Lindsay - I've heard lying on your back is still okay in the first trimester, but it is fairly soon that it starts to be a bad thing. I would just listen to your instructor...better safe than sorry! I don't think it always *feels* uncomfortable at the beginning stages, but I've read that it can still have a negative effect. Who knows! How long does your class go? Will you switch to a pre-natal Pilates when you're further along?
I am really hoping the cramps mean I ovulated this morning, but don't know why I still would have had a +OPK at noon. I think the last few months I have actually ovulated on the first day of my temp rise, and temps did their little dip today, so I am sure it would be safe to conclude that if my temps go up tomorrow, I have probably ovulated. We are going to DTD before work tomorrow, which means getting up before 6 am!

Awfulness...I am NOT a morning person.
Nina - Last cycle I had 2 days of +OPKs, but I've never had 3 like this! And I normally get stark white negatives before my positives, but this cycle I had 2 days of faint lines before I got my 3 positives! Weird body. But thanks...I do hope I ov later today/tomorrow so I can finally stop BDing! I really do need a rest!
From your chart it looks like you probably Oved yesterday, so you're probably safe to stop BDing! I hate this point when you just want to give up but don't want to miss a chance and have to do this all again next month because of a simple timing mistake! I hope you're all done with O and can finally stop BDing as well. Sounds like you need a rest as well.
That is so sweet that you talk to your unconceived baby. The first month of TTC, I did think of myself as pregnant already and thought about how much I loved my baby already. Turned out I wasn't preggo, so I didn't do it the next month until I got my BFP. But after that, I was totally obsessed with my baby and loved to communicate with him/her. So, it's not that weird that you are talking to yours. And hopefully he/she
is a
conceived baby already!
SO sorry you're feeling like a failure lately and keep making little mistakes. I think with our constant focus on TTC, it is easy to keep on with the "baby brain" we had when we were pregnant. I know personally I also have felt like I am losing my mind or have no brain anymore. I always mix up my words, I forget everything anyone says to me, I forget to do simple tasks, etc. My mind is just sooo preoccupied all the time that I just can't seem to be clear-headed anymore. So what you're going through is totally normal.

Don't beat yourself up about it!
Also, if your CM is dry that probably just means you Oved already! I don't think this month was a bust for you! I have a good feeling for you and I don't think you should lose hope!