LondonGirl - I'm so sorry you find yourself here. I'm in a similar position at the moment I guess. I had my third miscarriage 3 months ago and then last month tested positive for being pregnant again with no AF inbetween. I've since been crushed, went to my 8 week scan last week and babies (there was 2 surprisingly!

) only measured 6 weeks with no heartbeat

. I'm due to go back for a scan Friday, as I don't have any miscarriage symptoms yet but I know my dates were accurate so, expecting the worst. I stay positive because of this site (and honestly mainly these ladies!

). There's so many women on the website (some of the moderators even) that have had miscarriages in the double figures but they've still come out with many beautiful healthy children.
You'll get there, the pain is bad and sometimes there are dark days but one day you'll have that rainbow and you'll appreciate all it's colours all the more because of these darker days. Sending you some much strength

, you'll be in my prayers xxxx
Mrs A - You're very lucky they're doing the fertility testing so quickly. They wouldn't do anything after my last one, and I begged them to do tests on the baby. Apparently you have to have more than 3 miscarriages, as they wouldn't count an earlier 1 as I didn't go into hospital for it !

To be honest I think that was my crappy GP at the time too, it's easier to go through directly from the hospital. My current GP is lovely, and managed to get me into see a fertility specialist in October (earliest they had following my May miscarriage). I'm glad you're seeing someone though, sometimes we need reassurance there isn't something easy they can fix (e.g. low progestrone, or NK cells). I'm sorry your HCG is taking so long to drop, it's a real bummer, I never had mine checked by blood (again they wouldn't check as the sac etc came out intact, so knew there would be nothing left) and I think it took me around 4 weeks to go completely negative (based on pg tests) and then I ovulated 2 weeks after. I know not all women ovulate the first month before AF though.
Bluestars - I love reading up on your TWW, so please keep it coming! Helps to distract me and any distraction is good right now, plus we may be able to help you, it's nearly time to test again...!!

I can't wait till you get onto FRER's!
It's so cool you're a nurse!! Congratulations on qualifying too. I've only ever met kind nurses, so you fit the role perfectly. Do you enjoy it?
Crysshae - I actually told hubby when my fertile period was last time and he was far more accomodating even when he was really tired. You both want to have a baby, so it makes sense it'd help him to know when the best time is too. I know some men feel pressured during it but my husband was a 'wham bam thank you mam' type over my ovulation days, his end goal was always get the deed done, get to sleep!!!

I always believed babies were made out of love and love making, in our case it's always been speedy love making!!!! The things we talk about...!!!!!

Lindsay - Your job sounds so rewarding, wish I had a job where I actually helped people

. I'm the most boring one out of the lot of us it would seem... I'm an accountant! Yep, I sit around and count numbers all day long. However, I missed my calling, as a hairdresser and beautician for sure! I cut men's hair in my spare time (for free!) as well as doing nails for friends and family. I've never had any training but am really good with a pair of scissors, really strange, can't remember how it all started either.
You'd have to teach me the Monkey Bars!! I'm no good physically at ANYTHING!!!
Nina - Hope the infection has cleared up and you're getting in some baby making action? Graphic Designer must mean you're very creative, you children will be very lucky having such a talented mummy!
Literati Love - I don't know what a Technical Writer is

but it sounds very clever!! Im glad AF has left you. Will you be temping this cycle? Remember the advice on the preseed, less is definitely more!! Good Luck, keep us posted x
So, I'm feeling better today. I guess no more positive but ready to face things. Yesterday was a hard day, complete meltdown all day (totally unlike me). My poor husband, we both worked from home and he tried his best to mop up all my tears (there were so many, my top is totally ruined, we laughed about that this morning!!)

. I posted my story on the Recurrent Miscarriage thread too, and they've come up with testing my Progestrone levels next time, in case that's the problem. Who knows?! But at least I'm now trying to think of solutions, rather than dwelling on the problem.
Roll on Friday... I'm ready for whatever you have in store for me!