Nina - Thanks.

I really did want to throw a hissy fit when she said that but I think I was too shocked to even react. It hurt so bad and I really hope that when she heard me crying that she felt extremely guilty and wished she could un-do what she said. But I highly doubt that, as she is an insensitive wench and doesn't care about anyone's feelings but her own.
Let's DEFINITELY be cycle buddies and then bump buddies! I am kind of glad we started AF on the same day. It makes it a bit easier to be going through it together, and at least now it will be easy to keep track of each other's cycles as we'll always be on the same CD. What CD do you usually ovulate on? It's been CD12 or CD13 for me the last few "normal" cycles I've had.
Very sorry that you had a bad day as well and keep having mini breakdowns. So do I. I feel like emotionally we're on the same page lately. Lots of crying going on here as well.

It really is so sad that no one will remember your poor babies except you and your husband. It's such an awful way to go for sure. I miss my baby so much. I should be 14 weeks pregnant right now and happy as can be. Instead I don't know when I'll ever get my rainbow baby.
I hope the acupuncture helps relieve some stress. That reminds me I should book a massage one of these days. My health coverage pays for most of it so it's worth it. A baby really would be the best anniversary present for you and your husband. I so hope that is what happens! I
have to believe I will get my BFP this cycle, or I think I may have to admitted to an insane asylum. Seriously...I need my baby...NOW.
Blue - Thanks...I wish I *had* made her feel awful. Unfortunately, our office door was open and I didn't want to air out my business in front of everyone. Plus the fact that I was too shocked to speak.
I don't have a union or anything to go to at work. I will try just going to my doctor first, but if that doesn't work I will be making a formal complain with OH&S. I will get my way one way or another, but my main problem was that they have caused me such emotional distress by refusing to accommodate me. I absolutely hate my job now and can't ever imagine going back.
Lindsay - Thanks. I am planning on getting a doctor's note as you said and they will have to do something. If they still don't accommodate, I will complain to OH&S. I already called them today and the guy said my work definitely had to accommodate so he said if they still didn't I should call back and he will help me out. I have options, but it's just absolutely awful that I have to go through this. I am a shy, timid person who is afraid of conflict and making a scene and now I've had to make such a fuss over this because they're being such jerks. It would all be fine if only the lady who was in charge wasn't PREGNANT without a care in the world. Since she isn't worried, I feel like everyone thinks I'm just making this up to get out of work. But I'm not! I'd much rather just stay silent and not do anything, but I'm legitimately scared about my future baby's safety. I cannot help it that my co-worker is ignorant of the hazards around her. And yes, I do have a window in my office so I can keep it open in the mean time...but that's not going to help when it's -40C outside.
Crys - I can't believe you haven't told your hubby yet! I would find it soo hard to keep it a secret. That's so exciting that you're sharing the news today. It's funny how there's just a switch. One day you have no idea you're pregnant, and the next you suddenly are...and it changes everything. And the rest of us are left behind to wallow in our own misery.
Hope everyone else is doing well. I am only my 2nd glass of wine tonight and it's only 6 pm. I'll be having at least another glass before bed tonight. I just want to stop thinking about this horrible day and the terrible state of my life at the moment. I mean, I know I have it good with a steady job, a great husband and good friends, but there is just such a missing hole without this baby.