Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Aleeah. Good luck today. I'll be thinking of you xx
Thank you all, getting a little nervous now but just glad I'll know either way today. Knowing me, I'll then go into plan mode and start planning what we need to do next etc. I've got a lot of time planned with my friends this weekend and although I still don't intend to tell them about any of the miscarriages, I know seeing them and just 'pretending' everything's normal will help me. I'm an ostrich!:haha: Like to bury my head in the sand until enough time's passed that I can cope with things better!!:wacko:

Still feeling hopeful for you Bluestars :thumbup:. With my BFP earlier this year, I got tonnes and tonnes of BFN's early on and then suddenly BFP's. Me or hubby didn't believe the BFP's as we didn't realise you couldn't get false positives!:haha: Oh the things I've learnt since... I think we could probably all qualify as midwives in no time...!! Now there's a job I would LOVE!:thumbup:

Thank you all, getting a little nervous now but just glad I'll know either way today. Knowing me, I'll then go into plan mode and start planning what we need to do next etc. I've got a lot of time planned with my friends this weekend and although I still don't intend to tell them about any of the miscarriages, I know seeing them and just 'pretending' everything's normal will help me. I'm an ostrich!:haha: Like to bury my head in the sand until enough time's passed that I can cope with things better!!:wacko:

Still feeling hopeful for you Bluestars :thumbup:. With my BFP earlier this year, I got tonnes and tonnes of BFN's early on and then suddenly BFP's. Me or hubby didn't believe the BFP's as we didn't realise you couldn't get false positives!:haha: Oh the things I've learnt since... I think we could probably all qualify as midwives in no time...!! Now there's a job I would LOVE!:thumbup:


Will be thinking of you and continuing to pray. :hugs: I definitely understand your ostrich statement. That's what I do too.

When I've thought about going back to school, I've always looked into being a labor and delivery nurse. That's the only kind of nurse I ever wanted to be. Since I'm so accustomed to using a doctor and hospital, it never even dawned on me to look into midwifery. You have given me something to research! :flower:

Lindsay - I completely understand wanting to keep the nausea around for that reassurance after a loss. I never took anything for nausea with any of mine. I just muddled through it and kept saltine crackers on my desk and breathed deeply a lot. Surprisingly, a fizzy drink helps with nausea sometimes too. Hope you're doing well today.
Im thinking about you today Aleeah!! I have all my prayers on you and have all my fingers crossed!!! <3 <3 :flower: All the love in the world to you and your husband!!

We are better than midwives! we understand, sympathise and empathies more! <3

Aleeah, thinking of you hun!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I also understand the ostrich comment... I am that way too.
As expected ladies. Both babies are no bigger, if not slightly smaller. The sacs are bigger marginally. So it appears a miscarriage is the correct diagnosis. I'm surprisingly ok though, just confirms what I knew. Going in for a D&C on Monday as not sure when this thing will start, if at all. We've been told everything else looks ok, so could only be a couple of things. Our chances of a healthy baby now are less than 20% per pregnancy according to the doctor, so we won't be trying yet. Good news, the fibroid is smaller today than last week, so pregnancy hormones were making it bigger.

Apparently IVF is likely going to be our option for selective screening of my eggs and hubby's sperm. Ladies it's ok. Our journey might not be what we expected but I guess we might get twins this way again ?!:wacko:

I'm going to be crazy busy this weekend, so doubt I'll be able to post much but I will of course post Monday to let you all know how I am. I'm ok, I haven't shed a tear since before my appointment, I'm stronger now.

Good luck with testing Blue! Xxx
As expected ladies. Both babies are no bigger, if not slightly smaller. The sacs are bigger marginally. So it appears a miscarriage is the correct diagnosis. I'm surprisingly ok though, just confirms what I knew. Going in for a D&C on Monday as not sure when this thing will start, if at all. We've been told everything else looks ok, so could only be a couple of things. Our chances of a healthy baby now are less than 20% per pregnancy according to the doctor, so we won't be trying yet. Good news, the fibroid is smaller today than last week, so pregnancy hormones were making it bigger.

Apparently IVF is likely going to be our option for selective screening of my eggs and hubby's sperm. Ladies it's ok. Our journey might not be what we expected but I guess we might get twins this way again ?!:wacko:

I'm going to be crazy busy this weekend, so doubt I'll be able to post much but I will of course post Monday to let you all know how I am. I'm ok, I haven't shed a tear since before my appointment, I'm stronger now.

Good luck with testing Blue! Xxx

I'm so sorry Aleeah, sending you guys massive hugs.

Sometimes I think about the option of selecting the right egg and sperm to ensure a healthy embryo which will end in a happy and pudgy little baby. I think that after what you've gone through this would be the best option to make sure you don't have any more heartaches.
None of us expected we'd go through this stuff, but the babies that will come out of this will be made from pure love, no matter how it was made.
I wish you the best and only happiness health and love. I know you said you're doing OK, but my heart hurts so much right now :hugs:
Keep us updated how the D&C went <3
I'm so sorry, Aleeah. My heart just breaks for you and your DH. :hugs:
I am so sorry as well, Aleeah. :( Even though you knew it was probably coming, this is heartbreaking news - news that you should never have to go through again. :( It is not fair that some people have to go through this, and I really wish you didn't have to experience this pain. It is amazing to see your positive attitude through all of this. It sounds like IVF is a great option for you, and I hope you can move forward on that very soon and finally have (a) healthy baby(ies) in your arms soon. I am glad you have plans this weekend and you can distract yourself. Everyone copes with things differently, so it's great if pretending everything is okay is going to make you feel better. But make sure you let yourself grieve if you need to. *hugs*
im so sorry Aleeah!! <3 i dont even know what to say. you both are soo brave! amazing things can be done with IVF and if it means you getting your take home baby(s) then thats whats needs to be done!! <3 <3 :flower: xxx
Aleeah I am sooo sorry to hear this :hugs: My heart hurts for you and your husband. It's just not fair that this keeps happening to you.

I hope the D&C goes smoothly on monday and please do let us know how you're doing <3
Showing off my +OPK :)
This is the first time ever getting such a dark and clear positive with a dippie!
I got a semi positive dippie this morning, but a smiley CB. We DTD at about 14:00. I think I messed things up though.
The OPK was taken this evening, now, we can't DTD again (or can we?) so soon after previously. Tomorrow we'll only be able to get to it in the evening. I kind of feel like I blew it. Maybe I should wake DH up early tomorrow morning to BD? Even if he's on vacation?
Ugh! Did I screw up?!


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Nina, I really don't think you missed it. There is no need to DTD within a few hours of ovulating. As long as you do it the day of and the day after, you should definitely catch that egg! Those swimmers take a while to reach their destination anyway, so if you dtd at 14:00 and then ovulated at, say, midnight, then that might be the absolute perfect timing! So don't stress about that one bit! Congrats on your +OPK and let's hope this egg results in a beautiful BFP!

I had the pleasant surprise of waking up to lots and lots of ewcm this morning...so we made sure to BD this morning! I will use an OPK shortly. I usually get ewcm for 3-4 days before O, so I shouldn't miss it if I start testing today.

Also, Nina, I agree that you probably shouldn't dtd more than once a day.
Ugh. Thanks Literati.
DH totally lost any chance at action tonight though.
He told me he "wants me to help out around the house more" Seriously? SERIOUSLY? Just because I have some boxes of clothes I still haven't gotten around to putting away. He's the one who had 3 days off this week and got to fins a place for all his junk. Plus, he complained that he doesn't want our house to start looking like a dump. I knew he was talking about my stuff because it was right after he asked if the 2 boxes if yarn are ALSO going to the new house. His side is always messy, I'm constantly cleaning up after him. I washed the house, did laundry and put away three of my boxes and he has the nerve to tell me I'm "not helping out more?!"
Also, I know you look at porn, but do me a favor and at least respect me a bit and turn it off when I walk into the room. Screw you.
Ugh. I am so pissed off at him right now.
God nina! I'd have just turned away and told him to screw himself! Haha.
I'd love to tell my OH to help out the house more? I asked if he would make sure the house is tidy while I'm away and came back and heard that he sent his mum down to clan it haha! Ass wipe.

Wow on pos opk though. Don't think you have missed it at all!!

I got neg on my test and temps falling again. AF due tomorrow! Totally expecting it. Again pissed off that nothing is happening ! :(

Had a really hard dinner with the step mother who is now 6-7 months pregnant and everyone at the table was talking about her baby n that which is fair enough but didn't even acknowledge the fact that I had babies and was whipping out her lovely knitted baby clothes and stuff.

Also I bought a bottle steriliser in the jan sales (when I thought u might at least come home with one baby) and she turns round and says 'sterilisers are that expensive!! Em you have one you don't need anymore can. Have it" its never been used obviously but I wanted to keep it for when (if) I had another ! I just wanted to burst into tears throughout dinner and actually had to leave the table when she said that. I think they expect me to be over it now. It's like I'm not Allowed to mention it in case I scare or offend Her. Just wanted to scream!!

So glad to be home !! (Just wish I could have came home with a little bean to surprise daddy)

Awwwwh weeeeellll...... Must have done something wromg somewhere.

Nina, sorry you got in an argument with DH... I'm with blue, I would have told him where to shove it, lol.

That's great about the positive OPK though! I think you're fine... apparently BD a day or two before ovulation is supposed to be better anyway. And you could always try again tomorrow (if he's apologised, lol). Good luck hun, I hope your take home baby is on the way as we speak :)

Blue, sorry about the bfn... I still think you're not out though. Your temps are pretty steady... you never know, stranger things have happened ;)

I'm sorry you had a rough time at dinner... it does sound like everyone was being rather insensitive :hugs: I think that unless someone has been through something similar, they don't understand that you don't just "get over it" so quickly. Not to mention it's so hard to know what to do in those situations isn't it... most of the time I feel like it's easier to just "grin and bear it" but then you end up feeling awful anyway. Hang in there hun, I'm sure your take home baby will be on it's way soon (who knows.. maybe it's on it's way now :) )
Nina - Wow, that sucks! Sometimes men can be SO insensitive. I definitely understand why you are mad! He had no right to say that. GRRR!

Blue - You never know, blue. Sometimes temps have a few ups and downs. Perhaps tomorrow your temp will rise again and you'll get your BFP! It is so hard not knowing for the TWW only to possibly have a disappointment at the end. I really hope this is your month, though! I don't say you "must have done something wrong." Honestly, your timing could be perfect and it just might not be the case. There is (sadly) only a 20% chance of conceiving each month, even with good timing, so don't beat yourself up if you don't get your BFP this month (but you definitely deserve it N-O-W)! I'll be anxiously waiting to hear your results tomorrow.

Very sorry about your insensitive step mother. :( That sounds like an unpleasant situation. And of *course* you want to keep your bottle sterilizer for *when* you have your baby. That is ridiculous that she would say that!
Blue, I'm sorry about the dinner <3
People who haven't gone through it will never understand, not that that is any excuse for being plain rude though.
I also agree on the temps. My chart was crazy the first time I got pregnant, temps were all over the place and when I got a BFP they dipped. Temps are great for confirming O, anything else and they only cause stress. Easier said than done though :(

AFM- Another positive OPK this morning. This has never happened. My sides hurt so much. Mammoth eggs? ;)
DH asked for forgiveness, but I'm still pretty pissed. I think that by the end of the day I'll have cooled down a bit. Make up sex sounds good.

Another thing, These days it's a full moon- according to the Chinese beliefs- it's good luck to conceive during a full moon- it ensures a round belly. Maybe? :)
I think it sounds like a mammoth egg!!

Another temp dip for me this morning AF due today to tomorrow?. No sign of it yet but I'm sure it will come xxx
Yes, it does sound like a mammoth egg, lol. Glad to hear DH apologised... especially with another positive opk ;) Ovulation time is always the worst time for an argument isn't' it? Good luck with the full moon baby making :)

Blue, I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that the witch doesn't arrive. If she does, please don't beat yourself up about it, I have heard the same as LL - we only get a 20% chance each month even with perfect timing. I hope your bfp comes really really soon!

How is everyone else doing? There's a bunch of people close to ovulation I think? Hopefully lots of BD going on!

As for me, I'm feeling about the same, but am now getting really bothered by smells and have a bit of acid reflux. Neither of those things happened last time so I'm hoping they're good signs... I guess I will find out soon enough.

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