where she even stopped doing an initial stretch at all and wouldn't go down at night and was up every 1-2 hours all night long. Also once she started rolling back to front she started waking herself up after twenty minutes because she'd roll. It was beyond annoying! No one should ever look forward to their baby rolling back to front! :haha: However, finally this past week we have been doing "rolling sessions" an hour before bed to get it out of her system and also cluster feeding since she had stopped that habit. I then can 4/5 nights get her to sleep a 3.5-4 hour chunk before she is then up every 1-2 hours again. It is not good at all but I am just glad she is doing that initial chunk again, even if it's shorter than it was. :/

Mood wise, Nevada has been really cranky in the evening after her last nap but if I try to cut out her last nap and put her to bed early she just wakes up as if it's a nap and wants to party for two hours and goes to bed even later so it is really frustrating. I think I'll have to start cutting off ALL her naps at certain times throughout the day so I can get her to bed at a decent time. She needs that 4th nap still so I'll just have to make sure that 3rd one ends earlier and her 4th is very short.

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