Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

LL - thanks love! Well ff had me down as Oing on cd14 but I suspected I Od on cd 12, which would match up with the sac measuring a bit ahead of my current 4w 5d based on lmp. It occurred to me that the lmp dating thing could easily lead to women getting upset at ultrasounds if they have long cycles and O late etc...
yay Linny!

And thanks Lexie and LL- I always feel bad whining, because I know so many have it worse than me, but it still sucks, ya know?!

I rescheduled my dr appointment for 11/19. Hoping it'll be a blood test for betas, but if not, I want to talk to him and ask what else I can do (and hopefully not hear the "well, give it time" speech argh).
LL - thanks love! Well ff had me down as Oing on cd14 but I suspected I Od on cd 12, which would match up with the sac measuring a bit ahead of my current 4w 5d based on lmp. It occurred to me that the lmp dating thing could easily lead to women getting upset at ultrasounds if they have long cycles and O late etc...

Yeah with DS no one would believe me when I said I O'ed late (it was cd 21 that cycle) so I was 1 week behind all of their dates and they kept scaring me, saying my hcg was low, he was small, etc. DROVE ME NUTS. I ended up switching doctors. Then he zoomed ahead and was measuring big from 12 weeks on.
grgirl Its so annoying they don't offer betas as standard in so many places.. If they don't offer it will you ask? That must have been so frustrating with your ds, not to mention anxiety inducing. No matter how certain you are of your dates, people continually telling you there's something wrong is the last thing a pregnant lady needs! X
Hey ladies - been MIA lately. I am so busy at work it's hard to sit on a computer when I get home or am on break.

Linny - congrats on your scan!

Sofa - congrats on your betas!

Everyone else, I hope things are going well. I will have to try to look at the stream of events soon.

AFM - all is still going well. Think I told you that last week's scan looked great. Have genetic scanning on Nov. 22. If things look good there we will begin to spread the joyous news during our Thanksgiving break (Nov. 28) when I will be 13 weeks.
Gr- that is awful that they wouldn't listen to you about your o date last time and said worrisome things! I hate that they always assume we are stupid and know nothing about our bodies. They wouldn't believe me last time when I told them I ovulate early. Sigh.

IAW- yay! You are so far along already! Congrats! So glad things are going well for me.

Linny- yay for your intuition telling you when you truly oved. Sometimes FF is dumb.
IAW - How nice that you are looking forward to milestones! Thanksgiving would be a wonderful time to share your news!

Sofa - Great beta! Will you continue to test or are you feeling better seeing this spike? What a relief that must be for you.

Linny - Wonderful news about your scan!

Grgirl - I wouldn't worry about the positive opk this morning. It takes time for the LH to leave. Also, a positive opk yesterday means ov 12-24 hours later, so feeling ov pain today makes sense. Best bd days are before ov, so you should be good!

Celine - your blanket is amazing!

Annie - my boobs are not sore yet immediately after ov, they definitely were with both pregnancies...clearly I will be symptom spotting this in the future ;)

AFM - I ov'd last night/this am cd18/19. A little later than I'd like (thinking ahead to next month and hoping ov lines with with the end of a week long vacation...) but better than some of my ridiculous cycles. Temp spiked this morning, so likely confirms that ov happened yesterday. I forgot to take my temp yesterday morning. I've definitely noticed that I'm feeling less stressed not worrying about temping or bd on specific days.

Have a dr appt this week, she should have my u/s results. I don't know what to expect to hear but most likely, u/s showed nothing and she will send me away with no answers and a "try to relax". I know it would be a good thing to find nothing, so I guess I should hope for that.
That's great sofa!! Power of positive thinking. I'm praying for you linny
Hey ladies - I'm a bit lost with all the posts since I was last on here, so in brief:

Congrats to all those with good news, positive scans, high betas, maxed BD marathons etc! We need to keep the good stuff coming.

Hugs to anyone not in the best place currently. I read some interestiing stuff back a few pages about friendships, and can totally relate!!!!! I have three close friends from college - one in particular, I woud have supported at various difficult times - and all I got was one 'are you ok' text. Then nothing, until a missed call three weeks ago to pick my brain on a work topic. Buzz off with yourself! We're supposed to be doing a 'reunion/catch-up' dinner this weekend and I'm dreading it!! Do I avoid my own 'catch up' story altogether? Tell all in gorey detail so people have some idea of what it's about?

I went to the hospital for Betas last Thursday, and they came back at 63. The nurse confirmed that I'm - her words - a little bit pregnant. I've to go back Thursday for repeat bloods and Friday for a scan to see what's going on. I'm really hoping they'll have fallen by Thursday, and it's just a matter of waiting.

And on top of that AF arrived today, 11dpo. This is really early for me, I'm normall the full 14 post-ov days. I'm not sure if it's a once off or not, but was interested to read about the B-complex vits and will try that next cycle.

Bit disappointed, I hoped some kind of miracle would happen, but guess not. Still, closer to my own next BD marathon - I hope I'm as motivated as some of our members (you know who you are!!)

Yay Linny and Sofa. I love hearing that everything is right on track.

I'm still fighting my everlasting headache but wanted to update to say that today's beta was 35. I'm two and a half weeks or so out from aspiration. I'm pleased and think in one more week I should be back near zero. My wondfo was negative this morning although it did have a slight line after it dried.
LL - Thanks....That's a relief to hear quite honestly. (Not that i wanted you to have cramping also!) but that it can mean any number of things besides the obvious worry

Jrepp - Some women have lower than average levels of progesterone (symptoms are spotting before AF and short luteal phases). They can try to increase their progesterone, either by using vitamins etc, or by using a natural progesterone cream or else in the US they might be prescribed it. It can't do *any* harm during pregnancy, i've looked into that to be certain. But it's controversial in the sense that many people think if your prog is low it's because the pregnancy is failing, not the other way around. Hope that helps!

Oh, also, what LL says seems right to me, the day before O seems better than the day, because you want the sperm all hanging out waiting for the egg! :) X

I am glad to hear from so many people the day before is better. I would have killed the hubby if his jerky-ness made me miss out on getting pregnant!

Jrepp it sounds like your timing was great, the two days before are supposed to be better than the day of ov. Yay for the tww! When will you test this time?

AFM - still having the tender / swollen bbs which is a good sign for me! I don't normally get this during the tww. My main PMS symptom is normally nausea but not until the second week. Fingers crossed that little egg is implanting now, I'm 6dpo and trying to do as my husband wants and hold off testing until AF is late.

I'm not sure if/when I'm going to test. Ff and ovufriend put my testing date at exactly one month after my miscarriage, and I don't know if I can handle that. I want to know as soon as possible so that I can get in for testing to make sure everything is ok, but at the same time I don't want to get a positive only to lose another baby.

Good luck! Holding out on testing is so hard!

GRgirl- I also think you already oved and shouldn't worry. Stop POASing! :haha: and congrats on being in the TWW!

Sofa - good luck! Can't wait to hear about your betas and pleased the spotting stopped.

Linny - it was very healing to talk to someone who really understands. I felt a bit silly after because I'm not used to confiding in people but it felt so reassuring to have my feelings validated, and it definitely gives me hope that she now has her rainbow baby.

Good luck at your scan! I am hoping and praying for the best for you! I hope the scan offers you a lot of reassurance! Let us know how it goes.

Annie - thanks. I am the same way. I am so down around AF time but I usually cheer up during my fertile period. Sadly, I then get down again the moment I hit the TWW. I am prone to depression at the best of times so I always get what I call the "PMS cloud of depression" very early on in the TWW. Hahaha so there isn't much relief for me. ;) but I do hope that the pain gets easier as you said.

Those sore boobs are a great sign! I don't normally get those in the TWW either.

Apple - of course we remember you! Glad you are doing okay. :hugs:

How is everyone else?

I currently am doing alright. I am experiencing a lot of the same symptoms as I did last month. I am having really strange vivid dreams (this morning I had a dream I got a positive test and hid it from my family), air bubbles down there and it feels like muscle spasms from my hip to my pubic bone.

Hey you guys I spotted this morning

Depending on where you are in your cycle, could be implantation spotting or period spotting. Hard to tell.

I'm having a very down day :( Just defeated feeling and sad. Having an "OMG this is never gonna work, DS was all I'll get" kind of moment and right on cue, I get HOLY COW O PAINS in my left ovary. Figured out a few days ago that was the one I was gonna O from since it was pinging, but WOW is it painful. Great. Guess this extends the BD Marathon even longer (for those keeping track at home :D , I'm SO OVER the Marathon by now this cycle). No denying what that pain is. So guess even tho all the signs point to O yesterday, it's today?

And my OB's office called me to reschedule the appointment I made for 11/12 when I was supposed to be 7+ weeks. Got to tell the receptionist, "nope sorry not pregnant anymore but hopefully I will be by the time I see him again". Ouch. :( Just feeling a bit sorry for myself :( I know 2 losses is nothing compared to some people, but it's 2 more than I ever expected to have, and it's already unusual to have 2, let alone when TTC only 4 cycles. Just adds to my hopelessness.

Keep your chin up! Everyone is aloud to have a bad day, but at least you know you o'd and you had the bd marathon of a lifetime. I know exactly how you feel having 2 miscarriages too many! It sucks!

Hey ladies - I'm a bit lost with all the posts since I was last on here, so in brief:

Congrats to all those with good news, positive scans, high betas, maxed BD marathons etc! We need to keep the good stuff coming.

Hugs to anyone not in the best place currently. I read some interestiing stuff back a few pages about friendships, and can totally relate!!!!! I have three close friends from college - one in particular, I woud have supported at various difficult times - and all I got was one 'are you ok' text. Then nothing, until a missed call three weeks ago to pick my brain on a work topic. Buzz off with yourself! We're supposed to be doing a 'reunion/catch-up' dinner this weekend and I'm dreading it!! Do I avoid my own 'catch up' story altogether? Tell all in gorey detail so people have some idea of what it's about?

I went to the hospital for Betas last Thursday, and they came back at 63. The nurse confirmed that I'm - her words - a little bit pregnant. I've to go back Thursday for repeat bloods and Friday for a scan to see what's going on. I'm really hoping they'll have fallen by Thursday, and it's just a matter of waiting.

And on top of that AF arrived today, 11dpo. This is really early for me, I'm normall the full 14 post-ov days. I'm not sure if it's a once off or not, but was interested to read about the B-complex vits and will try that next cycle.

Bit disappointed, I hoped some kind of miracle would happen, but guess not. Still, closer to my own next BD marathon - I hope I'm as motivated as some of our members (you know who you are!!)


I'm sorry that happened to you!
sorry I've been MIA as well. Linny and sofa congrats! boodley and slg hopefully it won't be much longer.
AFM-been busy working and getting ready for dh birthday partylast Sat. tested neg Friday night. party went well til dh passed out. like literally fell over while standing at the kitchen counter, eyes rolled back and unresponsive. called emergency and in the end dr said he just had too much alcohol (I don't believe it he had a seizure). anyway he's fine now, but in his panic and thoughts that he was dying he yelled out to me that he just needed one or two years to have a baby. saddest moment of my life. that I can't provide my husband's dying wish. he has never talked to me about how much it means to him. so now, I will be talking to my dr about iui as the cheapest alternative and next step.
Oh my gosh, Penguin, you must have been terrified! I'm so glad that he is okay! It's good that he is telling you more about how he feels regarding baby. We absolutely can't afford the treatment that we are doing for infertility but we just borrow the money and do it anyway. We figure that we would never feel okay with saying that we didn't have another child because it cost a couple thousand dollars. I hope IUI is an option. Do you know why you aren't getting pregnant?
Hey everyone. Quick post to say 8dpo for me and bfn :( well it looked like an evap for a while but has dried negative.
Hi ladies do you remember me?? I've had to keep away for a bit because I've had a lot going on and I couldn't sit obsessing about ttc again it was just getting too hard. Also if I'm totally honest I was so happy to see all the bfps on here and I am so happy for you all but it made my plight seem so much more difficult , I didn't understand why it couldn't be my turn too and that was really hard when I just wanted to be happy for everyone. Ok so pity party out of the way, I have been stalking on and off but everything moves so so fast I have struggled a bit! Anyway I'm sorry and I'm sorry if it looked like I deserted, I really have been here in spirit!

Penguin what a scary thing to happen to you :hugs:
Celine I'm so so happy for you things are going well, you know I am thinking of you even when I'm not on here.
Itsawonder wow I can't believe time has gone so fast ! (Although I bet it feels like a lifetime for you!)
Linny congrats !!
Everyone else I will get back up to speed I promise !!
Gingerwhinger sorry about your bfn but 8dpo ?? :rofl:

AFM I am now 7dpo and in the longest week of the month again. Symptom spitting already, I really won't ever learn. I also worked out this is month 12 of actively ttc in the past 3 years (resulting in 2 pregnancys) and month 4 since my mc. I feel no wiser or more able to deal with the 2ww than I ever did. All I'm doing differently is thinking of reasons it would be good to not get my bfp this month, and it's that if I don't get my bfp this month my next child will probably be in the next school year so I'll get to keep them at home for another year and they'll hopefully be old for their year which will help them along. So yes I'm okish but more and more desperate for my bfp!! Also my sisters baby is due 13th December and it will be hard if I don't have a bfp by then.

Love you all and I've missed you xxx
Aww munchkin it's good to see you back, you have been missed. I understand and to be honest I've already decided I'm going to have to take a step back from b&b if this isn't our month. Waiting will be so much harder when I see all you lovely ladies getting those hard earned bfps. :hugs:

We're both 7dpo! AF is due for me between mon and weds next week and hopefully ill be able to wait to test. My reason not to get a bfp this month would be the holiday next year will be so much easier without a newborn and a flabby post birth body. I just have to try and convince myself that I mean that!
Penguin - It's good that your husband finally opened up, and that he's ok! I understand why you must be feeling pretty raw about it... but what struck me is that it seems as though you've placed all the responsibility for having a child squarely on your own shoulders. Is this really a fair amount of pressure to put upon yourself? X

Gingerwhinger - hehe 8dpo, good luck for tomorrow though!!

Munchkin - Good to see you back!
Penguin-That's so scary! So glad he's ok now. It must have been terrifying :(

Ginger-Now you know 8DPO negatives don't mean anything ;)

Annie-Hopefully this is your month! I'll be so sad if you have to leave for a while, but I understand how it can be hard if you have to wait.

Jrepp-Thanks for understanding; it's just hard sometimes and then I try to get over being so negtive, but it's hrd to shake.

AFM- temp shot up again. After last night's BD I'm officially calling the BD MARATHON OVER!!!! It is what it is now. I tried my hardest (I'm tired and sore and we had the best timing I've had out of any of my TTC cycles, I think) and if it's on to next cycle it is. Not gonna lie, I'll be upset and sad but I physically couldn't have tried harder without medical intervention.
If this cycle doesn't work, I guess the only good thing I have is that it gives me time to work on cutting my caffeine consumption down even more? And maybe work on boosting my PMA? Otherwise I got nothin' :( I just really wanted a July baby next year since my 1st loss was in July this year.
I'm going to try and not symptom spot this TWW. First day of testing will be 11/14, I think, but that's only 10 DPO so I'm not expecting much. AF is due 11/17 and I'm pretty sure I can't hold out testing til then, especially because I have a bunch of WONDFOs at home.

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