Helllo Ladies,
I'm back, sorry, I feel really guilty not being able to get on here much. But I'm so busy with work and weekend was jam packed with family and friends. I'm working with a new online system at work and it's so 'big' other websites crash out, including BnB, so I'm not sure how much I'll be able to post the coming weeks, sorry.
Literati - Going over old posts. So I too ovulated from the right side both months I was pregnant this year. That meant I ovulated right side back to back. I know this, as the scans showed the side. So that would fit your theory but I've no idea how often I ovulate from either side or which side I ovulated from when I got previous BFPs.
Crysshae - A beautiful BFP for a beautiful lady!! Am so pleased for you, excited and ecstatic!! Can't wait to see your updates showing the test line getting darker!! So how are your symptoms now??
Nina - I'm so sorry you're having a hard time

. It's really hard seeing other people, especially on things like Facebook etc getting their BFPs and it's impossible not to feel left out. I understand your pain. I'm not on Facebook, as just never jumped on the band wagon but it's hard to see people falling pregnant literally everywhere around you too. You've just got to remain positive and KNOW this will happen for you, I've no doubt. The others may be right, maybe ntnp might help? I'm sure you'll still know when you ovulate because of ovulation pain etc but at least you'll feel less stressed and you can still catch the egg, so not wasted months either?
Lindsay - I'm glad you're taking it easy, you really should be. It'll help the little bean. Can't wait for your next scan, I hope they do give you a 12 week scan so we can see little bean progressing and turning into a little baby! Hope the nausea has subsided and you're starting to enjoy the pregnancy?
MissyMoo88 - I'm so sorry you've found yourself here, so sorry for your loss. I had a natural miscarriage back in May this year and still hadn't had AF 7 weeks after the m/c (passing the sac) but then suspected I ovulated week 8. I actually caught again that ovulation and fell pregnant with identical twins, unfortunately only to have a mmc again and a D&C 2 weeks ago. So based on if I hadn't falled pregnant again, I'd have had my period 10 weeks after my miscarriage. It's an excruciatingly long time to wait I know, I was ok until 7 weeks and then I started really freaking out. I went to the doctors at 7 weeks with no AF and was told I wouldn't get referred until it had been 12 weeks as my doctor, like yours, didn't want to give me anything due to hormone inbalance.
It'll happen. No amount of people telling me this helped me, it's impossible to move on unless your body moves on with you and so it's hard, so hard when AF doesn't show. My honest advice, stop worrying about it (I know easier said than done) but try and relax, I spent a weekend pampering myself and shopping and not researching or anything and lo and behold I ovulated. I feel bad for you, I know how hard it is but I also want to reassure you it happened for me, it will happen for you too xxx
Blue - I hope you feel better? Bummer you started feeling ill so close to ovulation, my advice, do the deed anyway!! I know it's not easy, it's all gross when you're sweaty ill etc but do it anyway! We did in April this year when I had the flu and got a BFP..! We laughed it must been made out of snot!!

But your body may delay ovulation because you're ill but will hopefully still do it. Have you managed to get much baby dancing in (sorry if you've already said)?
I'm still ok ladies, waiting on test results for my blood tests (Friday and today). And was asked to repeat the urine test, as it was inconclusive?! It wasn't an easy weekend with famly, everyone telling me it'll happen and the doctors are over reacting.... almost led me to want to try again now..... I know that's wrong and I've been told our chance of a healthy baby is so slim now without intervention but I think I might ovulate soon anyway and it's killing me to think we'll miss out. Hubby is obviously all for trying this month but I'm still confused.... HELP!!!