Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Thanks Crys maybe it will make us not think about it much.

This month he was much more upset about it than I was. He gets to the end of my cycle and asks if theres any sign and if I can test yet haha. Cutie.

I tell him to try not think about it but he really is a worrier!

How are you gettimg on where are you in your cycle?

Was I right in reading you have 7 childen? Xxx
Right I wasnt going to write this up. But on friday my neighbour had a tarrot card reader (friend of a friends) we where all just there to have a drink and chilling really. But she was soo keen to do a reading on me. (We dont know eachother at all!) So I let her. I dont think (or didnt think) I was a great believer in it but thought whats the harm. I have never been soo freaked out in all my life. She knew things that really no one but my OH and icould have known and was spot on with way too much! And thigs she said about peoples health is actually happening. So anyway point of this post is that she said that she doesnt see me becoming pregnant any time soon. And when I do she says that it WILL be a boy and 'she was soo sure of that' !..... so do I go on believing thay ita not going to happen anytime soon or carry on trying or NTNP? This is one thing I wanted her to be wrong about! Surely ahe cant be that good ?

Crys I want to be sporting a new bump! Xxx

I'm a strong believer in that sort of stuff, but you have to be careful who you listen to. I believe that a reader shouldn't "pounce" on someone, otherwise that's sort of fishy.
My great Aunt was a psychic, so yeah, I believe!
My DH family has a friend who is a psychic and I went to her a few times. This was years back, and I asked her if DH and I will start a family soon. She didn't give a time frame or anything, but said that a soul knows which body to enter. That freaked me out and for the longest time (and sometimes I still think) that my body, or my soul is a bad environment for a new pure soul. I know I'm not a perfect person, and sometimes that worries me.
She herself had 2 miscarriages and "blames" it on her worrying about "being too old" "maybe it's not the right time" etc. etc. You have to WANT 100% a baby.
I believed that, and then after 6 months with no success I was kind of, yeah... I'm just an evil person.
Thanks Crys maybe it will make us not think about it much.

This month he was much more upset about it than I was. He gets to the end of my cycle and asks if theres any sign and if I can test yet haha. Cutie.

I tell him to try not think about it but he really is a worrier!

How are you gettimg on where are you in your cycle?

Was I right in reading you have 7 childen? Xxx

CD12 today, so I'm close to O!

We have 8 altogether. My husband had 2 daughters before we were married. They will be 30 and 32 in August, only 8 and 10 years younger than me. Lol. Since we are both hitting new decade birthdays, the 30-year-old and I are having a party together this year.

I have given birth to 6 of our children, DS - 21, DD - 17, DS - 14, Twins DD/DS - 11 in August, DS - 4.

Lots of birthdays in August in our family.

I'm a strong believer in that sort of stuff, but you have to be careful who you listen to. I believe that a reader shouldn't "pounce" on someone, otherwise that's sort of fishy.
My great Aunt was a psychic, so yeah, I believe!
My DH family has a friend who is a psychic and I went to her a few times. This was years back, and I asked her if DH and I will start a family soon. She didn't give a time frame or anything, but said that a soul knows which body to enter. That freaked me out and for the longest time (and sometimes I still think) that my body, or my soul is a bad environment for a new pure soul. I know I'm not a perfect person, and sometimes that worries me.
She herself had 2 miscarriages and "blames" it on her worrying about "being too old" "maybe it's not the right time" etc. etc. You have to WANT 100% a baby.
I believed that, and then after 6 months with no success I was kind of, yeah... I'm just an evil person.

Awww Nina. You are not an evil person. Another friend of mine on here believes the little one's soul chooses you, but it waits for it's perfect body. So if there is anything wrong, it will pass that one up and wait for the next one... She explains it much better. I will try to find her post. :hugs:
I too believe that a soul doesn't go to waste, and that my little bub is just waiting for the right body, I know he's waiting to meet us just as much as we are him (or her!)
Maybe he won't have the same eye color, or height, or sex as the "first" one was "supposed" to have, but it's soul will be the same <3
Sometimes I just do feel like a bad soul, and who would want to live inside me for 9 moths? But I am a good person, sometimes my thoughts get the best of me :(
We all let our thoughts get the best of us sometimes. You will give that little soul its perfect body soon. :flower:
I dont believe that you are evil one bit!
The woman said the me that my boys soul will be seen in the kids too come! Which would be nice to think

Hehe that is a lot of birthdays in aug! Hehe. Think its lovely to have a big family and nice that you would like to add another precious little one to your happy bunch.

There is only 10 yeas between my stepmum and I. Its nice. Shes current pregnant and its brought us even closer! Xxxx
Bluestars - Your husband sounds SO cute, men take it harder than they show I've discovered, can you imagine his excitement when you get that BFP again! (because you WILL get one soon!):thumbup:. So I kind of believe in the tarot reading thing but more than that I believe we shape our own destiny. I also believe everything happens for a reason, only we know what we've endured and so based on that I'm not really for card readings etc. I'd have one if my friends etc were but not sure I'd take any notice of it. Facts don't lie, statistically you're doing everything right to fall pregnant so your chances of falling pregnant are high. Go with the NTNP and you'll get there, that's how we fell the first time.:hugs:

Nina - You're not an evil person, remember everything happens for a reason, sometimes we might not understand the reason but ultimately it was meant to be and can only make you stronger if you let it. I wouldn't look too much into what that lady said, if soul's only enter those that want them then why do so many unwanted teenage pregnancies happen? Or why do women on Jeremy Kyle or Jerry Springer have tonnes of children they barely want?? You're meant to be a mummy and it'll happen soon enough, it might already have started! :happydance:

Nat - Hope the beta drops significantly for you and to me you're not a Freak, you're Funny Nat!!:flower: You make me laugh a lot, everyday!! And have noticed the change in name of our thread, I've no idea how you did it but it looks cool.

Cryshae - Yay for ovulation! :dance: I envy those baby dancing days, I've gone off the baby dancing and actually most things related to my husband at the moment! He's irritating me like he does when I have PMT, problem is this could go on for another 7 odd months, poor, poor, poor man!! You've got a lovely big family, I want lots of children too, to fill my house with giggles, and laughter. I bet the twins were a lovely happy surprise? I'd love to have twins!

LiteratiLove - Really hope you ovulate soon and we can all start to compare baby bumps before we know it!!

Lindsay - How are you feeling today??x

So I have a major symptom update for you ladies... wind..! Wind like I've never had before... I wish I was back at school doing exams, I could clear the whole exam hall at the moment!! Hubby's very proud, that's definitely my baby in there he just said to me! Men! I'm so embarrassed, keep blaming the poor cat.:haha:

Thank you, Blue. I very much appreciate that. As I've read some ugly posts on boards toward other people in the past, I'm always worried I will offend someone on these boards so I don't mention how many I have unless I'm asked or in a group with women who have a lot too. I worried about it so much when trying for my youngest, I never even got brave enough to talk to anyone on a board. I just stalked and searched for things when I was looking for answers. :dohh: I'm so glad I was brave enough this time. I've met so many wonderful ladies!

That's great about you and your stepmom. You will be having a little niece/nephew for your new brother/sister in no time. :flower:

The daughter just 10 years younger than me accepted me as her mom when we got married 16 years ago, and we are very close... The older one not so much, although she's come around more now that she's grown up some, but she's never been really close to her dad either. My 21-year-old will complain when he finds out I'm pregnant. Lol. But that's okay. He's been that way since he was very young. All the others will be happy about it. My 17-year-old daughter who always said no way - we don't need anymore, actually asked me to have another one back in February. I had started thinking and praying about it in January, and I thought her asking was a nice sign.
Cryshae - Yay for ovulation! :dance: I envy those baby dancing days, I've gone off the baby dancing and actually most things related to my husband at the moment! He's irritating me like he does when I have PMT, problem is this could go on for another 7 odd months, poor, poor, poor man!! You've got a lovely big family, I want lots of children too, to fill my house with giggles, and laughter. I bet the twins were a lovely happy surprise? I'd love to have twins!

So I have a major symptom update for you ladies... wind..! Wind like I've never had before... I wish I was back at school doing exams, I could clear the whole exam hall at the moment!! Hubby's very proud, that's definitely my baby in there he just said to me! Men! I'm so embarrassed, keep blaming the poor cat.:haha:


Lol, Aleeah! That's definitely a good symptom.

As for not liking your husband right now, I know everyone is different, but it's completely normal. During the first tri, your hormones are crazy, and it always caused me to be irritated with my husband no matter what he did or tried. Then during the 2nd and 3rd tri, I couldn't get enough of him if you know what I mean :blush: By then he only annoyed me if he didn't help me out. :haha: Then after having the baby, when my hormones were all crazy again, I didn't like him again...or any man for that matter. They all got on my nerves just because they were men. That is pretty much the way all my pregnancies were. Lol.
Hahaha aleeah you are hillarious! I was really windy as well and blamed it on the twins haha! And I HATED my other half!!!! Lol bad times.

Just realised that I havent corrected you ladies. Unfortunately he isnt my Husband yet. (Just due to funds and events over the last year) but hopefully we will be soon.

I dont think having a big family is a bad thing at all. As long as there is enough love to go around then the more the merrier. No need to hide them from us. Id love a big family also. But I do understand how you might not say to some. I think some people do have strong opinions. But might just be jealousy unintentional of course!

Al - I started the thread so I hold all the power mwahaha *evil laugh* :haha:

I'm glad I amuse you :rofl:

I'll update after beta, 8 am tomorrow.

I'm going away for the weekend for OHs birthday, what will I do without you all?

I'm seriously looking forward to it xx
You shouldn't feel that you have to hide your family Cry. I'd have as many kids as OH will let me have lol :haha: xx
You shouldn't feel that you have to hide your family Cry. I'd have as many kids as OH will let me have lol :haha: xx

Thank you, Nat. I didn't feel I needed to hide them from anyone, y'all especially. You're such great friends. Just hadn't given out the total number in here yet, so felt the need to say why.

What made me so cautious last time was I came across several posts where a woman would be trying for her 3rd or 4th, and another woman would attack her because she had been trying for so long for her first and didn't think it was appropriate for the other lady to be talking about trying for her 3rd or 4th. So I figured it was better if I just didn't talk to anyone on those boards. I can't even remember what the name of that site was.

When I found BnB this time, I noticed there were a few ladies like that but as I kept reading I found there were a lot more very sweet women who were here to help everyone and would even take up for the woman who was being bashed. And I thank God for it. If I had continued to be too scared to talk while I was trying, I don't know what I would've done when I had the miscarriage. I so needed that support, and I'm very glad I have it. Like Aleeah said, everything happens for a reason.

Enjoy your weekend. We will miss you too all mighty powerful one! :haha:
Celine - So sorry to hear of your loss :hugs: Happy Birthday - try and enjoy it as much as you can. If AF does arrive, at least it's a fresh start and another day closer to your next bfp.

Nat - I like the name change on the thread! Where are you going this weekend? We will miss you but I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Are you taking the kids or is it just you and hubby?

Blue - wow, that's kinda creepy. I tend to stay away from that kind of stuff because it scares me, lol. I'm not a big believer, but sometimes I think hearing certain things can affect the way you behave... which can be positive or not... you can't "unhear" things. If I were you I would just carry on with whatever you were planning on doing anyway. That's really sweet that your other half is so excited about it too.

Crys - I hope you catch that egg!! What a lovely big family you have :) You'll have lots of helping hands with the new baby I'm sure!

Nina - yay, you've got crosshairs!! I hope you get some wonderful news in 10 - 12 days :) I want a bump already too... looking forward to that. You are definitely not an evil person... I think often we are hardest on ourselves and say things to ourselves that we would never say to another person.

Part of my job involves working with people who have brain injuries, and they are often very critical of themselves for their deficits - I often say to them that if they are saying something to themselves that they wouldn't say to a friend, then they shouldn't say it to themselves either - it's not helpful. Sometimes it's really hard because everyone's thoughts get away from themselves sometimes (or course I am guilty of this as well), but good to remind yourself periodically to have some perspective.

I like really that idea of the soul choosing the body... :)

Aleeah - hooray for another symptom!! Men are so funny about wind, lol.

As for me, I'm feeling okay. Nausea has started a little bit though... mostly when I'm hungry. But, I am not complaining, it is a good sign :) DH has also been telling me I'm a little bit grumpy, lol, of course I disagree. Did another FRER a couple days ago and it was quite dark so I'm happy about that. Was debating getting a couple of those digitals that show the weeks, but not sure if that would stress me out more than it's worth.
Part of my job involves working with people who have brain injuries, and they are often very critical of themselves for their deficits - I often say to them that if they are saying something to themselves that they wouldn't say to a friend, then they shouldn't say it to themselves either - it's not helpful. Sometimes it's really hard because everyone's thoughts get away from themselves sometimes (or course I am guilty of this as well), but good to remind yourself periodically to have some perspective.

^^ LOVE THIS! :hugs:

As for me, I'm feeling okay. Nausea has started a little bit though... mostly when I'm hungry. But, I am not complaining, it is a good sign :) DH has also been telling me I'm a little bit grumpy, lol, of course I disagree. Did another FRER a couple days ago and it was quite dark so I'm happy about that. Was debating getting a couple of those digitals that show the weeks, but not sure if that would stress me out more than it's worth.

Woohoo for symptoms that make you feel awful but relieved and for darker tests! We don't have those tests over here, and I was jealous I couldn't have one when pregnant with my miscarriage, but like you, I don't think I would want one now. I don't know. Once I'm pregnant again, I'll probably be jealous again. Lol.
I agree with crys linds lve it too!

Just realised that I'm going away in aug and might not be here for o this month so nonprofit it will be haha!

Glad you girlies are getting some symptoms however I hope they don't get ny worse!

It will be good for you and OH to get away Nat !

Crys I see that n some posts as well. But all ladies make a profile for the same reasons because they need support or friendship so whether they have one child or 10 shouldn't matter. I would expect TTC for you're 8th is just as emotional as trying for you first!

Nina how are you ?

How is house packing and moving going ? Bought any more exciting furniture? Xxx
Celine - So sorry to hear of your loss :hugs: Happy Birthday - try and enjoy it as much as you can. If AF does arrive, at least it's a fresh start and another day closer to your next bfp.

Nat - I like the name change on the thread! Where are you going this weekend? We will miss you but I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Are you taking the kids or is it just you and hubby?

Blue - wow, that's kinda creepy. I tend to stay away from that kind of stuff because it scares me, lol. I'm not a big believer, but sometimes I think hearing certain things can affect the way you behave... which can be positive or not... you can't "unhear" things. If I were you I would just carry on with whatever you were planning on doing anyway. That's really sweet that your other half is so excited about it too.

Crys - I hope you catch that egg!! What a lovely big family you have :) You'll have lots of helping hands with the new baby I'm sure!

Nina - yay, you've got crosshairs!! I hope you get some wonderful news in 10 - 12 days :) I want a bump already too... looking forward to that. You are definitely not an evil person... I think often we are hardest on ourselves and say things to ourselves that we would never say to another person.

Part of my job involves working with people who have brain injuries, and they are often very critical of themselves for their deficits - I often say to them that if they are saying something to themselves that they wouldn't say to a friend, then they shouldn't say it to themselves either - it's not helpful. Sometimes it's really hard because everyone's thoughts get away from themselves sometimes (or course I am guilty of this as well), but good to remind yourself periodically to have some perspective.

I like really that idea of the soul choosing the body... :)

Aleeah - hooray for another symptom!! Men are so funny about wind, lol.

As for me, I'm feeling okay. Nausea has started a little bit though... mostly when I'm hungry. But, I am not complaining, it is a good sign :) DH has also been telling me I'm a little bit grumpy, lol, of course I disagree. Did another FRER a couple days ago and it was quite dark so I'm happy about that. Was debating getting a couple of those digitals that show the weeks, but not sure if that would stress me out more than it's worth.

Celine got a surprise birthday present over in the test section :winkwink: :winkwink:

I'm glad you like the name change, it's proven popular lol!

We are just going to the coast, Scarborough. You've probably never heard of it.

We are taking the kids, all my family go every year. We've stayed in the same hotel once a year at least since I was 7 so a good 20 years. Now I take my own kids!

I think the digis would be a waste now hun xx
Nina how are you ?

How is house packing and moving going ? Bought any more exciting furniture? Xxx

DH bought an irobot, the mint one. The poor has wanted one since they first came out! It's his new toy, but we're only opening it in the new house :)
We decided we would really start packing this weekend. Movers are schedualed for the 15th, and we get the keys next Thursday! So next weekend DH will be over there painting.
I'm so excited! I think I'll test next Thursday, 11DPO.
Haha!! What's an Irobot?

It's soo exciting Nina !

I've heard of there Nat haha! Never been though! Xxx

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