I've now read most of the posts and hopefully catched up with everything.
Nina - That OPK you posted looks FABULOUS!!

I'm sorry DH was being off, men just love being annoying sometimes, they feed off it I'm sure! I'm glad you still managed to schedule in lots of baby dancing, fingers crossed for that Big Fat Positive soon!
Lindsay - The bad smell thing is such a good sign!! Can't wait to get your update on the scan, I hope they get a good pic too so we can see little bean

Blue - I'm so sorry the witch arrived. Don't give up, can you go to the docs and tell them about your understandable frustration of not falling after the boys? Maybe even lay it on a bit thick, they're there to help at the end of the day. Maybe they could do Day 21 bloods like they do for some people and scans to check the egg this cycle? I rarely go to the doctors or hospital but obviously been in a lot following this pregnancy stuff and now do believe if you don't ask you don't get. Might be worth a try, the worst that can happen is they give you a deadline by which they can help?
And you keep that bottle steriliser and tell her to poke it! I can't believe the cheek of some people, you WILL have a baby very soon and lots of babies after too!! You're going to use that steriliser until it blows up, I promise you that!!!

I'm fuming and it's not even my step-mum!!!!!

I think a firm word is needed, it might come across harsh to her initially but at least she'll get it. Just say, I'm happy for you, over the moon but that doesn't take away from what's happened to me VERY recently, because it is recently. I want to keep the things I bought so I can use them when we do have a baby.
Literati Love - I'm SO glad you got ovulation pains. I got such bad pains last cycle I was bent over, thinking it was AF arriving at an odd time, so pain of this kind at this time of the cycle is SO good!!

Fingers crossed the 2WW when it comes, passes quickly and you get a nice strong BFP to show off to us.
Crysshae - Glad you're filling your time with the best form of exercise, baby dancing!! And your cm sounds A-Mazing, just keep at it like rabbits

and your egg will catch those little swimmers. We'll see your ovulation through your temps even if you don't use OPKs.
And I love the sound of you training to be a midwife, that would be so good. Let us know how you get on if you decide to research it and go for it. I spoke to hubby about a change of career into it and he was a little dubious, I think he thinks I'm loosing my mind!!
Mrs A - How are you? Whereabouts in your cycle are you now??
So I'm ok ladies, oddly I've pretty much stopped bleeding! Weird, though the same happened with my last D&C I think (it was 4 years ago, so I can't really remember). My uterus has gone back into me now, so have a flat tummy again. They also said when they went in, it had moved from it's tilted position into straight, so that's interesting, that's probably why I could feel it jutting out suddenly. I hadn't realised that happened so early on in some cases. Who knows if it'll go back tilted or not now.
I didn't sleep at all last night, tried for a couple of hours but then at 1 o'clock didn't think it was fair on hubby to keep tossing and turning, so came downstairs to the lounge and watched everything I had recorded and did research on miscarriages etc on the internet! Crept back upstairs at 7 o'clock hoping he hadn't noticed I'd been gone but he did!! Back at work today, as no real reason not to be. I don't feel tired yet, just so glad I'm not bleeding lots, as I look grey from the d&c anyway!!! Mentally I'm still ok, I'm waiting for the slump but it's still not come yet. I forgot how many forms you have for a d&c and how many risks they tell you about, perforations in the uterus, damaging tubes and in extreme hysterectomy's!!!!!!!!!

I'm just glad everything's still in there and it went as well as I could have hoped!