Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Linds- I am so glad your appetite is returning! Just in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas! And that is so cute how you are showing. If you are protruding that much and haven't gained any weight, it probably means you've lost a couple lbs elsewhere! I am so shocked you haven't told work or anyone else yet! At least your family knows! I'll have to tell work so early since they love to expose us to toxins apparently. I always thought I'd want to tell everyone the second I was 13 weeks but who knows... I may feel the same as you when the time comes. I really think you should cave and buy some maternity pants already. ;) you would be so much comfier!
That is exciting you are turning 32! How was your birthday dinner last night? How long have you and your hubby been married?
I am "only" 25 but I've always wanted to be a young mom so I feel old already!
I am excited for you to hear the hb! And that is true about Christmas being a good time to tell family. If I get preg this month, I would be around 11 weeks at Christmas so I would probably feel comfortable announcing to my sister and her hubby at Christmas ( I would tell them if I had another m/c anyway). Here's hoping I can have a wonderful announcement by then.

Haha, I did buy maternity pants yesterday. Went out to look with hubby and tried them on and I was sold, lol. I have jeans again! We've told a few people, my immediate family and my grandmother, hubby's immediate family, and a couple close friends. I'm thinking I will probably tell work sometime after my next appointment if things are still going well. I'm the only one there who does paediatrics so not sure what we're going to do about coverage for the time I'm off... I think it'll take some planning. As for everyone else, I have no idea when I want to share the news... maybe in a few more weeks.

Birthday dinner last night was very nice :) Hubby and I have been married for 5 years (anniversary was in July). You shouldn't feel "old" at 25, lol. I feel "old" on this website, but most of my friends have recently had a baby, or do not have kids yet, so around them I don't feel "old", lol. How long have you been married?
Linds I agree go get mat pants and be comfy! Haha! It will be an exciting announcement at Xmas time to all your friends and work.

Linny what's the wheatgrass for?

Lit I always said the same about being a 'younger mum' I'm 24 now and don't know where the time has gonna already! But we are all still young. I just thought I'd be a mum already to a small brood haha still feel 17!!

Lindsay- great that you got maternity pants and can be comfy now! Our anniversary is July as well (23rd). We've only been married for 2 years.

Blue - 24 is still very young! But time does sneak right up on you. It sucks having to give up certain notions like being a mom at a certain age.
It's nice to be back you lovely ladies! I feel like I'm home!!:hugs:

I've been busy setting up a blog to be honest, it's not that interesting, just about me, myself and I so very self-centered!!:haha: I'm not normally self-centered, least I think not, just like writing about stuff. I'm not ready for you ladies to read it yet, it's a bit sad for now, as you can imagine nervous, apprehensive all of it at the moment but will certainly send you all a link when I'm ready and it's all happy again.:thumbup:

I was optimistic about the appointment tomorrow but decided to do a pregnancy test anyway (using afternoon urine), as think she'll ask if my tests have gone negative as I still haven't had AF since D&C and it still came up positive :nope:. I don't know what to make of it, as bar a few slip ups initially we've been careful (well started using the withdrawal method, sorry if that's TMI!) and now my heads all over the place. I can't be pregnant again but why aren't my hormones dropping?? I don't have any pain or bleeding and haven't had at all since the D&C...:cry:

Bluestars - Good to hear Operation Crimbo Baby Making is still in action! And good to hear you're on it so to speak!!:haha: Fingers and toes crossed for you missy :happydance: xxx

Crysshae - I'm so sorry again for your sad news :hugs:. I hope you're trying again? Whereabouts are you in your cycle? I really hope Christmas is full of a beautiful sticky bean for you xx

LL - I'm so sorry the stupid b*tch of a witch got you. But hey as long as you get a little wriggly baby in there before Christmas, it'll still be good right? I think being pregnant over Christmas no matter which trimester is the best, means you can eat as much cake etc as you like and only you and hubby know the happy little secret why :happydance:.

Linds - It's so nice to hear your little tummy is showing:dance:!! I can't wait to see pics of a lovely big pregnant tummy on here! And the hunger's a good sign too. I know what you mean about not being sure about when to tell anyone, just tell them when you feel comfortable, as is the case most of the time with these things, chances are you'll tell one person and then the chinese whispers will start and everyone will know! So do it when you're ready to.

Nina - I'm sorry work haven't been very supportive but I still believe you're not out yet! Remember I've had really late BFPs too!! Fingers and toes and everything crossed for you hun [-o< xxxx

So here's a pic of my very sad pg test....


  • FRER 08-10-13.jpg
    FRER 08-10-13.jpg
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Aleeah- that is a pretty dark line for so long after your d&c and the pull-out method is not very effective. Are you sure you aren't preg again? Maybe you should get them to do an hCG count tomorrow to see how much is left.

Thanks, I do suppose it would be nice to be pregnant over Christmas, but I would be absolutely shattered if I had to grieve a loss over Christmas. My two fav months were always July and December and July has already been ruined now. I just want December to stay a happy month.

So excited to hear about your appt tomorrow and I would LOVE to read your blog once you are ready to share it with us!

AFM - AF is quite rotten this month. I was incredibly miserable all day yesterday. I feel slightly better today but I have cramps and am very grouchy from it. I really need a day off. Thankfully Monday is thanksgiving.

Nina - I'm dying here - have you tested again yet!?
I agree with lit! Maybe you are pregnant again! That look sole a VERY dark line ! Have you called doctors to see about bloods?

When was your last AF ?

Nothing new with me o pains have gone now. OH birthday tomorrow and I'm not organised at all haha so ... I'm running about like mad trying to get things organised haha! I can't believe that if I o'd yesterday then I'm in the two week wait already! I can't believe it I don't think I'm ready for this wait haha! It ant to be waiting for I still! Although I'd like to be done with BDing haha ! Tomorrow's a must unfortunately. This is the month I fell pregnant last year !! I hoping this is my super fertile month. Think it will be difficult though f I do fall pregnant at this stage as over Xmas and new year to be pregnant so early on will be hard!

Nina have you tested ?
Lit is your AF here yet? Xxx
Good luck at your appointment, Aleeah. That is a very dark test.... It's been over a month; right?

As for my cycle, I'm about 4-7 days before AF is due. I didn't chart this month, so I just have to count days. My cycles are usually 26-28 days long.

Lindsay - Yay for maternity pants!

Blue - Fingers crossed you've caught the egg!

Nina - I'm wondering too!

Hopefully all of us will have a take home baby BFP by Christmas.
Blue- that's exciting about the birthday plans. What all are you doing for his birthday? That really sucks that BDing will be necessary for it. Bleh. TTC really makes the 'optional' dtd sessions really seem like a chore.
I can't believe you are already in the TWW either! I do hope October is your amazingly fertile month as well. That would be nice to be pregnant Again by the time you were last year. Good luck! With that mammoth egg you have a good chance!

I agree being in 1st tri over the holidays will be hard.

Yes, AF started yesterday! :(
So I'm going to say it as I see it, looks like the control line and the test line have switched to me!?:wacko: Maybe they put the test together incorrectly?? It's been 6 weeks since the D&C now, I definitely don't feel pregnant at all, boobs are the smallest they've been since I was about 12 years old!:haha: Which is a classic thing for me post miscarriage, they shrink and then bounce back out of nowhere.

I'm so scared, I just wanted it to be negative so badly... xx:cry:
Crys - once AF starts do you still have to wait another month to try again?

Yes. I'm supposed to get my CD21 levels checked after my next AF.

Aleeah - I don't think it's put together backwards. You still have enough hCG in your system that the test line grabs all the dye before it reaches the control.
Aleeah, that test looks very positive to me. At first I thought the test line was the light one, I didn't realize which way it was facing... but I agree with Crys, I think the test is indicating that you have a fair amount of hcg in your system. They'll probably send you for blood tests tomorrow. Did they follow your hcg to 0 or did they stop doing the tests when they saw it was trending down? In any case, if this is a new pregnancy, I really really really hope it's a nice healthy one!!

I hope you do share your blog when you are ready :)

LL, I really hope that December will be a very happy month for you. It's really too bad that after a loss we worry so much about another one, so much so that it makes you worry about things like this :hugs: I'm looking forward to the thanksgiving long weekend too :)

Blue, I hope you caught that egg! I'm sorry you're worried about being pregnant (early on) over Christmas too :hugs: I am still hoping that we will all be pregnant with our sticky bfp's by December!

Crys, how are you holding out with waiting to try?

Nina, any news???
Unfortunate that when I first saw that we all wanted our sticky BFPs by Christmas, I thought that there was almost no chance I would not be pregnant by Christmas and my goal was to be pregnant on by October! Well, I was very wrong on that account, so I do hope I can at least make it by Christmas.

Friends of ours started trying in August and I am worried she will get pregnant "first" (even though technically we got pregnant before they were even trying). As the months go by it seems more and more likely that she will! Sigh. Of course she deserves to get pregnant ASAP but I do too. :p

Do you have lots of family gatherings this weekend, Lindsay?
Going out for a massive dinner with friend on sat and me an OH are going out for lunch and then I made him a cake and stuff. We are rather laid back so we will take the day as we can.

I would rather be pregnant for Xmas than not so I'm settled enough that if I am then I have to accept it and not worry to much!

Roll on our Xmas babies!!!

PMA all the way!

I'm kind of depressed and taking some time out.
I'm getting bloods tomorrow, although I'm pretty sure it's a no go. Temps are dropping and cervix is hard, even though I know that's not reliable.
AF is no where in sight. I've never been this late. I have no idea what's going on with those HPT. I seriously don't trust them.

Aleeah, I hope this is a healthy new pregnancy for you. That looks pretty positive to me. <3

Much love to you all, I'm stalking and keeping updated, just don't feel like sharing right now :(
Blue - that sounds like a fun way to celebrate! Your hubby is lucky to have such a great wife!

I agree that I would WAY rather be pregnant and worried by Christmas than not. We can fight through the stress as long as it means a baby sooner! Have you calculated when you will be due if you're pregnant this month? I hope we can be bump buddies!

Nina - so sorry you're feeling depressed. :hugs: If you are not pregnant, it could be stress keeping AF away. I hope your bloodwork sheds some light on the situation. In the mean time - don't give up! There is still a chance for you! It is encouraging that AF has not shown up and hopefully your BFP is just shy. If you are not pregnant, I am completely in your boat and feel very discouraged and down as well... But we at least will be together as cycle buddies again and you, blue and I can all be bump buddies! But I do very much hope you get your BFP tomorrow!
LL, I know what you mean about being worried about others getting pregnant "first". It's so weird how our brains work. I have a very good friend (we grew up together) who started trying at the same time we did... for years we've talked about how we wanted to have babies at the same time, and in fact a few years ago we decided 2013 would be a good year, lol. Anyway, she got pregnant the first month trying (august) and I found it quite hard watching her pregnancy while we were not getting pregnant. She had her baby in May a few days before we found out about the m/c, and actually it took me a couple months before I felt strong enough to go over and visit. It's so strange because I was (and still am :) ) so very happy for her, but my emotions really got the better of me. Anyway, hopefully we will all have healthy, happy 2014 babies :)

We're doing turkey dinner with my parents (and a bunch of family friends) on Saturday, and then DH's mom and boyfriend on Sunday so there will be lots of eating going on, lol. I'm glad I'm hungry again, wouldn't want to miss out on turkey! How about you? Do you have lots of gatherings going on too?

Blue, sounds like you've got a great plan for OH's birthday :) What kind of cake did you make?

Nina, sorry you're feeling that way :hugs: I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that you get a happy surprise tomorrow!
Yes, hopefully we can all put this sadness in the past and have healthy babies very soon. It is too bad you weren't able to have kids at the same time. It's so weird how you never think of factoring in miscarriages into the picture when planning for the future. My best friend and I want to have kids at the same time so we've always planned that I'd try for my second while she tries for her first. Now I know that that actually might be a bad idea and cause more hurt and pain if something goes wrong. At least your friend's baby will only be less than a year older than yours so they can still grow up together and be close friends.

Normally I would have lots of celebrations this weekend, but my husband's family is away so it will just be a gathering on my side. I will probably spend both Sunday and Monday with my family since my sister and bro-in-law will be staying there and we don't see them super often since they live 7 hours Away. I believe my sis is making a pumpkin cheesecake!
Nina - Good luck with the bloods today. I'm sorry you're feeling down but you will get there, you've been pregnant before and you'll be pregnant again. Have you anymore symptoms, no AF is surely a good sign, right? I do symapthise though, I can be late if I'm stressing about AF not arriving but only late by a day or two. Fingers crossed for you today xxx

Blue - Do share pics of the cake if you have any? I'm a sucker for cakes, LOVE them!! Would eat cake for 3 meals a day if I could (which I could!) but not sure my husband would let us remove the doors for me to get through if I did end up the size of a :mamafy:!! Hubby's birthday is a good excuse to get in that last bit of baby dancing and also to let some of the days of the two week wait fly by! I'm hoping it'll be a super fast one that rushes to your big fat positive this month.:thumbup:

Crysshae - I hadn't realised you were waiting until after AF. Good luck for soon then, sending you a huge tonne of sticky baby dust :hugs:xxx

Lindsay - I think we've all let our emotions get the better of us with our friends pregnancies. My friend announced she was pregnant 2 weeks after my first miscarriage this year, it was hard to hear, she didn't know about my miscarriage and I stupidely asked her if the baby was planned. It wasn't and I got so upset I blurted out about my miscarriage. I felt bad as soon as I said it, as I could see how sad she was for me and I felt terrible not being happy for her. It's ok now though, I see other people's babies as just that, theirs, not mine. She's just had a gorgeous little boy and I couldn't be more thrilled for her, lots of Auntie duty for me and I can't wait!!

In answering your question, they didn't follow the HCG down to zero but it went from 106 4 and a half weeks ago to 45.6 4 weeks ago. I also did a FRER test 3 weeks ago and it was really really faint. I don't know what it all means but I'm sure it's not a new pregnancy, don't know why but instinct says it's not.

Literati - Wow!! The pumpkin cheesecake sounds A-Mazing!!!:happydance: I want some! It's a bit of a trek just for cake but I bet if anyone could do it I could!:haha: It's nice you're spending it with your family at least though, love a family get together.

You're right it's hard when other people start falling pregnant to plans and some of us struggle. It's like someone said before, you seem to spend all those years trying NOT to get pregnant and then when you want a baby things don't turn out how you expect. I wish I could go back and shake the much younger me into thinking differently. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe in teenage pregnancies or anything but me and hubby have been together nearly 6 years now and I wish we'd started trying much sooner. We'll all get there though, I honestly do believe that, it might be a different journey to others but we'll all get the same result, a beautiful baby or 2 or 3 or 4 or however many you all want!

Update for me, appointment later today, tested again with a FRER from a different pack and it's the same if not darker than yesterday's :wacko:. I'm sure we'll find out what's what no doubt later today.


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