Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Munchkin - Yay! Those pregnancy tests look great for 12 DPO! Woohoo! :happydance: I don't blame you for being extra cautious about everything (but in all your disinfecting make sure you're using gloves and not breathing in a bunch of fumes!). I hope you don't catch that stomach bug at all. I am sure your queasiness is just from lovely morning sickness, which is great!

Celine - So sorry you're sick! :hugs: I hope you feel better soon. I am glad you have a ticker on here and are trying to enjoy every minute. I can't give up my morning cup of coffee either!

Sofa - Of course you can stay here. We want to see everyone all the way.

Garfie - Yay, I am glad you're getting the cd21 test. I think it is kind of necessary in your case! I hope your temp rise is not a fluke.

Linny - Sorry you feel intimidated by the July pregnancy thread. Lots of people don't experience bad (or any!) morning sickness during pregnancy and still have totally healthy babies, so I wouldn't worry too much.

AFM - CD10 and I still haven't had a spot of fertile CM. That is pretty unusual for me. I must be going to ovulate a bit later this month. Of course I am already feeling paranoid that maybe something is off since I had such an easy AF and now maybe I'm not going to ovulate at all. Why do I freak myself out so much? :wacko:
OK so this is just the first draft of 'the list'. If i've missed you out i'm soooo sorry please PM me with a suitable telling off and punishment, and if i have your dates wrong or you have more info PM me and i'll amend it!

Penguin CD6 (ish!)

Literati CD10 cycle 4

Rachellynda CD11

Garfie CD21

GRgirl 6DPO

Jrepp cd 25, and 8dpo cycle 0

Gingerwhinger 13DPO

Boodley 16DPO

Itsawonder BFP 10+4

Elizabean BFP 9+4

Celine BFP 6+4

Linnypops BFP 5+5

Sofaqueen BFP 5+2

Munchkin BFP 3+6

Anniebobs BFP 3+5

3 Minions??




Again please message me with amendments and additions. TBH my mind isn't on the job today!!

Love you all xxx
Literati my CM varies from month to month, could be to do with diet or the amount of fluids you're drinking? I could never judge ov fronm CM as it was always different days. Drink loads of water and take some evening primrose oil and see what happens. Sure it'll be fine xx
Munchkin - what is cycle 0?

Tbh: I would be more upset if the ladies that have gotten a bfp left for another thread. I know that some of our paths have just crossed, and paths with others have been crossing for the last 5 months, but I definitely feel the support from you ladies.

Munchkin - you can make your own safe for pregnancy disinfecting wipes very easily using half a paper towel roll (I cut a package of brawny paper towels to make two smaller toilet paper sized rolls) 2 cups war water, 2 tablespoons of liquid dish detergent and 1/2 cup of rubbing alcohol. Mix the liquids together and then pour over the half paper towel roll in an airtight container. Let it soak for 5 minutes and then pull out the cardboard. Start the roll from the inside and viola

Celine - I'm sorry you are sick. I hope you feel better soon

Garfie - what is the 21 day test?

Linny - my sister had absolutely no nausea when she was pregnant with my nephew. She had a very easy pregnancy. This time however, she is very sick.

Literati - when do you normally ovulate? It's possible that you will ovulate later, especially if your stressed

As for me: I'm 8 dpo today. If I hadn't miscarried last month, AF would be due today. My temp went back up a little bit from 98.06 to 98.13. It's not triphasic yet, but I know that not all charts are triphasic. I have been getting little twinges all week on the right side of my pubic bone. My vivid dreams have continued but are a lot less frightening than they were last month. I have woken up nauseous the past few days.

I have been feeling slightly down since yesterday when my husband told me he doesn't think that I'm pregnant. I want so badly to give him a family, and to hear him say that he doesn't think I was successful this month after failing last month was crushing. I know that it's still early, and who knows what's in store..... I just am not a patient person!
Jrepp sorry you're feeling down but thanks for saying you want us to stay! Cycle 0 is the first cycle after mc, cycle 0 because it often isn't a proper normal cycle, unless you're celine :haha:
Your husband might just be stopping you getting your hopes up and him from getting his hopes up too? It's hard though but he doesn't know what's going on in your body, I hope you get your bfp just to spite him ;)
Oh I see, does the ticker start over if you miscarry again?

My hubby isn't the type of person to get his hopes up about anything, he was just voicing his opinion. I hope I get a positive just to spite him.

I don't know when I'm going to test. 14 days would be the 16th (the day I miscarried). I'm to the point now that I don't want to know early and then have something happen, but I want to know early to maybe prevent anything bad from happening. I'm kind of watching my temps to see if they jump again like they did last month. If they jump ill test 4 days after that, if they don't jump I'll probably wait until the 18th.

Is it possible for temps to slightly dip and then go back to where they were and still get a bfp? I.e. my temps went from 98.35 to 98.11 to 98.06 and back up to 98.23.
Yes definitely, they're no where near down to the coverline and it could be an implantation dip!? I think about 12% of pregnant charts have a triphasic pattern so don't count yourself out if it's not xx
Munchkin - Haha, well I always get the most worried right before something good happens, and sure enough I just had a HUGE glob of watery/egg-whitey CM so I think I should be fine. I'm just used to it usually started on CD9 instead.

I think you missed Linnypops on your list. She is pregnant as well but not sure how far along.

Jrepp - I normally ovulate between cd12-14 but i did have some good CM just a couple hours after I posted this, so I assume I should still ovulate in normal time - just probably not as early as cd12 (which is probably a good thing)!

Sorry to hear you are feeling down. What your husband thinks is just a hunch and doesn't have any basis in reality. You could still very well be pregnant! And I hope you are. :)
Thanks ladies. I'm not counting myself out until AF comes.

Literati - that's great that you are going to o on time! I hope this is your month
Big HUGE congratulations Munchkin and Annie! Wow, so happy for you both!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Boodley, I'm sorry about your news, but I'm glad an end is in sight for you. I had retained tissue after my MC which prior scans didn't pick up. It ended up leaving me naturally, a week after I thought it was all finished, and in 2 hospital visits they didn't pick it up, so of course I was terrified when it did finally pass as I had no idea to expect it. I'm sorry you had to go through that but for even longer.
I like the idea about a queen style second birthday. How about one in summer?:flower:

Penguin, I'm sorry about the cyst but I hope you enjoy your relaxing month- hopefully you will get a nice surprise BFP out of it!

Literati, fingers crossed for you. Maybe an "odd" cycle will bring good news in the end? You never know :winkwink:

Jrepp, your hubby is probably hoping to make you feel better in case AF does come. Unless he has some notable expertise though, don't feel that you have to believe him!

AFM, we got our house keys on Friday night and spent the weekend painting (well, DH did most of it), I cleaned out drawers and cupboards etc. Our renters had painted most of our house red and yellow (without permission :dohh: it looks like mcdonalds!) so that was pretty annoying, red paint is hard to cover up even with multiple coats!

Another VERY VERY VERY annoying thing is that my blasted mother in law (who grates on me at the best of times) blabbed about the baby in front of a friend of mine who didn't know about it. Very frustrated. My friend was about 4 feet away, so I'm sure she heard. She also looked at me, looked and my belly and smiled. I stormed off. So cranky with MIL who I'm sure never even realised why I was annoyed. She certainly didn't apologise. Friend is not the kind to gossip per se, but I'm sure our news will be out before I get to 12 weeks. So upset as I was looking forward to telling everyone myself.
Thanks Elizabean. Everything will work out how's its supposed too in the end. I'm still pretty upbeat as I know what I'm feeling.

I hope you keep your renters deposit for all the work you had to put in. Your mother in law definitely shouldn't have said anything about you expecting, and you have every right to be upset. You could pull your friend aside and explain to her that you weren't ready for anyone to know yet and ask her to please not tell anyone else. If she is a true friend she will keep your secret.

I can remember how annoyed I was at work the other day when someone asked me how my pregnancy was going. The only person at work I told was my partner teacher, so she had to have blabbed to the whole school. Unfortunately when I miscarried she neglected to pass that information along to anyone else, so I'm sure there are 20 or so teachers who think I'm still pregnant (I did get a projector for the classroom out of it though)
Thanks Elizabean. Everything will work out how's its supposed too in the end. I'm still pretty upbeat as I know what I'm feeling.

I hope you keep your renters deposit for all the work you had to put in. Your mother in law definitely shouldn't have said anything about you expecting, and you have every right to be upset. You could pull your friend aside and explain to her that you weren't ready for anyone to know yet and ask her to please not tell anyone else. If she is a true friend she will keep your secret.

I can remember how annoyed I was at work the other day when someone asked me how my pregnancy was going. The only person at work I told was my partner teacher, so she had to have blabbed to the whole school. Unfortunately when I miscarried she neglected to pass that information along to anyone else, so I'm sure there are 20 or so teachers who think I'm still pregnant (I did get a projector for the classroom out of it though)

I was so shocked by MIL's comment that I didn't even do anything! I hope my friend will understand that it isn't common knowledge yet and will keep it quiet. I only have 2 and a bit weeks to go! I just want to keep it under wraps until then!

How awful of your colleague! You poor thing having to tell people about your mc, when you didn't even want them to know about the pregnancy to start with.

Regarding the paint, I don't think the real estate even twigged that it was a different color, so no recourse on their bond payment :wacko: We were going to paint it anyway but their extra handy work just makes it that bit harder!
LL my CM has been very little this month. Some months I get plenty but I don't know for sure if that correlates with the months that I O on my own. I did get a little two days ago and we DTD that day so we will see. Maybe I'm not ovulating yet and I'll get more clear signs in a week or so. This is cycle 0 for me after mc so who knows! My body could be even wackier than usual :wacko:

I'm feeling more pressure than ever to be pregnant since I got pregnant in August. I guess I feel like now I'm losing time that I shouldn't be since I "should" be pregnant. Not sure how to put it in words but I feel more anxious about it now than before when in reality I should feel less anxious since I've proved to myself that my body can get pregnant.
Does any of this sound like you are feeling, JRepp?

Munchkin-you got me right on your list. A big fat question mark :haha: I did some research last night and I found a lot of women that said they ovulated after a mc when their hcg was right about 20-30. Mine was right in that range when I think I may have ovulated a few days ago. I still have achey ovaries though. Hmmm???
Went to the bathroom earlier, and while I am trying not to ss there was a small smudge of brown tinted mucus....possible implantation bleed?
Hopefully so Jrepp! My implantation bleed was brown and very little. Nothing like any other bleeding I get.
Ajrepp that does sound promising! I hope its your bfp just to show hubby, i do understand where ur hubbs is coming from tho cos mine is very much the same.

Slg i understand ur feelings of that pressure to be pregnant, to catch up to where unwere even though thats impossible :( currenly im very aware that im due a week after i found out i was mc, it was such a sad day and also my sons birthday :( it gives me some comfort that around the anniversary of the loss will be edd so i dont want to lose this one.

Elizabean ur mil is aweful, she sounds like mine, mine is a fb stalker of note. She doesnt understand why i dont her to announce on fb that hubby is going to usa ( i think in her mind if itsnot on fb it cant be true) we dont like to announce on fb that ill be home alone cos of stalkers like her! She has said she mc a daughter but now i think she is lying, she lies alot and when we told of her of the first mc she said nothing to me, still hasnt, i said to hubby this tells me she must be kying bcos anyone who has suffered a loss would have alot more sympathy.
Elizabean I'm so sorry about your mil, what an idiot! I'd freak out if someone did that to me!! Glad you've only got 2 And a half weeks til your 12 week scan though. Sooo exciting! I loved the 2nd tri xx

Slg sorry about your question mark! How many days are you since your mc?

Jrepp that is a really good sign, perfect timing for implantation too. Do you ever get spotting in your cycle normally?

Can't believe I forgot linnypops :duh: I'll add her now xx
Elizabean - Sorry to hear about your mil! What a way to spoil your big surprise...I don't think other people have much of a concept of how vulnerable a time it is emotionally. Nor what a big deal it it to get this far and for everything to be well. But congrats on your 12 weeks coming up soon! :) x

Jrepp - Sorry to hear your previous news leaked out...the last thing any of us needs is word to get around. But - possible IB! Awesome....oh go on, you know you want to symptom spot!

Afm. Got back from my mums last night, was hard to say goodbye to my neice, she gets very attached and upset when we leave. Hoping to get back down for christmas.
Ajrepp that does sound promising! I hope its your bfp just to show hubby, i do understand where ur hubbs is coming from tho cos mine is very much the same.

Slg i understand ur feelings of that pressure to be pregnant, to catch up to where unwere even though thats impossible :( currenly im very aware that im due a week after i found out i was mc, it was such a sad day and also my sons birthday :( it gives me some comfort that around the anniversary of the loss will be edd so i dont want to lose this one.

Elizabean ur mil is aweful, she sounds like mine, mine is a fb stalker of note. She doesnt understand why i dont her to announce on fb that hubby is going to usa ( i think in her mind if itsnot on fb it cant be true) we dont like to announce on fb that ill be home alone cos of stalkers like her! She has said she mc a daughter but now i think she is lying, she lies alot and when we told of her of the first mc she said nothing to me, still hasnt, i said to hubby this tells me she must be kying bcos anyone who has suffered a loss would have alot more sympathy.

I'm sorry about your mean old mother in law! It sucks if you don't get along with your partners family.

Elizabean I'm so sorry about your mil, what an idiot! I'd freak out if someone did that to me!! Glad you've only got 2 And a half weeks til your 12 week scan though. Sooo exciting! I loved the 2nd tri xx

Slg sorry about your question mark! How many days are you since your mc?

Jrepp that is a really good sign, perfect timing for implantation too. Do you ever get spotting in your cycle normally?

Can't believe I forgot linnypops :duh: I'll add her now xx

I have never had a mid cycle spot before. I am a bit nervous because pre-mc my period would have been here on the 10th and I don't know when it will show post mc. I hope it is!

Elizabean - Sorry to hear about your mil! What a way to spoil your big surprise...I don't think other people have much of a concept of how vulnerable a time it is emotionally. Nor what a big deal it it to get this far and for everything to be well. But congrats on your 12 weeks coming up soon! :) x

Jrepp - Sorry to hear your previous news leaked out...the last thing any of us needs is word to get around. But - possible IB! Awesome....oh go on, you know you want to symptom spot!

Afm. Got back from my mums last night, was hard to say goodbye to my neice, she gets very attached and upset when we leave. Hoping to get back down for christmas.

I want too, but I don't want to get excited about something and then AF come......mc hardens people a little I think.

How old is your niece?

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