Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Well I offered it up to him last night... He fell asleep! Haha... Blew down by my man haha!

Crys have you tested this morning ? Xxx
Awww man! That stinks. Good luck today.

Not yet...probably will in a little while.
Blue - I may sound a little perverse, so forgive me if I do... but he's probably released his swimmers when he did the test? I don't know what the tests are but I imagined what my hubby will need to do (he'll have those in the October checks they do on us) and I imagine it's the sort of thing that will make me screw my face up at the sound of it :wacko:!! I remember when we had a lean period of baby dancing, before we were trying for a baby, so just dancing I guess!:blush: And I asked him straight out if his hand had been helping him and he admitted it had...!!!:dohh: I've never felt so traumatized!! I know men do it but god I never want to know..!!!! He's found honesty is NOT the best policy with that subject since though!:haha:

Crysshae - Same as LL, you're not out yet!! I too spent hours trawling through looking at other people's charts feeling so sad about mine, I think Nina even commented on a post of mine when I was upset I hadn't had the temp dip or implantation bleeding and lo and behold I was already up the duff. So don't count yourself out! :flower:

Nina - Shanah Tovah to you!! (I didn't just google that...!) :winkwink::haha: Seriously though, you deserve to have an amazing year and I've no doubt you will, it's exciting, this is a fresh clean start for you and hubby and a start that will no doubt have a gorgeous squidgy baby in it in no time at all. Thank you so much for your lovely words, they made me feel all warm inside.:flower:

Lindsay - I'm so glad your appointment went well and pleased there have been no more episodes. Am glad they're checking your HCG levels and they can be a good indicator of things. I'm getting mine checked this Friday actually and then again on Monday, I'm praying mine drop!

Interesting you had some bleeding later on too, I don't mind it, it's a great excuse to keep hubby's paws off me! He seems to be very amorous, think he thinks he's Super Sperm Man and can fix things by getting me pregnant again! He's actually Super Idiot Man!!

Literati - My charts too were all over the place last time and I still somehow got a BFP, so you're not out. You're not out until the witch rears her ugly head and remember you've had some great symptoms this month :thumbup:. I was stunned to get a BFP everytime, I think we all forget that the cramping or PMS symptoms are so similar to early pregnancy symptoms and so they add to the confusion.

I'm not going to go on the pill, as I haven't been on it for 8-9 years now and was advised by the doctors not to take anything hormonal as they won't be able to accurately test me in October, so back to the good old fashioned way of relying on condoms. But right now, my method of contraception is keeping hubby on his side of the bed and me on mine!! Best method going I'd say!!!:haha:

So I'm still ok, work is keeping me very busy at the moment, which is good. Can you believe I put on half a stone in the last pregnancy and I was only 10 weeks when I had the D&C...:wacko:!! So just been working on getting back into shape, other than that still feeling good.

What Aleeah says is true. I forgot about the test, Blue.

Aleeah - Lol! My advice - don't ask what you don't want to know. :haha:

Glad you're feeling well. I know you're not interested right now, but hubby being extra amorous can be a good sign. You mentioned before he wasn't up for it very much but did his duty at the right time of the month. So, him being more in the mood could be due to higher testosterone levels which make healthier sperm. And y'all "enjoyed" your vacation - the more you have it, the more you want it. That could've helped out his mood too. Good luck keeping him at bay.
Crys - I'm excited to hear! Your chart looks SO great. I'm almost jealous. :blush:

Aleeah - That sucks you have to use condoms. I hate them SO much (well, mostly DH hates them, which in turn ruins them for me as well :p). But sounds like there's a good reason to stay off the pill! And of course your current method of protection is the best and easiest of all. ;)

I really hope I am "pleasantly surprised" this month...but who knows. All I know is I'm getting very antsy with this wait!

Good luck losing your pregnancy weight. :S So weird how our bodies change anyway, even if our pregnancies aren't going well. :S

How is everyone else today?

I had another little cry last night...but it felt very healing. Today I am living dangerously and allowing myself to get excited. I spent a little too much time today (while at work :blush:) calculating all my possible due dates for the next year, and then I figured out when we would start trying for our 2nd if I was already pregnant this month and had a baby in May 2014 (the answer is: November 2015). Now, I know I shouldn't be letting my imagination run wild with me, but I really can't help it and it feels good to be excited for once. *sigh*

No pregnancy symptoms today. I am just really grumpy and rather emotional these days, but as you said since PMS is so similar to pregnancy symptoms, it's impossible to know.

Sadly, I might not get on here tonight because I'm going to have to babysit my nieces and nephew at their house (the only way I'll be able to is if I can sneakily acquire their wi-fi password :haha:). My nieces are 4 (almost 5) and 2 (almost 3), and then my little nephew is 6 months. TBH I'm not looking forward to entertaining my nieces so much, but I'm excited by the prospect of holding my sweet baby nephew in my arms, even if he's not mine. Holding babies hasn't really made me sad lately...it just feels SO satisfying and perfect and makes me realize how much I want to hold my own.
Oh! I forgot to say earlier. BFN!

I'm beginning to think I'm either pregnant or I need to have my hormones checked. Lol. I was looking at puppies on a shelter site, and I started crying when I looked at one of them. Yes, I love animals, but I have NEVER EVER NEVER cried when looking at a shelter page, and I have looked at those A LOT.

Have fun babysitting, LL. We freely give out our wifi password to anyone who visits, unless we don't know them well. Everyone needs wifi these days, so if you visit us, you get to use our wifi.

I hope your being emotional is a good sign, not just PMS...as well I hope that for me too. Lol. That truly is crazy for me to cry like that.
LL, I already told DH that I am not waiting to try for #2. I plan on starting on the next munchkin as soon as #1 is born.
With our luck, after trying for so long and with miscarriages, we'll probably get pregnant right away, like on the first try, LOL!

I always thought it would be nice to have a 2 year, or maybe even 3 between kids, but now after I know how hard it is to have one, we're not going to wait.
I know, I know.

Lol, Nina! That probably would be the case.
Blue, hopefully OH would be so tired tonight ;) Any signs of another mammoth egg coming your way?

Aleeah, "super sperm man" lol, that made me laugh.... I'm envisioning a superhero costume with a cape and a slogan... perhaps something like "super sperm man to the rescue! Here to solve all of your ttc needs!!" ahaha. Hopefully Crys is right and him being more amorous is a good sign ;) Have you managed to convince him not to try until October? Hopefully your levels drop and your cycle goes back to normal quickly. Yes, I am glad they're checking hcg levels, but I've done a bit of googling and apparently levels sometimes (normally) start dropping around 9 - 10 weeks anyway... so I'm really hoping I'm not one of those people, because then I'm going to wish she never send me for the blood tests.

LL, there's nothing wrong with starting to get excited about it! The month we got pregnant (before I knew) I decided we were going to start getting the spare room in order. It's set up as an office right now and we needed to get rid of some furniture, so we did... and then cleaned and organized the whole thing. It made me feel good to be doing something like that :) I hope you have a good time babysitting tonight!

Crys, fingers crossed that is a sign!

Nina, yep, that probably would be the case, lol. Hubby and I are not sure if we want 1 or 2 kids... we're going to start with one and see how it goes. Knowing myself I think I will want 2, and if we do we'll probably have a bit of a gap between them - 12 - 18 months (of course things don't always work out according to plan, lol).

I got my hcg levels from yesterday, they were a little over 138,000 which was actually above the norms for 8 - 12 weeks on the lab work. Now I'm wishing I'd asked what they were on monday... I can't see those ones online, oh well. The brown spotting has become even lighted today so I'm very happy about that :) Otherwise I'm feeling quite tired and nauseous... I slept for 11 hours last night (with a few bathroom breaks, lol) and I still feel like I could go for a nap!
That's great your spotting is getting progressively better. I hope the hcg levels do give you the reassurance you need. And those symptoms are still very positive! Can you call and ask about the first level?
That's great your spotting is getting progressively better. I hope the hcg levels do give you the reassurance you need. And those symptoms are still very positive! Can you call and ask about the first level?

Yeah, I probably could call and ask, but the doctor is going to call on Saturday so I think I'll just wait. I have another blood test tomorrow and will probably be able to see the results of that one friday evening or sat morning so not much longer to wait. I just hope the results are reassuring and not another thing to stress about!
Nina - Haha! You're probably right that it would happen on the first try. But I know what you mean about how difficult it is to even have one so you might as well try RIGHT away. I want a larger gap of about 2-3 years but even though I'm okay with close to 3, I will start trying in time to only have a 2 year gap just in case it takes a really long time. :( So awful that we have to be so aware of the TTC hazards now. It's not just getting pregnant...now it's the staying pregnant. :nope:

May I ask how long you tried for your first? And how long have you been trying since the m/c?

Crys - Those hormones sound like a good sign! I know I occasionally have a really emotional PMS and think I must be pregnant...but hopefully since you NEVER have this that it must mean that you're pregnant! I know I definitely cried over E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G when I was pregnant. So exciting that you're getting close to finding out for sure!

Thanks... I did have fun babysitting. I never found out the wifi password, but with 3 kids and only one me, I didn't have time anyway :p

Lindsay - Thanks! It felt good to be excited. That is really nice that you cleaned out your spare room before you found out you were pregnant. Haha, we already have a "baby room" and we have our first piece of baby furniture in there: a handmade wooden toy box. My hubby also made me a chalkboard and it's hanging on one of the walls for me to take all my baby bump pics beside! We also have some cute art up already (we didn't buy it for the baby - it was ours but on the "kiddish" side). At the moment I also have a set of onesies hanging on the closet door; they're the onesies I bought the very first day I was pregnant. I was so excited that I even told to cashier I was pregnant just so that I could tell someone. Sigh. Moral of the story is - that room is READY for a baby any time now! ;)

That sounds great that your hCG levels were on the high side for your stage in pregnancy! And I do hope the next results don't cause unnecessary worry, since it is normal for them to already start decreasing by now! I suppose now is a bad time to be testing. :S But at least you know they are at a very good level, so you're probably fine! That's wonderful your spotting has lightened up, and still a good sign that you're so tired and nauseous, even though it's miserable. I really think this bleeding thing was just a scare, and you are on your way to your take home baby. By the way - when is your due date? :)

12-18 months is such a short gap between kids! Wow! I don't think I could handle that. Some people swear by it though. They like to get the baby stage all over at once. Before this whole miscarriage fiasco, my husband and I both wanted 4 kids. Now that this has happened, I still really want 4 kids, but just don't know if I'll be emotionally able to handle it all. I guess we'll see how it goes and if the next 3 pregnancies go well, we will try for a 4th...but if I keep having miscarriages I definitely won't bother. :( Who knows if I'll even get one baby....

Blue - Surely your husband hasn't turned you down two nights in a row. Any luck tonight?

My babysitting gig went well, but I am EXHAUSTED. I have no idea how my sister in law does it all the time! Trying to balance a baby on your hip while trying to prepare food and clean up after the kidlets while they pepper you with a million questions and requests is exhausting! I took the kids outside to play, so it was nice having the girls run around and entertain themselves while I entertained the baby. Even so, I felt like a zombie the entire time and caught myself staring straight ahead and zoning out a lot. Moms are SUPERHEROS, I tell you. I felt very thankful that (usually) you don't get 3 babies all at once! If I ever get my rainbow baby, it will probably just be the one at first...which is nice. I need to ease into motherhood, thank you!

Hope you all had a great night. Sorry I am SO chatty tonight. I guess I was craving some big-person talk after tonight.
LL, we started TTC last June.
Got pregnant first cycle after the miscarriage in April (in June) and this would be our second cycle since June.
I never thought it would take that long, and I knew miscarriages happened, and were common, but never thought it would happen to me. I also never heard of a missed miscarriage. Didn't know something like that could even happen :(
Sorry trying to catchup with all the posts. I have the flu. In bed all day to the deed was not happening yesterday either but my OPK's came I got a neg anyway to i don't feel so bad. Temps are off today too! I'm sore all Over so I wouldn't let OH near me !! I haven't caught up with every post I will whee I feel better!

Hope everyone's doing well! Xxx
LL - Babysitting other people's kids is completely different than taking care of your own. You're not around all the time, so the kids want to know everything as well as see what they can get you to do and show off sometimes too. I'm glad you had fun.

Blue - I'm so sorry you're feeling icky. I hope it's just a short-lived bug and you feel better very soon. And a peak on your monitor - isn't that just the way it goes? What do you think you'll do?

How is everyone else today?
Oh Blue, So sorry about that, maybe you'll feel better in the evening to DTD?

I'm starting something as well, stuffy nose, sneezing all day, super tired and sore throat. I was sick as a dog for about 3 weeks in my first pregnancy, so taking this as a good sign. No fever though, well, it's a low fever so doesn't count.
LL, glad you had a good evening :) Also glad I'm not the only one who has started preparing the baby room, haha. I felt kinda weird about doing anything about it before I was pregnant... I'm not sure why.... but then finally decided, who cares, it needs to be done, why not do it now and start to get excited. We have not bought a thing yet! I have a couple friends (in real life) who know about this pregnancy and they are really surprised that I haven't. I know it sounds silly but I just don't want to jinx things. My mom is ready though, lol, she told me last night that she was sooo excited to start buying baby stuff.

Yes, I hope the bleeding was just a scare. I think there was something that bled on monday morning and it has stopped and the brown spotting is just the remainder working itself out. I am hopeful for todays hcg levels because I feel gross this morning, lol.... in any case I am preparing myself that they may stay the same or drop a little bit. Most things I've read though say there's no point in checking hcg levels after 8 weeks and I'll have an appointment with the OB on thursday so if I'm freaking out hopefully she can provide some reassurance or send me for another scan.

As for the age gaps, I meant to say 12 - 18 months before we would start trying again, lol. I am finding myself rather scattered these days.

Blue, sorry to hear you've got the flu! What bad timing eh? Hopefully you'll feel better really soon and get several days of peak like last month so you won't miss your chance.

Nina, I hope you feel better soon too! Have you tested again?

Crys, how about you, have you tested again?

Aleeah, I hope you're having a good day :)

I'm doing alright... just tired and really glad it's friday.
Well OH came Home for lunch and managed to Dtd... Feel dead on my feet now but least I never ran haha! Nina anything today ?

Linds glad things have settled down for you can't believe your 9 weeks already!

I would like a two year age gap at least but think I will starts trying after a year as long as everything goes well. I always wanted four. But I'm struggling with do I have another wo more and then that's me at four or do I go ahead and have another three (singletons). It's a hard one. I think I will let me body and mind decide at the time I MIT just want the one when that one is here! Xxx

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