Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Yep, definitely still sick and still happy about it too, haha. Hopefully I will have good news after thursday :)

Good idea about ordering pre-seed and pregnancy test strips - way more economical than buying tests from the store! Does this mean you may become one of those people who tests early?? ;) You're probably right, if you get pregnant this month, you won't care that you bought the pre-seed anyway.
Yep... I might cave and test a few days early this time. I found getting a BFN 2 days before AF helped brace me for the reality of this month. So I think I may start testing at about 11 or 12 DPO this month! Heheh! :)
Ugh, stupid web page, just erased my entire message :growlmad:

Lindsay- We've been together for seven years, and this will be our third anniversary. That is a picture from our wedding in my profile, thank you :)
All we wanted to do was relax after the wedding, and I knew that if we flew somewhere I'd just want to walk around and see places and stuff. I am not the sit still kind of person when abroad!

LL- ((handshake)) it's a deal! I thought of buying preseed as well, but keep delaying it for some stupid reason. I probably really should get some, definitely hoping I won't need it though.
I never used to test early before my MC. I always waited until pretty much the day of, or one before. I don't know why I became such a pee freak. The cycle I got my first positive was the only one I POAS at 9dpo, (and got the BFP) I guess I just knew.
I usually ovulate around CD14. You're a bit ahead of me!
There's this older woman in our office whom I talk to a lot, she's in the office next to me.
I didn't tell her about my MC, but one day she walked in and asked why I was sad, I didn't answer, but she offered me a hug and let me cry.

Anyway, a few minutes ago I heard her and the girl she sits with counting change, so I asked if they're going to the vending machine. (I've become addicted to twix) she asked if I wanted something sweet and I said yes.
So she came into my room and asked me if there's a reason I want something sweet. I just looked at her and said I wish. I was on the verge of tears and just wanted to tell her and get another big hug. She told me it'll come, and a new year will bring good things.
Why am I so teary and a hormonal mess these days?
My electricity is off at home so I've ran (drove) all the way to my mother n laws to steal Internet. so I'm just trying to catch up so if I miss anything then I'm sorry.

(This is the third time if written this post as my iPad keeps running out of battery ) haha

Lit- wine and chocolate sounds like just what you need! Hope it's cheered you up a little! I really hope this cycle is your month!

Nina - that little lady seems to know without you telling her ! And a hug is just what you need. Because no words could make you feel better no matter who or what feels better. I love love love love hugs and give them to EVERYONE!! If I where at your end then I'd be hugging you until you felt just a little better! I love the wedding photo of you and Hubbie! It's soo sweet!

Linds -glad anti sickness has helped ! Hopefully it stays away for a wee while!

Crys-how are you have you told Hubbie how did he take it?

How are the rest of the ladies doing ? Xxx
I'm very uncomfortable and bloated feeling down in my womb area not sure if its ovulation happening or bug related. :( xxx
Blue - I hope it's ovulation and not another bug! I get bloated around O time sometimes too.

Nina - You have a right to be emotional. Sounds like the lady at work is very in tune with others' feelings and insightful.

LL - I hope it turns out you don't need the Preseed by the time it gets to you!

Lindsay - How are you feeling? Are you able to eat meals again today?

Aleeah - How are you?

I'm doing well. I showed DH my digi yesterday. He said "Cool!" and asked me a couple questions. By the time we went to bed he said "I get to name this one; right?" Lol.

I officially have pregnancy brain and emotions. I completely forgot to pick up my sister's cat yesterday. Then when I remembered this morning, I was crying over it. I was texting my sister to apologize. I did not mention crying at all or anything, but I was apparently so emotional in my words she guessed I was pregnant!! How does that happen in text?

My oldest daughter knows...on accident too. I just told DH yesterday afternoon after getting a digital BFP. When we went to the store last night, my daughter asked if we needed tampons. I said probably and told her to get the mixed box because she will be due to start in a few days. Then because I said "Do you use the super?" she said "Why? Is there something you want to tell me?"

When I was nauseated all day last Tuesday and then cried over a picture of a shelter dog on Thursday or Friday, I wondered if something was up. This one is not going to be hidden very well for very long. :shrug:
I got preseed last month and used it last month and this month. Hope it works for you ladies! Hehe it's maybe nice that your oldest darter knows cause you can girlie chat with her, how old is she? Xxx
Nina :hugs: You're allowed to be a "teary, hormonal mess" - this trying to make a baby business is a roller coaster ride. Also, re. the preseed - I'm pretty impressed by that stuff. The only 2 months we used it, I got a bfp. I am well aware that it could have been just chance, and we did bd more those 2 months.... however things were timed very well all the other months we tried too because I can tell when I ovulate. I get a lot of ewcm on my own, so had held off buying it for a while thinking it wouldn't help. Just some food for thought :)

Blue, I hope it's ovulation related!!

Crys, lol about hubbys reaction - are you going to let him name the baby? Your sister must know you well :)

Aleeah, how are you doing?

LL, I hope you're having a better day today!

I'm feeling alright this morning - didn't take an anti-nausea pill last night and breakfast is kind-of a no-go. Hubby thinks I should just take the night time dose to help in the morning, I'm going to think about it. Other than that I'm just really really tired... I've been going to bed between about 8:30 - 9:30, lol (and then having crazy dreams all night). We're supposed to go see a movie on friday night with my sister and her boyfriend and I'm not sure how I'm going to stay awake!!
Did u use preseed this time of getting your bfp?

Lol it's dark you can nap at cinema hahaha!

Did u use preseed this time of getting your bfp?

Lol it's dark you can nap at cinema hahaha!


Yep, we used it this time too. I hope it works for you this cycle :)

Haha, yeah I guess I could, just wouldn't have much to contribute to the discussion about how everyone liked the movie
She'll be 18 in December. :nope: They grow up way too fast.

Letting him name the baby would depend on the name he chose. Lol! He always says everyone should name their baby Buford Eugene. Of course, it's a joke, but that would be the name he would tell me right now, I know! Lol.

My sister and I are best friends.

If you decide to try the meds at night for help the next day, I hope they work for you every day.

Could you go to a movie that starts at 6 or so...or take a nap before going?
Sorry ladies, I feel terrible I'm not replying as much, I do pop back and read your posts though, I promise! Also trying to limit my time on BnB at the moment, as this really is taking a break from TTC for us and I want to be totally refreshed and new for whatever the appointments and the remaining year has in store for us October onwards.

Crysshae - I LOVE that this one isn't going to remain hidden for much longer :thumbup:!! I'm sure people have a sixth sense to figure out when a woman is pregnant, they also assume much more when or if they know you're trying or the age gap between this one and the last is a good one. I didn't have anyone guess and the few I told about the mc were shocked we were trying (I guess people expect you to be married for years before you start trying :wacko:). But your baby wants the world to know, so keeps dropping little hints for others to pick up on, it's quite cute really :lol: xx

Your symptoms sound so lovely, I'm so pleased for you. Were your daughter and sister really excited too?? I love seeing your ticker!:happydance:

Blue - I hope you're feeling better and that ovulation is here. Sorry your electricity is off but how on earth do you type with the ipad?!:wacko: You'll know the posts I post with an ipad, they're normally short with no smilie's or anything!! I love a bit of online shopping on the ipad but anytime I have to construct a sentence I'm useless with it!](*,)

Glad work are being good about TTC, I too have found women at work seem to be much more understanding than men. One guy at work, just said take as much time off work as you need, go off from now if you want (just so I'd end the conversation!!):haha:. Whereas my female boss was lovely, said all the right things. I'm still a bit worried as redundancies seem to be happening everywhere at the moment and I can just imagine I'd lose my job whilst TTC and then we'd have to put it on hold whilst I found another etc but for now I'm just glad she's lovely and I have a job still!:flower:

Nina - Your pic is gorgeous, always puts a smile on my face! And your weekend sounds amazing, can I come too?!:D

I'm glad you've got someone nice at work too, it makes a huge difference just to see a friendly happy face when you're having a down day. Am glad you're looking forward to your new cycle and being optimistic too. I bought preseed too but didn't really run with it as hadn't told hubby about it! Think he thought he was a god in the bedroom and I wanted him 'that' bad..!!:blush::haha: He's more on board with stuff now though, so will tell him about it in future!

Lindsay - Looking forward to hearing your update tomorrow, no doubt it will be good :thumbup:. Can't believe how much the time is flying by, your little bean is rolling and stretching now :happydance:!! Good to hear you still have happy sickness and I hope you're one of the lucky ones that find the sickness subsides soon and you can start to enjoy things a lot more. Once you get over tomorrow, try and enjoy it a lot more, you'll be in the safer zone, I know the worrying never stops but hoping it's all the reassurance you need tomorrow.:hugs:

Funny about the sleeping, my auntie told me your body forces you to get in all the sleep you'll miss when babies born, by making you more sleepy when you're pregnant in the first trimester, so run with it. If you need to have a cheeky nap at the cinema I'd go for it!

Oh and don't hold back on showing us pics of the little bean! I can't wait till we can start to gender guess, that's my favourite bit!

Literati - I'm so sorry work is being such a pain, it's so sad you're being treated like that. But as the others have said, I wouldn't take it if I were you. They have a duty of care towards their employees and they need to uphold that. You really should take in a doctors note when you fall again (and I hope that's real soon). I'm very jealous of the massage you're going to book too O:)! I want one! I just don't seem to have time to do anything these days but would love a nice relaxing massage, problem with having one is I know I'll want one every week at least, so could get very expensive! :haha:

I hope today was a much better than yesterday and I hope tomorrow is even better for you :hugs: xx

Update from me ladies, been keeping busy. Feeling ok, struggling somedays as I don't know how to stop getting my subscriptions page from updating and there were a few other ladies on BnB with the exact same due date as me and they've hit 12 weeks and are posting scan pics. I don't feel jealous, I'm happy for them, those are their babies, not mine. It just reminds me of what could have been. Had a very open conversation with hubby and he now agrees to waiting to try until we have answers. I might still temp, just to see what's happening. Got my results back for last Friday and Monday:

HCG Friday: 106
HCG Monday: 45.6

So I guess based on that, if it halves every 3 days, I should hit below 3 around Saturday 21st September. So only another 10 days, well hope so anyway![-o<

Haha Aleeah that's funny 'a god in bed' I think my other half feels the same... I don't tell oh I use the reseed but I think he knows. I know it's not easy on the iPad that why my posts are never as fun and smiley as everyone else's haha.

Yeah they sure do crys. Is she looking forward to becoming a big sister again ? My OH wants to name our baby next time if its a boy. Which need to be fair since I practically named the boys on my own.... Lol

Did u use preseed this time of getting your bfp?

Lol it's dark you can nap at cinema hahaha!


Yep, we used it this time too. I hope it works for you this cycle :)

Haha, yeah I guess I could, just wouldn't have much to contribute to the discussion about how everyone liked the movie

I hope it works to. We used it every time we BD'd this cycle. Just hope it works. Lol I've heard so many good things about it just hope it works for us too. Was it your second month of using preseed this time too ? Xxx
Did u use preseed this time of getting your bfp?

Lol it's dark you can nap at cinema hahaha!


Yep, we used it this time too. I hope it works for you this cycle :)

Haha, yeah I guess I could, just wouldn't have much to contribute to the discussion about how everyone liked the movie

I hope it works to. We used it every time we BD'd this cycle. Just hope it works. Lol I've heard so many good things about it just hope it works for us too. Did I take two months on preseed for you guys this time around ?, xxxx

I think Lindsay fell the first month after her m/c following AF xx
Yes, she is. She actually asked me about having a baby a few months ago.

I hope the Preseed works for you too.

Aleeah - You can unsubscribe from a thread right under the name of the thread. Or if you open up all your subscriptions, you can check the boxes next to those you want deleted and then choose "delete subscription" in the box below.

I'm glad you were able to get hubby on the same page with you about trying.
Thats good! its nice when the family are all on board! :) she will be great help for you too! xxx
Crys, an early movie would be great, but unfortunately I won't get home from work until 5:30, and my sisters boyfriend works until 6. Hopefully the movie will be enough to keep me awake, lol.

Aleeah, no need to feel bad at all, you just need to do what's right for you :hugs: I am very much looking forward to hearing your news in october, hopefully you will be able to put a good plan in place :) I laughed about your comment about preseed - I did tell hubby about it because I wasn't sure how to be discrete about using the applicator thingy to put a bunch of lube you know where, lol. Anyway, he thought the packaging and branding were really funny and wanted to take a picture of the box to show people at work (I said no to that, lol).

Hmm, maybe all my sleepiness is a sign of many sleepless nights to come, lol. I've never been this good of a sleeper, not even when I was a teenager. These days I'm regularly in bed for 10 - 12 hours/night
Did u use preseed this time of getting your bfp?

Lol it's dark you can nap at cinema hahaha!


Yep, we used it this time too. I hope it works for you this cycle :)

Haha, yeah I guess I could, just wouldn't have much to contribute to the discussion about how everyone liked the movie

I hope it works to. We used it every time we BD'd this cycle. Just hope it works. Lol I've heard so many good things about it just hope it works for us too. Did I take two months on preseed for you guys this time around ?, xxxx

I think Lindsay fell the first month after her m/c following AF xx

Yep, Aleeah is right. We didn't use it before my first AF because we weren't really trying that month. Just used it in July when I got my bfp.

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