Nina - I honestly didn't know missed miscarriages existed either. What an awful way to find out for you.

Very sorry this has been such a long process for you.
As for your fainter lines, I don't think you're fooling yourself to think your urine is just diluted. When I tested 2 days after my first BFP, my line was lighter than it was the first time and that was DEFINITELY from diluted urine because I didn't use FMU that time, and my pregnancy was still progressing as normal at that point. Are you going to try testing with FMU tomorrow morning to see? I really hope your lines get darker. That would just be awful if you've had another miscarriage.
Also, a +OPK could definitely be indicating pregnancy! So I wouldn't give up yet!
Blue - oh dear! Sorry you're not feeling well. I'm glad you managed to dtd. This could still be your month!
Sounds good to just see how you feel after the 1st as to whether you want more.
Crys - I'm so glad you said that about babysitting other people's kids because I've always thought that, but thought maybe that was just something I told myself to make myself feel better! haha.
I hope that brown EWCM was IB! That would be nice. That is sooo confusing that FF changed your ov date from that. How does that make sense at all? Wow. Sometimes I think these sites are more trouble than anything!
Lindsay - Ooh, 12-18 months before trying sounds much more reasonable. That would be the same with me! haha. I know - pregnancy brain is awful, right? I can't believe you're almost 10 weeks either. it seems like just yesterday you were 7 weeks! Wow! I hope your appt on thursday goes well and provides some good news. I understand not wanting to 'jinx' things by buying things. I don't believe in jinxing, but I probably won't buy any furniture until the 1st trimester is over. It doesn't really bother me to buy clothes early though.
No major symptoms for me today. Still a bit cranky, but that's it.