Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Nina - Oh, ya! Here comes your mammoth egg! That's exciting! I really hope this is "the one." And ... make up sex sounds like a very good idea, especially with that second positive OPK! Buahah! Good luck!

Blue - Oy, I hate how uncertain the waiting is! Did you test again today? Here's hoping AF stays away!

Lindsay - Those new symptoms definitely sound like good signs! Woohoo!

*My update* Well, looks like I'm going to be ovulating early like I did on my last BFP month. I had a negative opk yesterday and my first day of ewcm, but today I have a very clearly positive opk already! I am surprised because I usually have 3-4 days of ewcm before I ovulate. But the tests do say you might not ovulate for 24-36 hours, so maybe I won't ovulate until tomorrow evening. Either way, I'd better get BDing! I'm very thankful now that we were dtd every other day since AF ended...hopefully that means we didn't miss our window no matter what. It's actually odd because I haven't had a lot of ovulation signs yet. No ov cramps really...so that makes me think O will probably show up tomorrow (which is good, because cd11 seems too early!). I am kind of disappointed that I'm going to O on cd12 like I did with my BFP month...mostly just because any similarities to my last BFP worry me since I wonder, 'is the reason I miscarried because my egg wasn't developed enough when it dropped?' eek. It's probably nothing to worry about but it's on my mind anyway.
Cd 12 doesn't sound too early honey! Hopefully this will be your month !!

Started spotting this evening feel like AF is on its way :( boo.... This will be our 7th month trying (probably actually 6th months as I bled for nearly a month but still... Doesn't seem right that nothing at all has happened. I know it's only supposed to be a 20% chance but it still is unfair. I don't look forward to the next couple of days at all...

Excited for your scan linds hehe ! Xxxx
Thanks... I hope so! I am nervous because I don't even know how I will handle the stress if I don't get PG this month!

6-7 months does seem like WAY too long. It doesn't feel like anyone should have to wait that long to get pregnant, especially after a loss. :( I know they say clinically it is 'normal' to take up to a year but I agree that that doesn't seem normal at all and is really just way too long! Sorry to hear about your spotting! :( that doesn't sound too hopeful I suppose. I really wish you'd get your BFP already! You really deserve it. And especially this month after your mammoth egg!
LL, I think CD 12 is just fine :) I know what you mean though, those irrational thoughts are so hard to get out of your head... just remember it will be a new egg and a new sperm. Hopefully this is your month, we need some more bfp's in here :)

Blue, sorry to hear about the spotting hun :( Yes, it is unfair... it's so hard to wait so long for something you want so badly. I really really hope you get your bfp soon. I suppose, looking at the positives though, your chart shows that you are ovulating, and your luteal phase is a good length so even if this is not your month, those things bode well for next month :hugs:
LL, CD12 is not too early! Don't worry- it's the luteal phase that matters! Sounds like you guys got everything covered ;)
Blue, I'm sorry about the spotting :hugs: I know about the 20% bit, but it still seems strange, I mean, if everything is covered, why shouldn't it work? It's not fair. I wish there were some easier way <3

ASM- I got a slight temp rise this morning. Yesterday started getting creamier CM. Or maybe it's just leftovers from the YI cream. DH and I did make up, I had a really horrible evening. I just started thinking. The other day when I took a bath I realized that the bath before, was the one I had before I MC.
The bath I had before that one, was my first pregnancy, around 7 weeks. The baby stopped developing at 7+2. I totally forgot about the first bath.
On one hand, I'm trying to tell myself that my body is fine, and the baths maybe stopped the development, and next time will be OK, no reason to worry. On the other hand, I caused it. It's just so much easier telling myself that it's my fault than worrying. In the car I could not stop crying thinking that there are so many tests to do to find out if a zillion things could have caused this. It's not fair it happens. It's easier just to blame myself. Next time I am not going near a bath.
I don't think it would have been a bath honey. I had loads of baths!

We all deserve our take home babies! I can't afford to keep buying all this clearble stuff every month! Argh slowly giving up. :(

Don't give up Blue <3
I saw this quote I had written down a long time ago, before we started TTC, I don't remember why. I guess there was a reason I found it:

"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place"

Hey Ladies,

Sorry quick one, I'll have to read all the posts I've missed and catch up in detail later, or tomorrow.

Just got back from hospital. All went as well as could be expected, I was only sick initially and the anaesthetic was fine. They managed to get them both out together, odd they were both measuring 6 and half weeks and were both in the same sac, so would have been identical afterall. I think they saw an issue with them but won't tell me until my appointment in October, they've also already taken bloods from me and hubby (weren't due to do that until October), so I think they're thinking it is a chromosome issue, as that is what they were hinting at. They were keen to move my appointment sooner but we've got holidays booked and I need to recover from this mentally before I can look at a new plan, so happy with my original October date, they seemed to understand my point. I'm hoping they wanted to see me sooner, as they know how they can help already.

Blue - I'm so sorry it looks like the nasty b*tch of a witch is coming to pay you a visit, it WILL happen for you, it happened before and it'll happen again. I keep forgetting, are you taking 5mg of Folic Acid? As I've read that can be linked to an increase in fertility too??

Lindsay - In case I don't get a chance to get back on, good luck for your appointment tomorrow. I know you won't need it, I'm relying on you to get this take home baby so you can give me lots and lots of advice when I get there!! Thinking about you (with a huge grin on my face!) let us know (with pics of course!!) as soon as you do xxxx

Nina -Quick one, it really wouldn't be the bath that caused anything to happen, I asked so many docs about that and they said it's fine, as long as it's not like a sauna (tonnes of sweat) and for hours, which I'm sure yours wasn't. You need to put it down to a freak thing, you'll be fine next time, I'm rooting for you.

Crysshae, LL, Mrs A - I'll read your posts too ladies and reply later.

Thank you all for being so fantastic xxx
Don't give up Blue... I wish I could give you a big hug :hugs: Life can be so unpredictable but just remember, today you are one day closer to your take home baby than you were yesterday <3

Aleeah, I'm thinking of you today. I hope everything goes smoothly and you have a nice quick recovery :hugs:

I hope everyone else is doing well :)
Aleeah, just saw your post after I had posted. I'm really really glad to hear it went smoothly, make sure you take it easy and get some rest! Maybe even watch a funny movie or something like that... laughter is good medicine :) I really hope they have some good answers for you in October... it sounds quite positive from what you said. A holiday sounds like just what you and DH need :) Where are you going?

Thanks for the good wishes. Funnily enough since a couple days ago I am feeling quite calm about the scan and have a good feeling. Of course I could be totally wrong, but whatever the outcome, it is helping me stay calm now, so I'm just going to go with it.
Nina - Hope you've caught that egg!

Blue - I'm sorry the witch is showing her face. Don't give up. It will happen! You will take home your baby soon.

LL - CD12 is not too early. My 4-year-old is from a CD12 O. Good luck catching it!

Lindsay - Can't wait to see your first baby pictures tomorrow! Have fun at your scan.

Mrs A - Hope you're doing well.

Aleeah - Get some rest and take care of yourself. I hope they do know what needs to be done and will have you well on your way to your take-home baby in October. That's great that they offered to get you in sooner. Very nice of them as compared to some stories I've heard about waiting for appointments.

AFM - CD12 and BDing regularly, so waiting. :coffee:
Thanks a lovely quote nina. Will bear it in mind.

Aleeah glad they where together. My boys where identical also. Hopefully it's not chromosome related !! <3 hope it's not too difficult on you and Hubbie! I think a holiday would be good for you both just to get away and clear your head before anything major happens.

Glad your feeling calm linds!!

Nina - Thank you. My luteal phase is always 13 days so at least that's good. :)

Yay, sounds like you probably O'ed yesterday! So that's exciting. Hopefully we'll be getting out BFPs within just a couple days of each other this time! ;)

I totally understand you about the guilt thing. I definitely do not think it was the bath that caused your m/c. I know baths are fine as long as they aren't scalding hot. Basically they say as long as you are comfortable in it and not feeling too hot, it's probably not too hot! But I totally understand the feeling like you could have prevented it.

For me, I blamed my m/c on this one day that a company was doing work at our office fixing our ventilation system. I smelled a weird smell - like paint or something - and asked what it was, but no one else in my office could smell it and NO one knew what the heck it was. I was a little worried but figured since no one knew what it was and no one could smell it, it was probably nothing. But a couple hours later the smell got a lot stronger (other people could smell too) and I finally tracked down the guy who was doing the work and found out they were gluing pipes with primer! I left work immediately and went to a doctor to see if it was ok (but my dr was on holidays so I had to go to a dumb medi-clinic). The dr wasn't helpful at all and seemed to think everything would be fine...but when they discovered my m/c 2 weeks later, the baby had stopped developing on that same day or a day after. :( So I was basically fully convinced that it was the primer that killed him/her. I have mostly gotten over the guilt now because there's nothing I can do about it and I know it could have been any number of things, but I always think and worry about that for next time. It makes me panic that no one in the office pays attention to chemicals that are being used right under our noses. Today that same company came back and since I haven't ovulated yet I wasn't too concerned, but yet again -no one- knew what they were doing, and I even tried to get the girl who is pregnant to ask if they'd be using any solvents, and she wouldn't. Obviously she's not concerned and her baby is fine, but I know that next time if there is even a *hint* of paint/primer smell in the air, I am leaving!

Blue - Don't give up!! You will get your take-home baby yet. I don't know why it hasn't happened yet, but it's sure to soon! Hang in there. :hugs:

Aleeah - Glad your time in the hospital went "well," considering. So sweet that you would have had identical twins. :cry: It is good they are taking a proactive approach in finding out what's wrong. It sounds like you definitely do need a holiday, and it definitely won't hurt to wait til October to start investigating these things. I hope it's something that's very easy to fix. :)

Lindsay - I'm so glad you're feeling calm. You're right - you might as well just go with it, because it's a lot easier than being stressed! :)

Crys - Thanks! That is comforting to know. Neat that we are on the exact same cycle day! have you had a +OPK yet, or do you use those? :)

As for me, I am a bit confused about my body this cycle! Normally I have 3-4 full days of ewcm, but this time I only had 1 (Saturday). Since then there's been a bit of watery, but nothing too great. Also, I had a +opk yesterday and today, so presumably I should ovulate later today, but yet I haven't had any ovulation cramps yet! I always get ovulation pain, so I'm feeling a little concerned. I feel like my body is much less fertile this month than last. Even if I ovulate tonight, I don't feel like I had enough ewcm to be a good environment for DH's swimmers. Sigh. I am sort of regretting not trying last month, when I had soooo much ewcm...and very definite ovulation pain!
No, I don't use OPKs. I had the same thing happen. The cycle that started with the miscarriage, I had tons of EWCM and felt very fertile. The next month, which was my cycle just prior to this one, was so odd I didn't even realize I might've been ovulating until it was too late to figure it out, so I'm pretty certain I had very little in the way of CM, O pain or anything, because if nothing else, TMI, I usually feel extra wet and in the mood around that time and I didn't even notice.

This cycle, I'm back to normal, actually feel like I have even more EWCM than usual. TMI again - It's really clear (when mine usually has a bit of white tinge to it) and stretching up to 2 or 3 inches, for 4 days now. I had a really good feeling when my period started this month and have had just an overall feeling of positivity about this cycle. I hope and pray that's a good sign from above!

Good luck!
That's very interesting that you had the same experience for your first cycle after your first AF after the m/c. It is quite odd. I'm hoping I can still get PG somehow even if I'm not "super" fertile. Surely if we get our timing right there is still a chance?

It definitely sounds like your current cycle is VERY fertile...which is great! That sounds like a great sign and I hope you're right that you catch your BFP this month!
You know, I had a very similar experience after m/c too. The cycle that started with m/c I had a lot of ovulation pain (worse than normal, I was actually worried something was wrong) and tons of EWCM. The next cycle, hardly any ovulation pain and not much CM either, but we did manage to get pregnant that cycle so you never know ;)

Crys, glad to hear you're feeling positive about this cycle, I hope you get your bfp! You too LL! Actually I hope that for everyone here :)
Well, that is good to know that you managed to get pregnant on a seemingly less fertile month! I am going to use that to encourage myself this time around. As long as we ovulate, we should be more than capable of getting preg! I hope that Sept is BFP month for *everyone* who is trying! :)

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