Blue - Glad you got rid of the other test. I hope your hubby takes what you said to heart and stops smoking and stressing! I am sorry you are feeling like there's no point in trying anymore. That is definitely very understandable but I hope you can find it in you to pick yourself up and try again. After all, this could be your month! You really never know!
Crys - Your chart looks great! Nice self control in not testing yet. I can't wait til you start testing and hopefully see a positive! hehe!
Aleeah - That is very true. You may feel fine the one day, and totally NOT fine the next, and that is very okay. When I was first recovering from mine, I hated when people asked "how I was doing." Like what was I supposed to say? Just because I'm in an okay mood and I'm not thinking about things too much one day doesn't mean it still doesn't hurt deep down.
Ovufriend is working for me now. I use firefox so not sure if using another browser would make a difference. Weird that it isn't showing up for you either.
It really is awful about how people brush things off and think you can just try again and it's no big deal. That is NOT supportive or understanding at all and I wish people would stop. That is awful that you can't talk to your mom anymore.

She sounds like she was amazingly supportive and talking to her would be just what you need. I am sure she is very proud that you are now the heaviest you've ever been.
Good to hear you got some medical attention. Hopefully everything clears up soon. And definitely hope your hCG levels go down to normal again ASAP!
Lindsay - Sorry to hear you're still having some bleeding. It's really too bad they can't do anything at this point but I am sure you will get some more reassurance soon. Hopefully the bleeding subsides for good. That will be good to discuss this with your family doctor. Hopefully she can make you feel a bit better. It is impossible not to worry, I know, but sounds like you are doing your best.
AFM, I don't think I could be pregnant, really. My temps aren't particularly great this month, and my symptoms are very similar to previous NON-pregnant cycles. I know every pregnancy is different and that is what I'm counting on, but I really don't feel too optimistic today. I just really, really want to be pregnant again already and don't want to wait another month or who-knows-how-long to finally get there. *sigh*
I've had trouble sleeping the last three nights now...not sure what that's about (although, again, sometimes I get insomnia from PMS). My headaches have subsided but I'm still hoping those were a good sign somehow.