LJ - Thanks so much for sharing your experience. I actually wrote you a really long reply the day you posted, but then it mysteriously disappeared and I've been too frustrated to re-type it since then! But to sum it up...
No, my workplace is not unionized. In some ways I like this but it definitely doesn't help the situation in this case. I know that they aren't obligated to allow us to work part-time, but the annoying thing is that my employer made it seem like it would be NO problem for her to return part time and didn't indicate any sort of issue. So to then use it against her when she returned was pretty rotten. I technically CAN work full time, but the thought of it makes me so depressed that I cannot even function. I don't like the idea that someone else would be spending more time with my own child than I would be (and I know some people have to or even want to work full time with kids and I completely respect that; it just is NOT for me)! I have done a lot of thinking over the last few days since hearing this news. My DH suggested asking them directly what sort of terms and conditions they would put on me if I were to return part-time (and if they would even be willing), and at the time I was overly emotional and felt my employer was out to get me so there would be no way they would be honest. However, the thought of working full-time is actually so repugnant to me that I am coming around to the idea that DH might be right and I might just have to have an honest conversation with them. Plus, if they write back and tell me there would be NO disadvantages/tacked on conditions to me returning part time, then at least I have that in writing so if they did try to pull one over on me when I returned, I would really have a leg to stand on when I fought it. Also, if they tell me the only way I can come back to a secure position is to work full time, then at least I will know for sure. Sigh.
The thought of it really breaks my heart and I do hope we can come to some sort of agreement. They can't pretend that they NEED my position to be full-time, because they didn't even replace me during my maternity leave. I really think they just want to get rid of all people who take maternity leave because it is inconvenient for them to accommodate us for leave and pregnancy, etc. Extremely NOT okay of them, but since my co-worker didn't fight it, they're even more likely to try to get away with it in the future. Like you, I actually *need* to work so don't have the luxury of just quitting like your co-worker did (and mine)! I am so glad you fought it and got your way in the end! Your situation gives me hope, and I'm thankful you shared that with me.
Oscar sounds just delightful! Nevada is a big baby as well, although she doesn't weigh quite as much as Oscar! She is 21.5 lb (9.75 kg) and 29" long so she is actually wearing 12-18 month clothes already!

We were at the doctor today and apparently both her height and weight are off the charts, so there is no percentile for her anymore (I guess...100th percentile! haha). Nevada has been exactly the same way with solids, although we just started yesterday. She LOVES her milk but she was absolutely disgusted when we gave her carrots. Now if she even SEES a carrots she makes a revolted face and clamps her mouth shut. Hopefully both Oscar and Nevada will start liking solids a bit better soon. I'm very happy he sleeps well for you, especially since your first was such a bad sleeper! I really hope my next baby is a better sleeper too.
I hope you enjoy your trip to Disneyland! I'm sure it will be very busy but I hope you can still relax and have a lot of fun!! Thanks so much for updating!
Linny - As I mentioned to LJ above, no, unfortunately my company is not unionized so I have no help in that regard. If they try to do something similar to me, I would have to make a complaint to the Labour Board and take them to court, I guess. A lot of trouble, which is probably why my co-worker didn't bother.
That sounds awful about Elka's sleep (although I'm the same way with going to bed way too late and then being so tired the next day). It's really too bad Elka has been sleeping worse! And absolutely awful that she woke up covered in vomit! Have you taken her to the doctor recently? It seems like she is getting an excessive amount of stomach bugs.

Nevada has started doing what you mentioned Elka doing a while ago. On top of all her other wake-ups, she has also been waking up just to babble, hum, and whack her arms up and down in the middle of the night. It is so annoying! The other night she was up for 1.5 hours doing that! I finally got up with her because she started to fuss (before that she was totally content) and she ended up burping and falling back asleep. So I wonder if a trapped burp woke her up? It was so bizarre because I haven't burped her in the night in months...so I never even thought of that.
Really hope you are finally at the end of all the illnesses!
Oh, and I have a question! I only ask you because you seem to have researched sleep a lot. I know it's common for babies to wake up at the end of a sleep cycle if they don't know how to put themselves back to sleep. However, is there any reason they should have trouble transitioning from light to deep sleep? During naps, Nevada always wakes up after 30 minutes. Most of the time we can get her back to sleep and she is fine, but if the conditions aren't just right she will just stay awake and be very tired until her next nap. Once she has passed the 30 minute mark she is fine and definitely gets her deep sleep. I'm just confused why she has such issues transitioning into deep sleep.
It sounds bad, but I am practically giddy right now because Nevada had her vaccines today and has now been napping for nearly 3 hours (and yes, I checked on her and she's fine)!!! She had only a 15 minute nap earlier because of the timing of her doctor's appointment, so I am just letting her sleep and enjoying every second of it.

How is everyone else? I just love hearing the updates.