Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Jrepp - Yeah, I think you're right about that. No hope, less disappointment etc. I can just imagine us all going into labour in total denial 'I bet it's just gas'.

Edit: My niece is 8 and lives with my mum.
I tested with a digi this morning, bfn. Now I'm thinking I'm out. I still have the sore bbs (I'm wearing a bigger bra today to ease it a bit) and nausea is still there but I've had brown tinged cm today so now I think AF will show. I'm also feeling hot which is a pre-AF symptom for me, though it could be because I've been crying because it only started after I took the digi. AF should be here today or tomorrow but going by last month it could be here on Wednesday so there will be a lot of knicker checking this week.

Trying to cling onto the hope that it's just too early, I've had 2 faint positives with my tesco tests (fmu) and the digi was taken with 3mu because I couldn't wait. Oh god I just wish this week would be over already, I'd be devastated if AF shows and don't even know how I'd break it to my husband.
annie - The digi's have a higher limit than the others though don't they? Clearblue digi doesnt show a + until 50 miU, whereas frer is 25 miU but normally registers even lower. Also the 3mu would be having an effect on it....Fingers crossed for you love! I'm sure it's fine all your symptoms sound good! X
Annie even on the box it says if you're testing before AF it has to be FMU. And remember we're still testing REALLY early so please don't panic yet. Try again with FMU tomorrow. If you had a BFP on the Tesco tests that is still a BFP! You're only 13dpo, some people don't get any BFP by now.

I am sorry though, it would've been so reassuring to see the digi BFP.
Jrepp- I'm excited for you! Sounds super promising!! I think you're a couple days ahead of me, so I'm hoping I might get some IB soon. I had a weird spot of pink-brown (literally just a spot) yesterday at 6dpo but that's too early so I'm discarding it.

slg- I totally get it. I feel like I have to get pregnant again. The pressure is worse on me since the MC. I don't really know how to explain it, either, but I definitely feel more pressure.

Annie- I'm so sorry hun! That happened to me with my MC (which isn't related, so it's a bad example)- I used like 3 or 4MU and couldn't get the CB Digi to say + but I took two other tests at the same time and they were +. FX for you that it was just too diluted. Your symptoms all sound promising.

AFM, I'm in the worst part of the 2WW, 7dpo. Too early to test, but symptoms are there, which could be either the progesterone or I could be pg. Still not feeling very hopeful for this cycle, which makes no sense because we had the BD Marathon and I started having really vivid dreams again on Sat night (and I never have dreams that I can remember, unless I'm pregnant). Sick to my stomach this morning for a few minutes, super emotional, breasts hurt but not as much as last month, etc. I just am not feeling it this cycle. I did last cycle; I just knew.

And I had the first FB Pregnancy Announcement post that knocked me on my @$$. Close friend of DF's and they weren't trying. Their first turns 1 today and she wanted to wait. I'm happy for her, but I'm feeling a whole flood of emotions that I'm not proud of, like a bit of resentment, jealousy, sadness, etc. She's due a week before when I would have been due with the MC and I just lost it and started crying in the bathroom this morning at work. I so badly wanted THAT baby and yes, we'll try again, and I'll keep trying until we succeed because I don't have another choice, but I so badly wanted THAT child and wanted to be making my own announcement right around now. It just sucks so much!

And I guess I'm on Cycle 0 now since it's the first one after the MC, so anything could be happening (maybe that's why I'm not thinking it worked?)- I might not even have O'ed. Well, pretty sure I did, but still. Guess I will be testing on Friday, but I'm not looking forward to it at all. I was originally going to start Thursday but I just know it will be negative and I don't want to keep seeing it. I have 4 tests I want to use up, so I'll probably do FMU Fri, Sat, Sun, and Mon (the day AF is due). if those don't work, then I know I'm not and it's on to another cycle :(
Sig and GRgirl for the first few cycles after mc i felt just like you, feeling this desperation to get back to where i was, and even if i had got pregnant i'd have still felt 'behind'!
Then i think my second AF came and i cried and cried and finally mourned for my january baby and my '2 year age gap' with my DD. After that i decided i'd already had baby number 2, i just never got the meet them, i was now trying for baby number 3 and didn't need to catch up anymore. It really helped.

I'm freaking out a teeny bit today because AF is due tomorrow and i haven't tested tomorrow so i've just got a horrid sinking feeling AF will turn up like clockwork and this will all have been a freak phantom HCG surge or a dream :( The perils of early testing eh??
Aww Munchkin, that made me feel better :) I guess I feel silly feeling so much pressure, but I do. I never wanted a 3 yr age gap and now it'll be closing in on that, and for some reason it makes me feel terrible. I know for certain I never got all my crying out for my July loss and throwing myself back into TTC helped me deal with October's, but it still gives me such a lump in my throat that it physically hurts when I think about it, ya know?! I'm terribly emotional today anyway for some reason and then seeing her FB post just gutted me. I just kept wanting to pout and yell,"It's not FAIR!" but I know that life isn't fair and sometimes it's just like that.

You're so silly *hugs* you are pregnant woman and it's not a random HCG surge ;) I get to live vicariously through you and Celine and Sofa and Linny and Elizabean (although not the MIL issues, no thanks on that :p ) until I get to be added on to the list.
Thanks GRgirl. It's just so hard to believe it's real. I think my ticker and all the pregnancy apps on my phone and the photos of the tests are just to make me feel like it's more real but it could be taken away at any moment and that is terrifying. I was really traumatised by the bigger age gap thing but now i'm really really fine with it.
I started this thread in Toddler and pre school, it really helped... https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/toddler-pre-school/2007547-benefits-slightly-bigger-age-gap.html
AFM - Is there no one out there with wacky cycles wanting to be my cycle buddy - I promise I bring luck (look at Celine :haha:) hoping I have Od otherwise if not I'm not holding out much hope as the seduction techniques didn't last long:cry:



I'll be your buddy garfie! I'm not ttc until I get another period...hopefully in the next week or so, but I don't feel any signs of AF, and usually my boobs are sore by now. Here's some wacky cycle details for you...cycle lengths: 40, 27, 30, 51, 34, 44 then two 5 week pregnancies, one where ov happened on day 20, and one by some fluke on day 15.
Annie - please don't freak out yet! Your body doesn't need the stress right now. You got lines on 2 previous tests. The digital ones just aren't as sensitive. It took awhile for my positive frer to show positive on a diggi.

Sig - I feel like I have to get pregnant right away too. Like I have wasted a bunch if time by miscarrying. It seems as if a lot of women fell that way post mc. Thank goodness we found each other for support.

Grgirl- I know exactly how you feel! A friend of mine almost from birth (my dad dated her mom in high school) recently announced that she was pregnant and we would have had the same due date from my first miscarriage in July. Then my sister told our family the same day I did that she was pregnant too. Come to find out she is due the same day I should have been, June 16. I feel like she stole my baby, and I want it back! Every time I look at her, I think why her and not me? Why can she get pregnant without even wanting another one yet and I can't seem to stay pregnant at all? You're right, it sucks!

Munchkin - don't panic, we already know you are pregnant!
Hi ladies yea i have two friends due one is the day after my edd in Feb, and another the week before my edd in april...it took me a long time to let go and be happy for them, and im not saying that bcos im pregnant, i mean post mc..i thi k it was after the second mc and seeing another friend of mine with a newborn, he is her 5th boy in 8 years! But after that breakdown i started feeling better and better.

About the age gaps that was a tough one for me too, i have 24,5 months between my. First two and so badly didnt want 3 years and now ill have 3 years (remember im due in the week after ds and before dd) and now secretly im happy because ladies ive down the two year age gap...it wasnt fun, for real two in diaper took forever to leave the house. Sure there are benefits but there was some crazy times. Seeing my daughter going thru the terribles twos now im happy to think she will be out of diapers hopefully by the time im due. Also she will understand a bit more that im having a baby, ds def will. When i had dd he didnt give a f, seriously he couldnt be bothered. Now ive seen a classmate of his with his newborn sister snd he is so full of love and kisses for her...what a difference a few years can make.
Celine - My boys had a 22 month age gap - a lot of hard work I hear you about the nappies and trying to get out of the house:haha: I guess mine was made a little bit harder as the eldest has autism too so as I put a nappy on - turn my back to get the other one ready - his clothes would be off again:wacko: or and this one was even more fun (for him) I dressed the youngest turned round to get my bag and the eldest one was stripping the youngest:haha: so hmmmmm maybe a bigger age gap will be a bit better - not that I ever expected an 11 year age gap - and that is provided it happens soon:cry:

Arabelle - :happydance: my cycle buddy how are you doing?:hugs:

Munchkin - You are deff pregnant lady - so don't you worry any new symptoms to share:hugs:

Annie - Oh hun those digis are not sensitive at all - when would AF be due or are you late? - did I read correct 3MU?:blush: of course that would be so diluted hun - try again with FMU:hugs:

Gr - Why are you discarding it hun - self preservation? - 6DPO is the ideal time for IB:happydance: Don't allow anyone to pressure you hun you need to grieve for the baby you lost before being able to move on mentally - if you are ready that's fine:hugs:

The first FB announcement is the worst hun - look back a few pages we have all been there BIG :hugs:

Eliz - MIL just don't think - my MIL said at least you have your two boys - wonder if it would have been any different if her daughter had m/cs?:wacko:

JRepp - That sounds like implantation bleeding - oooooh fingers crossed:hugs:

AFM - I have been for my CD21 test - for those of you who don't know it's a blood test (progesterone) as dr's are under the impression all women O on CD14 and have a 28 day cycle. So this test is carried out - should be 7 days past O to check for Ovulation and then in theory your period arrives 7 days later or you get your BFP.

I am sure I haven't Od but now my CM has gone creamy - so who knows this test (results) tomorrow should tell me one way or the other:wacko:


Took a long weekend away and it looks like quite a lot happened.

Munchkin - congrats, congrats, CONGRATS!!!! AF will stay away tomorrow and your tests look great! What wonderful news :)

Annie - You are early so let's hope that AF stays away for you too! I also saw a line on your test and maybe your HCG just isn't yet high enough for a mid-day digital.

Good luck to those who had some spotting over the weekend as well. Fingers crossed it's implantation bleeding.

Garfie - hope you are about to ovulate and that your test gives you some answers. When do you get the results?

Celine - flu, blech..... hope you feel better soon.

AFM - feeling well. Still really tired and get winded much more easily than normal. Luckily I have not had any vomiting, just upset stomach every evening but that is easy compared to what most deal with. Have my 12 week scan and genetic testing on Nov. 22, so only a week and 1/2 away! If all of that looks good we will begin announcing it to friends and family. (Not on FB though. My close friends and family are people I keep in touch with personally. FB "friends" are people I rarely speak with. They can find out when the baby is born.)
Boodley - I'm so sorry about your news. I hope the procedure goes smoothly and that your body figures things out quickly afterwards. Enjoy all the caffeine and wine you can! I'm drinking two cups of coffee in the morning and thoroughly enjoying them...now I just need some Baileys to add!

Penguin - sorry about your cyst. That must be so frustrating. It's awful when our bodies don't cooperate. Do you have pcos? I know you've taken drugs to help you ovulate, just curious if this is something you've dealt with before?

Annie - I know that this is impossible, but try to take some deep breaths and relax. Waiting for lines to get darker is awful. Fingers crossed that you get a nice dark line tomorrow. I suggest using the same tests, it's the only way to really see if it's the same or changes- it doesn't necessarily mean anything if the line is lighter on a different brand. Was it a clear blue? I hate those tests...but only because other people get beautiful dark lines and I've only ever had faint lines while the frer was dark.

Munchkin - congrats!

Garfie - drs who don't understand cycles, should not be drs! Argh! Is this something you always test? May I ask why?

AFM - I'm impatiently willing AF to show up, even though she's not due for a week. I have no symptoms of AF but my temps suggest I ovd (8 dpo). This has happened before and left me with a 51 day cycle. I really hope that does not happen again now. Anxious to start ttc again!

Waiting for dr to call with barrage of blood test results... u/s showed ovaries to be "a bit polycystic". Only trouble is that I am clearly ovulating at least sometimes, as two pregnancies. So that is not related to the mcs. I'm hoping blood shows hypothyroid or something equally drug-fixable!

Another round of pregnancy announcements around me. Hubby bounded into a restaurant Friday night with "I have baby news! Guess who's pregnant?!" Due in May, when I was due with mc #1. I just about burst into tears. Was able to keep it to a few drops. He totally did not get that this would be upsetting to me. "What's wrong? What did I say?" Argh!

Good friend coming to Jamaican wedding for a mutual friend later this month was complaining that her bikinis no longer fit. Then saw on fb that she is wearing maternity clothes...I recognize them from her last pregnancy. I thought that I would be into my second tri in Jamaica. I'm just feeling so defeated this week, and like it will never happen. It's getting harder to smile about everyone else's pregnancies and babies around me. I know you all know what this is like, and it's not new for any of us, but it seems to happen in groups.
Oh Garfie that just made me cry- I'm a blubbering mess right now anyway, but I was just so happy SOMEONE understands that I started bawling. I know DF tries but he doesn't get it. I'm the only one I know IRL who has had even 1 MC, let alone 2, and I feel isolated a lot. You girls are the only ones going through the same thing. I'm pretty much a Debbie Downer today- I think I'm at about 3 full-out crying fits already today and it's only 1 pm here! I'm just sad and exhausted (physically and mentally) and tired of keeping it all to myself. And it's only been 2 losses! You guys who just keep going are my heroes because I'll need a straightjacket if I keep going on like this! I'm just feeling very sad and alone and bitter today. And it doesn't help that I'm REALLY emotional.

I was going to discard the spot but I just noticed I had a teeny tiny bit of pink mixed in with CM just now. So I guess I can call it as spotting at 6-7 dpo, but that still might not mean anything. I just wish this next week would hurry up so AF can get here and I can just be sad.
Elizabean - So sorry your MIL spilled the beans. That is so rude.

Celine - Your MIL sounds very strange. It would be weird of her to make up having a mc before, but that is so weird that she never mentioned it before and hasn't been sympathetic at all.

Annie - I am so sorry about the negative digi, but I agree with everyone else that it is still early and you should have used FMU. Try again tomorrow or the next day. I am still holding onto hope for you! :hugs:

GRGirl - so sorry you're in the crappy part of the TWW. That is such a stressful time I find. And so sorry about the gut-wrenching pregnancy announcement. I don't think any of us expects it to be as painful as it actually is when someone finally does make that first announcement. It really is hard not to feel like YOU were supposed to be there already. It really isn't fair. :hugs:

Munchkin - You definitely haven't had a freak phantom hCG surge. You're hilarious. ;) I am confident that AF will NOT arrive for you! And, yes, that is totally why I don't like to test early. I am going to try to hold out until 13 DPO again. It's one day early, yes, but seems less stressful than several days!

Garfie - Your comments always make me laugh. I wish I knew you in RL because it seems like you'd be the life of the party! This time I just chuckled at your lovely cynical comment, "I have been for my CD21 test - for those of you who don't know it's a blood test (progesterone) as dr's are under the impression all women O on CD14 and have a 28 day cycle. So this test is carried out - should be 7 days past O to check for Ovulation and then in theory your period arrives 7 days later or you get your BFP."

Some doctors really are such idiots. :haha: I am glad you can know for sure if you've ovulated yet from this test.

Arabelle - So sorry about the upsetting pregnancy announcement. People - even our own husbands - just don't understand how upsetting it is post m/c. I hope that whatever problem they find (if they find one) is easily treatable as well. :hugs:

AFM - CD 11 already. Had some nice globs of watery cm yesterday and today. Was going to BD this morning (as it's a stat holiday over here), but unfortunately our mood was killed by a stressful text message from one of dh's friends. We will try again later. We're going to go out for a fancy supper tonight with a gift card...so maybe that will help set the mood. :winkwink:
Its over so i'm going to take some time off TTC and enjoy my christmas. Best of luck to you all, I'll try and pop in every now and again to cheer you all on. I hope there are a few more BFPs by the time I'm trying again and that all you pregnant ladies have gorgeous little rainbow bumps developing. :hugs:
Noooo Annie!!! Did AF come?! I'm so sad you are leaving but I understand if it's what you need to do.

We will miss you!
Oh Annie - I'm so sorry you are leaving BIG :hugs: I will
miss you too:cry:


Yeah AF showed. I think if I stay I'll end up obsessing next time I ov and we both really need this holiday with our friends next year so can't get pregnant. I will drop in though when I'm feeling up to it.

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