Hello Ladies,
Been trying to keep busy over the weekend and was, lots of cooking and going out!
Bluestars - Your procedure doesn't sound good, 10 stitches!! You're very brave!! And hey missy, how good is your chart looking?! I've been trying to keep up with everyone's posts on my phone and even on my phone your chart in your sig looked A-M-A-Z-I-N-G

!!! When will you be testing?!?! Bring on the testing countdown!!
Mrs A - So sorry the damn witch won't leave you alone, just try and take it easy. I always find bleeding passes a lot quicker if I rest a lot.

Literally, sit up and watch DVDs! Hope it passes soon, so you can start to look forwards, it's a pain, as it's hard to look forwards when you're still bleeding, so I understand your frustration.
Nina - Woo Hoo for the house move!!

I'm so jealous, I'd love to move house but we just can't seem to be able to time it right at the moment. It's so exciting when you move, it's weird, I hate the moving but love the unpacking!!
Lindsay - The aches and pains are normal, I had them a lot with the last pregnancy at 4 weeks and the little bean grew fine until 7 weeks. I didn't get as many this time but I guess that was because everything had already previously stretched so recently. Almost glad you've still got nausea (sorry!!

) as it means everything's progressing!! Let us know how your appointment at the docs goes, not long till your scan now, exciting!!
Crysshae - Have you managed to send the witch packing on a long long holiday?! You've done it before, so carrying on doing the same thing is probably a good thing, if it ain't broke, don't try and fix it hey!
Literati Love - Hope the wedding was fun? Let us know how you got on x
So update from me, I think my body is in complete denial and so is my husband! My uterus has started to jut out now, which is weird, as it's never done that before. I've also been retching down the toilet this morning, which again I've never had and I'm peeing lots (twice a night even!). Boobs are still big but a lot less sore now. And no other cramps or bleeding or anything. So in short getting lots of mixed signals! Hubby thinks I'm still pregnant and is treating me so, whereas I guess now I'm confused. I'm worried I want it so bad

I'm forcing everything to carry on as before. I don't want the scan on Friday, as don't want the finality of it all

. I doubt it's even possible to implant 2 weeks after ovulation but I'm praying mighty hard it is and it's what's happened!!