Blue - I may sound a little perverse, so forgive me if I do... but he's probably released his swimmers when he did the test? I don't know what the tests are but I imagined what my hubby will need to do (he'll have those in the October checks they do on us) and I imagine it's the sort of thing that will make me screw my face up at the sound of it

!! I remember when we had a lean period of baby dancing, before we were trying for a baby, so just dancing I guess!

And I asked him straight out if his hand had been helping him and he admitted it had...!!!

I've never felt so traumatized!! I know men do it but god I never want to know..!!!! He's found honesty is NOT the best policy with that subject since though!
Crysshae - Same as LL, you're not out yet!! I too spent hours trawling through looking at other people's charts feeling so sad about mine, I think Nina even commented on a post of mine when I was upset I hadn't had the temp dip or implantation bleeding and lo and behold I was already up the duff. So don't count yourself out!
Nina - Shanah Tovah to you!! (I didn't just google that...!)

Seriously though, you deserve to have an amazing year and I've no doubt you will, it's exciting, this is a fresh clean start for you and hubby and a start that will no doubt have a gorgeous squidgy baby in it in no time at all. Thank you so much for your lovely words, they made me feel all warm inside.
Lindsay - I'm so glad your appointment went well and pleased there have been no more episodes. Am glad they're checking your HCG levels and they can be a good indicator of things. I'm getting mine checked this Friday actually and then again on Monday, I'm praying mine drop!
Interesting you had some bleeding later on too, I don't mind it, it's a great excuse to keep hubby's paws off me! He seems to be very amorous, think he thinks he's Super Sperm Man and can fix things by getting me pregnant again! He's actually Super Idiot Man!!
Literati - My charts too were all over the place last time and I still somehow got a BFP, so you're not out. You're not out until the witch rears her ugly head and remember you've had some great symptoms this month

. I was stunned to get a BFP everytime, I think we all forget that the cramping or PMS symptoms are so similar to early pregnancy symptoms and so they add to the confusion.
I'm not going to go on the pill, as I haven't been on it for 8-9 years now and was advised by the doctors not to take anything hormonal as they won't be able to accurately test me in October, so back to the good old fashioned way of relying on condoms. But right now, my method of contraception is keeping hubby on his side of the bed and me on mine!! Best method going I'd say!!!
So I'm still ok, work is keeping me very busy at the moment, which is good. Can you believe I put on half a stone in the last pregnancy and I was only 10 weeks when I had the D&C...

!! So just been working on getting back into shape, other than that still feeling good.