Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Crys, that's a good sign that the IC is darker :) If you feel like a few more sets of eyes would be reassuring, you can post them here - I think it's probably nothing to be concerned about though.

LL, what movies did you see? We went to see Elysium last night and I managed to stay awake for the whole thing too, I was quite happy about that, lol. I think it helped that it was kind of an intense movie. I know what you mean, it is hard to watch others whose due date would have been around yours. I also have a co-worker who is due in early december and I found it very hard to be around her after the loss. She is lovely and I am very happy for her, but it made me sad and was especially hard before this pregnancy... hang in there, your turn is coming :)

Blue, I had some very mild cramping/discomfort around 5 - 8 dpo with this one, and no symptoms at all until 13 dpo with the last one.

Yeah, hubby has been very good about everything.... although he's complaining that he's gaining weight because he keeps finishing up my meals, lol. I just wish I was enjoying food these days (I usually really enjoy food)... I'm just eating because I know I have to eat, but hopefully that will improve. I had a small amount of reddish spotting again today... just once when I wiped and now back to nothing (there's been no spotting for about 2 - 3 days) so hopefully it's nothing to be concerned about. The OB said that it's "not normal, but very common" to have some bleeding in pregnancy and that unless it's bright red and I'm cramping I shouldn't worry... so I'm trying not to!
We saw Grown Ups 2 and the 2nd Percy Jackson movie ( can't remember the exact title). They were both okay. I am glad you managed to stay awake for your movie!

Sorry you've had more spotting. I know even though you've been reassured your baby is ok you must still be so stressed with the bleeding. :hugs: I really hope it stops soon. It doesn't seem fair you have to deal with this stress.
Aww linds I hope your not worrying too much! Glad it's stopped again! Let Hubbie complain will be nice to have him grow a bump too :haha: well done for staying awake through movie haha!

Where are you at lit?

How is everyone today?

Im 5dpo today don't feel any different. Temps all over the place. Nurse came yesterday and took bloods will phone back in about a week and see what they say! Really hope I did o other wise that 7day streak was a waste haha! Horrible weather here today ! Freezing my wee toes off!

I was talking to a girl at work, and we started talking about the pregnant co-worker, when she told me she pregnant girl told her the baby wasn't even planned.
I totally broke down. She knew I had miscarried and just sat there and let me cry it all out. She told me her sister also had fertility problems and miscarried and told me she would give me the number of the specialist her sister saw.
I'm not sure I'm ready to go to a specialist, DH and I agreed that if by November nothing happens we're going to try IUI. I know that doesn't ensure a baby in the end, but at least it's one less thing to stress about.
I just remember the first thing I thought after getting a BFP was being so relieved I would have to TTC any more. No more temping or OPK, charting, scheduling...
I feel like I'm getting closer to the end every day.
I'm sorry I'm so down and have nothing really happy to say these days.

(Just wanted to add- I hope I'm not hurting anyones feelings by saying that- about a baby that was unplanned. I seem to be saying things lately that are rubbing some the wrong way. Another wonderful way to get me crying and feeling like crap. She just acts like she's unhappy and doesn't care about the pregnancy. I know a lot of people get pregnant unexpectedly and are ecstatic about it. I didn't mean that she doesn't deserve a healthy baby.)
Lindsay - Since they didn't see the reason for your spotting, I have a feeling your cervix is just sensitive or something and prone to bleeding here and there. I hope you are able to keep the worrying at bay. Lol at your hubby!

Nina - I understand what you're saying. I hope your take home baby is coming to you soon.

LL - Good luck this cycle.

Blue - Fingers crossed you get that BFP by next week!

Aleeah - I know you're not hanging around, but I hope you're doing well.

AFM - I started bleeding this morning. When my temp skydived yesterday, I had a feeling, but I decided to do the "stop temping...it just causes worry" etc thing and did not temp today. But I didn't have to see that lower temp as the blood was there when I went to the restroom. I was upset most of the day yesterday, but I'm surprisingly okay today. I guess I had already come to terms with it, and the blood was just confirmation. I'm not sure I'll continue trying at this point. I haven't talked to DH about it yet. When we talk, I'll see how he feels and how I feel from there. Maybe God is telling us our family is perfect just the way it is. Whatever we do, I hope to be able to continue to follow each of your journeys so I can see pictures of your beautiful babies. If I don't stay on the site, I will definitely sign up to receive the messages on this thread through e-mail. :hugs:
Aww nina i I'm sorry your feeling so horrible!! :hugs: some people don't realise what they have! Lucky to have I should say!!!

Crys- I couldn't believe I came on and read that! I'm so sorry your going through this!! Can it be like linds bleeding? Have you took another test? Wish I could give you a huge hug!! Please keep in touch !

Thanks, Blue. I don't think it's like Lindsay's...not with the temperature drop. And I'm a bit more crampy too. I feel like I've just started my period. I had thought about a test, but I decided against it. I feel like the line will still be there but lighter, and I don't need to watch it disappear.
So why did replying to your post make me cry?!? And as soon as I finished typing, DH texts to see how I'm doing which made it worse. When I saw the blood this morning, I was like "Okay...knew it was coming..." Not a tear. When I wrote my original post, I was fine. Now here I sit blubbering. Ugh!
I understand that! I think time with your family and maybe some you time is needeed. It won't change anything but hopefully will make you feel less alone! <3

Oh Crys, I am sooo sorry to hear that.... sorry that you have to go through this again :( Sending some really big hugs your way :hugs: I hope you and DH can come to agreement on whether or not you want to try again, and either way I do hope you stay in touch <3

Nina, sorry you've been having such a rough time of it lately :hugs: Hopefully this will be the cycle for your take home baby!

Blue, glad you got your bloodwork done :) I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed that you get a bfp before the nurse calls back ;)

LL, how are you doing? Is AF gone yet?

Aleeah, I hope you're doing well hun!

As for me, spotting is has stopped again. I had 2 occurances of red blood (just when I wiped, not a lot) on saturday, and then back to nothing yesterday and nothing so far today. I am much less stressed about it than the first time I saw the blood, but it still freaks me out a little bit every time. Hopefully it'll stop for good soon.
So why did replying to your post make me cry?!? And as soon as I finished typing, DH texts to see how I'm doing which made it worse. When I saw the blood this morning, I was like "Okay...knew it was coming..." Not a tear. When I wrote my original post, I was fine. Now here I sit blubbering. Ugh!

Aww, sending even more hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I think sometimes saying things, or in this case typing them, makes them seem more real. I agree with Blue, some "you" time or some family time might make you feel a bit better. Hang in there hun <3
Crysshae, I am so sorry :hugs: my heart just sank when I read your post.
Temps drop, and hopefully this is nothing. I am praying for you guys. You hear of so many women who bleed during their pregnancy, it seems like you never really "know" anyone though- I hope you're just one of them. Oh, my heart aches every time I hear of another loss :(
So why did replying to your post make me cry?!? And as soon as I finished typing, DH texts to see how I'm doing which made it worse. When I saw the blood this morning, I was like "Okay...knew it was coming..." Not a tear. When I wrote my original post, I was fine. Now here I sit blubbering. Ugh!

Crys ! Please let yourself cry and let it out ! Don't bottle it up! :hugs: I was bubbling when I read it ! My hearts just breaking for you crys! Yu are soo strong though!! Xxxx
Crys - I wish I could give you a huge, gigantic hug right now. I can't imagine exactly how you're feeling but we all know the pain of a loss and I am sure it would be that much more poignant when you've had more than one. I hope you and your husband can reach a good decision that you both feel good about as to whether or not you want to continue trying to add to your family. It is totally normal that as you wrote it at first you felt fine, and now you are crying at everything. Sometimes you are just in shock/denial at first and can't really experience the full emotions. But do let your feelings out and allow yourself to feel whatever you need to feel. It's all part of the healing process and it's not good to lock things up inside. I am SO sorry you are going through this and my heart aches for you. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. I wish there was something I could say to help lessen the pain, but I know there is nothing that can be said. :hugs:

Blue - I'm on CD7 today. My bleeding just finished up yesterday and planning on starting out first BD session today. Hope your TWW goes well. It will be good this month that you can actually get confirmed that you Oed. And I'm sure you wouldn't be feeling any different at 5 DPO anyway so don't read into that!

Nina - So sorry you're feeling so down lately. It is frustrating that people just get pregnant accidentally all the time and don't even necessarily feel that thrilled about it, yet so many of us try and try and want it SO bad. Of course we all deserve healthy babies in the end, but it definitely can sting at this point when someone else is not happy about her pregnancy. :hugs: How is your cycle going? Have you started BDing yet?

Linds - AF finally cleared up today (just had a bit of spotting yesterday). Back to the drawing board, I guess! That really sucks you've had more bleeding. Of course it is going to freak you out! I really hope it goes away right away.
LL, it's so cool we're on the exact same page ;)
AF was pretty much gone on Saturday, super short and strange cycle huh? We started BD just because I was a bit... I needed some contact!
DH is all for every other day this cycle, he even said that maybe we should wait two days. Um... no.
I started cramping like crazy yesterday, O pains have been wild since MC, so I started POAS already. what happened to the laid back let's take this easy this cycle?! Faint line, but definitely more than not there. my guess is an early O- probably a positive by Saturday.
I don't know why my temps are all... level. I'm going to ask for bloods for CD21 to make sure everything is working.

I'm sorry my emotions have been all over the place lately. I really love you guys, and hope I give you the support you all give me <3
You do nina! I just hope what we offer helps! Wish I could hug u too and slap some ignorant unwanted pregnant girls ! (I'm kidding please dot take Offence ) haha ! Xxx
Crys, just wanted to say I've been thinking about you all day and I hope you're doing alright :hugs:

LL, glad to hear AF has packed up and left :) Now on to the baby making fun!

Nina, hopefully the cramps are just your body getting ready for O :) Maybe a mammoth egg ;) I don't think level temps are a bad thing, especially before O... it could also have to do with the type of thermometer you are using... does it have 1 or 2 decimal places? When I started temping I was using a fever thermometer and it only had 1 decimal place and I had lots of level temps...
Nina - I know. I'm so glad we're on the same page. And if you're really gearing up for an early O, then we might end up Oing on the same day or very close again! Funny how that works! :)

That is weird how short your cycle was, but very nice for you! I can't believe you're already getting possible O pains this early in your cycle! Hopefully that's a sign you're about to release a totally mammoth egg! I haven't even started with OPKs yet...and probably won't until Wednesday! I don't think I would see a faint line yet.

It is so strange that your temps seem to be so steady! I wouldn't guess that it's a bad sign. It probably just means your hormones are very stable! But wouldn't hurt to get bloodwork and see what's going on! So nice that you can just ask for this kind of bloodwork! I think I'd have to see a specialist for them to agree to do any sort of fertility-related tests on me. Sigh. I'm hoping my temps get a lot higher than last month's in the TWW. Last cycle had me slightly worried...but I suppose they were still well above coverline.

No need to apologize for being emotional! This is a place to be real, and if you're feeling down you should express it. You've definitely been supportive of all of us in return.
I agree maybe a mammoth egg month for you Nina :D :D

Its nice you pair are on the same cycle day haha!!

6dpo for me!!! (Not that im counting) :haha:

Not feeling anything still. Temps all over the place too. Wish the blood results would hurry up and come back!!

Mammoth egg :rofl:
I was just in the bathroom. Creamy CM like in the TWW, cervix high and medium soft. WTH. I am seriously dizzy. I'm such a dumbo. Now I'm thinking that maybe the faint positives were faint because this might be an ectopic. I can't actually accept anything anymore, I need to have a reason, even if it's the most ridicules "reason" ever.
I think I might go home early. I don't feel so good :(

LL, whens the wedding again? O might just surprise you and you'll be able to DTD like you planned.
I wouldn't worry about lower temps, as long as they're above the coverline. There are so many reasons why temps could be low!

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