Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Wow, Lindsay! That is a scary situation but I'm so glad you went to the hospital to get it checked out as I'm sure you would have been in a panic otherwise. That *is* a great sign that the baby's heart is still beating away. I'm sure there's some other explanation for the bleeding. I just hope it stops for GOOD because that is a stress you do NOT need on your plate right now. I hate how clinical all the er doctors are about these things. It wouldn't hurt to acknowledge your feelings and the fact that it's your beautiful little baby in there, not just a blob with "fetal cardiac activity." Argh...forget about that. At least you know your baby is ok in there right now...and I'm sure that will remain the case. :hugs:
Lindsay :hugs: That must have been so scary, but it's relieving your baby is snuggled in there safe and it's heart is beating away.
Aleeah!! Your Hubbie is amazing ! Haha that sounds soo romantic !! You both definitely deserved it!!! I'd go see doc. Just go in with only speaking about what you went for and don't let her say anything if you think it will make you upset! That's what I do !!

Linds that sounds awful ! I hope you are ok and managed to sleep a little last night ! You did the best thing doing to ER. You got to see with your own eyes that your little button is still fighting strong and loving his/her warm hiding place!

And on his sperm count, I binned the other test (that he asked for last night) and told him that I don't believe it at all and not to worry about it. Also told him that smoking is one of the worst things to be doing while we are trying to conceive. I told him I have made changes in order to try make it more possible to be able to conceive and if he really wants it then so should he. So I don't know wether he took it in or not we shal see. He says he's stressing about it all because he wantit soo bad...
Aleeah - Welcome back! Such a sweet hubby you have. Your meltdown is definitely expected. You need to let it all out. Sorry I have nothing really for you to obsess over. Lol. I'm doing very well with self control this cycle....so far. No testing yet and trying not to over analyze anything. That may be a different story this time tomorrow, but so far I'm doing well. :wacko:

Lindsay - I'm so glad your little one is safe and snug in there with a strong heartbeat and hope and pray the bleeding you're having turns out to be no cause for concern whatsoever.

Blue - I hope your DH listened to you and all will get straightened out soon.

Nina - I hope your signs are very positive! I've never had IB.

Lindsay - I hope your symptoms are a positive sign too!
Lindsay - I'm sorry you've had such a fright but so pleased to hear little bean is still going strong :happydance:. I hope this is the last of your scare's, it's good they can't see any blood or anything inside, as hopefully that means you won't see anymore now.

Literati - So strange we had our meltdowns at the same time. I think I'm ok now but I'm not going to keep saying I'm ok as I've learnt sometime's I won't be ok and that's fine too.

I feel like other family members just brush it all off and say it'll happen when it happens and then move onto talking about their own children and pregnancies. It's hard, it's why I miss my mum so much now. I know she cared, like really cared, I know she listened and I know I trusted her opinion, I listened to her advice. I try and imagine what she would say now and walk in the footsteps she'd lead me with. That's helped a lot, every time I'm down now, I think what would my Mum say? And most of the time I giggle at that, as she'd probably tell me to eat more!! Her answer was always food! I don't weigh a lot and she always thought that was down to starvation (it's not!!) and so she'd always tell me my issue was food! I hope she's proud now, I'm the heaviest I've ever been!!!!!!:haha::mamafy:

I still can't see your temps on OvuFriend, might be my laptop though. I've found OvuFriend works better through GoogleChrome for me than it does through Internet Explorer but that could be because of my work security restrictions. Your symptoms sound SO good!! I really hope this is your month.:thumbup:

Crysshae - No news is good news I guess!:flower: Still an exciting thread, hopefully good news on some more BFP's soon.

Blue - I'm so glad you binned the other test, sometimes men really do need shaking!! Hoping your chat has done the job with him.

So I caved and went to the doctors this morning, well actually I just called up to see if they could give me anything for my back and they insisted I go in and see them. So I don't have a UTI, that was all clear but to rule out any form of infection (from the d&c etc) I've been put on antibiotics for a week. They also did a pregnancy test but as expected that was still showing a strong positive. I've got to have bloods done 3 days apart in the next few weeks to see if my hormones are dropping as they should. I got the sympathy look and chat, asking me if I wanted a sicknote for work etc. But I know my doctor means well, so I just sort of brushed it off.

Awk that's all you need Aleeah! Glad that they have took some action though. I hate when people say 'it will happen when it is supposed to happen or when it does happen 'That is no comfort at all and it actually makes me want to scream in their face ! Why do people say that. I actually said it to a girl the other day after she said it to me the week before and she got angry haha! One rule for one and a different for another! I want it to happen when i want it!i like to be in control. I hope your levels go down like their supposed to!

Crys- you have some will power!

I have still managed to avoid BDing... Don't know whats Wrong with me this month its scared me a little haha!!!!! As the months go on just feels like its not going to hAppen so what's the point in trying... Haha but I don't feel fully like that if you get me. OH wants to try try try now though... Maybe that's what's putting me off ! Haha.

Cd 9 may leave it till cd 10... Lolxxx
Blue, glad to hear you threw out the other test, sounds like it's been way more trouble than it's worth. I hope OH listened to you and will start to make some changes!

Aleeah, glad to hear you went to the doctor and hopefully the antibiotics will take care of it if it is any type of infection. I'm sure your mum would be very proud of you, and not just because you've taken her advice and eaten more ;) but because of how well you have handled everything :hugs:

Crys, I'm very impressed with your will power!! Looking forward to hearing your updates as they come.

LL, Nina, how are you ladies doing today? Any symptom spotting?

I had a little more bleeding yesterday evening. Same as before, dark red and a little more than what I would call "spotting", but still no cramps. I called the OB's office this morning and they told me that dark red or brown is nothing to be concerned about and that I should just monitor things and try not to worry too much about it (ha, I wish they would tell me how to not worry because I am not very good at that!). The only other thing they would do is book an ultrasound if I hadn't had one yesterday morning. Doctor is only in weds/thurs this week and is fully booked, but and said there's nothing more I can do at this point, just monitor and go back to the hospital, or call them, if anything gets worse. I am seeing my family doctor tomorrow though, it was originally scheduled as an appointment to get the results of last week's ultrasound, but I will discuss the bleeding with her too - who knows, maybe she'll even try to find the heartbeat with her doppler.

Hope everyone has a great day :)
Blue - Glad you got rid of the other test. I hope your hubby takes what you said to heart and stops smoking and stressing! I am sorry you are feeling like there's no point in trying anymore. That is definitely very understandable but I hope you can find it in you to pick yourself up and try again. After all, this could be your month! You really never know! :)

Crys - Your chart looks great! Nice self control in not testing yet. I can't wait til you start testing and hopefully see a positive! hehe!

Aleeah - That is very true. You may feel fine the one day, and totally NOT fine the next, and that is very okay. When I was first recovering from mine, I hated when people asked "how I was doing." Like what was I supposed to say? Just because I'm in an okay mood and I'm not thinking about things too much one day doesn't mean it still doesn't hurt deep down.

Ovufriend is working for me now. I use firefox so not sure if using another browser would make a difference. Weird that it isn't showing up for you either.

It really is awful about how people brush things off and think you can just try again and it's no big deal. That is NOT supportive or understanding at all and I wish people would stop. That is awful that you can't talk to your mom anymore. :( She sounds like she was amazingly supportive and talking to her would be just what you need. I am sure she is very proud that you are now the heaviest you've ever been. ;)

Good to hear you got some medical attention. Hopefully everything clears up soon. And definitely hope your hCG levels go down to normal again ASAP!

Lindsay - Sorry to hear you're still having some bleeding. It's really too bad they can't do anything at this point but I am sure you will get some more reassurance soon. Hopefully the bleeding subsides for good. That will be good to discuss this with your family doctor. Hopefully she can make you feel a bit better. It is impossible not to worry, I know, but sounds like you are doing your best. :hugs:

AFM, I don't think I could be pregnant, really. My temps aren't particularly great this month, and my symptoms are very similar to previous NON-pregnant cycles. I know every pregnancy is different and that is what I'm counting on, but I really don't feel too optimistic today. I just really, really want to be pregnant again already and don't want to wait another month or who-knows-how-long to finally get there. *sigh*

I've had trouble sleeping the last three nights now...not sure what that's about (although, again, sometimes I get insomnia from PMS). My headaches have subsided but I'm still hoping those were a good sign somehow.
So I'm watching 'this morning' (a chat show sort of thing that's on in the mornings here in the UK) and one of the topic of conversations is 'selling your positive pregnancy tests online'!!!

I cannot believe that people actually do that!! I'm not sure if I'm more weirded out by the people selling or the people buying!!

What's your opinions girls! Its mad right ??? Xxx
So I'm watching 'this morning' (a chat show sort of thing that's on in the mornings here in the UK) and one of the topic of conversations is 'selling your positive pregnancy tests online'!!!

I cannot believe that people actually do that!! I'm not sure if I'm more weirded out by the people selling or the people buying!!

What's your opinions girls! Its mad right ??? Xxx

Hey I saw that too!! Went into work a bit later today. I know totally mad!! Why would you lie about being pregnant, surely it would be a great big mess to get yourself into?! x

AFM, I don't think I could be pregnant, really. My temps aren't particularly great this month, and my symptoms are very similar to previous NON-pregnant cycles. I know every pregnancy is different and that is what I'm counting on, but I really don't feel too optimistic today. I just really, really want to be pregnant again already and don't want to wait another month or who-knows-how-long to finally get there. *sigh*

I've had trouble sleeping the last three nights now...not sure what that's about (although, again, sometimes I get insomnia from PMS). My headaches have subsided but I'm still hoping those were a good sign somehow.

My temps weren't anywhere near as high as I'd thought they should be and I still got a BFP and that was with twins, so you really never know. You're not out until the witch shows her face and I'm really hoping she doesn't for you. The headaches and lack of sleep were some of my only consistent symptoms through early dpo part of pregnancy, so don't be disheartened, I'm still rooting for you xx

I have still managed to avoid BDing... Don't know whats Wrong with me this month its scared me a little haha!!!!! As the months go on just feels like its not going to hAppen so what's the point in trying... Haha but I don't feel fully like that if you get me. OH wants to try try try now though... Maybe that's what's putting me off ! Haha.

Cd 9 may leave it till cd 10... Lolxxx

Please don't give up Blue, remember you've got to be in it to win it and you know you can! I know it's hard and to be honest we too gave up for a while after the first miscarriage this year but eventually picked ourselves back up with no pressure, just had fun. It's hard I know.

We were very naughty in Venice, felt back to the fun old us before the pressure of all this. Hubby's a bit thick though and keeps insisting on not using any protection. I think he thinks we can still have a miracle baby naturally :wacko:. We've been told to stop trying, this is why Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus!! It was only CD 4 to 6 (I had no bleeding following the m/c), so at least I know we won't have caught that early on. I hope I've now convinced him to use protection otherwise he's on his own!! :haha:

Lindsay - I'm so sorry you've had some more blood but I'm pleased it was only a tiny amount. I'm praying for you, the fact that little bean is still beating away is such a GOOD sign. Try and rest up lots and lots, I've read from other ladies that have had bleeding and gone onto have successful pregnancies that they rested lots following the bleeding. :hugs:

Crysshae - How are you?? When's the testing commencing??? xx

Nina - How are you doing?

I'm having ANOTHER good day!! We're so busy with friends and family between now and our October appointment that I think I'm hardly going to have time to think about stuff, which isn't a bad thing. Planning to go back to Uni too.... eek! Only part time, but it's something I wanted to do and might help distract me for a while too. Of course I'll only be doing boring accountancy but I'm looking forward to researching it etc.

DH saw something about that the other day. Something about the women buy them to get their boyfriends to pop the question?? That's pathetic and dishonest. The women selling them are just as pathetic but smarter as they make money off of other women's stupidity.
Blue, I read about that somewhere and thought it was odd. Wait, it's coming back to me... I read about someone wanting to buy a +HPT from someone. She got really bad comments. I can't remember why someone would sell/buy something like that. When I feel down and want to see a second line I just pee on an OPK. I guess there's a lid for every pot though huh?
Doesn't make me mad just kind of dumbfounded by humanity sometimes.
Sorry if this offends anyone...


Aleeah, I'm happy to hear you're having good days. Breaking down sometimes is normal :hugs: I'm glad you had a good holiday, and Venice! What a lucky woman you are to have a guy like that! He's a keeper! ;)

Lindsay, Big hugs. Can't they squeeze you in, or can't you squeeze in between people? I'm not sure how it works there, but my doctor lets "special emergencies" in between patients. Some people never show up and don't bother to cancel. Even if there's nothing he can do- he should know. I hope you can get in.

AFM- Bleh. Had a major meltdown in the shower last night. I had such a miserable year. I'm so tired of this temping and hoping and disappointment. It's not fair that I'm in a worse place this year than last, isn't it only supposed to get better? It's not fair that people who started trying after us already have a baby in their arms, or will have one before us.
I've been testing, and gotten super faint almost not there positives. Last pregnancy this happened as well, and my first bloods came back at 7. So it must have picked up something much lower. Like what happened with Nat. This morning I got another super faint second line.
That pregnancy didn't end well (even though my numbers more than doubled in the beginning) Since I got this first positive much earlier than the previous one, I'm hoping it's just a different story. I'm not going to test again until AF is due- Monday, and pray the line gets darker.
Last time I was so stressed out from the damn IC. I don't want that again. Ugh. How did I put myself in this messy position again?!
Blue, I was going to ask why on earth someone would sell or buy a positive pregnancy test... but now I see Crys' post, lol. That's crazy and I wouldn't ever do that. I would agree though, I think it's weirder to buy them.... at least the people selling them are making some money, haha.

LL, don't give up! Temps tell you you've ovulated, and you BD'd at the right time so you definitely have a good chance :)

Aleeah, I'm really glad to hear you're having some good days, you deserve it! Good for you going back to uni, that'll definitely keep you busy with something positive. When I was in uni doing my masters I decided that this was definitely it for me, and I wasn't going back again, lol. However, whenever I take a course for work I always reminisce about how much I did enjoy uni (the learning part, not the crazy busy with projects and assignments part, lol) and wonder about going back part time but never sure what I'd want to take.

Nina, Crys? How are you ladies doing? Any testing?

As for me, fingers crossed the bleeding seems to have stopped for now. Just had old brown blood that tapered off into almost nothing over the day yesterday. I hope it stays gone because I feel like I'm just barely managing to hold on to my sanity! I took it really easy with work yesterday (cancelled a couple of my pediatric clients). Today is a little busier, but not going to have to be running around too much so that's good... at least work keeps my mind occupied.
I know crys it wouldnt be me on either end of that!!! how could you get yourself out of it without making more of a mess for yourself!!!

I know i really do need to be in it to win it!! not been feeling 100% think i may have a bug!! Felt totally sick this morning so phoned my boss and told her i wasnt coming in! Think im cd10 or 11 so i better start! my opt arent working either!! ordered a new one but dont think it will be here in time so might be doing it blind this month!!!

glad your having another good day Aleeah!! Men are really silly. mine asked me if i was pregnant this morning because i was being sick haha!!! i sent him off to work and told him not to be stupid. i think he just wants some sexy time and im running away from him!!! aaaargh!!!

I think that if you're doing it "blind" this month- it'll be your month ;) Doesn't it always work out like that?!
Hope you're feeling better!
Nina - I so hope this is it for you!

Lindsay - I'm glad the bleeding has tapered off. I hope you can get some reassurance again soon.
Blue - I agree with Nina. Going in blind might just do it for you. However...you do have to actually BD to get there. :haha:
Aww Nina im sorry your having such a rough time!!! It will get better !! It has to!! your super early for a bright positive!! if this is it happening then a slight positive this early is really good!! dont put yourself down!!

Linds soo glad your doing better too!! been thinking about you!!
and yeah i dont agree with the selling and buying of the tests! its just crazy crazy crazy!!!

Haha nina i need to stop running away from his penis first! haha xxx
AFM- Bleh. Had a major meltdown in the shower last night. I had such a miserable year. I'm so tired of this temping and hoping and disappointment. It's not fair that I'm in a worse place this year than last, isn't it only supposed to get better? It's not fair that people who started trying after us already have a baby in their arms, or will have one before us.
I've been testing, and gotten super faint almost not there positives. Last pregnancy this happened as well, and my first bloods came back at 7. So it must have picked up something much lower. Like what happened with Nat. This morning I got another super faint second line.
That pregnancy didn't end well (even though my numbers more than doubled in the beginning) Since I got this first positive much earlier than the previous one, I'm hoping it's just a different story. I'm not going to test again until AF is due- Monday, and pray the line gets darker.
Last time I was so stressed out from the damn IC. I don't want that again. Ugh. How did I put myself in this messy position again?!

Nina :hugs: I'm really sorry you're having a rough day. You're perfectly entitled to a meltdown, you have had a bad year and it really sucks that life is so unfair sometimes.... it's hard to make sense of it. I am sure your baby will come soon... and who knows, maybe it's just shy and already hiding out there ;) I hope you have a nice, definite positive by monday!!

My family doctor will squeeze me in for emergencies, but it sounds like the OB does not do that. They told me if things get worse I can go to the "assessment centre" at the womens hospital. They apparently have an early pregnancy team and will scan me if necessary. I already had an appointment with my family doctor this afternoon, so at least I can get her take on things.

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