Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Annie - So sorry to hear this love! I really hope you have a great holiday and manage to enjoy yourself/relax so you can come back to ttc refreshed and happy X

Munchkin - Great news! There's nothing wrong with checking progress. I also did a digi last night (Just before my mc at the same point it only showed 2-3 weeks). Came up as 3+ and I could have cried with relief...I don't think any of us will relax properly until we have our babies, in the meantime we need to do what we can to give our nerves a break. If that means taking a whizz on every stick we possess, so be it X

Boodley - It's odd that there's nothing a woman can take to help the uterus shed old tissue etc, and D&C is the only option. You'd think in the modern age! Even so, I wish you luck and a fresh start after the procedure X

IAW - Glad to hear you're able to cope with the symptoms so far. So exciting that the scan is only a week and a bit away, that'll be a great relief. And exciting to be able to share it coming up to christmas :) X

Arabelle - I hope the blood tests give you something you can clearly fix too. But even if not, the odds are always higher in favour of the next pregnancy working out. This is a fact I cling to, and I hope we can all be living proof of! Sorry to hear about your Hubs not understanding why it'd be upsetting to announce pregnancys. I don't think men really have the same reactions as us. Shortly after my mc, I mean days after - I was still bleeding - we went out for dinner and wine to take my mind off things and he says 'Oh look over there, a beautiful baby!'. Right behind me sure enough was a family with a newborn. It was a lovely sight but as you can imagine I had to fight back a tear or two. I was kind of shocked that he even said it, he's normally really sensitive to my feelings. My MIL had 2 mc's before she had DF and she said that she was very upset about how insensitive she thought his dad seemed about it...It just seems on this topic, despite men being lovely, they aren't going to get it :) X

GRGirl - Don't discount symptoms! It's not over till AF, and I now think we should all laugh in the face of future dissappointment! Certainly I feel like I can't be arsed expecting the worst any more, it's so draining. Even if i expect the best and the worst happens i'm feeling like - hell i'd have spent the meantime quite happy. I dunno, philosophical ramblings there. Why not allow ourselves to expect the best...if dissappointment strikes, don't let it rob you of some hope and excitement before hand. :) X

LL - Sounds like a romantic time is being had! The best part of that whole 4 weeks ;)

Afm - found out that high quantities of Vit C can cause abortions, flippin heck, i've been necking that stuff at a rate - I always have taken mega high doses thinking there's no harm in it. Why the flip does it not come with a warning? Right enough the doses required for MC are in the 6000 mgs and i've been taking 1000mg a day...so I think it should be fine, but i certainly won't be doing that anymore!
Rachel there's a list on page 225, still plenty ttc! If you're taking cold and flu remedies it'll affect your cm, there'll be much less of it so that could explain it??

Linny thank you. No I don't think I'll ever really relax. Feeling much happier today though, will go to the dr tomorrow and find out what if any extra checks I'll get xx
Oh yeah, I just saw :dohh: I'll just blame my cold :haha: I'm not taking anything for it, just drinking tea and lots of chicken soup - I haven't had much cm since my MC so I think it might be my body that's messed up :(
Linny- glad you got the 3+! That was the start of the panic for me with me last MC- the digi would only ever say 1-2, when I should have been 2+. SO happy you got to 3+!!! I am trying to have a PMA but I just can't seem to swing it. How do you guys say it, I'm a right miserable wanker right now?! ;) Yep, that's me.

Munchkin- so relieved you got another + digi too!

Rachel- sorry you're sick! That's no good! I know unless I'm doing the plain Mucinex, regular cold medicine messes with my CM big time.

AFM- I am not doing too well. I'm crazy hormonal and sad today, just like yesterday. I guess the FB announcement got to me more than I thought. DF tried to reassure me, but like you guys said, men are awful at it and DF is particularly bad. He's more of an analytical sort and doesn't "do" emotions and he's always petrified of saying the wrong thing so says nothing and then I get upset that he isn't consoling me so it's a big circle (holy run-on sentence Batman, sorry!) Temp shot up today and looks like it may even be the start of a triphasic pattern, I have a ton of symptoms, but I can't shake the feeling that the Marathon didn't work :( I don't have any concrete reasons why. the only reason I can find is that cycle 0 after a MC generally isn't a proper cycle anyway so I'm wondering if it was more of a "practice cycle" for me. I checked my stats last cycle and I didn't even get a faint + until 11dpo. I'm only 8dpo now and that was when I started getting crazy symptoms last cycle, so it's not even like I'm out.

I started baby aspirin yesterday and I'll take that until I see the Dr next week.
Good morning ladies! I resisted the urge to test this morning at 10 dpo. Ovufriend puts me at 35%. My temp jumped from 98.18 to 98.35, my cervix is high firm and closed!
Jrep good for you! With a chart like that tho...tell me you will poas thur?
Jrep good for you! With a chart like that tho...tell me you will poas thur?

I want to, but I might hold out. AF should arrive on either the 15 or 16 if it's going to. I might wait and do it a few days early

So I got my CD21/22 blood test result back and it was 10 - I was fairly happy with that score (pos 3DPO) see chart.

My dr (or should I say the receptionist) said 10 sorry no ovulation - :growlmad: and now I can't speak to my Dr until Thursday:growlmad: to see what all this means.

From what I know a 10 is okay right? showing I have Od - once again it is the stupid Drs thinking every woman Ovulates day 14 and has a period day 28.

So in theory if she thinks I have not Od what will she do?

I will try and catch up later - but I have had a crap day at work and now I can't even speak to my Dr:growlmad:


She may whip you uo some clomid or other ovulation stimulation drugs? Because if you dont ovulate on cd 14 my dear then you probably dont ovulate at all :p (you know im laughing bcos im so not a 28 day cycle gal, always been 30-40 days)
Garfie - From what I understand, a level of 10 or higher does indicate ovulation for a natural cycle. If you are on a medicated cycle than they want to see 15 or higher to detect ovulation. I hope your doctor can answer your questions and sorry you have to wait until Thursday.

Munchkin - repeat after me "I" "am" "pregnant"!!! Just say this about 100 times a day until you believe it. It will happen :)

Linny - Vitamin C is a personal choice. Due to advice from my ob/gyn I don't take it at all and instead obtain vitamin C from food sources. This way the body will take what it needs and will flush the rest, rather than absorb too much. Of course oj and oranges are a great source. So are red and green peppers, brussel (sp?) sprouts, cantaloupe, grapefruit, strawberries and dark leafy green veggies like kale. It's a good question for you doctor though, as each one will have their own opinion.

GRgirl - sorry you have been down. I hope letting your emotions out helps you feel better and look to brighter times.

Jrepp - good luck!!

Rachel - hope you feel better soon.

AFM - spoke with the geneticist yesterday. Obviously I will get my ultrasound results right away. The blood test takes about 10 days but they are not sure if the Thanksgiving holiday will affect it. Either way I should have my results by Dec. 2 or 3 so I should be able to tell extended friends and family before Chanukah ends. December 4 is the last night and the 5th is the last day. Really want to let people know for the holiday! It would be so much easier if Chanukah was in mid - late December this year....
Munchkin - YAY for a 2-3 weeks on a digi! You are DEFINITELY pregnant. Stop being in denial! Have you called your doctor? Is AF actually due yet?

Rachel - We are cycle buddies...I am CD12. It seems we are chest cold buddies too. I don't know if I have an infection but I've had a minor chest cold for about 3 months now (so I'm guessing so?) ahha but anyway last night got worse and I was up all night coughing and feeling like crap so I stayed home to rest today. I hope you feel better soon! I have tons of great CM yesterday, but we weren't able to BD yesterday. I hope we didn't miss my window, as my temp shot up today. I really don't think I've ovulated though...I think my temp is just up because I'm sick. That would make sense, right? :wacko:

Linny - Yay, I'm glad you got a 3 weeks on the digi!! I think things are going very, very well for you this time!

Personally, I have avoided Vitamin C since TTC since I did read high doses could be harmful and I figure I get a lot of Vit C from all the fruits and veggies I eat already. I wouldn't panic, though. As you said, the high doses that are known to be harmful are much higher than what you've been taking. So I don't think you've caused yourself any harm. :hugs:

GRGirl - Sorry you're feeling so emotional and also feeling like you're out this cycle. I do hope that feeling is wrong. You never know when you can get a surprise!

Jrepp - Good luck waiting to test! Your chart looks good.

Garfie - So sorry your Doctor is such an idiot. I do believe that if you ovulated only 3 days ago that a level of 10 could be sufficient. I wonder if they would do the test again in 4 or 5 days to see if they go up? I am sorry you are having a bad day at work and can't talk to your doctor about this. I do hope she'll listen to you!

IAW - The beginning of December sounds like a great time to tell friends and family! I hope your blood test results are all good!

AFM - CD12 for me. As I told Rachel, my temp shot up today and we didn't BD yesterday so it's possible we missed our window completely this month. However, I honestly don't think I've ovulated yet and I think my temp was just up from being sick. Will try to BD today and hopefully it is enough.

We never ended up going on that romantic dinner, as we were both feeling depressed, mopey and pouty and squandered our day off completely. Ended up just staying home and watching a movie.
Thanks Linny the testing did actually make me feel better today so sod it i've got another digi and 2 more on their way from amazon, i will keep peeing til i can feel the baby kicking my ribs in!!
Yay for the 3+! That's my next milestone to aim for....

Literati thanks, my AF was due today so it's not turned up and that's another milestone out of the way....
I hope you've not missed it, colds can really mess with your temps. I don't think it sounds like you squandered your day off at all, and a night in watching movies is my fave!!

Garfie -i have no idea abotu the test results but hopefully it means it's all ok or you will get some more help to get you your lovely BFP.

GRgirl it's usually the least hopeful cycles where you get the BFP. The months i've been convinced i was pregnant and starting testing at 9DPO i've ended up with a BFN. This month i had no hope. I wasn't looking forward to testing and i really didn't think it was my month.

Celine are you feeling any better?

AFM i'm feeling lots better today because i feel like total c**p!! I've been hungry all day and weeing constantly and i was doubled over in pain with the constipation earlier on (a big symptom for me - so sexy!!) my boobs have even been hurting and i've been getting a bit short of breath. I am now super stroppy and feeling icky and hungry and dizzy and basically brilliant! :happydance: Bring on the preggo symptoms!!
Jrep good for you! With a chart like that tho...tell me you will poas thur?

I want to, but I might hold out. AF should arrive on either the 15 or 16 if it's going to. I might wait and do it a few days early

Fair play to you chick! I started testing at 8dpo!!! You are amazingly strong!!!!
I'm rooting for you here!!!! xxxxxxx
So um... I went to Target on lunch (drugstore kinda like Boots for UK peeps) and bought a bunch of makeup to feel better about things and something possessed me to pick up a FRER and pee on it (yes at work). I think I wanted to be a glutton for punishment and make myself feel worse, but guys... do you see this? Is it even possible to have 2 lines in the afternoon at only 8DPO? I'll test tomorrow but just wanted opinions (had to take it out of the case because trying to take a pic of it, there was too much glare to see the line):


So I got my CD21/22 blood test result back and it was 10 - I was fairly happy with that score (pos 3DPO) see chart.

My dr (or should I say the receptionist) said 10 sorry no ovulation - :growlmad: and now I can't speak to my Dr until Thursday:growlmad: to see what all this means.

From what I know a 10 is okay right? showing I have Od - once again it is the stupid Drs thinking every woman Ovulates day 14 and has a period day 28.

So in theory if she thinks I have not Od what will she do?

I will try and catch up later - but I have had a crap day at work and now I can't even speak to my Dr:growlmad:



I thought 10 was a great number for a natural ovulation? Have you given your doctor a copy of your chart showing all of your signs and temps? I hate how standardized doctors are when it comes to female related stuff. They are quick to say that every cycle with every woman is different, but have no idea what to do when something is off from their chart.

AFM - spoke with the geneticist yesterday. Obviously I will get my ultrasound results right away. The blood test takes about 10 days but they are not sure if the Thanksgiving holiday will affect it. Either way I should have my results by Dec. 2 or 3 so I should be able to tell extended friends and family before Chanukah ends. December 4 is the last night and the 5th is the last day. Really want to let people know for the holiday! It would be so much easier if Chanukah was in mid - late December this year....

If you don't mind me asking, what are they testing in your blood? I hope you get your results back in time!

Jrep good for you! With a chart like that tho...tell me you will poas thur?

I want to, but I might hold out. AF should arrive on either the 15 or 16 if it's going to. I might wait and do it a few days early

Fair play to you chick! I started testing at 8dpo!!! You are amazingly strong!!!!
I'm rooting for you here!!!! xxxxxxx

Thanks Sofa! How are you feeling?

So um... I went to Target on lunch (drugstore kinda like Boots for UK peeps) and bought a bunch of makeup to feel better about things and something possessed me to pick up a FRER and pee on it (yes at work). I think I wanted to be a glutton for punishment and make myself feel worse, but guys... do you see this? Is it even possible to have 2 lines in the afternoon at only 8DPO? I'll test tomorrow but just wanted opinions (had to take it out of the case because trying to take a pic of it, there was too much glare to see the line):

I definitely see a line!!!!!! I'm so excited for you! Are you going to retest in the morning?

AFM: I left work early today (thank goodness for a nonstudent contact day. I'm about to take a nap, as I feel like I haven't slept all night. My fun parts were very wet earlier, and I was afraid to go see what it was. Finally couldn't hold it anymore, and it was just more watery CM. I'm so confused about the cm! It's been watery for about 4 days now. My cervix is almost out of reach, but if I bear down I can get to it. It is soft and definitely closed. My breasts are sensitive and my nipples look like they have been bruised. (I'd post a picture but that might be borderline porn) The little bumps are definitely more predominant as well. I have noticed a slight tugging in my pelvic area for a few days now, and whenever I have to pee my abdomen gets rock hard. I'm quite bloated and constipated as well.

I had that one brown smudge in my panties at 8dpo, after having temp drops on 6dpo and 7dpo. I don't quite know how long after implantation, spotting happens as last month I didn't have any, and don't know 100% that it was implantation bleeding. Since then my temps have increased and are still way above coverline. I had read online that an hpt would become positive 4-5 days after implantation spotting so I'm thinking possibly Thursday. I don't know when AF will arrive post miscarriage, but ovufriend and fertility friend put me starting on either Friday or Saturday.

How is everyone else doing?
GRgirl - I see it, I see it!!! Undeniable :thumbup::thumbup:
Wow! We are on a roll here!

Sniff - cept for me. :nope: But soon.......
I'm good!
Scan on 20/11/13... Kinda stressing about it already!
It will come in its own time I know but I'm anxious all the same!

I can definitely see it ! Did it come up in time? If so if say you're definitely duffered!!

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