Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

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Linny - it is surprising how quickly wake time changes, isn't it? I wonder if she was reacting a bit to the nap changes because her wake time has reduced slightly again but she does generally go 3 hours for her last wake time of the day so it certainly made it easier to cut her last nap that way! That is quite cool that you're finally getting some sleepy "newborn" snuggles at this stage of the game! Nevada has always been similar with either being wide awake, asleep, or screaming from overtiredness. I do rock her to sleep so I do get to hold her while she's drowsy a bit but it's not like she really cuddles in...she fights it the whole way! Sleepy newborn cuddles would be nice. :) sorry to hear your DSS was sick over the holidays but hope you had an otherwise good time! Sounds like Elka has been quite a delight these days!

Whisper - thanks...how was your Christmas? you doing ok?

AFM - Nevada had an amazing Christmas. She surprised us by LOVING opening Christmas presents. For days before Christmas she kept rolling and then shuffling herself over to the presents and tearing open some of my BIL's gifts haha! It was so cute I didn't want to stop her. Then when we let her open her presents she was never happier! She ripped paper, grabbed tissue paper and got to her present like she was a pro! All while squealing and visibly excited! I loved seeing her so happy! That made Christmas so much fun this year. Christmas Day was kind of boring because we were with dh's Family but our celebration with my family was perfect and Nevada was in the best mood I have ever seen her in. She basically squealed and laughed for the entire day. She is actually still recovering now. The night we came home she went to bed 3 hours early and slept in in the morning as well! All the festivities really tired her out! :haha:
Linny - it is surprising how quickly wake time changes, isn't it? I wonder if she was reacting a bit to the nap changes because her wake time has reduced slightly again but she does generally go 3 hours for her last wake time of the day so it certainly made it easier to cut her last nap that way! That is quite cool that you're finally getting some sleepy "newborn" snuggles at this stage of the game! Nevada has always been similar with either being wide awake, asleep, or screaming from overtiredness. I do rock her to sleep so I do get to hold her while she's drowsy a bit but it's not like she really cuddles in...she fights it the whole way! Sleepy newborn cuddles would be nice. :) sorry to hear your DSS was sick over the holidays but hope you had an otherwise good time! Sounds like Elka has been quite a delight these days!

Whisper - thanks...how was your Christmas? you doing ok?

AFM - Nevada had an amazing Christmas. She surprised us by LOVING opening Christmas presents. For days before Christmas she kept rolling and then shuffling herself over to the presents and tearing open some of my BIL's gifts haha! It was so cute I didn't want to stop her. Then when we let her open her presents she was never happier! She ripped paper, grabbed tissue paper and got to her present like she was a pro! All while squealing and visibly excited! I loved seeing her so happy! That made Christmas so much fun this year. Christmas Day was kind of boring because we were with dh's Family but our celebration with my family was perfect and Nevada was in the best mood I have ever seen her in. She basically squealed and laughed for the entire day. She is actually still recovering now. The night we came home she went to bed 3 hours early and slept in in the morning as well! All the festivities really tired her out! :haha:

My christmas was to put it politely poo! ended in a break up of my marriage hubby gone back to germany i have no money and a very confused little girl
Whisper- oh god! Love I am do very very sorry to hear this... You really don't deserve this after what you've just gone through. Is there any hope for reconciliation after a cooling down period? Is there anything you need? Are you in the uk yourself? X

Lit- oh how delightful!! It's lovely that she enjoyed herself. Elka loved the wrapping paper massively. And one book she got- but mainly wrapping paper :haha:
Whisper- oh god! Love I am do very very sorry to hear this... You really don't deserve this after what you've just gone through. Is there any hope for reconciliation after a cooling down period? Is there anything you need? Are you in the uk yourself? X

Lit- oh how delightful!! It's lovely that she enjoyed herself. Elka loved the wrapping paper massively. And one book she got- but mainly wrapping paper :haha:

No not this time i ended it i gave him too many chances to sort himself out and he blew it final straws for me was him not coming to the hospital when i miscarried he made me take my mum AND lena who is into everything, he did not come down stairs at xmas not even to see lena open her preasents, had me taking his food up to him all the time and then when it all blew up he told me he will never come back for another christmas with my family again unless my dad is dead. i have nothing but my family and friends are helping out and im going to have to try get on benefits until i can sort myself out
Whisper- it sounds like you made a difficult but positive choice in the right direction. The thing which broke my last relationship was a complete lack of team effort and not getting in with my family, ti the point I hardly saw them. It must be really hard though.... I'm glad you have family and friends to help. Benefits should go ok - particularly since you have a little - I think they are more sympathetic/less likely to mess you about. Hope it gets sorted quickly and you can get in your feet. X
Aww whisper im so sorry you are going through such a hard time ! Big hugs to you! Are you in the uk? Are you from Germany too? That wasnt fair what he done at xmas ! We are sending you lots of hugs! Xxx
Whisper - oh, that is absolutely horrible! I am very sorry. :( This must be a very difficult time for you. I agree it sounds like a difficult but ultimately positive choice in your life. :hugs:

Linny - funny how much babies love wrapping paper! Hehe. What book did she end up loving! I only bought Nevada a few books and now I wish I'd bought more...but it's not like I can only buy books at Christmas! Hehe.

Blue - how was your first Christmas with Asiah?
Whisper - It does sound like yours was a choice in the right direction. Good luck with everything.

Happy New Year to you all!
How is everyone doing these days? Would love some updates!

I hope Kim will still pop in sometimes! Also wondering how Sara is doing.
ok here just trying to adjust to being a single parent and dealing with a little madame of a daughter (think all the change) finally got a negative test so no more hospital for me and no d & C
Whisper - that sounds like a very rough transition for you and your daughter. I hope you know you're doing an amazing job! Good about not needing a d&c. I know the negative is sad, though.
Hey ladies

All is quiet on here...how is everyone?

Whisper - sounds rough but as Lit says I bet you're doing a great job....sorry about the negative but thank goodness no D&C....not nice. X

Lit - how's things with you and wee nevada? How's her sleep coming along?

Blue - no updates! How are you and the wee one doing?? X

Lindsay - how's things?

To everyone else - update us, what's going on?!

Afm - Well we put Elka in nursery 2 weeks ago and while she loves it there the fact is we have been ill, ill, ill. Firstly with terrible flu, it was awful. She was sent home with a raging temp and this kept happening. She was sleeping on me constantly all day and crying when awake. Fortunately it broke just before I was about to pack her up and go to the doctors. Then she had conjunctivitis, which is natural with a cold i guess but ugh it was rubbish. And now, a tummy bug. We all have severe tummy ache and diarrhea....you guys needed to know that :haha:....I've been told this is normal for the first while but gosh, it's only been 2 weeks!!!! I'm hoping it's not constant for the next few months. She had been sttn but now is up all the time with illness, rolling, trying to sit. It's all happening ... i'm grateful she's making progress but just so so tired. :( Ahhhh...hope all you other ladies and babies are doing well XX
Linny - that sounds so rough about all of Elka's illnesses and her sleep suffering just in time for you to be back at work! Eek! And how miserable that you're ALL sick! I really hope it settles down soon. It certainly would not be fun if it carried on like this for months, as you said! I suppose after a little while in. Day care, Elka should have a VERY good immune system! :haha: I do hope you all feel better soon and that Elka will get back to better sleep patterns ASAP.

AFM - Nevada is doing great but her sleep is not and she keeps getting clingier and clingier at night to the point where I am starting to feel a little down. It is easy to start thinking, "she will never sleep more than 2-3 hours at a time. I'm still going to be sleep deprived when she's in college." I know that's ridiculous but it gets to that point. Anyway, I'm not looking for advice at this point but just feeling a bit down right now.

Otherwise, things are great. Nevada is a lot of fun. Although she hasn't started solids yet, we bought her a high chair and she sits at the table with us for meals now which is quite nice. We just give her a few toys to play with. We have also been getting out and about a bit more which has been a nice change for me, and Nevada seems to really enjoy exploring new environments.

I definitely hope more people will update soon! I love hearing how everyone is doing.
It is quiet in here a lot now.

I'm doing okay. Should have this little one in less than a month.


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What an adorable bump, crys! So happy for you that your little one is coming so soon! Were most of your babies born early, "on time" or overdue? :)
It's great to see the updates :)

Whisper, I can imagine it's been a very rough transition for you and your daughter :hugs: I'm sure you're doing an amazing job though - hang in there! Glad to hear you don't need a D&C

Linny, poor Elka (and you guys too!)! It's no fun having a sick baby (especially when you're sick yourself too). I hope the illnesses will end soon and you can get some rest. I did go through that when I started working with kids actually - I was sick all the time for the first little while. Not looking forward to going through it again when we put Rowan into daycare.

LL, sorry to hear sleep is still rough with Nevada. I totally know how you feel. For us, things started to improve a bit just before 7 months and even now he's not consistent. I've given up trying to change it as it just stresses me out so I'm just going with the flow... I assume eventually he will sleep, lol.

Crys, great bump pic!! Not long now!! You must be excited to meet your little one :)

AFM, Rowan is doing great and is a bundle of energy now... he never stops moving! He's crawling (fast), pulling himself up on everything, climbing the stairs and walking along the furniture. He's also just figured out how to open cupboards so I'm off to buy some cupboard lock things today. It's a bit scary, we can't leave him unattended at all when he's awake (unless he's in the jumperoo or the play pen which he is not fond of these days) so I am exhausted! I've had a rough few weeks with a number of colds (fortunately Rowan has not caught any of them) and ended up on antibiotics which caused Rowan to go on a "nursing strike" which was not fun at all. Fortunately things are back to normal now and I'm recovering from all the bites he gave me! He's gaining weight well now too which makes me feel a lot better - he was just over 17 lbs last week. He's still quite small compared to other babies his age, but the doctor is not concerned anymore which make me happy.
Lindsay - yay! I'm glad Rowan is gaining weight well again and is so happy and active! That does sound very exhausting and you must be quite drained by the end of the day! Are your parents or anyone able to watch Rowan occasionally so you and your DH can go on a date, or even so just you can have some relaxation time? I find I need that bit of a break sometimes or I go batty! I totally agree that trying to "fix" their sleep can be more stressful than just going with it. I go through cycles where I've had enough and try to change things and it's always those times I spend frequently in tears and so stressed, whereas when I just go with it and act like it's normal, I do generally feel more relaxed even though the sleep still sucks! Haha.

I am glad you have recovered from your colds and that Rowan avoided them! :)
I'm exactly the same when I try to do something about his sleep - frequently in tears, stressed out, etc. I've given up. Some day (hopefully not too long in the future) he will sleep through the night! I've also stopped talking about sleep with other people because it just stresses me out (and makes me jealous, lol) when their similarly aged babies are sleeping through the night.

My husband is now working an earlier shift so is home at 2 pm which is really nice as it does allow me a bit of time to myself, and more of a break during the day which really helps. I was feeling quite burnt out. Now that I'm feeling better I'm considering going back to a pilates class one afternoon. My parents are also very keen on babysitting on the weekends - we haven't taken them up on the offer too often so far but now that he's eating well we're thinking about arranging some date afternoons as DH and I need some time together. They'll just have to figure out some way to get Rowan to sleep - the last few months I've been the only one putting him down for naps/night time . Also since I'm going back to work soonish, I think I need to start leaving him for longer periods of time.

Are you getting some relaxation time too? Or date time with DH? I hope so, it's so important to make time for it.

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