Blue - I could probably BD late Sunday night, but it still wouldn't be quite 24 hours because I can't stay up that late on a week night.

Do you think a couple hours would make a difference?
Also, congrats on having O confirmed! That must feel good to finally have out of the way. It is always such a relief when it is done. I'm usually so relieved that I don't even symptom spot for 4 days or so! haha.
I've always waited to test until 14DPO, until this time I caved at 12DPO which did not help since not preg.
Linds - Ok, thanks. Hopefully I can keep myself awake for that late-night BDing session! We actually
never BD right before bed. We're always way too exhausted. So this will be an adventure.

That's wonderful that you finally woke up hungry without taking diclectin! A good sign indeed and hopefully a good way to gain those 5 lbs back. That is SO cute that your hubby is on you to eat more/gain weight. He is such a caring husband! And take advantage of it now...because he just gave you permission to eat to your heart's content and not give it a second look, so enjoy.
Crys - The constant hungry feeling is a really good sign! I hope you're following your body's signs and eating very regularly and not letting that icky starving feeling plague you at all! If your IC was darker today, that's definitely a good sign. I think it's time to calm down and put the POAS tests away! You are definitely p-r-e-g-g-o!
AFM, I am very bored of waiting around for AF to leave. Gag. This is the most boring part of the cycle! DH and I went to
2 movies last night back-to-back. DH was super excited about it, but I had to drink a huge thing of Pepsi just to stay awake. It was fun, though.
Yesterday my co-worker who is pregnant (who I thought I'd be bump buddies with) got her gender scan and found out she's having a girl. Finding out didn't necessarily bother me, but I did not like it. I am happy for her that she's having a girl like she wanted, but it just makes it so much more real that she is really pregnant and still progressing, and I am left behind. I didn't get sad or anything...just blah. Like, I'm so tired of being left behind. I wouldn't have been at my gender scan yet, but at least I'd be in my 2nd trimester.