Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

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Still bleeding and in pain, went to a&e yesterday and passed a small clot but someone from obs n gyney came down and did a scan and baby and sac was still there still bleeding but not passed anything big
Lit- ugh, she may be moving towards dropping that last nap of the day...Elkie does that, or has done that...it's a really tricky period to navigate as they get cranky without it but they don't quite need it any more. Horrid, but once she can stay awake longer shell drop it and hopefully considlidate naps earlier on.

Whisper - wow, that's great news ....I really hope this is the last bits of bleeding and you can go on to a stress free pregnancy! X
Been on the toilet agonizing cramps and bleeding heavy with clots for a good few hours its over just want to pain to stop now
Linny - ah, glad you can relate! I scoured online for info on dropping that 4th nap but came up with zero useful info and just that "dropping the 4th nap is generally easy." I came to the conclusion that, as you said, she's at that weird place where she's ALMOST ready to drop it but not quite. Hopefully this will resolve soon. :) When do you start back work? Are you dreading it or looking forward to it?

Whisper - so sorry, whisper. Are you taking anything for the cramps? I guess the worst part about the cramps for me was I was too scared to take ibuprofen in case it wasn't really over - major denial on my part. The cramps certainly shouldn't last too long. At least take tylenol and use hot water bottle/magic bag if you're not already. So sorry. :hugs:
Blue - Rowan was like that for sleep too. The thing that worked for us at that age was the miracle blanket (it really was miraculous!!). The nurses here tell us not to swaddle arms in but it was the only thing that worked for Rowan. I think the reason they say not to is in case they overheat, but you can use common sense about dressing them under the swaddle and room temperature. I wish I still had something that worked as well as the swaddle to help him sleep! Will she lie on her side next to you? Rowan would also sleep like that once we started nursing in side lying and that allowed me to get a bit more sleep because I wasn't worried about him rolling off of my chest. Any updated photos for us?

Linny, I too, am jealous of Elka's sleeping! I hope she keeps it up!! They just get more and more fun don't they? I keep thinking I love the age Rowan is at, and it just keeps getting better :) Are you going back to work soon?

LL, it's tough when they're almost ready to drop a nap. We've just dropped down to 2 naps and I totally understand your frustrations! Hopefully Nevada will adjust to 3 naps soon :) I hope your nights improve too!

Whisper, I'm so sorry to hear that :hugs: I hope the cramps pass quickly. I've heard they do resolve quickly once everything passes. No personal experience though as I had a D&C. Hang in there hun, your sticky bfp is coming soon :hugs:

AFM, Rowan caught a stomach flu a couple weeks ago (and shared it with DH and I) so I feel like we're still recovering from that. It was a few nights of no sleep, and we're not back to where we were with sleep before the illness, so I'm very tired. Apart from that things are going very well. Rowan has started pulling himself up to standing and climbing the stairs so we've got to watch him pretty closely. The best part about his newfound mobility is that he is so much more content now - I used to have to do a LOT more entertaining but now he's quite happy to spend time on the floor by himself exploring the house. Eating has really improved since he was sick too - he's very keen to eat and will now let me help feed him. We've also introduced a straw with a cup (thanks for the idea Kim!!) and he will take EBM from the cup which is great because I was getting a little worried about how we'd get milk into him when I go back to work.
Hey ladies

Oh whisper - I didn't really take anything for the cramps besides hot water bottle as lit suggested (I was also in denial). I hope they pass soon enough. Lots of warm baths and some paracetamol should help X

Lit - yeah it was a pain in the bum that stage. She's now going from 3 to 2 naps which is rubbish as basically I have to somehow get her to stay awake for about 4 hours before bedtime, so that's a bit rough as she gets pretty crabby after 3 hours awake. Yep she's going to nursery on 7th jan!!! and i start back at work. I took her in today for her first settling period and she LOVED it!!!! The nursery nurses are wonderful, and they said that young babies settle easier and faster because they're not so attached to mum etc. And it certainly seemed to be the case - she was just content sitting in a jumperoo (so glad my mum is getting her one of these for christmas now!) and looking at the other babies. She loves a lot of action so it's perfect. I'm actually really loooking forward to going back to work. It's only for 3 days a week so it's not such a big wrench! What are your plans re: work return?

Lindsay - aw sorry to hear about the tummy bug but it's great rowan is getting more mobile. I'm also hoping Elk will need less one-on-one entertaining when she's moving. Yes, her sleep has been great, but hey - it goes up and down still. We still have nights where she's up a couple of times but never more than that so touch wood it's going in the right general direction. Hope rowan's sleep goes back to where it was (or better!!) x
Lindsay - that is exciting about how much Rowan is up and moving these days! I'm glad to hear he is finally content to play and explore on his own! Like Linny, I am hoping Nevada is the same when she can do more! I thought once she could roll both ways and shuffle around a bit she'd be happy for a bit without me, but nope! She whines ALL the time if I am not on the floor at her level playing with her. Hehe! I don't mind usually but sometimes I just want to get something done! Or eat! Or drink coffee! :p
Sorry to hear about the illness you all got! Sounds terrible. I'm glad things are getting back to normal now. I do hope Rowan starts sleeping amazingly soon! You deserve it!

Linny - I'm glad she liked daycare so much! And so good you'll be working 3 days per week so it's not like you won't get time with her anymore. :) I assume it is a large daycare, then? I'll likely take Nevada to a small home daycare but I haven't picked one yet because I love to procrastinate. I don't have to return to work til near the end of July thankfully. I planned on asking to return to work 4 days/week but my coworker coming back from mat leave is going back 3 days/ week and that sounds awfully appealing so I am going to have to figure out what we can handle financially and then hopefully my employer will accept my proposal! I never asked before I left but my supervisor and coworkers all seem to think my boss will say yes. I was invited to my work's Christmas party and although it was fun to see everyone, I generally try not to think about work at all. I like my job well enough but I am fully dreading going back and it's going to break my heart!
That sounds difficult keeping Elka up for 4 hours before bed! Does she normally stay up for 3 hours during the day? Or does her wake time gradually increase as the day wears on? I actually somewhat successfully cut nevada's nap last night. She ended up being up a bit too long for her usual nap anyway so we decided to keep her up. Got her to sleep right at her bedtime by keeping her up 3 hours (she usually stays up for 2). She was quite cranky but handled it fairly well. She did wake up half an hour later and was quite hyper, but I was able to get her down again within half an hour so I consider that an ALMOST victory! :) Will try again tonight if the timing works.
Whisper- So sorry you had to go through another loss. I pray that it will work out for you soon.

Bright- I am sorry about your BFN.

Everyone else: It looks like all the little ones are doing well and hitting new milestones everyday.

As for me, I have taken a break from the forum for a while and also started to exercise regularly so I could take my mind off the ups and downs of baby making and focus on setting goals that I can actually have some control over. But now I am totally lost and confused and could use some support from the people here that can actually understand the ups and downs of TTC.

So here it goes, I had my MC in August, a late period in September but it was very heavy. In October I started spotting 4 days early and got my hopes up that it was implantation only to be hit with a heavy AF on day 30. Day 30-31 is usually when AF arrives. November, I started spotting early again followed by a few days of light period and them more days of spotting ( I started exercising in Nov). I held up some hope that the light period was still implantation but I am pretty sure it was AF since my temps went through their normal downs to up this cycle. But I swore to myself that if there was ANY bleeding this month I would consider it AF and not get my hopes up that it may be implantation. But of course now I have been spotting for 4 days and although I have had one or two spots of bright red it has been mostly pink or brown. Also it started out only on the TP then I had a few days when I thought AF was going to come because I moved up to a liner but now its back to only light pink on the TP. Tomorrow will be day 31, so there is a chance AF will come at full force still. I bought tests today, but I don't want to use them until AF is actually late. Although I wasn't counting the spotting from the previous months as Day 1 so my math might be off. my boobs were really sore prior to spotting this month then started to calm down. Today they are sore again and I am feeling bloated and crampy like AF is on its way but I am just not sure of anything anymore. DH hit an anxiety wall this cycle so we weren't able to DTD as much as I wanted during my fertile days but I was able to get it done a twice early on in my fertile window, so there still is a slim chance one of his guys hit it home.
I am just so confused, ever since my MC my body has changed. My boobs hurt every cycle now even though I never experienced this prior to my pregnancy, and sore boobs was how I knew I was pregnant the first time. Also,My cycle use to be very normal with no spotting prior. I just don't know how to read the signs anymore.
Dreaming - sorry your cycles and change in symptoms are confusing you! I know my cycles definitely threw me for a loop a couple times after the mc! It sounds like there could still be a chance for you this month but it's so hard to say! Good idea not to test until AF is officially late. Hang in there! :hugs:
Hi ladies!!!

Whisper, I am so so sorry for your loss. It's just so unfair! I hope you're feeling physically better now, my dear. **Hugs**

It looks like there has been some real awesome progress on the babies of this thread! So cool to see all of the little ones that have been born!!

AFM, 11W3D and still rolling strong, praise God!! We had an ultrasound on Friday and I was terrified that we'd find out the baby's heart was no longer beating. Not only was it beating strong, this baby was jumping and kicking and punching. My heart was full of so much joy and pride. I feel like the fear is subsiding and in it's place is this wonderful joy that I didn't think I'd ever feel.

I hope everyone continues to do well and has a wonderful holiday!
Oh, how wonderful, alt! So glad you're able to experience joy with this pregnancy. It's one of those things you're never sure you'll feel again but trust me you'll feel more of it than you ever thought possible when this baby arrives! So glad he or she is so active and doing so well! I am just sooo happy for you! Getting close to the end of the first trimester finally! :)
Thanks Lit! It's like a dream come true. The idea that I can finally see my husband become a father is the part I'm most excited about! We are flying home to California tomorrow and we'll be telling our families this week. :)
Ah di! Congratulations! It's funny because you're telling your folks exactly a year after we did. Christmas is a great time to announce x
Hi ladies!
Just a flying visit, so much planned over the holidays and so many people to visit, its already crazy in our house!
Just to say merry Christmas to the people that celebrate it, hope you have a wonderful time.
I promise to come and catch up properly soon!
Attached a photo of my little Christmas puddings to make you smile.
Love to everybody x x x


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Lj - your kids are so cute! Thanks for the pic! merry Christmas to you too and have a wonderful time celebrating!

Linny - I am having flashbacks to last year as well although I was a month behind so I never told family at Christmas and was trying to mask my morning sickness at the Christmas gatherings by eating tons of carbs haha! :)

Alt - enjoy telling your family! That will be an amazing Christmas present for everyone!

Crys - look at you with only 9 weeks to go! So excited for you.

AFM - we already had our first Christmas celebration on Sunday and we have our own Christmas Eve, then dh's extended fam on Christmas Day and my immediate fam on Boxing Day and 27th so It will definitely be a busy week! Merry Christmas to all and hope you all have an amazing time if you celebrate!

Also - Nevada not only successfully cut out her 4th nap, but her wake time has changed so radically that I am completely confused all the time now and her bedtime is later than ever so she may already be in the process of dropping her 3rd nap! Eek! They change so quickly.
Adorable LJ!

Have fun Lit. Good luck with the naps. Maybe she'll sleep better at night or something.
Beautiful pic LJ! Hope everyone else had a nice Christmas. Ours was good although DSS had a very bad cold when he stayed with us so it was rough sleep-wise . Poor DF was up every hour to him. Fortunately elka didn't seem to be affected by it. She's doing great - bizarrely after 6 months of her either bring wide awake, or crying when overtired, or asleep she has started to get drowsy in my arms . Really weird, never done it before so I'm now getting the sleepy cuddles I felt I should get when she was a newborn. :haha:. So that's my Christmas present. X
Ps. Lit - elka just cut her 3rd nap! The wake time change between 4 and 6 months has been craaaazy! She's now up easily 3 hours. 3.5 most mornings. I was actually walking her round the block to get her to 2 hours not that long ago! X

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