Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

I try not to ever test until the day of expected AF to save money and my nerves, and since there's very little chance I'm pregnant this month, I will just wait for AF to start. But I'll admit I've started daydreaming about what if I really was pregnant accidentally! I would be so overjoyed and the timing would be so much better (mostly just because...I want to be pregnant NOW!).

If you're having ovary pain, that could be a preggo sign! I don't think you should throw in the towel yet! If you don't normally get pms and now you are, then it could definitely mean you are PG! Good luck!
Liberati in my last cycle b4 my first ever bfp i remeber poas then getting af an hour later, i was so upset and since then i swore id never test til af was due..and its what i did til this last one as with mc all bets are off as munchkin says :)

When will you test then? Should be soon?
Munchkin i agree with Liberati thatnyour symptoms do sound positive but i understand if you want to downplay them in case :)
Me - i will be calling mw today i swear. Feeling blessed and upbest today. Im a christian and when i was praying last night i had a good feeling in my heart. We had a knock yesterday bcos in Feb we redid the kitchen as a last resort (it was from 20+ years ago) and we didnt even have a dishwasher, so it was pricier than expected so we dient upgrade the stovetop and so yesterday it died! I cant do much without a stove, but my mom has kindly offered to buy us one as a goodbye gift and thank you for having her here all these years. Hurray!

Hiw are you all feeling? Btw what do you all "do" munchkin you said you work 50%? Im a sahm now but in south africa i was an architectural designer :)
I am glad you are feeling upbeat today! You deserve to have some optimism and happiness in your life! I am a Christian as well so it is nice to meet a fellow believer.
That is extremely nice of your mom to buy you a dishwasher! I am sure that will be a welcome relief.

I think munchkin said she is a radio journalist which is SOOO cool. That is so neat that you were an architectural designer, and even cooler that you're now a SAHM! My life goal is to be a SAHM someday, but it won't be until we've had at least 3 kids because we have some debt to pay off first. I am a Technical Writer/Editor for an engineering company. I work full-time and hate it (working full-time, not the job itself - the job is good).

I may not get to check the internet for a few days so if you don't hear from me, know that I'll be back soon!
Literati what dpo are you now? I'm not really a Christian but my ohs parents are and it's a great thing for them. I am a part time radio journalist, tried to be a sahm but my mum was a single parent and worked very hard and I find it very difficult just to be at home all the time! I feel guilty for 'choosing' to be away from my dd and I think I'll probably regret it when she's a bit bigger but it gives me another value and chance to talk to adults about something other than children! Once we have 2 though it will be less financially viable for me to work so ill probably try and stay at home for longer. I took 2 months off before my dd was born and 14 months after so I had a nice long break!

Hope the mw call goes well today celine. Your job in SA sounds very interesting. Your family seem all over the place, we're very un international! Although my sisters partner is half Dutch, he's teaching his son to be bilingual although at 14 months he can't say a word in either language so I suspect he's getting confused

My dd is a real chatterbox (don't know who she gets that from ;)) so it's not fair to compare, and both his parents are lawyers so I suspect he'll catch up in good time! Oh and my cousin is married to a South African.

Aurora how are you today?

AFM my temps still aren't doing what I want them to do :( hovered around the same level for 3 days. Come on temps, rise already!

I once poas when I thought I was 1 day late, convinced it would be a bfp and I immediately wiped and had blood :( it was so sad and I wasted a digi! I'd also not tested til then and had really built it up, so now I test early 'knowing' it'll probably be negative and day by day I slowly realise its not gonna happen rather than building it up and being upset :( although the 2 months I got bfps I was really chilled. The first time I tested 10dpo and bfn and them went away for the weekend with no hpts! I tested when I got back cos I felt different and got a bfp 13dpo! Last time I was craving milk and sleeping badly so I tested at 11dpo and got a v faint bfp...
Really hope I have a nice story like that this weekend rather than an early AF cos of the mc xxx
Morning All :hugs:

Im a SAHM too but help do the paperwork/accounts to hubbies and inlaws business......plus i have my own horses so that coupled with 4 little monkies as well as keeping home is enough to keep me busy.

I was feeling OK about all thats just happened until i got a letter from the hospital yesterday, our post comes late afternoon saying my nuchal dating scan would be on the 9th of September i just sat and stared at it tears in my eyes thinking well thank you very much for that, wouldnt have minded was there on friday last week regards my MC so it wasnt as if they knew nothing about it, so unfortunately they got the very short end of my hormonal tongue when i phoned to cancel it.......:cry::blush:

Im Feeling Ok today thanks Munchkin, how are you? im keeping busy with trying to put things away after the house move its starting to look more like a home rather than a hurricane site.
I know what you mean Celine I couldnt get our hob to work in the new house here its gas and apparently bcos the house had been empty the old gas was stale in the pipes and wouldnt ignite so for 4 days i had no hob just a cooker and my microwave its now sorted and you really dont realise how much you use and take for granted something until you aint got it any more. Good luck with the MW call xx

How long after your MC does AF take to arrive or is it like everything else everyone is different?
Grr Aurora i woudl be so annoyed! The hospital actually mentioned this when i was in for my medical management and they said so long as they got their letter to the scan people quickly it wouldn't happen. It's so gutting. I daren't even try to work out when my 20 wk scan would've been :(

You sound like you're plenty busy enough at home.... Far busier than i am with 1 little tot and a part time job!

I need to get my positivity back cos i'm getting stressy now thinking this won't be my month and i know PMA is so important.

I read my clear blue digi packet yesterday and it says you can test up to 4 days before your AF, and there's a 55% chance of BFP if you're pregnant. My LP is usually 13 days but can be 12 or 14. Which day would be 4 days before AF?? Anyway i'm not wasting a digi again unless i've got a line on a cheapie first :(

2 days til i start testing. Getting nervous. But by this time next week i really should know one way or the other and i can move on again. And this isn't even a proper cycle after MC. I keep telling myself that but i know i'll be a bit gutted when/if AF arrives :(

Literati i'm afraid there's no telling when AF will come. Some even get it early, for others it's 12 weeks!! From all my research i reckon that once you start testing neg on HPT's either your AF arrives or you ov. But not always. Sorry to be not more help honey xx

When's Garfie back off holiday?? I need news??
Hi, Can I join? I had my mc on Monday and am going through it naturally. Still bleeding and got a dark positive on my hpt this morning. Can't wait to get going TTC again, need something to focus on! Will be testing until neg then it's go time!
Welcome Annie!:hi:

So sorry for your loss. It's heartbreaking but i've found it's got lots easier over time. As you probably read earlier in the thread i spent 3 weeks OBSESSING about the darkness of my HPT's and OPK's! I'm really glad i was testing pretty much every day though, it made me feel a bit more in control.
I had very faint positives for like a week and half then on my last faint pos day i got a pos opk and ovd 2 days later!

So you''ll be trying this cycle? Are you temping? If not i really would cos with everything all over the place it really gives you an idea of what's going on.

Have you got other LO's? Is this your first mc? How far along were you?#

Sorry again,

Aurora i think it depends how far you were? I mc on june 25th and tested two weeks later randomly and it was negative, then i finally got opk positive on july 18th so it took three weeks to ovulate, my period never came and here i am. I was supposed to be round 8 weeks and they found the fetus looked more like 6 weeks with no hb so then i knew.

I called the mw and have appointment 27th with the same lady who i was a bitch to (poor lady) as she discvered there was no hb on me in june. So! Onwards and upwards...still checking for blood everyday..i dont think that will stop.

Munchkin so when are you away? If you test friday technically you could update us right?
I'm sure she'll totally understand hon, it's the horrid bit of being mw and i'm sure they deal with it a lot! Well done for booking the appointment. Is it starting to feel real yet??

I'm only going to Wales and i'll have my iphone/ipad and probably wii fi so i'll be totally updating/stressing/obsessing as usual! I'll test first on friday at home and will let you know although i know that one at least will be a bfn!
My boobs are really hurting again today :( :) not sure whether to be happy or sad about it!
Welcome Annie!:hi:

So sorry for your loss. It's heartbreaking but i've found it's got lots easier over time. As you probably read earlier in the thread i spent 3 weeks OBSESSING about the darkness of my HPT's and OPK's! I'm really glad i was testing pretty much every day though, it made me feel a bit more in control.
I had very faint positives for like a week and half then on my last faint pos day i got a pos opk and ovd 2 days later!

So you''ll be trying this cycle? Are you temping? If not i really would cos with everything all over the place it really gives you an idea of what's going on.

Have you got other LO's? Is this your first mc? How far along were you?#

Sorry again,


Definitely trying again straight away, I don't see any reason to wait. Ill be the same as you, i prefer to know whats going on so will keep testing until i get that bfn (how weird is it to say that!) I've never done temping, my last two pregnancies I was just dtd around the right time as I've got regular cycles and I got lucky within 2&3 cycles. I'm hoping to fall as quickly this time, then if I need to ill start temping and ttc properly.

The mc was at 13 weeks but they estimated the foetus had stopped developing a few weeks earlier. I'd heard the heartbeat at 10 weeks so probably around 10-11 weeks. It was my first mc, such a horrible shock. I had started showing and at 12 weeks told quite a few people at a christening, seems strange that ill have to tell them I'm not pregnant anymore. My close friends all know so hopefully it'll get out without me having to tell too many people.

I have a beautiful daughter who will be 2 in October, so at least I've got her to focus on. Though I haven't had much energy to do much lately.
Aww so sorry :( I saw a heartbeat at 8 weeks but baby was measuring 6+5 :( i think i knew then it was all over. Then when i went at 12 weeks for my dating scan baby had stopped growing and was measuring 8+6 and had no hb so who knows when it's little heart stopped beating:cry:

My DD will be two on the 27th october, she was due on the 13th but likes keeping us waiting.

I hated waiting for a bfn, felt so wrong to be praying for a negative when i'd prayed so long for a positive! I do feel like i've moved on a lot now and if i get a bfp in the next few months i'll be ok with it all but it's the not knowing and wondering if it'll take years to get my rainbow baby.:nope:
I know what you mean, I feel like once I get a bfn ill be more in control. Really hope to be where you are in a few weeks, right now every time I go to the toilet it's a reminder. I want to be over this and on the other side trying to conceive. The emotional stuff I'm expecting will be hard for a while but surely having a rainbow baby to focus on will help make everything worth it.

Aww lovely our little ones are so close in age! My DD was due on 3rd Nov but came on 15th Oct, I was induced due to pre-eclampsia. I've just been daydreaming about how good it would be to announce my pregnancy at her 2nd birthday party. Though I can imagine being a bit more wary about announcing this time.

Was this your first mc?
I got so sick of the bleeding, it was pretty much over after a week but it kept stopping and starting. It wasn't as bad as i'd expect it to be at that stage but it still got very dull. It's all a distant memory now though a few short weeks later. I'm desperate to be where Celine is and you want to be where i am!

It was my first miscarriage, i always thought i was really good at making babies so although i was really paranoid for the first tri of my pregnancy with my DD, and all of this one, it was still a shock. My SIL also had a healthy first pregnancy then had 7 mc before her angel baby so that's weighing on my mind.... If i'm pregnant this cycle i'll be 13 weeks by my DD's birthday and that would make me really happy (should've been 6 months though, grrr)
Welcome Annie :hi:, nice to meet you but not under nice circumstances.

We will all get our little bundles it just seems to take forever when you want something to happen thats not happening fast enough.

Try not to think about it taking years Munchkin think positively, excuse the pun.

Ive stopped bleeding now after starting last wednesday still cramping at times like last night but nothing other than that.

I want to start trying as soon as and it will happen when it happens, poor hubby is going to be worn out, lol.
I started bleeding last Thursday but only spotted really. Heavy bleeding and clots started on Monday just before my scan. At least I knew going in it wasn't going to be good news. I have a feeling it'll be over soon, I passed a big clot this morning (sorry tmi)

Nice to meet you both, I'm up for some positive thinking too, a few days time I want I be staring at a bfn then in a few weeks time I want to be staring at a bfp! Hubby is in for it!
Can I join you ladies? I am ovulating today and it's our first round of ttc since my second miscarriage.

1st was a chemical in early April and I got pregnant again 10 days later. Had an ultrasound at 8 weeks and there was only a yolk and sac. We did the ultrasound b/c I had some spotting that morning before as was paranoid something was wrong after the previous miscarriage. Unfortunately I was right.

My 2nd m/c was very complicated so I waited for 2 AFs to try again. This turned out to be a good decision. My last ovulation was way too early, and I had a light AF so I don't know how the pregnancy would have gone.

Today is CD 18 and it feels like a normal ovulation. I do not expect to get pregnant but it will be a nice surprise if I do. (And scary.) If it works it will be a 3rd pregnancy in 5 months which just seems crazy....

Both times I got pg I was doing Mayan Fertility Massage and SMEP. Although I have done the massage a few times this month I have not been regular about it. Also just bd'ing for fun vs. a plan (which for us has been every day). Not sure if we will be able to tonight but the every day plan has not worked for us in the past.

Now I am going to acupuncture 1-2 times per week and have been for almost two months.
Welcome Itsawonder, the ladies on here are lovely, made me very welcome, nice to meet you even though its under these circumstances, hopefully we will all be getting our :bfp: very soon xx
Can I join you ladies? I am ovulating today and it's our first round of ttc since my second miscarriage.

1st was a chemical in early April and I got pregnant again 10 days later. Had an ultrasound at 8 weeks and there was only a yolk and sac. We did the ultrasound b/c I had some spotting that morning before as was paranoid something was wrong after the previous miscarriage. Unfortunately I was right.

My 2nd m/c was very complicated so I waited for 2 AFs to try again. This turned out to be a good decision. My last ovulation was way too early, and I had a light AF so I don't know how the pregnancy would have gone.

Today is CD 18 and it feels like a normal ovulation. I do not expect to get pregnant but it will be a nice surprise if I do. (And scary.) If it works it will be a 3rd pregnancy in 5 months which just seems crazy....

Both times I got pg I was doing Mayan Fertility Massage and SMEP. Although I have done the massage a few times this month I have not been regular about it. Also just bd'ing for fun vs. a plan (which for us has been every day). Not sure if we will be able to tonight but the every day plan has not worked for us in the past.

Now I am going to acupuncture 1-2 times per week and have been for almost two months.

Welcome! And yay for ovulation!! Sounds like you have a great attitude even after two sorrows :( really hope this is the month for you. But so sorry for your losses. Why was your 2nd mc so complicated?

I thought about acupuncture. If I get AF next week I might try it.

AFM I'm getting proper tummy ache again tonight and my boobs are hurting too. I feel pregnant but I've been through enough cycles ttc to know that all this is v normal on a non pregnant cycle. I'm in bed already at 9.15pm because I'm so fed up of waiting I figured I might as well sleep through as much of the next few days as possible :dohh:

I'm praying my temps go up tomorrow at 8dpo but at this point it really could go either way, especially after the miscarriage. And all these supplements are definitely giving me a dodgy tummy!!

Final thought for this evening....

Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, but only robs today of its strength

Night all x x x
Ahh, the complications. I confirmed my mmc on 6/7 after 4 days of tests etc. I asked for a d&c three times as I don't do well with medication and the doctor I was seeing refused to even discuss it. Basically, she did not want to take time out of her schedule for surgery. Since I live in a small community I didn't get a second opinion - I was just in such a bad place I didn't have any fight in me. Very long story, well, still long but not the full story - the meds did not work. I bled heavily on and off for 2 weeks and was in the hospital every other day to manage the bleeding and draw more blood for more tests. My uterus got pretty swollen and it turns out due to my medical history I never should have been given the meds to begin with - as I knew. This doctor also wouldn't return phone calls during emergencies for up to 10 hours. Luckily I used to work with ob/gyns in a different state so i worked with two of them over the phone when I had concerns.

I finally found a new doc (the only other one here who is male - I will never again judge a doc based on their sex b/c he is amazing), had an ultrasound (found two fibroids which are lucky very small and not an issue) and found lots of bleeding. Most of the pregnancy tissue was still there and had an active blood supply so I just kept bleeding into my uterus. Then, the white blood cells tried to heal around the tissue - which is very rare. I had a d&c on 6/25 and it took about 45 minutes instead of the usual 10. However, after the surgery I felt human again. I had 30 minutes of cramping and healed really well.

I went to acupuncture initially to help with my emotional state and anger toward the first doctor. A m/c is hard enough but what she put me through, and day after day of not returning phone calls, was something I could not cope with. My acupuncturist also did some Reiki to help release my hatred and it actually worked really well.

I have also had thyroid, blood clotting/immune testing and a hysteroscope done. Hysteroscope was during the d&c. So far, all is normal.

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