Sorry ladies, I feel terrible I'm not replying as much, I do pop back and read your posts though, I promise! Also trying to limit my time on BnB at the moment, as this really is taking a break from TTC for us and I want to be totally refreshed and new for whatever the appointments and the remaining year has in store for us October onwards.
Crysshae - I LOVE that this one isn't going to remain hidden for much longer

!! I'm sure people have a sixth sense to figure out when a woman is pregnant, they also assume much more when or if they know you're trying or the age gap between this one and the last is a good one. I didn't have anyone guess and the few I told about the mc were shocked we were trying (I guess people expect you to be married for years before you start trying

). But your baby wants the world to know, so keeps dropping little hints for others to pick up on, it's quite cute really

Your symptoms sound so lovely, I'm so pleased for you. Were your daughter and sister really excited too?? I love seeing your ticker!
Blue - I hope you're feeling better and that ovulation is here. Sorry your electricity is off but how on earth do you type with the ipad?!

You'll know the posts I post with an ipad, they're normally short with no smilie's or anything!! I love a bit of online shopping on the ipad but anytime I have to construct a sentence I'm useless with it!
Glad work are being good about TTC, I too have found women at work seem to be much more understanding than men. One guy at work, just said take as much time off work as you need, go off from now if you want (just so I'd end the conversation!!)

. Whereas my female boss was lovely, said all the right things. I'm still a bit worried as redundancies seem to be happening everywhere at the moment and I can just imagine I'd lose my job whilst TTC and then we'd have to put it on hold whilst I found another etc but for now I'm just glad she's lovely and I have a job still!
Nina - Your pic is gorgeous, always puts a smile on my face! And your weekend sounds amazing, can I come too?!
I'm glad you've got someone nice at work too, it makes a huge difference just to see a friendly happy face when you're having a down day. Am glad you're looking forward to your new cycle and being optimistic too. I bought preseed too but didn't really run with it as hadn't told hubby about it! Think he thought he was a god in the bedroom and I wanted him 'that' bad..!!

He's more on board with stuff now though, so will tell him about it in future!
Lindsay - Looking forward to hearing your update tomorrow, no doubt it will be good

. Can't believe how much the time is flying by, your little bean is rolling and stretching now

!! Good to hear you still have happy sickness and I hope you're one of the lucky ones that find the sickness subsides soon and you can start to enjoy things a lot more. Once you get over tomorrow, try and enjoy it a lot more, you'll be in the safer zone, I know the worrying never stops but hoping it's all the reassurance you need tomorrow.
Funny about the sleeping, my auntie told me your body forces you to get in all the sleep you'll miss when babies born, by making you more sleepy when you're pregnant in the first trimester, so run with it. If you need to have a cheeky nap at the cinema I'd go for it!
Oh and don't hold back on showing us pics of the little bean! I can't wait till we can start to gender guess, that's my favourite bit!
Literati - I'm so sorry work is being such a pain, it's so sad you're being treated like that. But as the others have said, I wouldn't take it if I were you. They have a duty of care towards their employees and they need to uphold that. You really should take in a doctors note when you fall again (and I hope that's real soon). I'm very jealous of the massage you're going to book too

! I want one! I just don't seem to have time to do anything these days but would love a nice relaxing massage, problem with having one is I know I'll want one every week at least, so could get very expensive!
I hope today was a much better than yesterday and I hope tomorrow is even better for you

Update from me ladies, been keeping busy. Feeling ok, struggling somedays as I don't know how to stop getting my subscriptions page from updating and there were a few other ladies on BnB with the exact same due date as me and they've hit 12 weeks and are posting scan pics. I don't feel jealous, I'm happy for them, those are their babies, not mine. It just reminds me of what could have been. Had a very open conversation with hubby and he now agrees to waiting to try until we have answers. I might still temp, just to see what's happening. Got my results back for last Friday and Monday:
HCG Friday: 106
HCG Monday: 45.6
So I guess based on that, if it halves every 3 days, I should hit below 3 around Saturday 21st September. So only another 10 days, well hope so anyway!