I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Had the most amazing time, best husband EVER!! He's definitely accumulated lots of brownie points!

He took me to Venice, was so romantic and we really let our hair down, haven't laughed so much in such a long time.
Reality hit me with a thud when we came back, had a meltdown in the car on the way back from the airport but it was probably a delayed reaction to last Monday. I feel better again today.
I'm still trying to catch up on everyone's posts, seems I've come back at an exciting time, I feel like everyday is a cliffhanger on this thread!!
Nina - Your temps are looking so good and don't mock the nausea... are you forgetting I threw my guts up after feeling sick from dpo 6-9!!!

I also didn't have any implantation bleeding or dip, so your symptoms to me look amazing!!!!
Blue - I'm so sorry your hubby's being a silly one! I feel sorry for men, we women tend to let it all out, say how we feel, get reassurance etc and this place is the best thing ever. You can vent, get honest advice and get answers. Our poor men are left to think up wild and wonderful things and then deal with them on their own. If he's really worried, you should go to the doctor's, it's not difficult for them to do a test on his sperm and then he'll know and they can explain to him there's nothing wrong and that he needs to STOP smoking now!!!
Lindsay - I'm glad the spotting has stopped. Remember if you didn't have an implantation bleed this could just have been that. Most women that don't have the initial bleed tend to get spotting later, I'm sure that's all it is. Remember you've seen a healthy bean and a heartbeat of 182 is amazingly good, I'm sure this is it for you, sending you lots of sticky sticky sticky baby dust! And the nausea is such a good symptom, long live sickness!!!

Although I know it's not nice to have and I hope the ginger cookies help (they sound yummy!).
Crysshae - Your chart looks A-Mazing!!!!! When will you be testing? Oh please feed my obsession to read up on other people's symptoms...!!! What symptoms are you having??
Literati Love - Hope you're having a good Labour Day off! I'm back at work today

. Your chart is looking amazing too, my ovulation day moved lots too with temping but to the eye it was obvious when it should have put the crosshairs but it didn't seem to get the 'right' date until I was about 9dpo. Not sure how it works but it definitely keeps us guessing!!

I miss charting so much I've decided to get back to it from tomorrow. Can't hurt I guess and can only arm my doctor with more information.
Looking at your chart you look like you've got all bases covered, I'm excited for you to hit that BFP, I'm so certain this is your month. Don't ask me why but I've got a feeling...!
Mrs A - How are you doing?
Another update from me, I think I've got a urine infection, maybe? I've got really bad lower back pain, no pain otherwise. I guess it could do with the d&c but just weird how much it hurts. Tempted to book an appointment with my doctor but I can't stand the look of sympathy and she will give me that look hearing about the miscarriage!
I feel even happier today than I've felt for a week, I've eaten a slab of cake and I've got that sweet sick feeling going on and I love that, I love cake!!