Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Nina, you've got crosshairs!! Yay for ovulation :) Hopefully the full moon baby making did the trick :)

Blue, how are you feeling? I hope AF is going easy on you and OH is taking good care of you.

Crys, I hope FF is right and you've caught the egg :)

LL, it looks like you may be in the 2ww too... I foresee a lots of symptom spotting in this thread in the next couple weeks, and hopefully a lot of bfp's too! :)

Aleeah, wow, a surprise trip, and going to the airport too!! I'm excited to hear all about it when you get back!! I hope you can relax and enjoy yourself, you and DH really deserve it!

Thanks ladies :) I did sleep very well... went to bed at 8:30, lol. I think all the stress exhausted me. Yes, it is a very wierd policy, and I have no idea why they have it. Maybe so they can get their work done without anyone asking questions? They allow husbands or significant others in after they have done all their measurements and at that point will show you the baby. Last time I could see the screen while the tech was checking everything, and could tell something was wrong. Didn't really want a repeat of last time so I asked very nicely and promised he wouldn't say anything, lol. At least I know what to ask next time too! Hubby could see the screen the whole time and said last night that the heartbeat was 182... he didn't know I wanted to know that... men!
Aleeah - What a sweet hubby you have! Enjoy your vacation together! It is very well deserved. :flower:

Nina, LL, and Blue - Hope we all have caught or will catch our eggs this month! We could so be bump buddies!! :thumbup:

Lindsay - Lol. DH's have no idea what we want to know, do they? 182 is awesome - strong!!! :happydance:
Crys - Hopefully you catch it this time! I agree that being in the heat all day drains you a lot! It's definitely hard to fit in BDing if you're so tired out. Good luck! :)

Aleeah - Have a great vacation! Hope it's a great chance to relax for you.

Lindsay - Yep, I'm certain I ovulated already. My temp has risen 2 days in a row so it just needs to rise one more time to confirm! I have never had a month of not ovulating, so I'm not worried about that. I am trying not to focus too much on being in the TWW yet. Even though I am extremely hopeful for this month, I don't really think I'm preg. Last time I was preg I experienced mild cramps for several days after ovulation, and then after that I started getting little twinges alternating from side to side, which continued for my entire pregnancy. I am not really having any cramping this time so I'm probably not preg. :( Although, as I'm typing this I'm starting to get some weird twinges, but I'm sure it's just my imagination. :p

That is great that you ended up finding out the heartbeat! Silly hubby for not thinking you'd want to know! I'm glad you got a good sleep last night. Yay!
Have a god vacation Al!!

Don't loose heart yet lit!!

I'm fine nothing to report

How's everyone else? Xxx
Well I would just like to announce that we finally had our last BD session of the cycle and I am SO relieved (actually, DH was relieved too). By the end it just gets sooo tiring. I'm happy to be in the TWW now and we can finally make plans in the evening without extreme stress about fitting BDing in first. :p
Literati- Each pregnancy is different!
Hope you caught that egg!
Haha lit that's hilarious! I know what you mean though I think I'm still recovering from last months and its nearly time to try again!!

Nina wow just seen your crosshairs!

Crys would love to be bump buddies. Just need to catch my wee eggy. But I'm still at the beginning of this cycle.

Linds did you sleep well again last night ?

Aleeah how are you honey ?

Mrs a where are u at ? Xxx

Literati, that made me laugh, lol. I know exactly what you mean though! I would agree with Blue and Nina, definitely don't count yourself out yet! I had no symptoms at all before my first bfp (and it was the absence of symptoms that was different), and this time I had a little bit of cramping around 5 - 7 dpo and that was it.

Yes, I slept pretty well again last night... although still feel exhausted, I feel like I need a break from work! Fortunately it's a long weekend coming up :) I'm also very happy today because I found out I don't have to go to court in September. I was called as a witness for one of my clients and just found out today that the case settled yesterday at mediation so that's a huge load off. I have never had to go to court and I was really nervous about it!

How is everyone else doing today? Anyone have exciting plans for the weekend?
Aww that would be nerve racking!! Glad you don't have to go now. I'm tired tired tired! Can't wait for bed time already had awful bad dreams that just seemed soo real last night and its set me off wrong for the full day. Xxx
Blue - Haha, glad you can relate. It's crazy how quickly it becomes time to BD again, isn't it? What CD are you going to start on?

Lindsay - Thanks! ahha, after I wrote that post, I really did start getting the same mild cramps as I got last time...except this time on my left side (so I think I must have ovulated on the left side this time). I had them all yesterday afternoon/evening and today so far. I am choosing to believe that this is the fertilized egg traveling down my fallopian tube. Wishful thinking? Maybe! But I'm going to continue thinking that anyway. :) I am very back and forth in the TWW, one minute certain I must be pregnant, and the next feeling like I must be out for the month. You really do just have to wait and see, I know...but it's so hard! haha

That is such a relief that you don't have to go to court! That would have been kind of scary. I am SO relieved it's a long weekend for us as well. In fact, I even booked tomorrow off to give myself an extra-long weekend...so that will be quite nice! I don't have any major plans except being out in the sun and maybe catching up with some friends. There is a fireworks festival in our city this weekend so we might check that out as well. What about you? Besides getting extra sleep! :haha:

PS - Ovulation is officially confirmed for me today! Actually, my temps have never risen so rapidly in the 3 days following ovulation (they get higher eventually, but there's usually a smaller increase at first). I am going to consider that a good sign, even though that didn't even happen the last time I was pregnant.
I'd consider it a good sign lit! Start when AF stops.i think and every other day until I get positives again and then Dtd like crazy xxx
Sounds like a great plan! Too bad AF is still persisting. I'm sure you can't wait for that to be over with!
Lol I don't. Mind anither day haha! Gearing myself up for BDing! Haha xxx
LL - Lol and yay for a quick temp rise.

Lindsay - Glad you're feeling well and getting more rest and that you don't have to worry about court.

Blue - Lol! Good luck when you do get started!

Nina - How are you feeling?

No exciting plans for me. It's 100+ degrees here. We have a long weekend too. DH is off for 5 days, starting today, except for some side work he is going to do Saturday. I work every day except for the holiday, only mornings on the weekend though, so hoping we can have halfway lazy days watching a movie or something.
Blue, I hope bed time comes soon and you can get some rest :) Hopefully no more bad dreams either! Sounds like you've got a good BD plan for this cycle!

LL, nothing wrong with positive thinking! I'd take that as a good sign too :) Also good news on confirming ovulation and the temp rises! Yes, waiting is sooo hard. I feel like I've been waiting for one thing or another ever since we started ttc, lol. Even once you get a bfp you're still waiting... I was waiting for the scan, and now I'm waiting for my first OB appointment on Sept 12.

Crys, hopefully you can fit in some lazy time over the weekend :) Too bad you have to work. Do you always work on the weekends, or is it just a this weekend thing?

I haven't got much planned for the weekend (besides some extra sleep as LL said, lol). We're doing a bbq lunch with some friends on sunday and that's about it. I'm hoping the weather will improve by then. We've had a beautiful hot summer and the last couple days it's been grey and pouring rain... feels like the fall weather has already arrived.
Lindsay, the BBQ sounds fun. I'm in a munchy meat mood these days.
DH wants to buy a BBQ and I think I'm finally going to say YES! GO FOR IT!
All I can think about is a hotdog in a bun with relish, fried onions and kettle potato chips.

I am so excited for you, I hope Sept 12 comes soon!
Lol, "munchy meat mood". You guys should get a bbq... can make all sorts of yummy stuff!

I'm not sure what we're going to make on sunday... nausea has been more manageable lately, but I've been having a lot of food aversions... especially to meat. Although, now that you mention it, hot dogs could be tasty....

Have you got any plans for the weekend Nina?
Crys - That's too bad you work for the weekend, but I think you definitely have a good chance of some fun lazy half days after work! I know that when I used to have to work holidays/weekends, I would sometimes try to pretend that working was just a bad dream and that I was still on holidays after work! haha. Sounds ridiculous, but I did what I could to cope. ;)

Lindsay - Thanks! There really is SOOO much waiting involved with TTC/pregnancy. That does seem so long to wait for your first OB appointment! At least now you can feel a lot more relaxed about it since you know your baby is okay. I know I felt like my OB appointment was taking F-O-R-E-V-E-R to come and I could hardly wait, but then it ended up that what was supposed to be my first pre-natal visit turned into my post-miscarriage visit. :( Awful. So glad that things are looking up for you this time and you are sure to have a very happy doctor's visit!

Also good to hear that your nausea is dissipating slightly...but too bad about the food aversions! That really makes things less fun. Hopefully you can find something you like at the BBQ. That sounds really fun! I hope you get a sunny day for it. :)

Nina - Ooh, you definitely should get a BBQ! They are soo nice, especially for the summer. We really, really wanted one for the last 2 years but couldn't afford it. Then suddenly at the end of the summer, my best friend's neighbour offered us their old one for free! They received a better one as a gift and just wanted to get rid of theirs. I was amazed by their generosity, and we have reaped the benefits all summer long this year!

How are you feeling? Doing any symptom-spotting yet? Your temperatures are sooo steady! I rarely have two days in a row where my temps are the same! :)

Well, I officially have plans for my day off tomorrow! After sleeping in as late as possible, I am going to go for a walk by the river with my mom, and then I'm meeting up with a friend and going to the outdoor pool. AND, it turns out that the pool is free tomorrow for "customer appreciation day" so that's even better! It's supposed to be really hot, so I can't wait!
LL, that sounds like a great plan for a day off! That's what happened with my first OB appointment with the last pregnancy too.... it wasn't scheduled until around 14 weeks. My GP suggested I keep it and just go meet her and I'm really glad I did because that resulted it me having the early scan and an earlier appointment this time. Apparently they don't usually like to see people before 10 - 12 weeks because they want to make sure it's a "viable pregnancy". It's funny, I haven't actually even seen my family doctor so far this time. I called the office and explained that I had already called the OB and had the scan and appointment booked and they said I didn't need to come in unless I had concerns.

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