Aleeah- aw I'm so sorry didn't mean to make you cry!its just that I followed the link in your signature and read your story literally 10 mins before you posted your news,so I had to let you know I was thinking of you!I'm a big believer in positive thoughts and attitude,so hope that knowing people over the world are rooting for you will give you that boost you need.I bet it hasnt even sunk in yet!
I've rested up so much I have cabin fever,I need to get out of the house!I'm feeling much stronger and more mobile now.After the operation I was so upset and angry at the world that I went on strike from anything to do with ttc,so I'm not temping or using opk right now.we decided to wait until after af comes (and wait 3 months if necessary as gp says)and then just take a more relaxed approach....BUT I can already feel myself getting back into it,and pretty sure i'll be breaking out the thermometer soon and poas obsessing!lol x
I've rested up so much I have cabin fever,I need to get out of the house!I'm feeling much stronger and more mobile now.After the operation I was so upset and angry at the world that I went on strike from anything to do with ttc,so I'm not temping or using opk right now.we decided to wait until after af comes (and wait 3 months if necessary as gp says)and then just take a more relaxed approach....BUT I can already feel myself getting back into it,and pretty sure i'll be breaking out the thermometer soon and poas obsessing!lol x