Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Nina - I hope you caught the eggie!! It's definitely good to have a distraction in the tww - how's the packing going?

Blue - Boo indeed!! I hope this next cycle will be a lucky one for you!

LL - hopefully O will come soon so you can move on with your next cycle. Are you going to try after your first cycle?

How's everyone else doing? It's awfully quiet in here this weekend - hopefully that means everyone is out having fun :) We've got family visiting from out of town so have been doing the tourist things with them.

I told my parents and sister about the new pregnancy - they were all very excited. I figured there's no point waiting to tell them because if something happens, I'd want their support anyway. We're not going to tell anyone else for a while though. The funny part was my parents had just booked a vacation (literally 2 - 3 days ago) for April 4 - 14 (edd is April 6) and they want to change it now, lol. I've suggested they wait a few weeks before doing anything... at least until we kinda know if things are going well.

Aleeah, have you told anyone yet?
Haha thats typical linds! Hehe LO might be late though hehe.

Im fine. Im actually debating wiether to take a break. However done think I can haha.

Linds - Babies have a habit of doing that. Gaz's Nan and Grandad went away and I had my son the same day. His Nan phoned crying because she was at the airport and wouldn't be back to see him for a week :dohh:
Haha thats typical linds! Hehe LO might be late though hehe.

Im fine. Im actually debating wiether to take a break. However done think I can haha.


A break might not be a bad thing if you are getting frustrated with it all.

Actively TTC is a lot of pressure xx
I agree Nat books way better! Also caved In and read the hunger games and they are also much better than the film!

I haven't read the books or seen the films, might start these after my Harry Potter marathon then!

Thanks guys! It's crazy, this morning I took another OPK and while there was a second line, it was a LOT fainter than yesterdays! CB also showed negative.
Talk about gradually!
I had crazy pains last night so I'm guessing O was last night. Slight rise in temps, but hoping tomorrow they continue to go up.
I'm hoping those phantom pregnancy symptoms go away now and it was only O gearing up. They're more than welcome to return in a week or so though!
Luckily, moving will be on my mind so I'll have less time to obsess about TTW.

So pleased you got your positive OPKs!! I don't think I've been as excited as I got when I got those positive OPKs. Hope your temps keep rising and the house move will definitely help in keeping you busy and occupied, no doubt. Hope the house move is as painless as possible, keep us posted on the lush new fridge too xx

That's cool! I loved the name and the meaning "exalted" when I saw it. I immediately read it with the "e" sound, so I never dreamed other people would pick out the "i".

The -ar part is probably from being British; huh? The "r" is added a lot at the end of the "uh" sound?

I will have to tell her I met someone with her name. She will think that's cool. She's the little girl in the picture of my bump from the other day.

I do love my name but does mean I probably won't name a future child Alicia, as I love that name but I think it's too similar to my name. Yes the mis-pronouncing it is a british thing I think too, as have met so many people from different places and they all seem to get it right. Your daughter is very cute, I'd be over the moon and ready to pop with pride if I had such a gorgeous girly! xx

Congrats, Aleeah on getting pregnant again so quickly! I can imagine you're a bit of a nervous wreck, but I certainly hope all goes well this time. How far along are you?

Thank you, I'm currently 6 weeks on Tuesday, so very VERY early days. Due to have a scan at 8 weeks, time can't go by quick enough at the moment. I temped too when I got bored of waiting around for ovulation or AF, helped me SO much. Just occupied me and helped me to not pee on so many sticks :haha:

Nat - We used condoms for years, until we started TTC recently and got used to them but they were a pain. We had a few accidents with them too!! :blush:

Update from me, we always seem busy at weekends, so I don't get to reply much. I got a bit upset this morning, as did another digital, it's been a week since the last one and it still only came up as 2-3 weeks since conception but I would have expected it to be 3+ weeks. As I ovulated 2-3 July. BUT I talked to hubby and realised there's nothing I can do, I just need to carry on as I am and hope for the best and I'm relaxed about it now. I might do another at the end of next week. Still not having any real symptoms apart from not sleeping at night very well and then falling asleep every afternoon.

We haven't told anyone yet at all. I'm still not ready to, hubby's a bit worried that I don't want to tell close family or friends but respects my reasons not to. I hope I'll be ready after the 8 week scan but I don't think I will. I'll probably wait until people notice and ask!!:haha::wacko:

I know think I need a break.

Aleeah please don't worry there not the best it said a was 2-3 and iwas further nod 9 week scan was fine xxx
Lindsay, yes, we are going to start trying again immediately after this cycle. So I am definitely getting impatient. It is very rare for me to ovulate late so this is extra weird for me. I am glad you were comfortable telling your family early on this time. I think that is a good way to approach it. You will need their support either way so you might as well tell them. I am struggling with that myself. I would definitely tell family if I miscarried again, but I am not sure if I could handle telling them so early again because after the m/c I felt extremely guilty for getting their hopes up. My dad was so excited to be a grandpa and now I feel like a disappointment (even though of course no one has anywhere near implied that I should feel that way).
Aleeah, I can imagine being around the 6 week mark would be scary. I can't wait for your 8 wk u/s so you can get some reassurance! I agree that temping is a good distraction and a way to know what is going on. Actually I first knew I must be pregnant when the day of my expected AF my temp went UP instead of down! I got so excited and jumped out of bed (that never happens) to take a test, and sure enough it was a BFP!
I can definitely understand that you are not ready to tell people.
I agree that Actively TTC can be very stressful. A short break can be nice if it is getting to be too much.
Yeah, it's funny how timing works out sometimes isn't it. The best part of the whole story was that my sister had been talking to my mom that same morning about their vacation and she said "oh, if Lindsay was pregnant now, she would probably be due around then" (she didn't know at that point) to which my mom said "I hadn't thought of that... we wouldn't go on vacation if that was the case", lol.

Blue, you should definitely take a break or try NTNP for a while if you're feeling stressed about ttc, it's such an emotional process. It can be hard to turn off the ttc thoughts though... at least that was my experience, if you ever figure out how, please let me know, lol. My DH got in a car accident the month after we started trying the first time and was quite sore and "not in the mood" for a few months - he wanted to NTNP until he was feeling better and I agreed it was a good idea. I ended up getting myself so worked up some months because I knew approximately when I would ovulate and kept feeling like we were missing chances. If you decide to take a break, I hope you will be more successful than me in relaxing and letting things just happen.

Aleeah, the Hunger Games books are amazing! You should definitely read them. Just make sure you start when you're not busy because you won't get much done until you've finished reading all 3, lol. I'm glad you're not stressing too much about the digital... there are soooo many variables and who knows how accurate those tests are. My mantra these days is "everything is okay right now and I am grateful for that"...

LL, I know what you mean about getting people's hopes up. Last time I told my grandmother when I was around 9 weeks - she was ecstatic. She hasn't been doing so well lately and said to me that that was the best news she'd had in a long time and she had a reason to "stay alive until december". I'm going to hold off telling her this time because I don't want her to get her hopes up again until I have some indication that things are going okay.
Nina - I hope you caught the eggie!! It's definitely good to have a distraction in the tww - how's the packing going?

Blue - Boo indeed!! I hope this next cycle will be a lucky one for you!

LL - hopefully O will come soon so you can move on with your next cycle. Are you going to try after your first cycle?

How's everyone else doing? It's awfully quiet in here this weekend - hopefully that means everyone is out having fun :) We've got family visiting from out of town so have been doing the tourist things with them.

I told my parents and sister about the new pregnancy - they were all very excited. I figured there's no point waiting to tell them because if something happens, I'd want their support anyway. We're not going to tell anyone else for a while though. The funny part was my parents had just booked a vacation (literally 2 - 3 days ago) for April 4 - 14 (edd is April 6) and they want to change it now, lol. I've suggested they wait a few weeks before doing anything... at least until we kinda know if things are going well.

Aleeah, have you told anyone yet?

we started packing... and then stopped! I'll get back to it this week ;)

First pregnancy we wanted to wait as long as possible before telling our parents.
Second time, we decided to tell them after the first HB- which was scheduled at 6+4. We even discussed us going to my Moms first for the weekend and then stopping off at his parents. We thought that if anything happened, we'd definitely want their support early on. It was awful calling them to give them "good news" gone bad.
Murphey definitely had other plans for us though :(
I told DH that next time we're going to tell as soon as we find out, but in all reality, I think we'll wait until at least after the HB if not later.
We got support from them, but it wasn't quite the support we both wanted/needed, and if anything happens so early on again, I'm not even sure we'll tell anyone.
I tell my Mum and Sister everything but won't be telling anyone else when and if I get a BFP next.

I think NTNP is the best. Even though I'm temping its more out of curiosity and I won't be having sex just for the sake of having it or only at certain times of the month.

I "want" it a lot more now and think about it a lot more but still think the relaxed approach and just regular sex is as, if not more so, effective than any other method (unless someone needs medication) xx
Think NTNP is the way im going to go. Wish Af would actually come now im have a strangly long cycle this cycle! Was sure Af was going to come this morning so I didnt temp... its not here... dont think I ever usually have a 30 day cycle.

Im not feeling as stressed just feel we need to do something different as what im doing isnt working. Think I will keep temping just to get used to my own body.

I always debate who and when to tell people but I think my mum and my best friend (She was brilliant support last pregnancy).

A 14 day LP is what you want though, you didn't O until CD17 so tomorrow or Wed would be good for AF xx
Lol I dont understand these things! Xxx

I actually read about luteal phase this morning, because I was scared mine is too short. FF says mine is 12 days long, but I think it's really 15. I've been on FF only from the month of my first pregnancy, so it doesn't have a correct average.
Since it takes the fertilized egg about 8-10 days to reach the uterus, if your luteal phase is only 9 days (meaning from the day you O'd until AF) your body starts to "get rid" of the lining, before the egg even reaches it's destination and has a chance to implant.
Does that make sense?
Aww. Yeah that does make sense thank you! If it was short what sort of things should help it ? Xxx
Causes of Luteal Phase Defect

The luteal phase is usually about 12 to14 days long. During this time, your ovaries produce a hormone called progesterone. This hormone tells the lining of the uterus, called the endometrium, to grow.

If you become pregnant, the developing baby attaches to this thickened lining. If you do not become pregnant, the lining eventually sheds, and you have a period.

A luteal phase defect can occur if:

Your ovaries do not release enough progesterone.
The lining of the uterus does not properly respond to the progesterone.
Luteal phase defect has been linked to many health conditions, including:

Extreme amounts of exercise
Hyperprolactinemia (excess of a hormone that's responsible for milk production in breasts)
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
Thyroid disorders
Luteal Phase Defect Symptoms

You may not have any symptoms or notice any changes in your period. However, a luteal phase defect can cause your period to start earlier than expected each month.

Symptoms of luteal phase defect may include:

More frequent periods
Difficulty getting pregnant
Spotting in between periods

Diagnosing Luteal Phase Defect

It may be difficult to diagnose a luteal phase defect. There is no single test that can diagnose it.

Blood tests that can be helpful include:

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) level
Luteinizing hormone (LH) level
Pregnancy test
Progesterone level
Some doctors recommend a series of endometrial biopsies. This checks the lining of the uterus. A small sample of this lining is removed at a specific time of the month and examined under a microscope.

The biopsy is usually done a day or two before you think you will get your period. A pregnancy test should be done before an endometrial biopsy is done. You should not have an endometrial biopsy if you are pregnant.

An endometrial biopsy can help your doctor determine if you are "in phase" or not. A definitive diagnosis is based on two or more "out of phase" biopsy results.

However, every woman can have luteal phase changes from time to time. The National Institutes of Health says that an endometrial biopsy cannot tell the difference between fertile and infertile women. It does not recommend it as a routine infertility test.

The beta-3 integrin biomarker test is a newer method to help determine if the lining of the uterus is ready for pregnancy. This test is done using a sample of the lining taken during an endometrial biopsy.

Beta-3 integrin is a sticky protein found in the lining of the uterus. If you do not have this protein, the embryo may not properly implant in the lining. This reduces your chances for a successful pregnancy.

Pelvic ultrasound may also help your doctor measure the thickness of the lining.

Treatment of Luteal Phase Defect

Treatment depends on your overall health and whether or not you are trying to get pregnant. Any health conditions that can lead to luteal phase defect should be appropriately treated.

You may not need any further treatment if you do not wish to get pregnant.

If you are trying to get pregnant, the following medicines may be helpful:

Clomid (clomiphene citrate) stimulates your ovaries to make more follicles, which release eggs.
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) may help induce ovulation and produce more progesterone.
Progesterone injections, pills, or suppositories may be used after ovulation to help the lining grow.
Talk to your doctor about all your treatment options. Not all treatments will work. And studies have not proven that treatment for luteal phase defect improves the chances of successful pregnancy in women who do not use assisted reproduction techniques.

Progesterone can help some women who receive fertility treatments. However, there is no proof that taking progesterone after you become pregnant will prevent miscarriage.
Nat - Wow, lots of really useful info there, only wish I'd stumbled upon you when we were TTC months and months ago, had so many questions but was too embarrassed to ask anyone! Looks like you'll soon take the role of the 'Oracle' for us!!:thumbup:

Bluestars - Just be cautious about taking anything that's meant to extend your LP, I've read a lot of horror stories on here where women don't get a period for months and months. :flower: If you really wanted something, I'd speak to your doctor and see if there's anything they can prescribe. Just be a bit wary.

With the NTNP I would go with that, that's pretty much how me and hubby conceived last time and although this time we were actively trying for ages by CD46 when we conceived we were definitely taking it much easier (the long slog of that cycle would be enough to put any man off dtd ever again!!!:haha:). I know it's hard to relax but that's what my doctor told me to do and it actually worked. Thank you for your comment about the tests, I don't think I will do another one again, I've got my scan in just over 2 weeks, I should just try and hold out until then.

Nina - What you said about the lining shedding, actually makes complete sense, interesting to know. And totally get your comment about the wrong type of support. I didn't tell anyone about the BFP or then subsequent miscarriage until 3 weeks after the miscarriage. But I was upset by the number of people that told me simply to get over it and move on, it happens :cry:. Of course we all know it happens but it doesn't make it any easier. It's made all the more harder when it's recurring, which is something my friends and family don't understand at all.

Literati Love - Remember I didn't ovulate for 6 weeks following the miscarriage, so you could well be ovulating late. It was weird for me too, as I always had textbook cycles of 28 days. Bodies are strange after a m/c, try not to stress and relax, hopefully you'll ovulate soon.:thumbup:

Lindsay - Timing's always strange with getting BFP's. My last one was due Christmas Eve!! Hubby was a little miffed as he loves Christmas and wanted it to be stress free without the worry of the impending delivery but this time around baby is due around his birthday!! I laughed so much when I told him but he said he was ok, as long as bubba was ok. Rightly or wrongly, we're still plodding along booking holidays, except the skiing in January, I've told him I'll give that a miss :wacko:.

Crysshae - How are you doing today?? x

I've spoken to hubby as he's still freaked I won't tell anyone at all but I've agreed to tell an Auntie sooner than 12 weeks. Seems strange I know but I'm so close to her and I think she'll support me rather than lecture me on the do's and don'ts.

Just want to apologise for my HUGE posts!! As you can tell, I'm a bit of a chatter box!!!!!!:blush:

Nat - Wow, lots of really useful info there, only wish I'd stumbled upon you when we were TTC months and months ago, had so many questions but was too embarrassed to ask anyone! Looks like you'll soon take the role of the 'Oracle' for us!!:thumbup:

I've spoken to hubby as he's still freaked I won't tell anyone at all but I've agreed to tell an Auntie sooner than 12 weeks. Seems strange I know but I'm so close to her and I think she'll support me rather than lecture me on the do's and don'ts.

Just want to apologise for my HUGE posts!! As you can tell, I'm a bit of a chatter box!!!!!!:blush:


It's funny you should say that, most of my friends IRL bombard me with questions. I want to be a MW when I grow up :haha: or work on Gyn/EPAU ward of my local hospital so I'm always learning about something or other.

Don't worry about the huge posts, I think we are all chatterboxes.

My order for announcing BFP next time is, you girls, DF when I have a digi, my sister and Mum at about 6 weeks and everyone else as late as possible xx
Well AF has started haha I spoke too soon. Im not going to do anything about it this month as it can be a one off. If it happens again I will mention it too my doctor.

Thank you girls. Nat thats very helpful! And aleeah for your word of wisdom haha!


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