waiting for ivf and struggling!

Hey there duck tales.
I think I did short protocol. I did not down reg.
I think if your away cd 13-20 and your always like clockwork then think you would miss that cycle.
I started my injections on cd2 and then 4 days later went for my 1st scan.
I have wrote a diary of the whole process so I could look it up for you.

Why are you doing ivf?
I have pcos and endo so was on a smaller dose of gonal f and it took me nearly 3 weeks for my eggs to be to size.
I will be on a higher dose this time and so eggs (should) be up to size at 10-14 days.

Hammersmith is next to wormwood scrubs, weird it's not in hammersmith.
It is a very small car park at the side of the queen Charlotte hospital and you have to walk right round to the front.
I think there is another car park behind it too. We always had very early appointments. So were there for 7am-8am each time and always got a space. I would advise that when you pick times to go for scans daily that you pick an early slot. Most the time there was lots of times free but the occasional time I had afternoon slots x

How far away from hammersmith are you?
It takes us an hour and a half x

If you started treatment the month you go away, you might just be ok but it all depends on how quickly your progress and I wouldn't advice going skiing after having ET, I felt rough for a few days and extremely bloated and uncomfortable stomach x

thank you for all the info.
I too have endo - it was treated at my lap and dye in July, but have still been trying 2 years since my MMC and before that took 1 year to get my BFP.
At the FS, my husband was told his sperm motility was a bit low 30%, but they didnt think it was a problem, though in truth i imagine Hammersmith may say it as a problem. That was only one sample though, and i know they can change each time.
We get 1 attempt on the NHS and I am not sure whether if they think ICSI is best this is included or not.
I will opt for the early appointments as i usually start work at 8am anyway so don't want to be too late to work.
Our appointment will be around early Jan they said, so my group session later in Jan, we go away 2nd Feb for 7 nights which is CD 13-20 so thinking i wouldnt be starting till my end Feb cycle anyway, Jan would have been a push with timings.
we live in Harrow so not far at all but with traffic 1 hour, without 30-40 mins. It is quicker for me to get the train to Shepherds Bush and then a taxi to the hospital - 30 mins, then i get go on to work in the city straight after

thanks again
enjoy your skiing holiday and then youll be ready to start treatment when you get back.

i wasnt able to return to work after my appointments as i felt very weird as soon as i started the injections. i had constant headaches, dizziness and couldnt sleep. i wasnt myself at all. i tried to go back to work and when i got there i burst into tears as couldnt cope with it all.
i really hope you arent like that, but after reading lots of other ladies stories i think a lot of them had the same too.
i had 6 weeks off work. 3-4 was needed as was sick and then was signed off for 2 weeks from the doctors to relax whilst waiting to test.
have you told your work your doing ivf?

also my hubby had a less than 1 million sperm count on the 1st test and went up to 5 million so we did icsi on our 1st cycle. im sure that if you only get 1 go on the nhs that they may do icsi for you too to increase the chances x

i have to have a scan whilst on my period in jan and then will be starting injections end of feb begining of march and my cycles are so long so we could be around the same time x
enjoy your skiing holiday and then youll be ready to start treatment when you get back.

i wasnt able to return to work after my appointments as i felt very weird as soon as i started the injections. i had constant headaches, dizziness and couldnt sleep. i wasnt myself at all. i tried to go back to work and when i got there i burst into tears as couldnt cope with it all.
i really hope you arent like that, but after reading lots of other ladies stories i think a lot of them had the same too.
i had 6 weeks off work. 3-4 was needed as was sick and then was signed off for 2 weeks from the doctors to relax whilst waiting to test.
have you told your work your doing ivf?

also my hubby had a less than 1 million sperm count on the 1st test and went up to 5 million so we did icsi on our 1st cycle. im sure that if you only get 1 go on the nhs that they may do icsi for you too to increase the chances x

i have to have a scan whilst on my period in jan and then will be starting injections end of feb begining of march and my cycles are so long so we could be around the same time x

fingers crossed for both of us then
I have told my boss i am doing IVF but not my line manager, i am not sure what to say yet as I am not sure how many days off i will need in total - they are flexible about letting me take the hours off i need
I am hoping i dont react to badly to the injections, we will see
That's good then that you can take time off as you don't realise how long appointments can take sometimes.
I've read that some people don't tell there work and I can't imagine that.

I've heard that the 2nd time around you feel a lot different so hoping that's true x
Hi Gals

mummy.wannabe - February will be here before you know it :flower: Sounds like you have Christmas sorted, a new kitchen in time too!

Ducktales - Wishing you lots of luck for your cycle :thumbup: I'm not sure about whether they'll let you start abroad however from my experience, I dont know if I'd have coped with it if I wasnt at home but everyone is different.

I'm on long protocol, began down regulation on the 12th Nov. I had a scan yesterday and all is as it should be so start stims on Thursday and back for the next scan on Tuesday.

I've had really bad headaches and have been really tired. AF was also horrendous. Looking forward to starting the Gonal F to counteract the side effects of the Buserelin.

I'm really looking forward to Christmas now, think the tree will be going up on Sunday!

Hope everyone else is doing ok xxx

Hey pinkie
It's horrible what us ivf woman have to go through!
I remember feeling really bad. Very weird feeling not myself at all. It was like I was in the room with people but not there if you know what I mean.
Had horrible headaches and dizziness and there was no way I could go to work.
I'm manager of a coffee shop so very customer related and no way of doing anything else so depends what job you do.
I'm really hoping ill feel different this time.
I think the time will fly by.

I really am looking forward to Christmas with all the family x
Only 27 days!!!

Had my hospital letter this morning and says I'm doing the antagonist protocol.
Haven't a clue what it means ha
You excited to get started pinkie? A few weeks and you'll have eggs collected and be waiting! Woo
What dose of gonal are you doing? X
That's good then that you can take time off as you don't realise how long appointments can take sometimes.
I've read that some people don't tell there work and I can't imagine that.

I've heard that the 2nd time around you feel a lot different so hoping that's true x

i hope so

Hey pinkie
It's horrible what us ivf woman have to go through!
I remember feeling really bad. Very weird feeling not myself at all. It was like I was in the room with people but not there if you know what I mean.
Had horrible headaches and dizziness and there was no way I could go to work.
I'm manager of a coffee shop so very customer related and no way of doing anything else so depends what job you do.
I'm really hoping ill feel different this time.
I think the time will fly by.

I really am looking forward to Christmas with all the family x
Only 27 days!!!

Had my hospital letter this morning and says I'm doing the antagonist protocol.
Haven't a clue what it means ha
You excited to get started pinkie? A few weeks and you'll have eggs collected and be waiting! Woo
What dose of gonal are you doing? X

fingers crossed time will fly
pinkie, im sorry about the bad side effects, not long now till the EC and ET though !

AFM i still didnt get my letter but hoping to get it by the end of the week
I'm nervous and excited and a bit worried :wacko: Trying not to get my hopes up but cant help it!

I'm so lucky as we have our own business and DP has stepped up a gear so I can do as much or as little as I feel like each day. I know I would find this so much harder if I was clocking in and out every day so totally understand why that would be hard, especially dealing with people. Also found some of the headaches immense and cant think straight when it happens.

I'll be on 150 on the Gonal F pen injections. Read my notes when I was waiting for the scan on Monday and they found 24+ follicles at first count (part of left ovary was obscured) so I'm hopeful there will be some to go at after stims. Lining was 5.1 on Monday so all is ok so far.

I'm not sure what the antagonist protocol is but I think I've read a bit on the assisted conception threads somewhere. Keeping everything crossed for you for a 2013 bump :hugs:
I'm nervous and excited and a bit worried :wacko: Trying not to get my hopes up but cant help it!

I'm so lucky as we have our own business and DP has stepped up a gear so I can do as much or as little as I feel like each day. I know I would find this so much harder if I was clocking in and out every day so totally understand why that would be hard, especially dealing with people. Also found some of the headaches immense and cant think straight when it happens.

I'll be on 150 on the Gonal F pen injections. Read my notes when I was waiting for the scan on Monday and they found 24+ follicles at first count (part of left ovary was obscured) so I'm hopeful there will be some to go at after stims. Lining was 5.1 on Monday so all is ok so far.

I'm not sure what the antagonist protocol is but I think I've read a bit on the assisted conception threads somewhere. Keeping everything crossed for you for a 2013 bump :hugs:
WOW, 24+ that's amazing. Surely we get a baby and future frosties out of 24. I'm very excited for you and all of the ladies coming up to IVF this winter. Yay baby!
Just got out of yoga class and going into a meeting. Had to post while the positivity is still bursting from my veins.:flower:
Thanks 2have4kids, I'm happy to go with your positivity! :hugs:
Hey everyone hope you are all well

Pinkie: where are you up to have you had your transfer yet?????
Hi everyone. I hope you're doing well Pinkie with your IVF. Mummywannabe, did you find out what the antagonist protocol is? How's everything Melbram, is your work gearing down for the holidays? You're getting set to go for end of Jan/early feb yes? Ducktales, how's the NHS process going? Did you find out if they'll cover the ICSI?

I still haven't got AF since I miscarried Oct 24th ish. I'm pretty sure that's what the date was but having been on vacation and with all the wine I drank afterwards :wacko:
I've got an appt scheduled with the fc this afternoon at 3pm to see if there's anything they can do to help me have AF. My friend took 6 months to get hers, with diminished reserve I can't wait that long. It'll be the 7th week tomorrow. I don't expect they'll give me anything but she might set me up with comments on file if I haven't got it by such and such a time to call in and a nurse will prescribe ... That's what I'm hoping for anyway.
I can't believe there's only 2 weeks until Christmas. We've fostered 3 kittens who were dumped in a local park (likely couldn't sell them) when it was a cool -15 degrees C (they wouldn't have made it a day). I just make sure they go to their vet appts to get spayed, vaccinated & chipped and then they get adopted out to forever homes. The Meow Foundation has made it so that this city no longer needs to euthenise strays (along with the City licensing policy). We set up the tree and they went crazy playing with the white tulle underneath. So much fun to watch. Will be better with a rum n eggnog in hand!
I hope you're all doing well.
2have4kids: sorry to hear your still waiting on AF - hope you get some answers today to help it along so you can move on

Not sure when I will be starting round 2 - got a lot of stress with my mum at the moment shes having a bit of a breakdown which is draining me so dont feel strong enough to move forward with the IVF x I just cant wait for the new year hopefully things will change then. x In the meantime im praying for a natural BFP........
Hi, back again - sorry no update on this whole IMSI thing but not a lot happening!

We had our failed IVF2 follow up and the doctor didn't really know alot about IMSI (tbh we know more about it from googling), he basically said he didn't know what to do with us next as I pretty much had a perfect response to the drugs, he referred us to the main Hospital where all they do if IVF (& they do IMSI! so can question away) (the hospital we go to is like a feeder site).
Took 3 weeks for them to send the referral letter, after 2 more weeks heard nothing so rang up and we've got an appointment with the top man 22/01/2013. Must have all our questions ready.
In the mean time we went to the fertility show to see what advice we could get for free - hmmmm has left us with some questions for Jan.
Basically, hospitals that do IMSI (we spoke to a woman from Lister (I think) & an embryologist from Bourne Hall), think we're ideal IMSI cases.
Doctors that don't do IMSI, think either a). we've been massively unlucky - that guy hinted at finding a decent egg was like finding a blue smartie in a load of smarties).
b). we ought to have sperm DNA testing - but its expensive, its just a snapshot in time. Some of them were real doom & gloomers, seems like if it can be improved its just vitamins & health eating. But I don't think I'm ready to find out something as devastating as this - cos I don't know where it leaves us if they say the Sperm DNA is bad.
An american doctor said he would take a different approach - give me loads of drugs, get tonnes of eggs, fertilise, free, wait for me to have AF and then pop them back. I'm trying to get hold of my file to send to him for his opinion.
A few Drs not selling vitamins said Wellman/woman Contraceptive were rubbish and we needed something better (forgot to ask for recommendations, totally overwhelmed so have bought Marilyn Glenville's Fertility Vits, Omega & Vit C (so expensive). I though £10 a month each classed as fancy vitamins. Probably should find a more middle of the road offering but just want to throw everything at it for our next treatment.

Feel a bit overwhelmed & fed up with it all. No idea if the issues are on my side or DH (though I still think all evidence points to DH).
We're both doing fortnightly accupuncture, chinese teas, the expensive vits, meat from the butcher etc etc. Feel I should be researching what we should be doing more as no real guidance or knowledge from Drs. But the research is so time consuming / exhausting after a full day at work. Chinese Dr is obsessed by temping, which I find annoying but I can see it gives him a lot of info.
Also cos of follow up not til end of Jan, may miss our 6 monthly slot in March for next treatment & have to wait to April Arghh! Its brilliant getting this on the NHS but if we have to pay in the end I hope I can benefit from feeling more in control.

Does anyone else find it really annoying that Drs are only interested in drugs and ART and don't want to look into things to help conceiving naturally? Also, that they don't like to give out information - its like a need to know basis and I don't need to know.

Sorry for my mini rant but I needed to get all my annoyances out :)

Me: 32, PCOS
DH: 42, low everything
TTC: 3 years
Clomid 6 months
IVF 1 03.2012: ICSI, 13 eggs, 12 fert, by day 5 - 1 6 cell & 1 8 cell - no one can tell us why this happened.
IVF 2 09.2012: ICSI 21 eggs, 16 fert, by day 5 1 Morella
Hi Minxychick, sounds like you've been through the ringer. I empathise with you, annoyed that docs only have one side of medicine to preach, we've tossed out thousands of years of trial n error for pharma-everything. I do believe as our bodies age we loose the ability to absorb stuff, we stop making hormones as efficiently. Lots of poopy stuff happens and i'm sure there are things we can do to help the body along. Science seems to do it by mimicking/replacing those hormones we're missing right, so why wouldn't supplements work that act on supporting those sytems. Anyway bla bla bla. I like softcups and believe they and the supplements i've been taking helped me get preggers in Sept. Now to get another bpf and keep it :shrug:

Just got out of the doc's office, she set me up. Af to be expected in 2weeks and ivf in march if nothing b4 that. OH has to do karyotype genetic testing, i go for blood clotting analysis. I love this doc...she's great.
Hi Ladies

Melbram - sorry you are having a rough time, family issues can be such a strain. Although I'm sure you are keen to be moving forwards, being emotionally in a strong place is crucial. I hope things start to get better for you.

Minxychick - no wonder you feel overwhelmed! You are doing really well with all your research, I hope you get the answers you need in the new year. I think the vits & mins are really useful, I'm not sure about chinese teas etc, does the research suggest they help?

2have4kids - so glad you are making progress and AF is on the way. I hope the test results start to give you a clear way forward. Hoping 2013 is a lucky one for all of us :flower:

AFM - ER was Monday, results are, 27 follicles of which 10 were suitable for ICSI, 8 were attempted (not sure if this is becuase of egg quality or lack of sperm) and 5 fertilised. They are hoping to take all 5 to blastocyst and all being well, ET will be Saturday. The hospital are calling tomorrow with an update. Started the progesterone suppositries today. Praying the little ones are growing well. This waiting is doing my head in!

Hey all
Not been on for awhile been having lots done to our house and time is flying for me.
Can't believe it's 2 weeks until Christmas.

Sorry to hear about your family melbram there's always something isnt there.

I help my nan get up my disabled auntie ready to go to her day centre. 2 weeks on 2 weeks off and my mum does the other and I'm so stressed once I get to work. She's hard work but I have to help nan she's getting too old to do it all the time.

2have2kids what's weird about your cycles. I was bleeding every 2 weeks after my mc and im just having my 1st proper 1 now. Hope that gets sorted.

Pinkie that's great news, how you feeling?
It feels so long getting there and once your at your stage you think it's here already.

How's everyone else. I didn't read too far back x
Great news Pinkie - fx you get some good blast :happydance:

Minxy: it is very frustrating that you attend follow up appointments but just get nowhere nd tend to know more about the treatments or extras on offer than the nurses. I wouldnt have known half the stuff I do without research and reading Zita West's book. How many NHS cycles do you get I only get two so if the next go doesnt work Im faced with private funding :wacko:

2have 4kids: hope ur AF arrives so you could possibly start a little earlier if your ready for it :thumbup:

mummywannabe: good to hear your keeping busy - your are starting in Feb arent you? are you doing anything special to prep/taking any specific vits?

I so cant wait to get this awful year out the way - roll on 2013 and all our BFPs!! :dust::dust::dust:
I start on my feb period but I think it will be late and I won't be able to Start until march, but it will soon be here.
No I'm not doing any preparing yet, I don't want to keep thinking about it to be honest, I think I'll start in jan and can start diet again and eating better and will start vitamins then x
Hi everyone. I hope you're doing well Pinkie with your IVF. Mummywannabe, did you find out what the antagonist protocol is? How's everything Melbram, is your work gearing down for the holidays? You're getting set to go for end of Jan/early feb yes? Ducktales, how's the NHS process going? Did you find out if they'll cover the ICSI?

Hi - thanks for the comment, my first appointment is on 20th Dec and have a whole list of questions for then, don't know a thing at the moment!
Hope you are doing ok

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