Blue - Rowan was like that for sleep too. The thing that worked for us at that age was the miracle blanket (it really was miraculous!!). The nurses here tell us not to swaddle arms in but it was the only thing that worked for Rowan. I think the reason they say not to is in case they overheat, but you can use common sense about dressing them under the swaddle and room temperature. I wish I still had something that worked as well as the swaddle to help him sleep! Will she lie on her side next to you? Rowan would also sleep like that once we started nursing in side lying and that allowed me to get a bit more sleep because I wasn't worried about him rolling off of my chest. Any updated photos for us?
Linny, I too, am jealous of Elka's sleeping! I hope she keeps it up!! They just get more and more fun don't they? I keep thinking I love the age Rowan is at, and it just keeps getting better

Are you going back to work soon?
LL, it's tough when they're almost ready to drop a nap. We've just dropped down to 2 naps and I totally understand your frustrations! Hopefully Nevada will adjust to 3 naps soon

I hope your nights improve too!
Whisper, I'm so sorry to hear that

I hope the cramps pass quickly. I've heard they do resolve quickly once everything passes. No personal experience though as I had a D&C. Hang in there hun, your sticky bfp is coming soon
AFM, Rowan caught a stomach flu a couple weeks ago (and shared it with DH and I) so I feel like we're still recovering from that. It was a few nights of no sleep, and we're not back to where we were with sleep before the illness, so I'm very tired. Apart from that things are going very well. Rowan has started pulling himself up to standing and climbing the stairs so we've got to watch him pretty closely. The best part about his newfound mobility is that he is so much more content now - I used to have to do a LOT more entertaining but now he's quite happy to spend time on the floor by himself exploring the house. Eating has really improved since he was sick too - he's very keen to eat and will now let me help feed him. We've also introduced a straw with a cup (thanks for the idea Kim!!) and he will take EBM from the cup which is great because I was getting a little worried about how we'd get milk into him when I go back to work.