Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Thanks girls. I can't be any worse of a parent than what he is anyway. Oh and I sayed in tonight had a movie night.

Yeah will get tested again next cycle! I hope I ovulate ! Anyone know we any natural things I can eat or take to help ? Xxx
Lindsay - Haha! I have definitely had those days where everything my hubby does is irritating! :haha: It happens to all of us. At least you apologized! haha. I am so happy to hear that your spotting has most likely stopped for good! What a great relief that must be! I hope you enjoyed your lazy day around the house!

The wedding was okay. It was very short and sweet. Super fast ceremony, some good food at the reception with a veeerrryyy long gap before the reception started, and then an extremely short program. Good speeches, but just very short! Hubby is heading home now so we should be able to BD. TBH I am getting worn out already and can't wait to ovulate already so we can stop. Funny how much less romantic dtd gets when BDing. :S

Blue - Yes, hopefully your next cycle is VERY ovulatory! ahha. I have heard zinc is really good for fertility - both male and female - but I don't really know if it specifically triggers ovulation.
Got another +OPK this morning, and the dippie was much MUCH darker than yesterdays. I mean, darker than the control line. It has never been that dark for me before. Maybe because it was FMU?
I wore my lucky dress today, and it seems I have watery CM, so I am kind of bummed about not DTD this morning. Plus I got a temp dip :/
I'll sneak out of work earlier today so we can get down and dirty ;)
I also renewed my FF membership for another 90 days, so c'mon Murphy, this is NOT the time to disappoint!

How's everyone doing?
LL, I have a friend who got married yesterday, that would be such a small world if that was her wedding you were at!
Haha nina you are funny!! :haha: Good luck!!

Woow for short wedding though lit means you get home to you man quicker! did you manage ?

How are you crys?

Nothing new with me ... im waiting on af which i think should be due tomorrow. Away to help out my friend with her wee one because guess where daddy is again :)

Is it that friend? I'm sorry :/

As for me, I'm side cramping like there's not tomorrow. It's going from right side to left and back again... Right now it's duller, more inner. Does ovulation pain feel this different every day to others as it does for me? It's so strange!
Yeah that friend. Lol

I can't answer how I feel o ... I'm not sure sometimes really intense other times not so much. Xxx
Sounds like there`s lots of BDing going on today ;) I`m looking forward to hearing about all the symptom spotting and testing in the next couple weeks :)

O pains varied month to month for me, but I always had them. Usually worst on the day I ovulated (based on my chart). Hopefully you get some relief from the cramping soon Nina!

Blue, I hope you have nice day with your friend and the little one :) Hopefully you won`t have to deal with the little one`s daddy.

Crys, Aleeah, how are you ladies doing?

I'm alright, just having another lazy day. We got some sad news from a good friend yesterday - she was 20 weeks pregnant and found out on a routine ultrasound on friday that the baby had passed away sometime in the last week. They don't know why yet - she's at the hospital this weekend :( I just feel so heartbroken for them :cry: I hope she and her husband will be okay. It just seems that this happens way too often.
Nina - OMG! I got another +OPK again today too and it was SO dark as well! Except mine was not because of FMU because I just tested at 5 pm! I am so confused! We have BDed SO many days in a row now, and I am getting worried that his sperm count is going to be too low by the time we actually get to O? Should we stay up til midnight to BD tonight, or should we try to fit it in early in the morning? Or just skip it altogether until tomorrow after work? I'd imagine the day before O is pretty important, but what if I *still* don't O tomorrow?? I am so shocked because I don't remember the last time I Oed as late as CD14!!!!! I also have way more EWCM today. WTH? I must be having a *really* fertile month...either that, or my body keeps gearing up to O but for some reason it's not releasing and I will have an anovulatory month? Please don't let that be the case. :wacko:
That SUCKS you didn't BD this morning, but I am SURE if you dtd after work it will be more than sufficient!
That would be too funny if it was the same person, but I'm sure quite a few people probably got married yesterday. ;)

Blue - It sucks you have to wait on AF knowing that there's no chance this month. :( Nice of you to help out your friend since she has such a crappy husband. :(

And, yes, we did manage to DTD last night after the wedding (but not til midnight)!

Nina (again) - Maybe you are already pregnant! I got alternating pains when I was preggers. Or maybe you will release an egg for both sides, or your body can't decide. IDK...bodies are SO confusing.

Lindsay - That is SOOOO sad about your friend. :( This really does seem to happen way too much and I can't handle it! She is lucky to have a good friend like you though to support her.
Lindsay, I am so sorry about your friend, it's heartbreaking. I think we do hear more about this stuff after you go through it as well, we're just more sensitive about it. Before if it happened it was sad and that's it, but now we actually know. I don't know if that makes sense.

LL- Our bodies are crazy! LOL! We BD when I got home from work, so slightly over 24 hours, but all's good! I got another positive OPK when I got home. So confusing :wacko:
I'd BD in the morning, I like to believe morning sex is best ;)

My cramping has subsided, but during the night everything felt like it was burning up in there. Today I've got some "leftover" cramps. Temp rose ever so little, but I always get a slow rise, so hoping the burning during the night was in fact O. Can a doctor tell on an US which side I ovulated from? That would be neat and worth the US. I'm thinking right, even though left hurt like hell yesterday. Whatever, twins would be more than welcome. I feel horrible saying that just so I get a better chance at one :(

Where is Aleeah?
Nina and LL, sounds like you are both totally on top of things in the BD department :) I hope you both get sticky bfp's in a couple weeks!

I believe they can tell which side you ovulated from on an ultrasound because they can see the corpus luteum cyst.

Nina, I think you're right, you do become more sensitive to it having gone through something similar yourself because you know what it feels like.

Blue, Crys, Aleeah, how are you ladies doing today?

I'm going back to my pilates class this morning - OB told me it was fine to resume normal activity. She said I could go last week, but I gave it another week just to be on the safe side. I hope everyone has a good day :)
Im so sorry for your friend Linds! I really hope she is ok!!

Looking forward to reading symptom spotting in the next two week with you two ladies!

Glad your back to normal activities Linds :D

How is aleeah and crys?

Nothing new with me. I stopped temping this month.. waiting for Af. Was supposed to show up today but thats just another thing thats not going the way it should.

O.M.G. I *STILL* have a +OPK! The line is slightly lighter today, so I'm hoping that means I am going to ovulate -today- and the LH surge just hasn't totally settled down today. But who knows. I am getting so frustrated!

You will think we are crazy, but DH and I actually *set an alarm* to wake us up at midnight last night to BD so we could have a full 24 hours in between! Of course, we both slept through the alarm, so I woke up at 1:30 am in a panic and told dh to hop on. :haha: We were SOOO tired and groggy, but we managed to dtd and went back to sleep. I was really hoping my OPK would be neg today and we could just stop BDing, but looks like we're out of luck! I think we might just BD in the morning tomorrow? I really don't want to get up in the middle of the night again. We are being so insane about this, but we both just want it SO bad. I love how accommodating dh is being. He texted me this morning asking, "Are we getting up at 1 am again tonight to BD?" haha he is the best.

Nina - Sounds like you might have ovulated overnight! That would be a relief. If so, I am jealous of you. :haha: And, yes, I believe an US would confirm which side you Oed from. It is weird you said you had cramps on the left but figure you Oed on the right. For the past few days I was sure I was going on Ov on the right because I was having twinges there, but this morning I had some very intense Ov pains *only* on my left side (like, they were painful!). So I am pretty sure I am oving on my left side AGAIN (3rd cycle in a row. :() I know what you mean about just wanting to up your chances of just having one baby. :S

Lindsay - I am glad you're back to your normal routine! I love Pilates! :) Glad to hear you're doing well.

Blue - Weird that AF hasn't shown up yet. Hang in there! :hugs:
Blue, I'm secretly hoping that your blood test was wrong and AF has not arrived because you're pregnant.

LL, now THAT is dedication, lol. I'm impressed! That's great that dh is so accommodating too, I'm sure that makes things easier. I think you're probably fine to wait until tomorrow morning. I actually don't usually do another opk after the first one unless my temps don't go up for a few days. Maybe those intense pains mean that you ovulated this morning? Hopefully so!!

Yep, I love pilates too! It was really nice to get back to it... it's been almost 4 weeks. I took it really easy today though just to be safe - and the instructor didn't want me lying on my back for too long. I thought it was still fine to lie on my back at this point... I lie on my back every night when I read before bed and it doesn't seem to bother me.
Lindsay, I love pilates! I actually took an instructor course a few years ago. I stopped about a year ago to go to the gym and miss it. When I was pregnant I said I would go in the beginning of the second trimester.
Yeah, well...

LL, that's so strange! Have you ever had more than 1 +OPK? It's so funny you actually set an alarm! Very dedicated! Hope tomorrow you get a -OPK, you need some rest ;)

I had some dull pains today. Is it crazy I talk to my unconceived baby? I just tell him/her that we love them so much already and want to meet them, that I just want to hold and hug them, count their little toes and smell their soft hair, and we're so ready to meet them. I did it all day, I just couldn't stop. Maybe that's what got me into such a depressed and sad mood.
I bought the wrong size of something for the house and just burst out crying. I'm such a mess and make so many stupid small mistakes. I feel like such a failure. DH took it pretty well and we drove back right then and there to switch it. I've totally lost all touch with reality. And sanity.
I'm not in the mood for BD, I just want to give up. I'm praying that O already happened so I don't miss out on a chance. I just feel like I can't right now. I don't know, I'm kind of disgusted with myself for making such stupid mistakes all the time.
CM is dry, so I feel like this month is a bust. I know you can't rely on it, but ugh. I'm so tempted to just stop temping. But the control freak in me won't let me :(
Lindsay - I've heard lying on your back is still okay in the first trimester, but it is fairly soon that it starts to be a bad thing. I would just listen to your instructor...better safe than sorry! I don't think it always *feels* uncomfortable at the beginning stages, but I've read that it can still have a negative effect. Who knows! How long does your class go? Will you switch to a pre-natal Pilates when you're further along?

I am really hoping the cramps mean I ovulated this morning, but don't know why I still would have had a +OPK at noon. I think the last few months I have actually ovulated on the first day of my temp rise, and temps did their little dip today, so I am sure it would be safe to conclude that if my temps go up tomorrow, I have probably ovulated. We are going to DTD before work tomorrow, which means getting up before 6 am! :wacko: Awfulness...I am NOT a morning person.

Nina - Last cycle I had 2 days of +OPKs, but I've never had 3 like this! And I normally get stark white negatives before my positives, but this cycle I had 2 days of faint lines before I got my 3 positives! Weird body. But thanks...I do hope I ov later today/tomorrow so I can finally stop BDing! I really do need a rest!

From your chart it looks like you probably Oved yesterday, so you're probably safe to stop BDing! I hate this point when you just want to give up but don't want to miss a chance and have to do this all again next month because of a simple timing mistake! I hope you're all done with O and can finally stop BDing as well. Sounds like you need a rest as well.

That is so sweet that you talk to your unconceived baby. The first month of TTC, I did think of myself as pregnant already and thought about how much I loved my baby already. Turned out I wasn't preggo, so I didn't do it the next month until I got my BFP. But after that, I was totally obsessed with my baby and loved to communicate with him/her. So, it's not that weird that you are talking to yours. And hopefully he/she is a conceived baby already!

SO sorry you're feeling like a failure lately and keep making little mistakes. I think with our constant focus on TTC, it is easy to keep on with the "baby brain" we had when we were pregnant. I know personally I also have felt like I am losing my mind or have no brain anymore. I always mix up my words, I forget everything anyone says to me, I forget to do simple tasks, etc. My mind is just sooo preoccupied all the time that I just can't seem to be clear-headed anymore. So what you're going through is totally normal. :hugs: Don't beat yourself up about it!

Also, if your CM is dry that probably just means you Oved already! I don't think this month was a bust for you! I have a good feeling for you and I don't think you should lose hope!
Nina, that's cool that you did the pilates instructor course. Hopefully you can get back to it some day :) Personally, I much prefer it to the gym. I don't think it's crazy to talk to your un-conceived baby... and, as LL said, maybe it is now a conceived baby! Try not to be so hard on yourself hun, you're allowed to make mistakes and you're allowed to have sad, depressed days. I think you just have to feel what you feel and trying to fight it will only make you feel worse. You're going away for a weekend soon aren't you? Hopefully a nice weekend, and pampering yourself a bit will help :hugs:

I also think your chart looks like you ovulated yesterday so you're probably just fine if you don't feel like BDing anymore.

LL, hmm, I guess I should find out how much longer I can lie on my back. It's not specifically a prenatal class, but it's a very small class (just 4) and the instructor is trained in pre- and post-natal pilates so can modify exercises as needed. I think I have about 4 or 5 months left on my card so if I can, I will probably continue. If not, I can put it on hold.

Hopefully your temps will go up tomorrow morning so you can have a break from BDing!
Lindsay, one of the things we learnt in the course was prenatal classes. I don't remember anything about not lying on your back, in fact, that was mostly what they did!
The pregnancy classes were so slow and, not sure the word- sleepy? Drowsy? Everyone just laid there with their legs up on the ball, swaying from side to side! Women came right up until they give birth.
I absolutely loved my instructor and her studio, DH went there afterwards as well for his back. Now that we've moved we have to find a new place :(

Thanks for the support guys, I feel a bit better this morning. My Dad is also visiting from abroad and he always brings kind of a bad feeling with him. Not because of him, just the whole family goes kind of crazy. My sister thinks that because she doesn't work- no one does and everything can run on her time schedule. DH and I always joke that we want what she's smoking ;)

I got a temp rise this morning, hopefully it will continue to rise and not stay flat like last month.
I think that one of the things we get from loosing a baby and TTC, knowing exactly when what and where- is that we kind of know when it's happening. Like yesterday afternoon, or Monday evening, I knew I had the OPK and cramps were different, so it was like- it's happening NOW.
Sometimes I imagine the fertilized egg going down the tube and I just pray it divides properly. Or I imagine the egg and all the sperm around it and I know that it could actually be happening right now.
It's amazing to know that I might already "have" my baby, it's a feeling that someone who isn't TTC, or looking forward, or is totally consumed in TTC feels or gets. I think I'm blessed to know this feeling, to actually know that I loved my baby from the second it was conceived. Maybe that's why I "talk" so much to it.
I hope I don't sound too weird!
Blue, I'm secretly hoping that your blood test was wrong and AF has not arrived because you're pregnant.

^^ What she said! I've been hoping this for a couple days now. Because it dawned on me...didn't they do your blood work on the Saturday right after you ovulated, so just 3 dpo? Your progresterone would've been lower than it would be at 7 dpo when they usually check it...right?

Nina - Looks like you are most likely past O now. Fingers crossed you caught it and it's healthy and sticky!

LL - Good luck! With all that determination, you are bound to catch that egg!

Lindsay - I'm so sorry for your friend. It does seem to happen way too much. I'm glad you're feeling well and getting to do Pilates again.

Aleeah - I hope you're doing well.

AFM - I took off work and spent a lazy day just reading yesterday. Now I want more! Lol.
Nina, you made me laugh with your description of the pregnancy classes, lol. I'm doing a reformer class so we don't often use the ball - I did mostly the same stuff as normal, but she just modified a couple things. Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better today, I hope the rest of your dad's visit is uneventful. Definitely looks like you ovulated though! Hopefully you caught the egg and it's a nice sticky bfp :)

Blue, I'm secretly hoping that your blood test was wrong and AF has not arrived because you're pregnant.

^^ What she said! I've been hoping this for a couple days now. Because it dawned on me...didn't they do your blood work on the Saturday right after you ovulated, so just 3 dpo? Your progresterone would've been lower than it would be at 7 dpo when they usually check it...right?

^^This is exactly what I'm thinking too. Still got my fingers crossed for you Blue :)

LL, looks like you had a temp rise today, hopefully that means that ovulation happened!!

Crys, glad you had a nice lazy day :)
Nina - I agree it is kind of cool that we get to love our baby the second it is conceived! I ALWAYS picture the egg rolling down my fallopian tubes, as well as the sperm meeting the egg! hahah. It is exciting to think it might really be happening. You don't sound weird.

Yay for a temp rise! I really hope you have nice, high temps this cycle!

Sorry things are a bit weird with your dad visiting!

Crys - Thanks! I am glad yo got to enjoy a lazy day. You deserve it! Too bad you can't have more of those. :hugs:

Lindsay - I sure hope so! I was not a huge fan of the 5:30 am BD session. :wacko: In fact, during that session I pretty much made up my mind that we are NOT BDing any more this cycle. I'd better have already ovulated or I guess I'm out of luck. I just can't handle this anymore (and dh can't either)! BDing should not be this torturous.

We'll see what my temps do tomorrow. I'm in a bit of a panic that I'm not going to ovulate at all this month. But I suppose I always write worried posts and then the next day I come back feeling bashful because what I was worried about didn't turn out to be valid!

I hope you're doing well.

Blue - Has AF shown up yet? I have secretly been wishing the same thing everyone else has been!

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