Literati what dpo are you now? I'm not really a Christian but my ohs parents are and it's a great thing for them. I am a part time radio journalist, tried to be a sahm but my mum was a single parent and worked very hard and I find it very difficult just to be at home all the time! I feel guilty for 'choosing' to be away from my dd and I think I'll probably regret it when she's a bit bigger but it gives me another value and chance to talk to adults about something other than children! Once we have 2 though it will be less financially viable for me to work so ill probably try and stay at home for longer. I took 2 months off before my dd was born and 14 months after so I had a nice long break!
Hope the mw call goes well today celine. Your job in SA sounds very interesting. Your family seem all over the place, we're very un international! Although my sisters partner is half Dutch, he's teaching his son to be bilingual although at 14 months he can't say a word in either language so I suspect he's getting confused
My dd is a real chatterbox (don't know who she gets that from
) so it's not fair to compare, and both his parents are lawyers so I suspect he'll catch up in good time! Oh and my cousin is married to a South African.
Aurora how are you today?
AFM my temps still aren't doing what I want them to do
hovered around the same level for 3 days. Come on temps, rise already!
I once poas when I thought I was 1 day late, convinced it would be a bfp and I immediately wiped and had blood
it was so sad and I wasted a digi! I'd also not tested til then and had really built it up, so now I test early 'knowing' it'll probably be negative and day by day I slowly realise its not gonna happen rather than building it up and being upset
although the 2 months I got bfps I was really chilled. The first time I tested 10dpo and bfn and them went away for the weekend with no hpts! I tested when I got back cos I felt different and got a bfp 13dpo! Last time I was craving milk and sleeping badly so I tested at 11dpo and got a v faint bfp...
Really hope I have a nice story like that this weekend rather than an early AF cos of the mc xxx