Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Blue, a lab SA gives you so much more than a drug store test. It's not just the count that matters. I don't understand how a home test can give you such "accurate" numbers. I would just throw it away- it will make you both stress too much.
You guys got pregnant very easily the first time- I know it's a lot of luck- but it also must mean something!
Thanks for the support, I really do appreciate it :hugs: We haven't dtd for about a week so I don't think it's that. Don't think I'm dehydrated either, but I'll keep drinking lots just in case :) So far so good today, a little bit of tan coloured discharge after taking the dog out for a walk but nothing more. Gonna take it easy and try and keep my mind off things. Yeah, I've done a lot of googling and I know it could go either way, but at least the fact that we had a good scan earlier this week is a good sign.

Blue, sorry OH is still stressing, hopefully he'll calm down soon. I agree with Nina, there are so many things a store test can't tell you. Maybe you can duck out of the party early if you're tired. I know what you mean... I often don't feel like going out again after I get home from work, lol.

Nina, sorry you're feeling so rough.... hopefully they are good signs this month!!
Oh goodness, Lindsay! I pray it's nothing. With what you describe maybe it's just an irritated cervix. As the others have said, it can be normal for some women to spot or bleed in pregnancy. My sister didn't realize she was pregnant with her first because she continued to have a period every month.

I hope your symptoms are very positive this month, Nina.

LL - I understand your fears. I hope you will be able to find some joy in your next pregnancy.

Blue - I hope your OH can find some reassurance and stop stressing very soon.
Nina - Wow, those symptoms sound SO promising! I am so excited for you! Of course, it sucks you feel crappy...but anything for the BFP, right? :) Also...I agree that your chart looks really good!

Lindsay - Glad you are taking it easy. :hugs:

Crys - Thanks. How is your cycle coming along? Any symptoms?
Lit your temps are rising really nicely as well!!

And Nina im with hubbie on this one i think this is your month!!! <3 this would be a great start to the year!!
How's everyone doing today? Nina, Crystal and LL, your charts are looking great!! Any more symptom spotting?

Blue, how did the 40th go last night? Hopefully you've got today off!

Crys, thanks for the thoughts. There has been no further spotting since the one occurance on Friday night so I'm hoping it was nothing to be concerned about.

I think I spoke too soon on the nausea being more manageable because the last couple days have been really bad. Absolutely nothing appeals... But I certainly didn't feel like this last time so I'm taking it as a good sign. Hope everyone has a great day :)
Good signs linds!! sorry you feel so rubbish! ginger biscuits are supposed to help. tried things like that ?

40th was not too bad! lol yup day off today! It goes in too quick!!!
Did you do anything last night ? xxx
Good signs linds!! sorry you feel so rubbish! ginger biscuits are supposed to help. tried things like that ?

40th was not too bad! lol yup day off today! It goes in too quick!!!
Did you do anything last night ? xxx

I've got some ginger candies.... but the thought of them is even putting me off. I might try ginger cookies... might be a bit easier to get down. Mints seem to help a little bit too.

Glad to hear you've got a day off, any plans? Although I suppose the day is almost over where you are. We didn't do much last night... watched a movie and I went to bed early around 9... I'm pretty boring these days, lol. Headed off to a bbq in a few minutes... fortunately the nice weather has come back :)
I'm so glad to hear that, Lindsay, and that your nausea is as strong as ever, even though it makes you feel awful.

My chart always does that jump so try not to get my hopes up on those. In fact my 2 pregnancy charts didn't do that, so makes me think I'm out at times. However, I felt really hot all night long, not sweaty, just hot. Hoping that's a good sign.

Blue - Enjoy your day off! I'm off tomorrow! Yay for sleeping late!! :happydance: Getting any signs of O yet?

Nina and LL - Fingers crossed for you both!

Aleeah - Hope your holidays are wonderful and to "see" you soon.
no plans at all... just the way i like a sunday to be!! i found the peppermint tea helped too sometimes. I was told that eating the ginger biscuits before you got out of bed in the morning was the best to help keep morning sickness at bay.... im not sure how well it works but its worth a bash!! have fun at your BBQ!! xxx
Lindsay & Blue - Thanks! No major symptoms spotting for me. Last night I was having major food/smell aversions and was gagging so much at supper that I couldn't eat. Then I felt nauseous all night because of having low blood sugar. Unfortunately, this is not a pregnancy sign for me, as I've gotten those random food aversions and gagging every month for as long as I can remember. Other than that, I feel totally normal...but I felt totally normal at this point with my pregnancy as well. It's still pretty early on!

Sorry to hear you're feeling extra sick again, Lindsay. At least that is a positive sign! But I'm sure you are quite sick of feeling ill already! I hope you're able to get a bit of food down at least. And yes ginger cookies might be nice! How do you cope with your nausea? Are you still able to go out and do things, get groceries, carry on with your normal activities...or are you pretty much bedridden when your nausea hits? Very good to hear that there's been no more spotting! Hopefully that was it.

Crys - I only JUST noticed that I could find your chart from your signature! All this time I've wished I could see your chart but didn't want to ask. Didn't realize it had been staring me in the face this entire time! :p I hope your feeling overheated is a good sign! :)

Blue - Enjoy your day to relax!
Blue, a lab SA gives you so much more than a drug store test. It's not just the count that matters. I don't understand how a home test can give you such "accurate" numbers. I would just throw it away- it will make you both stress too much.
You guys got pregnant very easily the first time- I know it's a lot of luck- but it also must mean something!

ive just seen this post nina. i know i didnt want him to take it. i came home to this test and him stressing over the results. i have been trying to tell him that it isnt accurate and i dont believe it. He has now taken up smoking again :wacko: which is the sensible thing to do when you think you have a low sperm count!!!
That makes me angry. I hate the smell of smoke and its stinking out all his clothes. Hes not doing it in my home and i will nag and nag him till he quits. So told him it might be the reason why hes getting a low sperm count on these tests. xxx
Wow, that's ridiculous he's now taken up smoking! That definitely won't help at all! The poor guy took that test VERY personally!
He sure has. Says he's not smoking them but found two empty packet in the bin and his friend was laying about it y.esterday and he stinks of smoke.... Hmmmm

Nina I have my fingers crossed any more tests today? Xxx
Blue, shhhh ;)
I'm pretty calm and not expecting anything right now. I still feel like crap though. It would be great to actually know something real was behind this nausea.
My next door pregnant coworker was talking on the phone the other week telling someone how "she had it so bad and doesn't wish it upon anyone". All I was thinking was bring it on.
I keep hoping for a slight implantation bleeding or anything, just give me a sign! However, I didn't have IB or so boobs either times before, so anything can happen! (boobs are not sore now either)

Poor guy. Was the result really bad or something? I wish I had something smart and reassuring to say. Men take it so much differently than women. You should tell him you need to recheck and take action if there is a problem (not that there probably is) and no doctor will go by a home test. Lots of times stress can effect sperm, and I know that here if a test comes out low, they retest 3 months later, and usually the numbers go up. There's lots of things that effect sperm, I bet the stress on him might have effected the numbers on a home test.
Aleeah, where are you ;)
How was your vacation?! Where did your husband take you?!
I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had the most amazing time, best husband EVER!! He's definitely accumulated lots of brownie points! :thumbup: He took me to Venice, was so romantic and we really let our hair down, haven't laughed so much in such a long time.

Reality hit me with a thud when we came back, had a meltdown in the car on the way back from the airport but it was probably a delayed reaction to last Monday. I feel better again today.

I'm still trying to catch up on everyone's posts, seems I've come back at an exciting time, I feel like everyday is a cliffhanger on this thread!!:haha:

Nina - Your temps are looking so good and don't mock the nausea... are you forgetting I threw my guts up after feeling sick from dpo 6-9!!!:thumbup: I also didn't have any implantation bleeding or dip, so your symptoms to me look amazing!!!!

Blue - I'm so sorry your hubby's being a silly one! I feel sorry for men, we women tend to let it all out, say how we feel, get reassurance etc and this place is the best thing ever. You can vent, get honest advice and get answers. Our poor men are left to think up wild and wonderful things and then deal with them on their own. If he's really worried, you should go to the doctor's, it's not difficult for them to do a test on his sperm and then he'll know and they can explain to him there's nothing wrong and that he needs to STOP smoking now!!!

Lindsay - I'm glad the spotting has stopped. Remember if you didn't have an implantation bleed this could just have been that. Most women that don't have the initial bleed tend to get spotting later, I'm sure that's all it is. Remember you've seen a healthy bean and a heartbeat of 182 is amazingly good, I'm sure this is it for you, sending you lots of sticky sticky sticky baby dust! And the nausea is such a good symptom, long live sickness!!!:thumbup: Although I know it's not nice to have and I hope the ginger cookies help (they sound yummy!).

Crysshae - Your chart looks A-Mazing!!!!! When will you be testing? Oh please feed my obsession to read up on other people's symptoms...!!! What symptoms are you having??

Literati Love - Hope you're having a good Labour Day off! I'm back at work today :wacko:. Your chart is looking amazing too, my ovulation day moved lots too with temping but to the eye it was obvious when it should have put the crosshairs but it didn't seem to get the 'right' date until I was about 9dpo. Not sure how it works but it definitely keeps us guessing!!:wacko: I miss charting so much I've decided to get back to it from tomorrow. Can't hurt I guess and can only arm my doctor with more information.

Looking at your chart you look like you've got all bases covered, I'm excited for you to hit that BFP, I'm so certain this is your month. Don't ask me why but I've got a feeling...!:hugs:

Mrs A - How are you doing?

Another update from me, I think I've got a urine infection, maybe? I've got really bad lower back pain, no pain otherwise. I guess it could do with the d&c but just weird how much it hurts. Tempted to book an appointment with my doctor but I can't stand the look of sympathy and she will give me that look hearing about the miscarriage!

I feel even happier today than I've felt for a week, I've eaten a slab of cake and I've got that sweet sick feeling going on and I love that, I love cake!!

Aleeah - SOOO glad you're back! That is AMAZING that your husband took you to Venice! I've always wanted to see Italy. I'm so glad it was romantic and that you laughed a lot and had fun. That makes total sense that you had your meltdown on the way home. A few days after our m/c, we went away to the lake and immediately felt a weight lifted off of us. Even though we were still sad, we were actually able to have FUN and laugh again...which really surprised me. Then as soon as we got in the car to drive home, I had my meltdown. It's weird, but it's like a little getaway tricks your brain into thinking everything is okay for a while. :)

So I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling sad, but very happy to hear that you're doing great today! I LOVE cake too! It is one of the greatest joys in life! I'm so glad you had some and can enjoy that sugar high! :happydance:

That is very weird about your lower back pain. I suppose it could be a UTI...but as you said it also could be aftermath from the d&c. Bodies take a surprising while to recover after a miscarriage so it could possibly do that. I say wait a day or two and see if it persists?

As for me, I can't update my chart yet today because ovufriend is messed up! At first I could get on the site, but it wasn't showing my temps at all. Now when I try the website, I just get a bunch of gibberish. Does anyone else use ovufriend and have that problem today? I hope it comes back. Today my temp rose quite a bit so I rather wanted to record that!

On another note, I am still having weird smell & food aversions! Yesterday the smell of my best friend's lotion (which I have smelled before and liked) was absolutely repulsive to me and Even though we were watching a show together I had to get her to cover herself up with blankets and sit far away from me so I couldn't smell her. Then today I barely managed to choke down my breakfast without losing it... And the smell of coffee is suddenly repugnant to me. I know this happens to me from time to time but I hope the fact that it is lasting means something! ;)
Blue, your sunday sounds lovely. That's just the way I like sundays to be too - no plans :) Sorry your OH is taking that home sperm count test so hard, silly guy taking up smoking again. I wish I had some wise words for you, but as the others have said, men react to things so much differently than women sometimes. Do you think he would go talk to the doctor about it? Perhaps they can talk some sense into him and do a proper sperm analysis if they think its necessary?

Aleeah, it's great to have you back! Sounds like an amazing holiday and I'm glad to hear that you and hubby had a good time and are looking after yourselves :) Sorry to hear about the meltdown, not unexpected though, you've been through a lot and it's bound to catch up to you :hugs: At least october is almost here and hopefully you'll get some good answers.... it always helps to feel like you have a plan. Hopefully the low back pain settles down soon... probably wouldn't hurt to get it checked out (except for the look of sympathy from the doctor).

LL, I hope the smell aversions are a good sign!!!

Nina, Crys, any symptoms or testing going on?

As for me, I had another bleeding episode last night. More blood this time, and it was dark red. I got up to pee around 3am and there were some drips of blood in the toilet bowl, and again on the paper even after I wiped a few times. I went into full on panic mode and hubby took me to the er. The ER doctor did an ultrasound (after pre-warning me that he wasn't very good at ultrasounds and he may not be able to see the heartbeat even if it was there) and we saw little blobbie again right away with his or her heart still beating away. He also said he didn't see any pockets of blood in my uterus and my cervix is closed so I guess that's good too. They did some blood work and then sent me home, advising I follow up with my doctor this week and go back to ER if the bleeding gets worse, or if if I start having severe pain (had no pain at all with this bleeding). He was quite clinical about everything, and said that it is impossible to know the outcome at this point, but the fact that there is "evidence of fetal cardiac activity" is a good thing. By the time we got home a couple hours later the bleeding had stopped. Given the circumstances that was probably the best news we could have gotten so trying to stay positive and as calm as possible - whatever is going to happen will happen I suppose.

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