LL, that's why I was torn on the prenatal screening too. If the results are low risk, I will be relieved and glad I did it, but if they are high risk then it's another thing to worry about. Great news about the positive OPK though!! Looks like your BD schedule will be perfect timing

I hope you have a good time at the wedding today!
I had similar issues with CM after the m/c too. Lots and lots of EWCM before my first AF, and then very little my first proper cycle - but we did get pregnant that cycle so apparently it wasn't that big of a deal. Maybe it was all just staying up where it was needed, or maybe the preseed helped, who knows.
Nina, I'm definitely not a laid back pregnant person this time either, lol. I think when you know what can happen, it makes you more paranoid... at least it does for me. A couple of my friends have said things like "oh, don't worry, you can have a bite, it'll be fine" and they think I'm being kind of uptight.... but the way I see it, why risk it if you don't have to. Yay for a positive OPK for you too!! Sounds like your BD schedule is also perfect

I hope you and LL catch your eggs this month.
Blue, I'm really sorry to hear your news

You are definitely not a failure though, please try not to think like that! As Crys said, maybe it's just an anovulatory cycle. You should take your charts in when you go and see the doctor and see if he has any ideas why your chart would show an ovulatory pattern if you're not ovulating. Also, does it make a difference that you ovulate a little later than the "average" CD14? Hang in there hun, at least there are meds to help you ovulate if you need them. I want to punch your so called "friend" too... what an awful thing to say to someone!!!

You are, and have been, doing everything you can and when the time is right you will make a wonderful mother to a very lucky child (or children

How is everyone's weekend going?
As for me, just having a quiet day. We went out for brunch with my parents this morning and now just being lazy around the house. I'm feeling kinda grumpy and finding everything hubby does rather irritating... poor guy, I keep apologising, lol. I think it's fairly safe to say that my spotting has now stopped though. I've had about 4 days with nothing (just the normal yellow cm) so quite happy about that.